Mistake 6

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Woohyun’s House


Myungsoo walked back and forth in Woohyun’s living room, waiting for a phone call a text message anything but as usual nothing. Though Sunggyu promised his friend that he’d answer his calls, it was nonsense.

“I’m getting dizzy, sit down!”

“Oh, excuse me for worrying about my best friend, Mr Lee!!”

“Here, we go again.”

“Yah, don’t give me that attitude, you would’ve done the same if it was your best friend.”

“If it were my best friend then I wouldn’t leave him alone, I would tag along.”

“But- Yah you said I should give him space!!!”

“Since when you listen to me!!” Sungyeol pinned his boyfriend on the couch, “I’m sure he is alright, uh?”

“He just got a divorce and pregnant and alone and- and sad.”

Sungyeol pecked his boyfriend’s lips, “, you’re adorable.”

“Hyung~~, I’m serious.”

“I’m serious too”, Sungyeol gave the younger one more squeeze, “I love you.”


“Yah!! Tell me you love me too.”

“Just because you said it now doesn’t mean I have to say it now too!!”

“Damn, you’re weird” Myungsoo whined when the elder messed his hair, “But I still love you.”

“Hyung~~, stop~~”, Myungsoo then looked at Woohyun, who was standing in front of the window holding his mobile but looking outside as if he was waiting for someone, “Woohyun Hyung.”

Myungsoo wriggled from the tallboy’s hold, “Yes?”

“He will call or text, don’t worry.”

Woohyun smiled thankful to hear such assuring words, thou it doesn’t erase his worries, “You were close to having a panic attack a second ago.”

“That’s because I’m dramatic, it doesn’t mean Sunggyu isn’t well.”

“How do you know?”

“I know because he is my best friend, he is the strongest among us.”

Woohyun nodded then looked outside again, “Still, he is just a kid.”


Woohyun covered his friend and boyfriend with a blanket not to catch a cold, he invited them for a sleepover not to go insane by himself thinking what bad that boy is going through by himself. As much as he pretends to be strong, Woohyun remembers that day by the court, Sunggyu looked vulnerable in front of Dongwoo, he is sure Sunggyu won’t stand a chance in front of his ex.

As promised, Woohyun didn’t text or call, he promised the younger to wait for him to call whenever he needs him. Call him crazy, but Woohyun was rested assured that Sunggyu is doing well in Seoul since he didn’t call yet, as much as he wanted to hear his voice not hearing from him meant he is doing well.

But this night Woohyun felt uneasy; he was too scared to fell asleep and miss Sunggyu’s call, so he made for himself a cup of coffee to drink outside waiting for that call. And he was right, Woohyun’s heart almost jumped from his chest seeing the caller ID.


Since it was a video call, Woohyun fixed his hair, not that it worked anyway, “Hey stranger.”

“Hey, did I wake you up?”

Woohyun showed the coffee cup to Sunggyu, “Nope, I blame the coffee.”

Sunggyu smiled at how childish Woohyun can be, “Are you alone? Where is everybody?”

Woohyun chuckled, “I bet Myungsoo told you”, Sunggyu nodded, “They’re sleeping, it’s late.”

“You should sleep too.”

“Did you call to make sure I’m sleeping?”

“Ani~, you just look tired; I want you to rest.”

Woohyun gasped dramatically touching his face, and it made Sunggyu chuckle, “Did you just call me ugly!!!! How rude.”

“You know what I mean.”

“Yeah, yeah, now tell me about you.”


“How are you? And how is your healing trip?” Woohyun sighed, “God, I miss you, and it’s been only a week.”

“I’m fine; everything is going well.”

“Aren’t you going to tell me that you miss me too?”

“Hyung, stop teasing, or I’ll hang up.”

“Araso, Araso I won’t say another word”, Woohyun then noticed something, Sunggyu is in a hotel “Aren’t you supposed to be at your ex parents’ house?”



“Hyung it’s okay.”

