Mistake 18

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Three months ago


Seoul Hospital


Sunggyu paced back and forth in the hospital hallway worriedly waiting for the cardiothoracic surgeon to arrive to operate on his father. Dongwoo was nowhere to be found probably celebrating his birthday somewhere with god knows who.

“Where is he!! He is late.”

Mr Jang was chilling with his wife Sunggyu and Woohyun along with their kids when he suddenly collapsed and needed urgent heart surgery. Howon was taking a nightshift that day and managed to arrange for everything, he could’ve performed the surgery himself, but Mr Jang considered to be a relative, which was against the hospital rules.

“He is on his way, don’t worry. Uncle is stable now”, Howon looked at Mrs Jang direction, “Auntie is worried, you’re freaking her out.”

Howon and Dongwoo were at their last stages of divorce; they only needed to sign one paper to end everything. However, his relationship with the elders was still the same; everyone agrees that Mr and Mrs Jang were understanding and accepting.

Howon was right; Sunggyu looked at his mother seeing clearly how worried she was “Araso”, the younger took the empty chair next to his mother and held her hand, “Uma, dad will be okay, don’t worry.”

“Where is your Hyung! Did you call him?”

“I did, he didn’t answer so I left him a voice message.”

At that moment, Dongwoo walked in with unstable steps, he wasn’t fully drunk, but he indeed had few shots, “Where is dad?”

Howon stopped him from going to his father’s room, “Wait here, the doctor said he is stable for now.”

“And why are you stopping me from checking on my father, Dr Lee?”

Howon held Dongwoo’s arm firmly hoping it will awaken the drunken man in front of him, “You’re drunk! Couldn’t you like to take a shower before you come!!”

“I’m not drunk!” Dongwoo had enough strength to yank Howon’s hand, “Mind your business, Dr Lee, we are no longer in a relationship.”

“What is that supposed to mean!!”

“It means leave, Dr Lee.”

“This has nothing to do with personal matters; I’m a doctor and doing my job.”

“Leave! I don’t want to see your face near us!”

Sunggyu watched Howon walk away from the hallway after obviously arguing with Dongwoo something they are used to it. Thankfully a doctor joined them to update them about his father’s surgeon, Sunggyu ignored Dongwoo and talked to the doctor, he had no intention to waste his time with Dongwoo.

“Where is dad doctor?”

“He had an accident and going to be late.”

A nurse ran toward them from Mr Jang room, “Dr Jang he is getting worse, he needs that surgery now.”

“I’ll do it.”

“The hell you won’t, I’m calling Dr Lee-” Without thinking Dongwoo pushed Sunggyu’s mobile from his hand causing it to break, “YAH!!”

“No one is calling anyone; I’m the best surgeon at this hospital, I’ll do dad’s surgery.”

“You’re drunk, the hell you won’t.”

“Prepare the patient for me; I’ll shower quickly and drink my coffee until you’re done.”

“Yes, Dr Jang.”

No one from the stuff could argue with Dongwoo; he is so well-known that he had the privilege of the hospital owner.

“Hyung, please let’s call Dr Lee, let him scrub in with you, please.”

“No, I don’t want that man near my family.”

“But you’re-”

“Don’t tell me you’ll worry about my dad more than me! He is my father too.”


Dongwoo patted Sunggyu’s shoulders, “Stay next to mom; I’ll take care of dad, uh?”

Though Sunggyu still felt uneasy he nodded and returned to his seat next to his mother; he prayed that Dongwoo is true to his words this time and isn’t deeply drunk that a shower will genuinely do the trick and awaken him.




Back to current time


Jang’s House


It pained Sunggyu to walk to his house and find his mother sitting alone in the living room, usually, his father would be sitting next to her teasing her before she kicks him out to his office. Something Sunggyu couldn’t get over even as time passed.

“Hey, mom”, Sunggyu hugged his mother and stayed between her arms, “How are you?”

