Winning an impossible game

Pixel Dreams of You

But I’m better .”

There’s something dangerous in the way Sooyoung whispers the words out. Jinsoul closes her eyes tightly and shakes the hand off her elbow. “Who said you can touch me freak?” She trusts that the weird heat in her tummy is completely normal, convinced it’s a natural reaction to being angry.

Except Jinsoul’s been pissed a lot in her life, not once has she had this feeling. 

Staring at Sooyoung she knows there’s a silent game they're playing. Jinsoul’s losing...badly, Sooyoung is composed and even has a glint of mischief in her eyes while she is about to explode. The blonde refused to let some loser get under her skin. 

Because clearly she didn’t affect Sooyoung at all. It was like the girl was bullet proof when Jinsoul had unloaded her entire clip on her. 

Sooyoung raises up after being pushed away from Jinsoul and quietly asks her, “which do you wanna play first?” Jinsoul glares at her before turning her cheek, “It doesn’t matter to me really, since I’m gonna win every time anyways.” 

Jinsoul grits her teeth and grumbles under her breath when Sooyoung only smiles at her. That same sincere smile that she’s thrown her before. “Yeah ing wish.”

A hand holds itself out, Jinsoul gaze traces the lines of Sooyoung’s palm and hates how smooth her voice is. “Prove me wrong then?” Not bothering to say anything Jinsoul goes to the first game she’s had in her mind since the beginning of this rivalry. The one that started it all. Strutting over to Q*bert Sooyoung quietly follows her behind. 

“Predictable.” Sooyoung sighs out.

“Do you blame me?” 

Jinsoul jerks her eyes to Sooyoung and back to the game, for some reason she wasn’t as irritated as before. Even when Sooyoung was being extra annoying by popping her gum loudly and rolling her eyes at everything Jinsoul did. Maybe it was because Jinsoul felt like she was finally in Sooyoung’s orbit. Because she was finally getting the attention that she's secretly been craving from the woman who acted like she didn’t even exist sometimes. 

That she wasn’t irrelevant anymore, and Sooyoung did have some sort of interest in her, at least enough to stay in the crowded arcade and go along with her stupid bet she came up with on a whim. 

Starting the game up by smacking a button Jinsoul let’s something honest slip out of , “you don’t how long I’ve waited to do this.” Slightly blushing she doesn’t dare to look at Sooyoung and only glances at her friends who are eating popcorn smiling cheesily. They give her some thumbs up and she gulps before turning back to the screen.

“Awe, that’s sweet.”

Jinsoul’s eye twitches, “I didn’t mean it like that weirdo. I meant beating you, so I can see your stupid face when you lose.”

Sooyoung softly laughs and Jinsoul distracts herself by popping her knuckles, “still that’s sweet. Nobody has ever wanted to play this bad with me.” Jinsoul ignores the girl that’s now leaning against the hunk of metal with her hands stuffed into her pockets.

Jinsoul forgets about the whole audience they have surrounding them. Her vision had tunneled and her sole focus was Sooyoung...and beating her of course. She doesn’t realize that Sooyoung’s vision has also clouded. All she can look at is Jinsoul and the only person who doesn't know that is the blonde herself. 

Yoojung turns to Xiaojun and leans over to whisper out loudly, “it’s like they’re in their own little world.” The boy agrees with a nod and shoves more popcorn into his mouth. For the two still bickering at Q*bert, it wouldn’t make a difference if the arcade was empty or not.

Jinsoul is smashing away at the buttons, groaning when she slips up, “god can you shut up so I can focus?” 

“But it’s so easy to piss you off.” Jinsoul rolls her eyes and keeps squirming around as she plays. The blonde is only slightly embarrassed at her gaming habits. She tries to tone down her movements and noises but Sooyoung pays her close attention, memorizing each little thing Jinsoul does. 

The blonde screams when she almost dies and Sooyoung giggles, not risking to look over Jinsoul only mumbles out, “Because you’re very good at being annoying.” The girl beside her scoffs and twists her foot languidly into the abstract carpet that hasn’t been cleaned in months. 

“Are you always this mean?”

“Do you always talk this much?”

“Hmmm you’re the one, you never shut the hell up, I wonder if my head will explode if I’m around you any longer.” Jinsoul slams her fist into the button and clenches her jaw. But this is what Sooyoung wanted, for her to lose control of her temper so she’d lose. Jinsoul needed to have the same energy as the girl beside her. Then she’d win this bet.

And never have to see her face again.

Jinsoul is building up her points rapidly, when she’s in a comfortable spot she pushes a bit, “like you don’t ignore me anyways.” 

The silence proves that Jinsoul is right, until Sooyoung tells her something that makes her fingers slip by the buttons again. “Actually I remember everything you've ever said to me.” 

Chewing on her lip, Jinsoul shakes her head in disbelief. Nobody ever cared enough to actually listen to her, especially Sooyoung, the girl who most definitely didn’t like her just how Jinsoul felt the same. Except, some of the things Sooyoung has said to her have stuck to her, playing in her mind like a broken record player. Unlike Sooyoung she didn’t know how to block it out, nor how to press on the right buttons.

