Holding me back


Another sports day was approaching and minho was really busy. So his time with taemin gradually decreased. Only time they got was the walk back home. Taemin waits for minho to finish his things while he does his homeworks. That's how it was. 


" Minho said what?" Taemin asked again. 


" He told you to go home alone today. " sunmin replied. 


" And why are you the one telling me that? Where is minho?" 


" He is too busy. So he told me to tell you. " sunmin's plan was working since he saw how worked up taemin was. 


Taemin did understand minho but whatever it was he should at least tell him himself. A single message would have been better than this new friend that minho has been spending much of his time with. It was getting more on taemin's nerves when minho's time was divided and he could not help but feel a little jealous of everyone else who gets to spend more time with minho. 


But as always, Taemin handled the situation with a smile. A forceful one but still a smile that lost its sole purpose. But it came back as always when he saw minho's message at the end of his day as he stared at his tired lover through his window smiling right through everything. And when that happens, he forgets and smiles back through the love they shared. To the person who holds him in place and under his warmth he was glad to be held back, to feel safe and love. 


"I love you minho" 


"I love you the most taemin" minho replies shyly. 


" I know. " 




Taemin submits the job application after spending hours in rewriting and changing things. He was too nervous. Getting a job was not that easy when his stream had many competition but he still had a good feeling about this and that's why he was being so paranoid. 


As he finished with the application, he went out to search for a part time job. He can't spend time he's got, wasting. He needed to save money and that's what he was gonna do. Call it a privilege but when Gia suggested him to get the job in the Cafe, he was more than glad. Working in a place where he feels so relaxed with the smell of coffee accompanying him all day. He would never turn such an offer down. 


" Are you sure the owner said I can get a job here?" 


" Yes. Why would you doubt that? You don't trust me at all." Gia said. 


" It was too easy that's why. When can I start?" 


" Let me ask the boss." Gia took her phone and typed some text. 


" Why haven't I seen this owner? "


" The boss isn't around that much. And when he is here, you aren't available. Also he doesn't look like a boss. He is too handsome to be an owner of a cafe" 


" Looks like someone has a crush" taemin teased. 


" Shut up. And he said you can start from this coming Monday." Gia said. 


" So you have a crush on him or what?" taemin wasn't gonna let go of this little information. 


" Haven't you heard about the other thing I said? About your job? Geez.." Gia wanted to hit taemin but not today as there were many customers. 


" See you on Monday then "taemin said and went outside after talking with his friend who is now his new colleague too. 


" Hey taemin " Kai was late because he had some lectures. 


" Who are you? I don't know you. Do you know me? "taemin asked. 


" Ouch. Taemin, don't say that. After the lecture I had to do somethings" 


" Sorry mister. May be you got the wrong person" 


" Taemin? What happened to your memory? I'm Kai. Your best friend" 


" Oh that best friend who called me to hang out and is 30 minutes late because he was flirting with some girl? I saw you on my way and I know what was keeping you busy. You were all over some girl" taemin said back. 


" I said I'm sorry man. It's just. Leave it. Let's go and it's my treat today. Does that make your mood better? Also I wasn't with any girl for your information " kai was really feeling bad. 


" I have to see. I might also want ice cream. Then what will you do?" taemin asked. 


" okay. I will treat you to whatever you want. Is that okay? "


" awwww. I have the cutest friend. You are cute when you sulk " taemin pinched his friends cheek and ran away playfully. 


" lee taemin…. CoCome here… Don't you dare run away like that after making me feel like that "


But that didn't make it easy for Kai. He had to buy all the things taemin wanted until he saw the smile that appeared on his friends face. He knew how stressful they both are and wanted to spend more time together. But seriously if taemin would know he was busy because he was collecting details about a man who was making his best friend act strange. 


Sitting on a bench side by side, talking about what's happening in each other's life, giving advices and sometimes stupid ideas that would screw up each other's life is what they did. Since the weather was becoming hot, they bought ice creams. Strawberry for Kai and vanilla for taemin. It was always like this. Their small talks made them closer like a family. 


