Mint Choco

She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the Bleachers



Today was the day.

Every single day suffering in high school for the past few years just for this. Studying hard for the Suneung just for this one moment. This one moment that will define the rest of your future. You have Minju by your side, the both of you opening the decision letter since you both applied to the same school. 

You knew for sure that Minju had the greatest chance of gaining an acceptance. The girl is a genius and SNU would be an absolute fool to deny someone who comes once in a lifetime such as the beauty sitting next to you. You're not quite sure of yourself, you always doubted yourself, and college decisions weren't an exception. Thankfully, you have your best friend, now girlfriend, oh how you can't get sick of calling her your girlfriend. 

"Okay, you ready?" You ask your girlfriend, who took a deep breathe and held your hand tighter. 

The two of you were currently seated in the kitchen table with the laptops in front of you. The decision was already made by the admissions officers, all you had to do was click one button. It would take seconds. You've both logged onto your account, and by one click of a button saying 'get your acceptance decision', you'll either be faced with serious disappointment and a melancholy mood for the next few weeks, or you'll get the words saying 'congratulations'. Either way, you just want to go wherever Minju want, you decided to follow her wherever she went.

You turn to the girl next to you and give her a single nod, signalling that it's time to open the status update, "3...2...1"


Dear Kim Chaewon,

On behalf of the admissions committee at Seoul National University, it is my pleasure to offer you admission to the SNU Class of 2024...

Oh, an acceptance,

Wait, you got in!

Holy , you got in!! 

You're frozen in your seat, but then you decide to turn to the girl next to you, finding a similar expression on her face. She was in absolute shock as well, with her eyes wide, but you're not quite sure if it's because she got accepted or not, so you decide to carefully ask her. "Minju...?

"Chaewon...I-I got in!!" Your girlfriend quickly jumps out of her seat. 

"I got in too! Holy we're going to SNU!!" You pull her in for a hug and spin her around the kitchen, the two of you continuing to scream out of excitement.

"Oh my goodness, mom we got in! We got into SNU!" Minju yells at the top of her lungs, dashing out of the kitchen with her laptop. You follow your girlfriend and find her mother with wide eyes, still unable to process what was happening. To be fair, you still couldn't believe you were accepted, and even better, you would be spending the next four years with your love at both of your dream schools.

Minju shows her the laptop screen, and her mom starts screaming along with her daughter, grabbing you into the little circle they've created, jumping around in excitement. 

To be quite honest, you were new to feeling this level of parental love from Minju's mother. She never pushed Minju to the point of your girlfriend burning out or becoming overwhelmed with stress, something your parents could never have done.

She showed her upmost support to her daughter, no matter how much hardships they've been through. She supported Minju's passions, while knowing full well how women in the STEM field don't garner much support or attention. She supported her no matter what her ual identity is.

She welcomed you into their family and forgave you for hurting her precious daughter, something that you still feel guilty about, to which Minju would scold you and smack you in the forehead the moment you bring up your negative feelings.

This was what a parent should be, you now understand that. You understand now why all those kids from elementary school were so ecstatic when they saw their parents. Rather than the feeling of jealousy you experienced before, you gain a sense of thorough understanding. You felt it now. 

She was everything you wanted in your parents. Love and support. 

You realize now that love was all you wanted from your parents, not validation. You realize now that you were deprived of these feelings at a young age, which caused an obsession with image and validation from everyone around you.

But now you know it isn't too late. You have a bright future ahead of you with the love of your life, and nothing would get in the way of that.

You need to finally talk to them and maintain some sort of closure. 

You need to see your parents.




"I don't know about this Minju." You tell your girlfriend, who was currently standing next to you facing your parents home. The rapid feelings of confidence that filled your body earlier in the week when you received your acceptance letter quickly dissipated into the void, with nervousness creeping into your body yet again.

You missed the times when you were living next to Minju's house, and you felt lonely when you moved away to a different home because there would be nobody to talk to from your bedroom window. Thank god you were still able go to school with the other girl.

"I believe in you Chaewonie! Just remember that no matter what they tell you, I'll be here. Our friends willl be here too, and my mom. You have us as your family." She tells you while squeezing your hands.

You smile and lean your forehead against hers and give her a quick peck on the lips, trying to gain as much confidence as you can before facing your parents. "Ok, I got this." 