“Yeah right.”

Sooyoung doesn’t say anything at first. Letting the blonde rack up points peacefully.

But then she says everything.

Jinsoul’s eyebrows slowly knot over when Sooyoung starts to repeat everything she’s said to her. Things she barely can remember from a week ago. Things she didn’t even want to say but apparently did. Sooyoung repeats the words with accuracy and Jinsoul realizes that she was listening the whole time. Carefully and close enough that Sooyoung even got her tone of voice right. 

That smooth voice gets to Jinsoul, just like before. She has to go back to her case file. Flipping through the evidence trying to find more proof. But it’s like every moment spent with Sooyoung there’s less and less pieces to the puzzle. Maybe she’s not the Jinsoul thinks she is.

It’s over...cold case. Jinsoul doesn’t know what to think anymore. She’ll have to restart. Right now, Sooyoung was looking way too clean.Too good and way too dangerous for Jinsoul’s health.

Slowly looking over at Sooyoung she forgets the game, the girl smiles and it’s not the same one from before. It’s different and entirely new. 

Jinsoul loses the game.

Because Sooyoung’s smile feels like winning.

Blinking out of her daze she starts to chant, “no no no !” Looking at the score she whines and goes to grip her hair. It wasn’t good enough and Sooyoung was gonna beat her in the first round because of a stupid mistake, “this isn’t fair!” 

Sooyoung laughs and gently moves her out of the way. “That’s too bad. Maybe if you weren't staring so hard.” The blonde feels her world crashing down on her as Sooyoung puts in her name for her high score. “Let’s see…” Jinsoul’s blood starts to boil as she watches Sooyoung press the letters out. 

U suk.

The girl smiles at her evilly and leans over to whisper into her ear. “It’s okay, I know I’m really pretty, not your fault you couldn’t take your eyes off me.” Jinsoul clenches her fist together, hating how cocky Sooyoung is. Jinsoul felt like the biggest loser right now for falling into this jerk’s trap. 

Getting into her head was just another checkpoint for Sooyoung, every little word that she says are like the points. It isn’t fair, how Sooyoung does see her as an equal. Only something to toy with. Jinsoul’s emotions are the challenge, a win for Sooyoung is when Jinsoul loses control of them. 

Jinsoul wishes Sooyoung would see her more than just a game. 

“I wasn’t staring because you’re pretty, it's because you’re a freakazoid and totally admitted that you’re obsessed with who remembers that stuff!” Jinsoul nervously rambles out while Sooyoung stretches her neck lazily. There’s a faint smirk on the girl’s lips and Jinsoul wouldn’t dare to say that it was the most attractive thing she’s ever least out loud.

Sooyoung side glances at her with dark hooded eyes, like the first night they met. It feels like sweet poison and Jinsoul swallows it down bitterly, not knowing this feeling isn’t good for her. “And you didn’t deny that I’m pretty.” Her blood runs cold at being beat in the world play once again.

Raising her head up to the ceiling she stomps her foot down, “I didn’t say that!”

The girl laughs beside her and starts to play, Jinsoul is stuck there with her fist clenched to her sides and her shoulders hunched. She can feel the heat racing to her face. Jinsoul can only sit there and watch as Sooyoung plays the game flawlessly. She doesn’t miss a step or jump. It’s jaw dropping and Jinsoul knew she was silly to think she was going to win from the start.

“Uh hey blondie could you get a chair I might be here for a while.” Jinsoul huffs out and rolls her eyes. Stomping over she grabs a chair and hauls it over to Sooyoung who hasn’t taken her eyes off the screen.

Jinsoul wishes she could look that good while playing. Sooyoung was like a model, everything she did was so smooth but robotic at the same time. Jinsoul sometimes acted like an idiot while playing. 

She’s never been so jealous.

That’s what she blames it on, jealously, the reason why her heart is beating so fast and her tummy is feeling like WW3. About to sit the chair down Jinsoul smirks when an idea pops into her head.

They never agreed to any rules.

“Hey weirdo?”


“Let’s say we can only play once. No redo’s.”

Sooyoung thinks for a moment, “sure whatever.” She’s too focused on the game to notice Jinsoul’s sinister glare,“hey you got my chair?” Sooyoung doesn’t think anything is wrong when Jinsoul evilly laughs behind her.

“Yes of course.” Jinsoul says slowly and deeply. Her eyes twitch. Sitting the chair down for Sooyoung she sweetly addresses the woman, “here you go.” Sooyoung mutters out a thanks before going to sit down.

Jinsoul pulls the chair out from under her and Sooyoung’s life flashes before her eyes. 

Sooyoung flops down dramatically, her legs flying up and everything. Jinsoul bursts out laughing at the scream Sooyoung lets out and has to hold her tummy from how funny it is. 

Xiaojun and Yoojung are laughing too, hiding behind the counter as they hold their mouths. Jinsoul wipes the tears from her eyes and stumbles over to where Sooyoung is laying still, flat on the ground.

Lending out a hand, Sooyoung goes to grab it but Jinsoul jerks it out of her grasp, “SIKE TEEHEE.” Jinsoul starts to scream again at the look on Sooyoung’s face. The girl was not amused at all. 