“No, it’s not!! Come back now!”


“How much do you need to change the damn ticket date?”

“Please stop doing that.”

“What did I do now!!”

“Offering money to fix things!”

“You know I don’t mean it that way.”

“I know, but it makes me feel uncomfortable.”

“I do the money talk because you won’t ask for my help and you know I can help.”

“Because I don’t want to be in debt for life for you! I owe you so much already.”


“You saved my baby, without you that night I would’ve had an abortion.”

Woohyun wished he could jump into the screen and hug Sunggyu tight, “You’re right, I’m sorry I won’t bring the money talk again.”


“On one condition, tell me everything happened, I just had my coffee and night is long, so talk.”

“Auntie and uncle were more than amazing to me; they even disapproved our divorce and how things turned out for us, but- he told them.”

“Told them what?”

“That I cheated on him and that I had an abortion and killed his baby.”

“That son of a !!!!!”

“His husband is pregnant too.”

The struggles showed clearly in Sunggyu’s face; the younger had a habit of biting his lips whenever he is not okay and Woohyun understood. He wasn’t jealous Dongwoo played a big part in Sunggyu’s life to be thrown like that and replaced by someone else just because he had a better degree and social status was harsh. Plus, he still doesn’t know what kind of relationship Dongwoo and Sunggyu had in the past, Woohyun doesn’t know anything about Sunggyu’s past.

“You know they’re just shocked, right? I mean, I’m sure they still love you the same.”

Sunggyu smiled though he didn’t feel like smiling, he knew what Woohyun was trying to do, and for that, he was thankful “Thank you.”

“Why do I deserve a thank you?”

“I know what you’re doing Hyung.”

Woohyun wished they talk all night, it’s calming his life feel complete if only Sunggyu feels the same way, “Yeah? And what am I trying to do?”

“Looking after me.”

“So, am I doing a good job?”

 “Yeah, it’s nice.”

“I’ll do more if you allow me.”



“Can you please come and get me? I don’t want to stay here alone.”

The magic words! Woohyun smiled and nodded fast, “Send me your address.”







“Can I get you anything else, sir?”

Sunggyu smiled for the waitress, “Thank you, I’m good.”

Sunggyu couldn’t sleep all night because of everything happening in his life; he doesn’t even know if it was fair to ask Woohyun to come and get him! That’s why he slept the morning skipping breakfast time.


“Excuse me, sir, someone is looking for you.”

“Really? I thought he’d arrive at night, where is he?”

“At the lounge, do you want me to call them over, or you want to meet them here?”

“Them? They can come here I don’t mind, I don’t have anyone here anyway.”

“Sure, sir.”


And it was the Jang, Sunggyu was too shocked to greet them, or even bow didn’t they just kick him out last night. It wasn’t a surprise that they found his place, Sunggyu had a habit in informing them about his whereabouts, and he did once he found a room in a hotel and settled in.

Without waiting for a response from Sunggyu who stayed in his place just staring at them, Mrs Jang hugged him tight, and yes it felt safe something he truly missed.

“I’m sorry, Sunggyu.”

Sunggyu had a soft heart for the Jang, so he hugged back, “I’m alright, Auntie don’t worry.”

“Auntie!!!! What happened to Uma and Appa!”

“Last night you- I thought now that we’re divorced- and then you asked me to leave?”

“When I said leave I meant to go to your room not leave the house!!” Mr Jang caressed Sunggyu’s hair, “You’re always going to be our son Sunggyu, we weren’t fair to you last night and should’ve listened to you instead, but you took it to heart and actually left!”

“But- what Hyung said-” Sunggyu lowered his head, “it’s not a lie.”

“Tell us all about it; we won’t judge”, Mrs Jang sighed sadly, “I couldn’t sleep last night not until you texted where were you sleeping, I was worried.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t want to make you worried.”

“Aigo~~, it’s out of our hands, it’s parents’ heart”, the elder caressed Sunggyu’s cheeks, “Where did your cheeks disappear!! Don’t you eat?”