“Good, I’m happy to see you. Where are your kids?”

“With Hyung, they will be here soon.”

“Good, I missed them”, Sunggyu stayed silent between his mother’s arms feeling blessed that she is still here and alive, “Are you staying for dinner?”

“Hmm, Elle loves your food.”

“Aigo~~, that girl is so cute”, Mrs Jang caressed Sunggyu’s hair, “Your hair is getting longer.”

“Hyung likes it long.”

“Ah~~, I see”, the elder continued playing with Sunggyu’s hair, “Well, he is right it looks good on you.”

“I’m going to call Hyung; he is late.”

“Sunggyu, wait.”

Sunggyu sat straight and smiled, “What is it?”

“Can I ask you for a favour?”

“Hmm, anything.”

“Talk to Dongwoo”, Sunggyu lowered his eyes unable to match his mother’s eyes and reject her request, “He is suffering and can’t forgive himself.”


“He’s been locking himself in his room for three months, he doesn’t eat well and doesn’t go to the hospital and doesn’t talk to anyone”, the elder held Sunggyu’s hands, “Please, I can’t lose another one now.”

“Uma~, don’t say that”, Sunggyu knew when his eyes match his mother’s he’d give in, and that’s what happened, “Araso, I’ll talk to him, where is he?”

“I’m telling you he didn’t leave his room.”

Sunggyu smiled and kissed her cheeks, “Araso~~, I’ll go and check on him.”


Dongwoo’s room

Sunggyu knocked on the door before he entered the room to find Howon sitting on the edge of the bed quietly and Dongwoo absentminded, staring at the wall. Howon didn’t continue with the divorce and cancelled at the last minute when Mr Jang died everyone was shocked his surgery was simple and could be done by any surgeon it’s just that night Mr Jang wasn’t lucky.

Call him weak, but Howon loved Dongwoo with his heart, deciding to stay by his side was one of the hardest decisions he ever made, but he couldn’t just walk away and leave Dongwoo alone.

“Hey”, Sunggyu looked at Dongwoo who didn’t move probably didn’t even notice Sunggyu existence, “How is he?”

“Same”, Howon rose from the bed, “Do you have a minute?”



Howon and Sunggyu ended up outside Dongwoo’s room to talk; it didn’t bother Sunggyu to talk to Howon like he used to be. He finally came into peace with whatever Howon did to him at the past, Sunggyu didn’t forgive him for ruining his future with cold blood but came to a decision that wasting feelings over Howon wasn’t worth it.

“I know what you’re thinking.”

“And what am I supposed to think of?”

“That I wasn’t true to my words and stayed married to Dongwoo after what he did to me.”

“I don’t care how you choose to live your life, Dr Lee.”

“I forgave him because I love him, but he needs your forgiveness more than mine.”

“How dare you ask for my forgiveness! You have no right to ask me for anything.”

“Your Hyung is suffering.”

“He dared to operate on my dad drunk! Suffering seems just right.”

Howon got on his knees, shocking Sunggyu, “He committed suicide four times.”


“He made mistakes in the past, but this particular mistake might cost him his life.”


Sunggyu returned to Dongwoo’s room alone, Howon knew he needed to give them time alone to process everything that is happening. As much as he hated to do it, he knew that his husband needs one person and one person only, Sunggyu.

The younger joined Dongwoo on the bed and had to hold his hand to get his attention, Dongwoo seemed out of this world that made the elder sly smiled at Sunggyu once he noticed him.

“Hey, what are you doing here?”

“Visiting mom.”

Dongwoo gave the younger a sad smile, “That’s nice of you; mom loves you.”

“How are you, Hyung?”


“When was the last time you had a proper meal? You’re pale.”

“Is that you worrying, or mom?”

“Mom, of course”, Sunggyu retrieved his hand, “She is worried, you dared to make mom worry about you!”, the younger then pointed at Dongwoo’s scars, “And what is this? You think suiciding will solve the issue here!!”