" I think he thinks that I'm your boyfriend or something, " kai said after contemplating for a long silence. 


" Who?" 


" Whoever that person was". He wasn't sure if he should talk to his friend about his little encounter but it seems like the right thing to do. 


" Oh. So?" 


"Nothing. I just wanted to tell you that this happened. He asked who I'm to you to ask him about you. I told him that I have every right. But before I could tell him, he rushed out. I mean, I'm your best friend. So I have the right to ask. But from the reaction I got, I think he misunderstood. " kai explained carefully as he didn't clearly know where his friend stands on this particular issue. 



" That's okay. Let him think whatever he wants. It really doesn't matter. But next time, don't talk to him. He isn't a good person. " taemin was not okay with anything but since he can't really do anything about what's happening, he let it be. Moreover, he didn't want to deal with such complicated emotions at the moment. Moreover , he felt a little happy when he got to know that minho misunderstood about his relationship with Kai. At least he doesn't think of him as someone who is stuck in his past. 


Time has been never in favor with taemin as the weekend passed by in the blink of an eye and the day for his interview came sooner than he thought. He was nervous but prepared. A little nervousness was given but the thought of failure prevented him from coming out of his bubble. 


Taemin was punctual and highly organized. So he came 1 hour before the time of the interview. On important days like this, he usually was on alert all time. One for not screwing up because of his clumsiness and other because he doesn't believe in luck. All he believed was his hard work and passion. He took the subway early in the  morning to avoid the rush hour and reached the place without much struggle. As he stood Infront of the building, he felt nervous again. So he held on to his backpack more firmly. After taking deep breaths, he went inside and sat in the waiting area. There was still time remaining until the interview. So he took out the notes he prepared and went through everything again.


As the time passed by, the lobby he was in was filled with people. Some were as nervous as taemin while some had just tired eyes. He assumed they stayed up last night to study. He didn't have to wait much longer as his name was called after 3 people. 




The script this time seems so bigger than his previous ones since it was a series drama minho was going to do. The discussions and table reading were all going great. But because he had a meeting with the director regarding a scene he came to the company. 


" Does that sound okay with you, Minho?" the director asked. 


" I think this will be fine. Thank you for taking your time for me. I know you are busy." minho felt bad for calling such a sudden meeting because he couldn't quite grasp the character he was going to portray. 


" It's okay. It is for our project and I don't mind having such meetings. Remember to not force yourself to be the character. I casted you, seeing how talented you are. You might feel a little weird at first but I'm sure once you start getting the feeling, you are going to be amazing. "the director assured minho. 


Even after that minho was not sure about this role. So he spent another hour there going through everything. Even though he wanted to be there for more, his phone was showing notifications of missed calls and messages from his best friend. So before his friend got a chance to drag him Infront of others, he decided to give a short reply and wrapped up everything. 




The nervousness was still there but this relief of having done his best was also there when taemin came out after his interview. The lobby was more lively compared to before. There were so many people that he didn't notice that a person approached him. He was busy putting everything in his backpack. 


"Taemin?" Someone called. 


Taemin knows this voice. He was too familiar with the owner of the voice. But he was too scared to look up. But he had to. 


Whatever happened next was not what he expected as he was pulled into a tight hug. It took some time for him to return the warmth but he did at last. The lean figure was holding onto him and it felt the same as the last time even though he didn't  remember when it was. 


Their moment was short-lived as people kept pushing them. 


" What are you doing here, key hyung ?" taemin was surprised. 


"I'm here to pick up a friend" key hesitated a bit. 


" How have you been, taemin?" There was a long uncomfortable silence that was too hard to eliminate. 


" I'm good. How is your life?" 


" It's fine." 


It's been the second time that his past came knocking at his door. But this time it didn't hurt like the first time. This time he had regrets of losing such a close friend. 


It was a few minutes but it seemed like hours until a familiar voice brought them back to reality. The shock of seeing someone after so long was intimidating and yet so overwhelming. 


" So you two met" minho's deep voice filled the silence. 


" Indeed we have" key muttered, eyes filled with tears of happiness. 