Sunggyu held the elder’s hand tears rolled on her hand, “Uma, I’m so tired.”


Hotel room

Mr and Mrs Jang took Sunggyu to his room to lay down, they can tell just by looking at him how tired he was, and it’s not only physically, the younger must’ve been through so much in the US, this boy is not the same boy they sent with their son four years ago.

“Drink water”, Mr Jang offered “You’re leaving with us, I will do the checkout.”

“But- what about them, Appa?”

“Dongwoo texted and said they would be busy this week and later we will manage don’t worry.”


Mrs Jang held the younger hand, “Sunggyu, talk to us.”


“We know our son; you’re not badmouthing him or anything.”

“Where do I start, Uma?”

“From the start, what happened between you two? Last time you called us you were so happy together, Dongwoo was hugging you, and you two were laughing. Then Dongwoo arrives in Seoul alone without you saying he is getting a divorce holding another man introducing him as his fiancé? What happened there!”

That is how it happened, Dongwoo’s parents were, and still, in shock, Dongwoo didn’t even bother to explain anything stating that he is an adult and responsible for his decisions. The elders didn’t even have a saying in anything, not even fix things between their son and Sunggyu. Dongwoo dropped the fiancé bomb ending any other possible argument.


“I don’t know what happened either. We were preparing for our trip, Hyung went to work, and I went to say goodbye to my co-workers and friends at the café.” Though time passed it was hard on Sunggyu to remember that night, “He asked me out for a final date on our last night in the US, only I didn’t know he was planning to break up with me.”

“I can’t believe it!!!” Mr Jang now is angrier than before, “Tell me he gave you a reason, anything!”

“H-He did”, and again Sunggyu bit his lips unsure if he should say it or not, but the assuring hands on his hand made him feel safe, “He said he needed someone that matches his status, someone with a degree.”


“Honey, calm down!”

Mr Jang was far from calming, “Don’t tell me to calm down!!! Does our son know you dropped college to support him financially???? Is he STUPID!”

“You’re scaring Sunggyu, honey.”

“Araso, Araso, I’ll be calm”, the elder joined the two on the bed, “I’m sorry, continue, son.”

“H-He gave me money because he knew I had nothing no saving I gave him everything I earned.”

“You have a right in that house!!! The big house he is living in with his new husband.”

“Appa, please I don’t want anything to do with him, please?”

“You have a big pride”, Sunggyu closed his eyes with his head leant on the elder’s chest, “But you’re allowing me and your mother to help and support you. We won’t take no as an answer.”

“I have a job, I’m doing well”, Sunggyu looked up, “I’m back in med school and working now.”

Mrs Jang finally found a reason to smile, “I’m so proud of you, but you’re still accepting our help, and that’s final.”

“Araso, Uma.”

“Dongwoo doesn’t know, does he?” Mr Jang asked suspecting his son doesn’t have a clue about his ex-husband since he didn’t mention that part.


“Dongwoo said you cheated on him? I thought that’s why he divorced you, was that a lie?”

Sunggyu shook his head a no, “That night, when he broke up with me, I took his money and got drunk- and- things- happened.”

Mrs Jang asked worriedly, “Are you okay? Do you know the guy?”

“We’re friends now; he is a good man.”

“Friend? Are you two together now?” Sunggyu lowered his head, and Mrs Jang took at as he doesn’t want to talk about it now, so she let it slide, “Do you want to talk about the baby?”

“I- I- Uma, I’m sorry.”

Sunggyu’s eyes filled with tears at the mention of his baby giving an idea for the elders that whatever decision he made regarding that baby wasn’t easy at all, “It’s okay you were scared and alone.”

“I lied”, Sunggyu covered his face crying his heart out, “but he threatened me, he said he would take my baby that I’ll hand him over my baby, I- I was s-scared.”

Mrs Jang covered in shock, “You’re still pregnant, aren’t you?”

