Life as it is


" Taeminie, what are you doing?" 

" I'm learning to make cards" 

" WOW. My baby is all grown up now. Who are you giving it to?" taemin's mom asked. 

" It's for minho. I hope he likes it." taemin replied as he blushed. 

" Taeminie, do you like your minho that much?" 

" Yes. Alot" 

"How much?" 

" Just like how much eomma love's appa" 

"Oh my baby" taemin's mom hugged her precious son for his innocence and for talking his heart. For such a young age, he obviously didn't know what he was implying but everything was understood between them. 


" What's the next class Kai?" Taemin asked his friend while rushing out. 

" We don't have any class. I was thinking of completing the assignment in your room" kai suggested. 

Taemin also liked spending time with Kai since they weren't getting much time lately. So they both walked towards their dormitory. 

It was a regular day of taemin's life if not for minho to show up Infront of him so casually. 

" Hey taemin" 

Taemin's eyes widened by the sudden visit from minho. He paused for a second but kept on walking as if minho didn't just call his name. But as he was passing, taemin tried his best to not look at minho because if he did, he didn't know what he would do. 

Minho was determined this time as he held onto taemin's hand, stopping him. But taemin wasn't having any of it since he pulled himself away from minho and walked off with Kai. 

Kai was confused as well as concerned. 

" Taemin, do you know who this person is?" kai asked. 

" No I don't." 

" Then how does he know your name?" 

" It's just. I don't want to talk about it now" taemin gave a sad face to his friend. 

" Taemin!" minho called out once again. 

" That guy is following us. What do we do now?" Kai asked but was scared of his friend's answer. Realising how Minho being there was a bad idea, Taemin did the one thing he could. He dragged minho with him, leaving Kai behind 

 He wasn't sure why he was protecting minho's privacy but he knows better to talk to minho in a private place than publicly when the other is a known celebrity. 

His hold on minho's wrist felt so familiar. The warmth was still the same. Even his heart responded the same way. The lingering feelings were all the same but they were separated by some years and some feelings that were so hard to ignore. 

Minho wished if taemin would hold him more but he knew that this is just temporary. In the privacy of four walls, taemin won't be the same as before and he can't hold him close like he used to. 

As soon as they reached taemin's dormitory, taemin lead the other through narrow paths and different stairs towards a corner where there was a small door. After reaching, taemin awkwardly opened the door and told minho to come inside. 

Minho did as he was told. He carefully entered after taking off his shoes and placed it properly. He remembers how taemin doesn't like when his place isn't neat. 

" So what do you want minho?" Taemin asked after a good amount of time which he took while he placed his bags and stuff on the table which, by the way, took more time than it usually takes. 

Was he dragging the time? Was he obvious? 

" Your room looks good. ``Minho commented. 

" I didn't take you here for you to see my room. Why are you here?" 

" I'm here to see you." 

" Why?" 

Minho didn't answer. He didn't need to. The silence answered more than it should and taemin understood even though he didn't want to. He felt betrayed by his own feelings. 

Taemin was nervous. Minho noticed this. That's why he stayed a little farther than he wanted. The last thing he want to do is making taemin feel uncomfortable in his own space. 

They were silent but not awkward,finding it more enduring than they thought. Taemin hated to admit how much he hoped for this moment yet the next moment, their past puts a wall between them that is so hard to break. 

" Taemin, I just want to talk. You don't have to be this nervous around me. I'm here to just talk." minho told taemin. 

" What do you have to talk? If catching up is what you want, I'm not interested. I have things to do. I'm busy. "  

" Is it because of the messages you are getting? Who is he? Your boyfriend? " minho asked. 

" Were you looking at my phone? That's not very nice of you " taemin forgot that he put his phone on the table when he entered his room earlier which is near to where minho is sitting. 

" I wasn't. It's right Infront of me. And you didn't answer what I asked "

" Because I don't want to. It's none of your business. Just because I let you in doesn't mean that this means anything. Don't get any idea" Taemin said so that there won't be any more doubts on where he stands. 

" Why?" minho asked taking a step. 