" Do you both want to get some coffee?" taemin blurred out awkwardly. 


" Sure. " 


Just like old times. 



Coffee was an excuse. But how much can an excuse last? Sadly, after a small talk, Minho got a call. So they had to separate but key made sure to get taemin's number so that they could keep in touch. 


" I will message you. We have  lots of catch up. So you better reply. Okay? ". Key enveloped taemin in a tight hug to which taemin nodded. 


There were changes. They were all walking on glasses but it seemed like this was comfortable. Not more but not enough. Not less but not satisfied too. 


As taemin walked back to the station, a smile formed and the words by the elder played in his mind repeatedly. Minho's eyes were not leaving him either. It was a lot softer this time. It was always soft. Minho was a perfect man and may be that's why he fell for him. But this time, he saw sadness in them along with something that's he couldn't quite figure out. So he let it go. At Least he tried. 




Taemin saw an ice cream cart on the opposite side of the road he was in. He carefully checked his bag to see if he had enough coins to buy himself his favorite banana ice cream. But unfortunately, there wasn't. A pout formed and eyes teared up. He kept on staring at the other kids buying ice cream. Then he saw someone through his tears offering him his favorite flavor of ice cream. At first he was hesitant but when he saw the ice cream again, he took it and started it. 


" You like this ice cream that much?" 


" Yes. This is my favorite" he said, half sniffing. 


Then the other took a towel from his bag and patted Taemin's face so that he could remove the tears that were still escaping. 


This time taemin looked at the other person more clearly. He wasn't much older than him but still a kid. Taemin wondered how the other kid got this much money to buy ice cream. Maybe he is really rich. Maybe he can ask the other kid to buy him ice cream next time too. 


" Can you meet me tomorrow here?" taemin asked. 


" Why?" 


"I want to buy you a lollipop since you bought me ice cream. Oh wait, you like lollipop?" he asked innocently after finishing his ice cream. 


" Yes. I love them. So we meet tomorrow here again?" 


" okay.." he smiled. 


" I'm minho. And what is your name" 


" I'm taemin."


A loud ring of his phone woke him up. He wanted to turn it off but when he saw the caller ID, he took the call immediately. 


" What do you want?" taemin asked. 


" Don't tell me you are still sleeping. Do you even know what time it is?" kai sighed. 


" I'm not in the mood to check the clock. So if you would enlighten me, that would be great" 


" Oh it's you-are-late-for-your-presentation O'clock you idiot!" 




Taemin didn't have much time. So he just changed his clothes and put on perfume after combing his hair and washing his face to look presentable. He also put on some lip balm. 


It's been a few weeks since he started his internship at the station. He got so busy with everything. On top of everything, his mentor was giving him lots of assignments and projects to work on which was not humanly possible. As a result most of the nights he spends working on them. He does well. Well, most of the time but sometimes life isn't what he assumed it would be. There were more Thorns than the roses. 


Assignments after assignments, planning after planning, taemin got to work for a show as an assistant. There was not much for a newbie like him to do but seeing how this can open up opportunities for him, he decided to do his full. 


" Ready for your first work, taemin?" his mentor Mr. Kim asked. 


" Yes sir" 


" You just stay there at the corner. I will call you when I need you. But you must take notes of everything that's happening here and also should submit a report. Don't even try to slack. Better get ready" 


The whole crew was in a rush. Some arranged the props where some made sure that everything was in place. Taemin felt like an outsider when this should be his new start. He took the notepad from his bag and took a place far in the room so that his presence won't disturb anything. But then he heard some voices approaching the place he was standing. When he looked up he saw the face he didn't want to see at his workplace. 


Minho was again entering into his life from all the doors he never even knew existed. But for some reason, Minho knew which one to knock and which one he could go right in. But this  one he didn't even try to knock. He just stayed outside,waiting to be invited in, totally oblivious to the eagerness from the other side. 


A mistake? Anyone would call it a mistake. If taking a step forward would eradicate the years they spend apart, and they were too afraid, then that would make them both fools in despair. Desperate but barely holding on to whatever was left. 