Slapping her knee Jinsoul continues to make fun of the girl refusing to get up. After what seems like hours of laughing Jinsoul finally stops, her stomach hurting from all the clenching. Turning around she sees Sooyoung lying still, the blonde feels slightly bad. She’s never been the one to bully before, but how could she not when Sooyoung was this much of a dork. 

Walking over she stares down at Sooyoung who has her eyes closed behind her glasses. “Hey, jokes over, you can get up now.” Sooyoung leaned up on her elbows, rocking her feet back and forth. Sooyoung finally opens her eyes and glances up at Jinsoul through her eyelashes. The blonde breathes a little harder when Sooyoung rakes her eyes up and down her body. Like she was calculating something. 

Sooyoung raises a lone hand up, “that was a good one.” Jinsoul smirks and takes her hand, helping Sooyoung to her feet. When Sooyoung is facing her again she brings her face close enough for Jinsoul to jolt back, “lemme show you something cool.” Sooyoung smiles sweetly but it doesn’t reach her cold eyes. 

Contrasting the screams of joy earlier. Jinsoul curses out in pain, “AHHH !” Xiaojun and Yoojung who are still hiding behind the counter glance at each other before raising up.

Seeing Jinsoul pinned to the game with her elbow behind her back they start to jog over frantically.

Sooyoung leans forward a bit, “are we gonna play nice now?” Jinsoul winces more when Sooyoung pushes into her further. “Say yes.” Jinsoul shakes her head no, so Sooyoung twists her arm tighter, “wanna try again?” Whining out Jinsoul gives in. She couldn’t stand Sooyoung being this close to her, almost leaning against her. The girl’s lips are near her face so Jinsoul turns her head and groans out. 

“Yes I will play nice now let me the go!”

Sooyoung releases her and back ups with her hands to her side. Jinsoul shakes her arms out before lunging at the girl, unfortunately. Her two best friends were there to stop her.

Jinsoul acts like a rabid dog while Sooyoung wipes her clothes down. She watches on as Xiaojun tries to calm his friend down, “Soul baby remember when you got charged with assault! That was only a warning!” 

Yoojung nervously laughs and looks at Sooyoung, “sorry she’s usually not like this!”

Sooyoung quirks an eyebrow, “it’s cool...guess I’m just special.” Jinsoul seethes out as Sooyoung coldly glances at her before rolling her eyes, the playful demeanor the girl had earlier vanished. The blonde frowns, realizing that she probably went too far with her games. 

Yoojung turns to her, “Soul what do we say when-“

“ you.”

“Noooo we say we’re sorry. She’s sorry.” Yoojung tells Sooyoung and the girl shrugs.

“Me too I guess.”

Jinsoul sighs a little bit and Sooyoung’s gaze travels down. Sooyoung’s face relaxes a bit and Jinsoul narrows her eyes at the blush on the girl’s face. The two holding Jinsoul back notice how Sooyoung's entire expression changed from the previous tense one. Her eyes widen and she looks away shyly. Xiaojun glances down and squeals, “EWW !” 

The blonde is let go finally but she’s stopped for another reason when she goes for Sooyoung. The girl clears loudly and refuses to open her eyes, it reminds Jinsoul of the subway, when Sooyoung had gotten too close for comfort. Her cheeks are puffed up with frustration and she shifts her leather coat off fluidly before handing it out to Jinsoul.

Blinking Jinsoul glances back and forth from Sooyoung and the stretched out jacket before backing away slightly. Xiaojun is still saying ew behind them and Yoojung quietly mumbles out, “you should take the coat Jinsoul.”

Turning to her friend she questions her, “huh? Why?”

Yoojung raises her brows and points her gaze down below. Jinsoul checks herself.


Covering up her nip nops that we’re making a very strong protest against her white tank Jinsoul turns back to Sooyoung who shakes the coat in front of her, “it’s distracting...and you look cold.”

Xiaojun covers his laugh up with his hand before joking, “she’s not cold she’s-.” 

“Shut the up!” Jinsoul groans at the boy and raises a hand to scare her two friends who were trying not to die by laughter. Turning to Sooyoung she blushes deeply, “and you?! You’re a ert too!” 

Sooyoung shakes her head, still the way her fingers twist around on her white shirt tells Jinsoul the girl may feel a bit guilty from looking down, “no they’re just very um ya know.” Jinsoul grabs the coat and tugs it on before zipping it up. Sooyoung stands awkwardly and starts to whistle out a song, rocking back and forth on her heels. 

Jinsoul huffs and checks the coat out, trying to find some sort of distraction from the strange situation that just happened. Why did Sooyoung make such a big deal about it? It wasn’t like they were both girls. Jinsoul can’t wrap her head around it...even Doyeon who was the weirdest girl ever wasn’t this awkward when she saw her that one time. 

“Yoojung what brand is this?” The girl from behind shuffles up and pulls the collar back. Jinsoul glances towards Sooyoung who was finally paying her attention again but as soon as they lock eyes the girl pulls away shyly. 

Jinsoul can’t help to think her expression is a bit adorable.