" What are you here?" taemin asked nervously. 

" Why can't you look at me?" 

" I don't know. You should know better." taemin saw how minho was a bit closer than his previous breath. 

If only he could listen to his heart. If only he could give minho a chance… 

" Can I atleast be your friend? " 

" I don't think I can do that. " taemin said, trying hard to hold onto his tears that struggled to escape. 

Minho felt brave after so long. Maybe that's why he was still getting closer to taemin but slowly. Even if taemin might scold him it will be inside his room and that gave him a weird strength. 

One step closer… 

Two to break down… 

Three seconds to be home 

But he stopped when he saw a trembling taemin. And when he saw the tears, his body took over the control and wrapped the younger in a hug. 

Long overdue ? Yes.. 

But it still felt so right. Even the time couldn't stay in between them anymore as taemin cried more and minho leaned more into the hug providing comfort and warmth. 

Minho couldn't help his tears either. His heart broke everytime taemin's trembling got bigger but upon his slow pats. Somewhere taemin calmed down. But they stayed still. Minho holding taemin while taemin leaning onto minho. 

Familiar like a childhood dream. 

" I can't forgive you minho. But I missed you alot. And that doesn't mean that I'm going to accept you or anything. I need time to think. I need space to think. So I hope that you won't show up here unannounced anymore." 


" Okay, If that's what you want" minho replied after removing the newly escaped tears from taemin's eyes. It's been so long that he stared at those beautiful eyes. He missed the times he could get lost in those. Looking at taemin, feeling him in his arms, felt so intimate but also scary. Minho never wanted to hurt taemin but what he can do when it's not entirely his fault. 

If minho could, he would but he won't talk about the things when taemin isn't ready to. 

He still remembers how stupid he was to trust his friend that day. 


Call it jealousy or possessiveness or obsession. But there was someone who embodied all of that in minho's class, sunmin. Minho being the captain of the football team and the centre of attraction on many occasions made him jealous and was determined to do anything to take minho's position. That's when taemin's presence in minho's life became such an important thing to everyone. Not that it was any new thing but the frequency at which things were moving was faster than ever. 


It was 30 minutes to new year and minho was on his way to taemin's house. They always spend this day together from childhood. Taemin prepared snacks and juices they might want. One more year and they can replace the juices with beer and that itself makes it all a little more exciting. A year before they are of legal age and they were in the brink of growing up. A year later everything can be different but now it was all the same. That's why they are spending the day like always. 


"Up here minho" 

Minho looked outside of taemins room and saw him sitting on the roof. So minho slowly jumped on the window and carefully took the place beside taemin. It was a little cold. So taemin brought the warm blanket to minho's side to cover up. They snuggled together while taemin put his head on minho's shoulder. It was so cozy. 

" What do we have here taeminie?" minho asked. 

" I have snacks and juices. Which one do you want?" 

" snacks?" 

They both munched on some but that's when they heard the countdowns. So they put the snacks aside and looked straight, excited to see the fireworks. 











Happy new year!!! 


" Happy new year minho "

" Happy new year taeminie"

" WOW look at the fireworks. This year it's so beautiful. Isn't it minho?" taemin was so happy. He couldn't help but feel so happy in such days when he got minho to himself and had their little and precious best friend moments. 

But oblivious to taemin, Minho was truly distracted by the younger. No firework was as beautiful as what he was seeing. So he went closer. He was so nervous but he had to do it because there will be no perfect timing than now. 

That's how minho placed a little peck on taemin's cheek, leaving the other shocked as well as surprised. 

Taemin was red. He couldn't look at minho but minho knew that taemin didn't hate that little moment they had. That's why he pulled the other on a hug which was different from all the other hugs they ever had. This one was special - Heart fluttering, innocent and of first love. 

In that moment, when everyone else celebrated new year, they celebrated their first love, first confession and first kiss. The promise of love felt so beautiful in the innocent kiss they shared right after. It was beautiful beyond words and intimate beyond any skinships. 

Not after two years, sunmin interfered their new year and made himself the victim when he was the one to blame. But he left no clues for any doubts. And their new years changed forever as it left bitter sweet memories to both of them, leaving the memories no place to go to. 