Minho saw the small figure at the end of the room. He saw the eyes that he always wanted to see. But this was his work place. He needed to be professional. So for once he tried to act like he didn't just pass the most important person in his life like a stranger. 


There were noises but this time those saved him from staring at taemin. Thankfully, his interview started shortly after which instantly activated his stage persona. 


Taemin found it extremely difficult to be normal but this was his first assignment he had to do great at this to earn his place. So he wrote it all down. Whatever was being asked and whatever was being answered. It felt like minho was lying but he doesn't care as long as he catches everything for his report. 


At one point, he started admiring the others' passion. The answers were enthusiastic. Taemin felt jealous of the minho who was sitting there, already living his dreams. There used to be a time when they used to talk about things like dreams and all. Not that it matters now. But he felt happy that minho can now live his dream. But the sting was still there because all of the times minho talked about his dreams, there was a place for taemin beside him. A little home where they were together, hand in hand. 


To only poke more in his emotional wounds, the next question minho has to answer was about his dating life. To which minho was ambiguous. Not really giving away much but still satisfying the interviewer like he knows what he is doing. 


After almost 3 hours, the interview got over but before anyone else, taemin rushed out. Because he didn't want to be any more hurt than he already was.  


That night when minho messages good night to taemin, taemin doesn't even open it. He turned his phone off and went to sleep when he saw the notification. 


At first minho thought that Taemin was busy. But when this happens for a week, Minho realizes that there is a possibility that taemin is ignoring him. And for this, he actually needed a smack from his best friend otherwise he would just keep on waiting for God knows how long. 


"Are you stupid or you are acting like one?" key throws a pillow at his best friend. 


" How am I supposed to know that he is ignoring me. And I didn't do anything at all. So there's no reason for me to think like that." minho shot back. 


" That's exactly why. You are not doing anything Choi stupid minho. You need to do something. Or else you are wasting your last chance at this". Key often wonders how they are even best friends. This was such a moment when he just wanted to throw rocks at the tall male sitting across him. 


" Okay. So what do I do now? Shall I try calling him?" 


" You didn't even call him? I know why my poor taemin is acting so weird lately" key pouted while taking his phone. 


" who are you texting when I'm talking to you?" 


" I'm doing what my best friend can't do. Checking up on taemin" key said. 


"How do you get his number?" minho should have known to be more smart. 


" People normally ask for the things they want. And not like you, holding back when you obviously doesn't want to" 


" ouch that hurts. Now tell me what taemin is saying" 


" You are right about taemin being busy. But he also needs some distraction from this hectic schedule." key looked at minho as if he was planning something because he has his Crooked smile that he always has when he comes up with plans that either will work or will end you up in jail. It's one among these but still there is a 50 percent chance. 


But this time minho likes the plan. Standing at the entrance of taemin's workplace sounds romantic only when he is not a famous actor who can be recognized anywhere. But he toned down a bit to look like every other person with his extra normal blue jeans and a White t shirt. So minho waited until he saw taemin coming out of the door. He tried calling taemin but that didn't work. So he ran and blocked taemin on time before he could cross the road. 


" What the hell. ``Taemin said angrily. 


But there was no response from the other person. He was catching his breath. So taemin tried to look at the person to only come face to face with a flustered minho. He can recognize minho even if he has his bed hair, sleepy face with dark circles or even when he is drenched in sweats after workout. All taemin needed was a look and he knows how he is looking right at. 


It was past 6pm. Perfect time to go home but taemin wasn't feeling like he was going home but now, he feels the familiar feeling he was on the brink of forgetting. 


But when taemin saw that people were staring at them, he pulled minho with him towards a place where there were less people. 


" What do you think you are doing? What if someone recognized you there?" taemin asked after they were safe. 


" I just wanted to see you. You were ignoring me for the last week," minho said. 


Taemin didn't know what he wanted to reply. So he didn't. 


" Look at me taemin. Talk to me. You know how stupid I'm. And please forgive me if I did something wrong" 


" You are a stupid for sure. Are you sure it's safe to be here like this? Anyone can recognize you any minute" taemin said after looking around them. 