“It’s Valentino.” 

The blonde gasps before smiling brightly, “no way.”

“Yes way.” 

Stepping towards Sooyoung she crosses her arms, the smile still playing on her lips. Sooyoung was looking down at her shoes, still rocking on the heels of them while keeping her hands behind her back.

“If I win I want the coat too.”

Sooyoung slowly flickers her eyes up and into Jinsoul’s. The taller girl her lips first and then nods obediently. Xiaojun and Yoojung both show the shock on their faces and Jinsoul only smirks.

Jinsoul likes how easy that was.

But this shyer version of Sooyoung doesn’t last forever for Jinsouls pleasure, “it’s not like you’re actually gonna win.”

Yoojung grabs onto Jinsoul’s waist when she lunges again as Xiaojun steps in between them. “OKAYYYY so.” He jerks his head at the two of them, “I would really like it if the cops weren’t called...I hate dealing with them s. So I will set some ground rules.”

Jinsoul blows hot air out as Sooyoung plays with the loops of her jeans, both of them don’t like the idea of any more rules. “Absolutely no fighting but arguing is allowed.” Xiaojun tells them, especially Jinsoul. “You two have to be a little civil. The only physical contact allowed is hugs and kisses.”

The blonde gags, “as if I’d ever…”

No one notices the pain that graces across Sooyoung’s face for a split second. Nor the way Jinsoul swallows tightly with her lie, Xiaojun is still smiling as if he wasn’t dealing with two children. “Oh but you have to...right now.” Jinsoul starts to whine in protest while Sooyoung rubs the back of her head uneasily. 

The taller girl argues a bit, “don’t you think that’s a little overboard?”

“No.” Xiaojun answers seriously before Yoojung cuts in.

“Think of it as a truce.” Jinsoul rolls her eyes as she’s set free once again and pushed towards Sooyoung. Jinsoul avoids bumping into the girl by stumbling to the side. “Come on, don't be shy, hug it out and you can go back to whatever the hell y’all was doing.” Jinsoul hides her face away and scoots further back from Sooyoung. The whole arcade was watching them now. 

All the arcade goers were hidden behind games and counters, peeking over to watch the two who we’re starting to gain attention. It was a lot quieter now too and it made Jinsoul uncomfortable. The arcade was always jumping with loud cheers and disappointed curses. The sound of games being played had ceased to exist and the only consistent noise was the streets from outside. 

It pulls Jinsoul into reality, how trivial all this is.

If those doors were closed, then even footsteps could be heard. Maybe Jinsoul was being a bit dramatic about this whole thing. She was showing her feelings a lot more than she intended to. The blonde couldn’t let anyone know that she had more than just a rivalry with this girl, but a true hostility. She couldn’t let anyone know that it was more than just Sooyoung being better than her. 

But because…Jinsoul closes her eyes. You’ve got to be kidding me Jung Jinsoul.

“That’s embarrassing, I’m not hugging that thing.”

Xiaojun, who is the most dramatic of all of them even starts to get tired of Jinsoul. “It’s a girl that you’re perfectly capable of hugging. Stop being odd Jinsoul.” Yoojung gives her a sad look, like she understood the confusing storm crashing about in Jinsoul’s head.

Jinsoul wishes she understood.

Sooyoung then lets out her voice that’s mildly irritated, “just do it so we can get this over with.”

The blonde doesn’t know why that hurts. But she has a hunch of an idea. Maybe it’s because she doesn’t think Sooyoung wants to be here at all. And the only reason Jinsoul is being this much of a is to hurt Sooyoung’s pride. So she’ll have to stay to protect it. 

“Jesus freaking Christ ”

Jinsoul flips over and pulls Sooyoung in by the waist. The height difference makes Jinsoul’s cheek go against Sooyoung’s sharp jaw, so she lowers her head until it’s resting on the girl’s shoulder. 

“How long?” She mumbles out to the boy.

“Ten seconds.”

Jinsoul starts counting in her head as she closes her eyes. Her arms are fully wrapped around the girl’s tiny frame and it just gives Jinsoul another reason to be jealous. She even gets a little comfortable and leans into her. Jinsoul would be lying if she said it wasn’t a nice hug.

Sooyoung awkwardly waves her hands around, not sure where to put them. Yoojung snorts at the girl’s panicked face that’s blood red from embarrassment. 

Gay as .

Jinsoul hits ten and pushes the girl off, thankful Sooyoung didn’t return the hug or it might be harder to hate her. Xiaojun isn’t satisfied, “nope do it again.”

Sooyoung is the one to protest this time, “what why?” Xiaojun evilly giggles as he points his finger between them. 

“Because Jinsoul did all the hugging.”

The blonde doesn’t say anything surprisingly and goes back in for the hug. Most of the crowd had dissipated now, bored that there wasn’t any fighting, only some weird hugging. This time Jinsoul makes sure her arms squeeze around Sooyoung’s waist. It was crazy how thin this girl was, since her clothes were a bit baggy Jinsoul couldn’t tell so she was a bit happy with this moment of discovery. 

Sooyoung pats her hands on Jinsoul’s shoulder shyly, not fully committing to the hug like the blonde was. “So your name is Jinsoul.”