“Please don’t tell him, please.”

“You do realize it will show, don’t you?”

“Myungsoo made that pretty clear for me, but I’ll leave to the US soon he won’t know; please don’t tell him I beg you.”

Mrs Jang hugged Sunggyu’s poor soul allowing him to cry on her shoulder, “We won’t say anything, we promise.”

Mr Jang caressed the younger’s head agreeing with his wife, “It will be our little secret, stop crying, uh?”


The elders waited until Sunggyu stops crying, letting it all out from his chest; it seems he has been keeping everything to himself.

When he finally calmed down, Mrs Jang had to ask, “Do you at least know who is the father?”

Sunggyu nodded, “I do.”

“Who is it?” Mrs Jang smiled seeing the result on Sunggyu’s mobile, yes Myungsoo sent him the test result just in case he needed it, “My baby will be a mommy, and I’m going to be a grandmother.”


“What did you tell him?” Mrs Jang asked.

“That it’s not his son.”

“Whatever all I know is that I can’t send you alone on the plane! I’m going with you”, Mr Jang wasn’t going to leave him alone again, and it’s kind of felt nice.

“Actually, I’m not leaving alone.”

“Sunggyu~~~~, son~~~”, Mrs Jang teased, “Are we finally meeting your new boyfriend.”

“U-Uma!! He is not my boyfriend.”

“Yeah, yeah, of course, he’s not, he is your lover.”


“Boyfriend or not we are meeting him, I need to make sure you’re in good hands.”


“Don’t question our love to you Sunggyu, last night we made a mistake even parents make mistakes.”

Mr Jang felt like he needed to say more, Sunggyu still seem unsure of how they feel towards him, and they couldn’t blame him, they disappointed him last night.

“Aigo~~, don’t make him cry again!!!” Sunggyu chuckled, even though his tears were falling again, “Your father is old and dramatic, let’s ignore him.”

“Don’t listen to her!!! Talking about a drama queen!!! That woman you’re hugging didn’t let me sleep last night and scolded me because I didn’t follow you when y

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Chapter 4 in draft XD updating soooon


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702 streak #1
i am re-reading because I suddenly missed this fic 🥹
Chapter 18: Done reading one more time <3
Chapter 18: OMGyu!!! I love this sooo much! Thanks you, thanks you so much for your WooGyu/GyuWoo fanfics. I’m really grateful for you dedication and for continue writing WG stories. Right know you are the only one that are making WG fics, and that means so much to me. Because the fandom it getting less everyday it very difficult to found fanfics of INFINITE, that makes me very sad. I really love so much INFT and I really wish that they keep going (and also the fandom).
Please never give up in making WooGyu/GyuWoo fanfics, trust me, they still people (like me) that still supporting.
I still have to read the others fanfics of yours, so see you in another fics.
Sending good vibes and love!

Ps: because English is not my first language, I don’t regularly write comments because I feel uncomfortable. But trust me, I will always support you <3’s
yulianichang #4
Chapter 18: Greatt
Sweet_girl #5
Chapter 18: It was so beautiful 🥺🥺🎉🎉
Sweet_girl #6
Chapter 2: Okay!! I have not tried reading any fanfic till date and this being my first.. I kinda love this!!!
Chapter 18: I LOVE THIS BOOK <3 Happy ending for everyone
AndI hope eventho others lost interest with woogyu, you will still create more amazing books of them. We just need be patient Woohyun almost done with his military duty. Means new woogyu momments soon xD next sunday gyu will held a fanmeet btw <3
Chapter 18: Oops forgot to upvote 😅.... thank for the new fic. Continue showering us with woogyu fanfic and your right its getting rare nowadays but thanks to you its getting alive again 🎉
Chapter 18: Another wonderfull fic completed yes 😍... thank you very much authornim~ 🎉
m_nelson #10
Chapter 18: I read this entire thing in one day. Loved every bit of it.