Until this day, their awkward hug was filled with these moments that were too good to be true. But minho had to pull from that hug. Not because he wanted to but he had some schedule. So with much difficulty, he pulled back. But his feelings were left in the space that taemin stays in place making minho to place a hand on the others cheeks, touching them slowly. A little smile forms on taemin but soon to be replaced by a frown as he didn't want to let go of the control he had now. 

" Minho?" 

" Mm?" 

A little bit more and minho could feel taemin's lips on his. 

"minho" that almost came as a whisper, not sure if it's meant to encourage minho or the opposite. 

" I have class now. " 

" Mm.." 

Minho knew what taemin was telling him but it wasn't what the others actions were implying. At least not with the eyes closed. Almost feeling like taemin was expecting something from him. But minho was too scared to do anything. So he pulled back as if he wanted the same thing. 

" Sorry. I should go. You need to get to class. Sorry for making you late. " That's all he said before he stormed out of the room. 

It took some minutes for taemin to understand what should have happened if minho didn't pull back. And it shocked him how helpless he felt and how he wanted everything that he tried hard to not yearn for. 

" Stupid minho and this stupid feeling. Ughhhh" taemin said to himself as he collapsed on his bed. 

 His phone showed another notification from Kai, making him call Kai that instant. He explained a little but not giving the entire thing. He also explained how he cannot tell Kai everything. Strangely, Kai was understanding and taemin didn't ask more. 

Taemin told his friend how minho was his childhood friend and how they fought and that was all it. Exposing minho's identity is something he would never do.


" Kai? I suppose?" minho asked. 

" Yes. And who are you? Why are you making taemin act so strange?" kai enquired. 

" Why should I tell you that? Who are you to him?" 

" Someone who has every right to know that" kai was furious. 

" What would that make you to taemin?" minho asked again even though he was scared of the answer he would get. 

" Listen, I don't want you coming here and disturb tae. Do you understand that?" 

" OH. Okay. Got it." 


72 hours 20 minutes. That's how long minho could keep himself away from taemin. Under any other circumstances, he would rush to be beside taemin at all costs. But this was his work place. He needs to be professional. 

Taemin was with a group of people. It seemed like he was busy. He wasn't even looking up. Upon a closer look, he heard someone's voice and tears from taemins eyes. 



Hey all. It's been a very long time. I was not in a good mental space to write. But I did write this chapter little by little over the time. I'm not sure how it is. I will try to post the next chapter soon. I won't take this long. I promise. 

In my free time, I was reading books. Like, only reading book with no social life. I was working nonstop at first. Then, found a healthy schedule. So, that explains the big gap between the last update and this one. I'm really sorry for the late update. 

Hope you enjoy this chapter. I promise I won't make them sad any longer. But I need them to work on all their feelings and past traumas first before anything. This probably means, this story has more chapters. Hehe. 

Thank you for reading this fic. It means alot. 

Until next update 💖

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Happy new year. SHINee's back back back 🎉

Hope you all enjoy the new chapter.


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Chapter 7: I still wonder what happened in the past for them to become like this :(
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 7: So happy you post a new update! :)
Beau1996 1379 streak #4
Chapter 7: Can they restart??
Chapter 6: i've been reading all chapter over and over again cause how good it is please continue author-nim and fighting whatever you been through-!
kunjoppa #6
Chapter 6: I miss this story.. authornim, I'm waiting for your update
Chapter 6: Could you please continue this fic? I really want to know what happen with their relationship. Will it better or they lost each other TvT
kunjoppa #8
Chapter 6: Between I loved this chapter. I felt so many emotions while reading. Im curious how they are gonna reunite👀. 2min hwaiting. Authornim hwaiting
kunjoppa #9
Chapter 6: Wow, wow... Finally an update .... Thankyou sooo much authornim.. hehe. I will continue annoying you asking for another update till you finally come back with another update.
17-09-2020 #10
Chapter 6: So happy you are continuing this story! 🤗 Looking forward to more... 🤗