Having her chin resting back on Sooyoung’s shoulder she barely mumbles out, “yeah.”

The taller girl swallows the lump in before whispering, “that’s a pretty name.”

“Thank you.” Jinsoul hums. Forgetting about the start of this evening. Her friends were onto something. Hugging it out really worked.

“My name is-”

“Sooyoung, trust me I know.” Sooyoung blinks at being cut off and blushes that Jinsoul already knows her name. It’s been ten seconds so Jinsoul pulls away gently without pushing Sooyoung off of her. “You’re still an .” 

Sooyoung doesn’t dare to say anything so she only nods. 

Xiaojun beside them claps, “YASSSS LET THE GAMES BEGIN.” 

Jinsoul slightly smirks and she notices how Sooyoung tenses up, so she sticks out her hand. No funny business this time and allows the girl to shake it. Now was where the real competition began. 

Yoojung and Xiaojun kept a close eye on them the whole time. Thankfully neither of them got out of hand...most of the time. There were a few instances that Jinsoul had to be dragged back once again. Then Xiaojun would make them hug, soon enough they became short, pat on the backs since the two were so frustrated with each other.

Sooyoung is currently playing Mario Bros. and Jinsoul can’t help to be impressed. She was losing terribly, every game since Q*bert she has been and she only won then because of a childish prank. “Ugh why are you so good.” Jinsoul itches to mess Sooyoung up and her hand starts to creep towards the buttons, never has Jinsoul been a sore loser. But she thinks this is an exception. 

The girl glances at her hand and Jinsoul pretends she wasn’t just trying to sabotage Sooyoung by tapping her fingers against the metal. “Practice makes perfect.” Jinsoul tries her hardest not to gag when Sooyoung winks at her. This whole time Sooyoung has been teasing her, always having a response to any of her pissy remarks. There’s nothing that gets on Jinsoul’s nerves more than a cocky player, and Sooyoung was the cockiest.

She could look away from the game and continue to play it flawlessly, her form was amazing and certain times Jinsoul couldn’t take her eyes off her. Sooyoung just loved to say things that would throw her off but nothing Jinsoul would say back would pierce through. 

Jinsoul couldn’t handle this attitude, she misses when Sooyoung was just a straight up who ignored her. At least then she was in control.

Sooyoung finally loses and turns to Jinsoul with a playful smirk, “close your mouth or you might start drooling.” The girl’s score was thousands above hers. Sooyoung leans over to her, “I’m pretty amazing ain’t I.”

Jinsoul rolls her eyes, “the worst actually.”

A sweet laugh rolls into her ears as Sooyoung walks away, now her insults were amusing to Sooyoung. Jinsoul couldn’t win at all with this girl. They stroll up to the next game and Sooyoung leans onto it smoothly, “you ready to lose again.” 

Jinsoul seethes, “are you ready to stop being the lamest person ever.” The blonde shakes her head and starts to smash down on the buttons. She’s so pissed she can’t even see straight or play right.

Sooyoung giggles a bit, “has anyone ever told you how cute you are when you’re mad?”

Blushing furiously she groans out in a shaky voice, “shut up Sooyoung…”

“Well have they?”

A faint replay of memories invades her mind and her character takes a few bad hits, “no, they usually call me a and never talk to me again.” Jinsoul’s too focused on the game and not letting her eyes water up to notice the smile on Sooyoung’s face turning into a frown. If Jinsoul saw it she would get even more angry, she hated when people pitied her. Especially if it was Sooyoung. 

Sooyoung swallows before telling the blonde sincerely, “that’s too bad, they’re really missing out on someone like you huh.” Jinsoul freezes, unable to make her hands move to the buttons. Instead she lets herself tear her gaze off of the screen and onto Sooyoung who’s smiling at her sweetly. 

Jinsoul loses with a measly score and Sooyoung let’s half her face scrunch up while mocking her, “oof not again Jinsoul, you’re gonna have to work on that staring problem.” Jinsoul wordlessly steps out of the way with her fists clenched. She officially hated Sooyoung. Now 100% convinced now that her smooth words that sounded so so genuine were only a trick to get Jinsoul to lose. 

The blonde wishes Sooyoung actually meant it, because those words meant everything to Jinsoul. It only hurt more knowing that it was probably fake. She wishes Sooyoung actually liked her. 

“Bet you wish you didn’t pull that one game only .”

Jinsoul sighs pitfully, “yeah…”

Sooyoung turns back to her with confusion etched in her features, Jinsoul didn’t have an ounce of bitterness in her voice. Sooyoung’s tummy didn’t sit well with that, Jinsoul always had something to bite back with. Looking around on the screen Sooyoung starts to press the buttons, but thankfully Jinsoul isn’t paying attention. Already knowing her impending doom. Sooyoung is actually it up.

But the girl wouldn’t tell anyone that it was on purpose.

Losing the game as quickly as Jinsoul does, Sooyoung curses, “damn!”

Jinsoul lightens up a bit behind her and stumbles to the screen, “no way! I beat you!” Sooyoung bites back her own smile when the prettiest one stretches across Jinsoul’s lips. Losing was worth it every once in a while.