"Great! I'm going to go wait in the car, tell me how it goes." She gives you one last kiss on the cheek for good luck, before making her way to the passenger side of the vehicle, giving you a thumbs up and waving you goodbye as you turn your heels around and head towards the house's front doors.

Taking a deep breath, you slowly making your way to the front porch, ringing the doorbell on the side.

You noticed the house looked the same from an exterior perspective. It was the same as always, bland, empty, and no real sense of emotions. It was like the feeling of the house itself matched how your parents were, and how they raised you. 

It was almost like a robotic feeling. It felt like you were being raised similar to a factory worker, with your parents instilling their beliefs into your head from a young age, never addressing any sort of human emotions that would occur within you. It was like they were raising a product, and not a child they should be loving.

You hear footsteps approaching the front door, and you swallow the lump in your throat. You swallow any sort of hesitation building up in your body, trying your best to be strong through this. You just needed them to listen to you.

As the door opens, you're faced with your father looking at you in surprise, which quickly turns into a face of anger within a nanosecond. Of course, he was always angry when he didn't get what he wanted, when things didn't go your way.

"Chaewon? Where the hell have you been?" He shouts at you, turning to look behind you at the car, where Minju was currently seated in and had her headphones on, not noticing what was happening.

"Get inside." Your dad says with a stern voice, and you follow him inside the home.

As you've expected, nothing has changed. Everything felt empty, there was no sense of personality in the house. It stayed how it is just like when you left. You find your mom on her laptop in the living room, but when she notices you, she shuts off the device and walks towards your direction. 

You tried your best to read her expression, looking for any signs of compassion, but there was nothing. You should have been used to it by now, but you can't help the fact that it still stings a little, bringing you disappointment. "So you've decided to come back?" She asks with her arms crossed, as your dad closes the front door and joins your mother while standing next to her.

"I'm not coming back." You tell her with the same monotone voice. You needed to be strong.

"Excuse me? You've been staying with that abomination haven't you? That little-" The moment you hear your dad talk ill of Minju, you quickly cut him off, your previous montone expression fading away with the mere mention of your girlfriend.

"Don't talk about her like that!" You yell at him.

"Who the hell do you think you-" Your mom tries to tell you, but you cut her off again. 

This was not another moment when they would be scolding you. You were here for closure, not for a terrible lecture.

"You're going to listen me, and I'm only going to say it once. I'm not coming back." Your parents quickly close their mouths and face you with an angry expression.

"I'm going to talk and you're going to listen. For once, you're going to listen to what your daughter has to say. Minju's my girlfriend. I love her, and nothing will ever change that. You know, I tried 'fixing myself' like you asked of me to do, but love needs to fixing. However, what does need fixing is the both of you." You tell them, and you watch as they furrow their eyebrows, but choose not to interrupt your rant.

"I got into SNU." You say, but your parents don't show an ounce of emotion, it was like they were expecting you to get in due to their standards. But they didn't show any pride, you knew that would be saved when they brag to all their friends about your accomplishments.

"I know that the two of you have been wanting be to get in, and I did try my best. But this isn't for you, and I don't need your validation. I chose this school for me, because of the amazing opportunities it had, and because my girlfriend will be attending with me. None of it was for you, and it never will be. Did you ever consider that I'm a human being and not a robot? Did you ever consider the fact that you raised me to be some sort of object, pushing me to what you wanted? You only take pride in my accomplishments when it gives you something to show off in front of your friends. I just want to let you know that I worked for this, you did nothing to help. So don't be so cocky as if you were supportive, because you never were." You tell them, trying your best to keep your voice from shaking.

You can see your dad's throat move, and your mom looking down on the marble floor, avoiding your eyes. "Is that all?" Your dad asks.

"All I wanted was your love, you know? I don't expect you to be perfect, but I only yearned to be treated like a human being. Like someone with actual emotions. I didn't come here to ask for your apologies, nor do I expect it whatsoever. I came here to get this off my chest, like I said earlier, I don't need your validation. I don't need anyone's anymore. You can stay obsessed with image and reputation, but just know, you'll regret it someday. You'll regret avoiding any sort of humanity you had left." You finish off, raising your chin upwards.

It was silent, and you were surprised that they haven't shouted at you and scolded you for showing behavior they never approved of. You finally got them to listen, and that was all you needed. You didn't need them in your life anymore.