" Then let's go to my car. It's parked there" 


Taemin didn't realize why minho was smiling until he saw their intertwined hands . Taemin tried to undo it, only for minho to take taemin's hands in his and walked towards where his car is, ignoring taemin's whimpers.


Taemin couldn't complain. One reason being they will get noticed which he can't risk. Second being the feeling of the warmth of minho's hands in his. Taemin loved to believe that the first reason is the one that has more priority. 


" I think it's rush hour. Do you want to go for a drive?" minho asked after settling inside his car with taemin. 


" Sure. But not far. I need to get home soon." 


To be honest, taemin's heart was pulling him towards minho. He wanted to spend more time with him even though he knows that this doesn't mean anything to them. They were leading two separate lives and there was no way at this point for them to have any common ground. But he could allow himself to be like this atleast once so that he can let go of whatever left of them for good. 


The sounds of traffic were getting low. There were more trees in sight. More wind and more peace of mind. Minho has been driving them out of the city. He saw the tiredness in the younger's eyes. So he just drove with no destination in mind. 


When it's with the right person, even if you are lost, you aren't really lost. You find a way together in any direction you want to go. But how will we know that it's the right person? 


It was more peaceful than taemin thought. Minho didn't talk much. They were both sitting there silently. Taemin was looking out, enjoying the view. It felt good to not feel the rush and to enjoy the silences. 



Shortly after minho parked the car and when taemin looked out, he saw a beautiful lake Infront of them. The night only made it more beautiful. 


" It's so beautiful here, " taemin said smiling. 


"Are you cold? Do you want my jacket ." 


" no. I'm fine. I like this coldness and it's manageable." 


But minho still took out the extra cardigan he had in his car and put it on taemin. Even though it was just a piece of cloth that minho owns, taemin could smell minho in that and it felt good. 


During moments like this, taemin hopes. He begins to have hopes in fairytales and happy endings. But then reality comes crashing in. 

But this time, the reality wasn't harsh as the first snow of the year greeted them in the most dramatic way possible. The night was still young before them. The reflection of themselves in the water seemed like they were close. To make it all beautiful, the white particles fell so perfectly making taemin look like the most beautiful person minho has ever seen. He remembers how much Taemin loves the snow. He saw how his eyes brighten up just like old times. 


" Minho look it's snowing." 


Minho was looking. Indeed looking but his eyes were fixed on someone who shined the most. So he kept on staring as if that's the only thing he can do now. 


Taemin felt the stares. But he didn't say anything. Everything was so beautiful but suddenly it started snowing too much. They ran to minho's car. 


" Are we going back now?" taemin asked, clearly not interested in going back to an empty place he calls his home. 


" It's pretty late. I think we should head back now, ``Minho said. 


" Okay" 






Minho drove towards the city but there was so much snow that at one point, it was getting dangerous to even drive. So he parked his car outside a cafe he found on the way. 

" I don't think it's safe to drive in this situation. Shall we go in and have coffee and let's go back when it's safe?" minho asked taemin. To which taemin nodded. There was nothing they could do. So they went inside and got comfortable with the warmth of the fireplace that was in the small cafe. 

There weren't many people. Only two more customers than them. And it was easier to not get recognized when they were also stranded at the cafe as them. All they could think about was Going back home safely. 

" Two hot chocolates, please" minho told the waiter. 

There were some unspoken things. One was how minho let taemin have the seat beside the fireplace. Another may be the fact that minho ordered them hot chocolate that taemin loves to have when it snows. It was oddly familiar. Like a scene we play from a movie again and again. 

The first sip of the hot chocolate warms them. Taemin shifts closer to the fireplace while minho warms his hands from the hot mug he is sipping on. 

" So how's the new job going?" 

" It's hectic but still fine. How's your life? In general?" taemin asked. 

" It's manageable." minho said. 

" Do you remember when.." minho continued

" I don't want to" 

" You don't want to what?" 

" To remember…" taemin said looking down. 

But their memories went back even though they didn't speak after that. A smile formed on both of their faces but when they both looked up, they felt sadness in each other's eyes. 