“Yeah um I kinda at this one.” The blonde claps and hops around like a kid, her bad mood disappearing as fast as it manifested. She screams and spins around, suddenly Sooyoung finds herself being dragged to the next game by the curve of her elbow.

Yoojung smirks, hiding being one of the arcade games. She doesn’t think she’ll need to watch the two any longer. 

Game after game it starts to become a tie, Sooyoung ‘ loses ’ while Jinsoul barely puts herself above the girl in points. There’s only light playful fighting now since Jinsoul is having so much fun since she doesn't that bad. Everytime she wins, Jinsoul squeals and jumps as high as she can.

They start to gather a crowd for an entirely different reason. No one has ever seen Jung Jinsoul smile this much, and they’ve never seen the new girl play this sloppily. Sooyoung groans when she messes up the game once again, allowing Jinsoul the win.

Jinsoul still doesn’t win enough to catch up, Sooyoung had started to lose way too late. Strolling up to the last game. Street fighter where most of the dweebs play, Jinsoul bites her lip and glances near the doors. It’s already dark out, meaning hours have passed by since they first started. 

The blonde clings onto the leather coat, no matter if she won this round or not she’d have to kiss this baby goodbye. Jinsoul doesn’t think she wants to do that. And in a deep part of her she wants to lose. 

Because she also doesn’t want to see Sooyoung go.

Jinsoul will figure it out. 

“Winner takes all.”

Sooyoung is standing quietly behind her exhausted from the blonde’s energy, but delighted to see her true side. Jinsoul’s really fun to be around when she’s not putting on the fiery front that she normally does. “So all the games we’ve played before don’t matter?”

Jinsoul frowns, she knows Sooyoung probably won’t accept the challenge. But Jinsoul is exceptionally good at persuasion, “yes, but if you win. I’ll do anything you want me to.” Sooyoung raises one brow, the corner of her lips tug into a smirk.


The blonde isn’t sure why Sooyoung’s voice had gotten considerably lower but she nods anyways. Sooyoung brings her fingers to her chin to rub it as if she didn’t already know the answer.

“You're on.”

Jinsoul tries to not show her excitement and only pushes away the nerds still surrounding the game. The blonde winces at the icky buttons but presses on them anyways. Sooyoung scoots beside her and leans her hand on the second set of controls. The crowd circles around them and the speaker blasts out cheesy pop music. Jinsoul smiles at her reflection in the black screen and ignores how Sooyoung is staring at her from the side.

While she’s hunched over, Sooyoung stands perfectly straight as they pick their characters. Jinsoul of course picks Ryu and Sooyoung picks Chun Li. The both of them start to pop their knuckles and Sooyoung even untucks her shirt from her jeans. Jinsoul s the jacket Sooyoung to give her more room to move around.

If it weren’t for the pop music, it would be so quiet if a pen dropped it could be heard. Jinsoul and Sooyoung stare at the screen fiercely until the countdown ends and the first round starts. The frantic smash of buttons could be heard all the way back into the kitchen and Ravi paused his knife sharpening to listen for a small second.

Little does he know about the frantic beating hearts in the next room over. The ones in sync. 

The boys around them hone in, cheering whenever there’s a long combo or powerful hit. Jinsoul can’t even trash talk Sooyoung since she’s so focused on winning. Her back hunches all the way over and her eyebrows scrunch everytime she misses a kick. Sooyoung starts out playing as she normally does, emotionless like a robot, effortless with every movement. 

But every prolonged second she gets more and more into the game until she’s hunched over the buttons just like Jinsoul is, groaning when she takes a bad hit. Jinsoul gets an outstanding combo and gets really close to knocking Sooyoung out. “Oh off!” Sooyoung mumbles out blocking Jinsoul when she gets her in the corner. 

Sooyoung smiles at herself, she hasn’t had this much fun playing with someone since...well forever. She takes the risks and lifts on her hands to push Jinsoul off balance. The blonde screams out a string of curses before knocking her hip into Sooyoung’s, but it’s not maliciously like she’s done things before.

She does it laughing along with Sooyoung.

And for the moments they play the game, they forget they’re supposed to hate each other. Sooyoung is allowed to let loose and Jinsoul finally sees her fantasy come to life.

Sooyoung plays along with her just like she dreamed about. It’s fun, and Jinsoul can feel the energy between them. This is all that she wanted, someone who wanted to play by her side. A friend that shared the same love for the game as her. 

But both of them are too engrossed with the characters on screen to grasp onto their own persona’s. The realizations disappear in thin air, forgotten in the 8bit beats and voice of George Michael. 

The first round goes to Jinsoul.

The second goes to Sooyoung.

Everyone is chanting a slur of their names since this was the most entertainment they’ve had in months. Two of the best arcade players head to head. The third round is just as intense. Sooyoung continues to play dirty but Jinsoul isn’t skilled enough to multitask, but she is good enough to keep up with Sooyoung.

When both their health bars are low Jinsoul starts to bounce on her feet, “god Sooyoung this is all what I’ve wanted!” Jinsoul doesn’t know why it comes out of and she doesn’t dwell on it. 