When a couple of moments go by with the silence still in the air, you decide to finally leave. You couldn't change their minds, and you weren't here for that anyways. Some people just couldn't change, their egos corrupting their lifestyles. 

"I hope you find the smallest bit of decency in you until it's too late. I really do hope you two can change your mindset, and learn how to live instead of hating. Goodbye." You say one last time, before facing away from them and heading to the front door.

The moment you step outside, you take a massive breath and allow the fresh air to fill your lungs. You were surprisingly happy, going back to the car where Minju was waiting with a wide smile on your face.

Once you enter the car, Minju quickly sits up with her wide, worried eyes. "How'd it go? Are you okay?" She says as she holds onto your hands.

"It was...perfect." And it was.

You may not have gotten the perfect happy ending with them, but you realize that it wasn't that easy changing the mindset of others. You realize that you don't need their apologies and love in order for you to feel good about yourself. 

Just like what Minju said, you had plenty of people around you who showed the greatest amount of love and support. You didn't need your parents to fill that void anymore, you knew who your true family was, and forever will be. You had your friends, you had Minju and her mom. They were your home, and they would always be there when you needed them.

You drive away, and decide not to look back at your old house.

You only look forward, excited for the bright path ahead of you.


"Kim Chaewon!" The teacher says on the microphone.

It was finally time to graduate.

You walk towards the staff handing out your high school diploma with a smile on your face, as you look towards the large audience of students, seeing your friends cheer for you. You see Eunbi in the visitors area sitting down with her camera, taking as many pictures of you as possible, giving you a big wave and cheering for you. You also see Minju's mom waving and calling out your name with excitement all over her face.

You take the diploma and bouquet, then finish your walk off the stage back into your designated seat.

"Kim Minju!" 

Your girlfriend looked absolutely gorgeous in her curled hair and graduation robe receiving her diploma and flowers. You were clapping more for the fact that she didn't trip, considering the countless amount of practicing she forced upon the two of you before the graduation ceremony, claiming she could never walk like a normal human being with heels on. You beg to differ though, since she could never walk properly in the first place, always finding something to trip over, even if it was just air. 

You're glad she didn't trip though, and you decide you want to see that smile on her face for as long as the two of you could live. 

Once the ceremony came to a close, all the graduating students threw their caps into the air while cheering. Confetti filled the venue as the students roared with excitement and joyous celebrations. Everyone was giving each other hugs and a large set of congratulations, while also yelling their lungs out.

"We did it!!" You can hear Yena cheer loudly, piercing everyone's ears. You laugh and give her a hug.

You've never seen your school so happy together before. If it was a few months ago, you could never have guessed you would be calling Minju your girlfriend, hanging out with her friends and forming a close bond with them, as well as seeing the high school more united than ever before.

Minju's visions of bringing the school together finally came true, and you applaud the other girl for never giving up, despite the serious issues of social hierarchies within the campus. It seems that your girlfriend could achieve just about anything, and you were happy to be by her side, hoping to further change the world in the future with the love of your life.

Once you hold onto Minju's hand and head towards your friends, you find Yujin and Wonyoung along with the others congratulating you on your graduation. "Congrats guys! Please don't forget to visit us when you get to college, and please don't start becoming an embarrasing mom-like friend like Eunbi." Yujin pouts, receiving a soft hit on the shoulder from Eunbi.

"Hey I'm not embarrasing!" She says with her arms crossed, making you and your girlfriend laugh.

"Guys come over here! Let's get some final pictures in!" Hyewon says, gathering the group into a tight circle, posing for the camera she held up.

"Let's promise each other that no matter what, we'll always be here for one another. Always." Chaeyeon says to everyone, making the group agree and give each other pinky promises, the best form of keeping promises and commitments. 

"Ok ok enough of the emotional talk, let's go get some food!" Hyewon calls out, allowing everyone to cheer and make their ways over to the restaurant nearby.

You completely ignore the fact that you're still in your graduation robes.

You have a great set of friends that will be there for you forever. You couldn't be anymore grateful for this amazing ceremony, and the finale of your high school career. Although you had some regrets the first two years, you learned a lot from your mistakes, and you couldn't be anymore happy with how everything turned out.

You were finally happy.


You plant your body down onto the small twin sized bed and let out a groan. 