After they came into the cafe, there were some more people who also came in. Because it was a really small place, eventually they had to share the same sofa. But it still kept them at a distance. The warmth from the fireplace was enough even though they would have preferred each other's. 

Minho didn't mind when taemin's head fell towards his shoulder. Instead he adjusted himself so that taemin can rest properly. Taemin seemed so stressed but he saw how he was smiling a bit when he was sleeping. He wondered if taemin was sleeping properly these days. Even with the little sounds from the strangers too, taemin was sleeping well may be because his body gave up and he may even felt safe to close his eyes for sometime. Whatever it may be, Minho felt good that even if it's for sometime, he could lend his shoulders to taemin. 

Taemin doesn't know how long he was sleeping. But when he opened his eyes, it was dawn. He could hear the snow falling outside. He was tired. But when he felt someone's hands holding him, he panicked at first. He wanted to scream but when he saw the strong hands, he knew it was minhos. But he removed himself from minho's hold without waking the other. 

Taemin saw minho's bare face properly for the first time. His eyes were closed. He looked beautiful as always. His hair was a little bit disheveled. Taemin's fingers automatically brushed minho's hair. It was soft. His hand stayed more than he wanted. Minho's poster was unchanging and he was resting well. So taemin got more brave. He got a close look at the other. 

The eyes that he fell in love with. It was closed now but that would suffice for now because the moment they looked back at him, he knew he would be under minho's spell. The cheeks looked more defined. Maybe minho is on a diet. Taemin's hands traced minho's face in a way that there was both sadness and longing. He teared up but was also smiling. To see minho this close and to look at him as if they are two people who are deeply in love with each other,was fluttering to him. 

He remembered the nights they shared. He remembered how they would wake up next to each other. 

He remembered their promises. 

" I love you" taemin whispers. 

He hopes that minho is asleep but he also pulls back when he sees minho's moves in his sleep. Before taemin could move back, Minho pulls taemin back to himself so that taemin is lying on his shoulders as it's supposed to be. Taemin looks up to see minho smiling right at him. But the next second his eyes are closed. Minho takes a deep breath, while pulling taemin closer to him. 

Taemin is struggling to get back but he freezes when minho speaks. 

" I love you more taemin" 

There was silence. 

Taemin doesn't know if minho heard what he said. Or minho is just talking in his sleep. So he just let it be. 

He let them be. 



So it's been such a long time. I'm really sorry for this late update. I was busy with work and these past few months were hectic. To be honest, I started writing this chapter the next day I posted the last chapter but I couldn't finish it. Today, I took leave because I have a fever and I got some time to finish it. So  here it is. 

So as an apology for such a late update, here you have a big chapter.

I know that I'm not a good writer. But I saw how this story now has 101 subscribers which is a pretty big deal for me. I'm so happy. Thank you all. 

And even if it's late updates too, don't worry. I won't abandon this fic. I will finish this and also I have some other fics planned even though I don't have much time. 

Thank you all for reading this fic. 


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Hope you all enjoy the new chapter.


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Chapter 7: I still wonder what happened in the past for them to become like this :(
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 7: So happy you post a new update! :)
Beau1996 1379 streak #4
Chapter 7: Can they restart??
Chapter 6: i've been reading all chapter over and over again cause how good it is please continue author-nim and fighting whatever you been through-!
kunjoppa #6
Chapter 6: I miss this story.. authornim, I'm waiting for your update
Chapter 6: Could you please continue this fic? I really want to know what happen with their relationship. Will it better or they lost each other TvT
kunjoppa #8
Chapter 6: Between I loved this chapter. I felt so many emotions while reading. Im curious how they are gonna reunite👀. 2min hwaiting. Authornim hwaiting
kunjoppa #9
Chapter 6: Wow, wow... Finally an update .... Thankyou sooo much authornim.. hehe. I will continue annoying you asking for another update till you finally come back with another update.
17-09-2020 #10
Chapter 6: So happy you are continuing this story! 🤗 Looking forward to more... 🤗