But Sooyoung does. Her hands freeze and Jinsoul lands an ultra combo. Killing her and winning the game. Sooyoung raises up lazily as her hearing goes static. Jinsoul is screaming and jumping into the arms of smelly boys. Sooyoung blinks and she notices how fast her heart is beating and how sweaty her palms are. 

While the blonde celebrates with the entire arcade Sooyoung quietly slips away, grabbing her bag and heading out of the arcade without a goodbye.

Jinsoul doesn’t notice the girl silently sneaking out until it’s too late. Or almost too late. Pushing off the stranger she was squeezing to death because of her victory she spins around looking for a familiar slim body. But she’s disappeared and Jinsoul starts to panic.

No way would she let this be the last time she ever saw Sooyoung.

Her expectations were finally being met. How could this be the end to something that could be…

“Did you all see where she went?” The boys all shake their heads glancing at each other and back at Jinsoul.

Xiaojun comes up behind her clapping, “congrats ! You- AHH!” Jinsoul pushes him out the way with a brute force and searches the arcade frantically noticing that Sooyoung’s bag is gone. The blonde tries her best to run in heels but it’s a pitiful sight. 

Running outside she checks both ways, closing her eyes, she can remember which way Sooyoung went last time and goes left.

Jogging down the street she looks for short silky hair, the kind that flows in the air prettily. When she spots a white shirt she picks up her pace. 

It’s totally Sooyoung, she can tell by the way she walks. Like a model, chic and confident. Jinsoul starts to scream, “HEYYY YOU WAIT!!!!” Jinsoul waves her arms around like a mad woman too, she didn’t want a repeat of last time. 

Sooyoung keeps walking with a strict pace until Jinsoul chants her name, “YO SOOYOUNG! BOBBLE HEAD!!”

The girl slows down her tracks until she finally stops, Jinsoul can’t help but smile. Sooyoung was listening to her. Jinsoul catches up but freezes when Sooyoung turns. 

Time stops for the blonde again, she’s never seen anything so elegant or flawless. The way Sooyoung flips her hair around is like in the movies, her hand stuck in her pocket in a perfect pose like the girls in vogue. Jinsoul starts to understand why she’s so obsessed despite their differences.

This girl was gorgeous.

Sooyoung cooly stares at her without an expression. Anyone else would be afraid to approach a glare like that and for a second Jinsoul thinks Sooyoung may be mad at her again. But as she stumbles towards her in a daze while Sooyoung stands perfectly still she understands that Sooyoung probably wasn’t thinking of anything in particular right now.

People continue to pass by but Jinsoul can only see Sooyoung.

Jinsoul was a brave person, so she strolls right up to Sooyoung. Not fazed by the tight set lips or clenched jaw. Jinsoul let her fingers shape into an L and she places it on her forehead.


Sooyoung blinks at her before turning around and Jinsoul quickly wipes the smirk that had grown right off, “wait hold on where are you going?”


Jinsoul follows after her trying to stop her by cutting in front of her, but Sooyoung is swift. So Jinsoul pulls out her joker card, “if you don’t stop and talk to me I’ll follow you again.” Sooyoung scoffs a bit continuing to walk. “Will you hold on!” The girl shakes her head and dodges the hand that reaches out to her. Sooyoung was a bit tired that was least that’s what she tells herself. “I will break into your place too and steal all your things.”

The taller girl freezes finally and Jinsoul celebrates. “Are you crazy?”

Jinsoul shuffles in front of Sooyoung and smiles, “yes, so you need to stand there and let me talk.”

Sooyoung huffs and tilts her head before pushing her glasses up on her nose. Jinsoul wishes she could do it for Sooyoung, just so she could see how soft her face is.

The blonde goes silent, realizing she didn’t imagine their conversation this far ahead.

“Listen you won, now I’m leaving.” Sooyoung uneasily sighs out while glancing at the people walking by.

Sooyoung turns to leave and Jinsoul whines, “please just listen to me!” The girl freezes her step and stays even though it takes Jinsoul forever to say something else.

Above them a neon sign buzzed but it helps Jinsoul gather her thoughts, “Um you kinda proved me wrong back there.” Sooyoung narrows her eyes but allows Jinsoul to continue with a short nod, “you really like playing don’t you? It’s not because of the scores or whatever right.”

“Yes Jinsoul. I play because it relaxes me after all the bull I go through everyday.” Jinsoul flinches at Sooyoung’s cold tone. 

Scratching the back of her head she apologizes, “sorry, it probably doesn’t help with me being there.” Jinsoul admits that she’s a nuisance after learning a bit about Sooyoung. This girl wasn’t so bad after all, just extremely annoying with her way with words and confidence.

Sooyoung lets her shoulder relax after seeing the sincerity in Jinsoul’s expression, “actually you’re really fun to play with once you’re not trying to pretend that you hate me.” Sooyoung breaks through her mask and Jinsoul stumbles to protect herself. 

“I still hate you, just for different reasons.” 