You and Minju had finally set off to university, but the packing made you quite tired. You couldn't forget about the fact that the supposed simple carts you bought from IKEA took you hours to set up. 

"Come on Chaewonie, we're almost done!" Minju tells you, as she starts placing her clothes into the hangers of the closet. 

"Ughh, let's take a rest Minmin. Come lie with me for a minute." You pout, which automatically causes Minju to stop what she was doing and plop down onto the tiny bed right next to you.

"Ha, whipped." You tease, earning a whine from your girlfriend, which only made you chuckle more.

The two of you lie down, cuddling each other for what seemed like hours. You could never get over your addiction with Minju's scent filling your nose, it felt like home. Her cuddles were always warm, and you never want to break free from them. Her kisses were something you'd never get sick of, as they always made your heart soar, no matter what kind of mood you were in.

You love the other girl so much, and you're sure she's the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.

"Hey...Chaewon, can I tell you a secret?" Minju suddenly says out of the blue, earning you a look of surprise.

A secret? You didn't know there were still any secrets between the two of you, and it seemed random how she decided to tell you out of nowhere. But you quickly look at your girlfriend with a sincere expression and show her that you're listening to whatever she had to say.

"Yeah of course what's up?" You ask, with a slight hint of worry in your tone.

"I never liked mint chocolate chip ice cream." Minju states, looking you dead in the eye.






I hope you all enjoyed it! I seriously can't thank you all enough for reading and showing your support for this story. Each comment will forever be engraved in my memory, thanks so much :')

With all that said, I really hope you guys can also learn something from this story.

A quick background of these characters, I decided to base some parts of myself in Minju and Chaewon's characters. 

Just like Minju in this story, I love robotics and engineering with a passion, and I also get insanely stressed over everything as I take on the role of team captain in my school as well. I'm still learning to not overwhelm myself with stress, but sometimes it can get too much, and please know that it's ok! Everything will work out in the end, and as long as you dedicate yourself into your passions, you can achieve anything. 

Never look down on yourself, and never be afraid to ask for consoling when you need it. I may not know all of you, but I do know you all have the potential to do great things in this world, so don't let anybody stop you from doing so :)

As for Chaewon, I myself deal with an obsession over validity. I'm still learning to get over it, but I compare myself to others, which only makes me more stressed.

You don't need anyone's validation! I know it can be hard, but please know that you're always good enough, and things will work out the way it's supposed to. It may be hard finding yourself, and trying to find out who you truly are, but please know that it's ok to not know yet. It's okay that you don't know what you're passionate it. 

You don't need to compare yourself to anyone or try to be someone else. Everything about you is what makes you unique, and well it makes Keep your head up in times of negativity, and even though things may seem like it won't get better, trust me it will. Nobody has control over you but yourself, and you don't need other people to be proud of you. You are amazing. Don't ever give up, you have so much potential that can make a change, and I truly believe in all of you.

With that said, I once again thank everyone so much for reading this story, as I put a lot of thought into these characters and tried my best to convey these meanings, while also writing about the romance between these two.

If you ever need anything, I'll be here :)





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Twitter: @cha3wonie
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Tzuunaa #1
Chapter 12: So good!! Hope to see you in your next stories
Chapter 12: Happy ending, thank you so much for writing this story...
Chapter 12: satisfying ending, i love each and every chapter till the end, and the conclusion plus the small epilogue was so wholesome i cant thank you enough for writing this!! ^0^
1760 streak #4
Chapter 12: i love it!!!!! and the bomb drop at the end! she doesn't like mint choco lol XD
Chapter 12: ahhh happy ending, chaewon did her best when she confronted her parents
jcqln_yu #6
Chapter 12: Thank you for writing this story! It's one of my favorites! I'll remember this for a very long time. Thank you for sharing that last bit too. Hope to see you again on your next stories. :)
Chapter 12: Thanks author-nim for this wonderful fic of yours :) looking forward for your new story soon if there's will be, hehe
Chapter 12: Thank you for this wonderful story author-nim ^_^
juco_lolan #9
Chapter 12: Thank you for that amazing story author!
I always looked forward to a new chapter, and I'm quite sad that it will end, but I'll look forward to read any new stories you'll create.

P.s I listen to asmr when I'm stressed and it helps me calm down a tad bit, just want to share this, I hope it helps you like it helps me.
Chapter 11: goodjob kim chaewon! he deserves it!