The girl starts to smile and Jinsoul’s relieved that she managed to melt the icy exterior from Sooyoung again, “and I still kinda like you, for the same reasons.” Jinsoul pinches herself since she thinks she may be dreaming, she knows she can’t hide it when her breath shortens and the blush overtakes her features.

Distracting herself with the flow of people on the sidewalk she mumbles out, “you know you don’t have to keep saying that kinda stuff to throw me off. We’re not playing a game anymore.” Little does Jinsoul know that they are. It’s the same game Jiwoo warned her about. The one that Sooyoung always wins at, dangerous but so easy to get trapped in. The game Jinsoul doesn’t know what she’s getting into...or already playing. 

“You really think I was saying those things to trip you up?” Sooyoung asks softly and Jinsoul nods shyly, still refusing to look at the girl getting closer to her every second they’re standing on the quiet streets, “well maybe I was trying to do that, but not for the reasons why you think I did.”

Jinsoul huffs hating how everything Sooyoung says makes it harder to hate her, “I meant everything I said, I wasn’t trying to make you lose.”

The girl takes Jinsoul’s silence as an invitation to leave but as she brushes past the blonde she’s stopped, “hey wait you’re forgetting something.”

Sooyoung turns to face Jinsoul again and they’re a lot closer than before. The blonde takes off the jacket and hands it to her, “if you even dare to look down again I’ll toss you in front of a car.” Jinsoul groans out with a bit of embarrassment.

The girl takes her jacket and mumbles, “but you won.”

“Please, I know you were losing on purpose. I’m not stupid even though you probably think I am and I’m also not a monster to take a coat like that.” Sooyoung allows herself to be in shock, letting hang low as Jinsoul starts to back away, not liking how warm it is when she’s that close to Sooyoung. “Best two out of three?”

Sooyoung smirks, disliking how cold it got when Jinsoul backed away. “You know, if you wanna  play with me some more without the competition, all you gotta do is ask.” 

Jinsoul scoffs and rolls her eyes, “Oh shut up, I just want to see your stupid face when you actually lose…don’t be annoying like that.”

Sooyoung laughs a bit, “Right, is it okay to admit that I had a lot of fun?”

The blonde pretends to think about it, letting her eyes roam around the emptying streets as the hours get later. The buzzing from neon signs get louder, and people start to walk slower. “So you’ll come back?” 

“I’ll think about it.”

“Of course you will, it’s embarrassing to lose like that in front of everyone, especially when you didn’t, I know you’ll be back to that wounded ego of yours.” Jinsoul mocks her and turns to leave but Sooyoung stops her, not wanting the conversation to end. Jinsoul was proving to be charming in a weird kinda way. 

Holding her jacket up she her lips, “I was thinking...this looked so good on you I almost forgot this was mine.”

Jinsoul rolls her eyes at Sooyoung’s smooth voice and coy smile, “go home freak, I’m getting sick of you.” Sooyoung smiles a bit wider than before making her glasses push up on her cheeks cutely. She was starting to understand Jinsoul piece by piece.

“It was really nice meeting you Jinsoul.”

The blonde crosses her arms at the longing tone in Sooyoung’s voice and she hates how it settles in her gut, “why do you say that like there won’t be a next time.”

Sooyoung tucks her coat under her arm and gives her a soft smile, her eyes sparkling under the dull light of the street lamp, “maybe they won’t be. You did say you never wanted to see me again.” Jinsoul is about to protest, so she can tell Sooyoung it was just in the heat of things. That she didn’t mean it. That she wanted to see this girl again and again and again. Because no one has ever quite fit with her like she has. No one has ever been able to keep up with her like Sooyoung has.

But Sooyoung cuts her off before she can even begin to show herself.

“If there is though. I’ll look forward to it.”

With that Sooyoung turns and disappears into the night just like before.

The last time Jinsoul saw this happen, she was left with dull chest aches and a turning stomach.

Instead, this time, she’s left with an ever growing warmth. 


Hiii so we’re getting there I guess, I hope everyone is still enjoying this so far and looking forward to the next! Thank you guys for reading and leaving comments hehe they make my day


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here i go
I've been watching this fic for some time now, waitin for it to finish first before I start reading. I've had one too many heartbreaks when it comes to unfinished fics here in aff. :3
Nancypitolargo #3
Chapter 27: you made me cry :( this was so beautiful
locksmith-soshi #4
Chapter 27: i’m not mad... saw this coming... still hurts a little tho... but i’ll survive until ur next update. i don’t say it enough, but thanks sailorloona~
xbadwolfx #5
Chapter 25: What do you mean worst chapter! I personally loved it!! 💜
Nancypitolargo #6
Chapter 25: Heyy I missed you but I also understand school is hard so good luck on that! Keep fighting! We will wait as long as we need for updates. Please take care
Chapter 25: Ahh welcome back!. I disagree with you, I like this chapter!!. it feels like a break from the drama (which I also enjoy reading). Thanks for the update!
Nancypitolargo #8
Chapter 24: Ahhh this chapter came when I was in my worst hahaha thank you for the update. It made me really happy, i love how the story is going. Stay healthy
Chapter 24: i love love love aaaaaaaaa
Chapter 24: As expected, amazinggg ♡ I love it