“Hmm, at that time I thought it would help”, Dongwoo stared at Sunggyu sadly, “I’m sorry, Sunggyu. Hyung is sorry.”

“If you think by killing yourself I’d be happy, then you’re wrong.”

“I made so many mistakes my entire life; I didn’t listen to anyone thinking I was right all the time. Dad’s death opened my eyes to things I chose to ignore at the past.”

“Then gather yourself and man up!!”

“I can’t”, Dongwoo lowered his head when his tear fell, he never imagined in his life that he’d cry in front Sunggyu, “I don’t know who I am anymore. How can you even still look at me!! After everything I did to you and to make it even worse, I took away the one thing you loved, our dad.”

“We can’t change fate, not even a sober surgeon can change anything”, Dongwoo kept on crying unable to look into Sunggyu’s eyes. “I’m not saying it was okay what you did, you made the wrong choice that day, and it cost us; dad’s life, but I know that dad would be heartbroken to see his son like this.”

“I just don’t know what to do.”

“Take a shower, have a proper meal with mom, gather your and return to the hospital and make it up to your husband.”

“I don’t deserve Howon.”

Sunggyu sighed, lifting the elder’s face to look at him, “To think about it, you don’t deserve anyone! So, hold on to him since he’s not leaving you.”

Dongwoo smiled, “Awch.”

“No, really! You’re indeed a bad guy.”


“But you have a good heart.”


“You shared your dinner with me 19 years ago when I was alone and hungry.”

“You were a dramatic kid”, Dongwoo smiled remembering that night, he still remembers the look on Sunggyu’s face, “I liked having you around, I have no regret holding your hand that day.”

“Hmm, I was a lovely boy.”

“I’m sorry, Sunggyu for everything.”


“I made mistakes one after another and never stopped even though I was warned by dad, mom, by everyone! You’re right it wasn’t okay to use you as a little boy and sleep with you, I just didn’t want to admit it because I was full of myself.”


“Then to make it even worse and instead of stopping, I proposed when I knew I didn’t feel that way towards you just to continue doing it without being questioned, I used the little boy who looked up to me as his Hyung! I used you”, Dongwoo’s tears were endless the guilt he was feeling was too big to handle, “I’m a monster! Divorcing you wasn’t the worst thing I’ve ever done to you, it’s the only right thing I’ve done in my life.”

“I’m doing well now. I’m okay.”

Dongwoo nodded, “I’m very happy for you, Sunggyu.”

“It’s not too late to be a better person.”

“H-How? I don’t know how to think now!”

“Hyung, you need to see someone I’ll set an appointment with the best doctor, you need help.”

“You think I’ll get better?”

“Yes, think about mom and your husband they should be enough to make you get through this.”

“And you?”

Sunggyu smiled wiping the elder’s tears, “You don’t have to think about me; that’s my dear husband’s job, not you.”

“You really love him, don’t you?”

“Very, I still get butterflies thinking about him, and I’m not ashamed to admit.”

“I wish you all the happiness Sunggyu.”

“Thank you.”

“Can I give you one last hug?” Sunggyu nodded and initiated the hug, “You think Howon would give me another chance?”

“If he wouldn’t, he wouldn’t come every day to look after you. Dr Lee loves you.”

Dongwoo backed from the hug, “Sunggyu about your miscarriage.”

“I know, Dr Lee told me.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Hmm, you should be sorry.”


“I can forgive you for everything you did, but not this”, Dongwoo lowered his head, “You did this on purpose.”

“If there is one thing I want to change is this, I know how you felt now, to lose a part of you, it hurts so much. I’m sorry, Sunggyu I’m truly sorry.”

“Don’t do this to your husband, ever.”

“Promise I won’t.”


“One stupid mistake can change ever

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Chapter 4 in draft XD updating soooon


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702 streak #1
i am re-reading because I suddenly missed this fic 🥹
Chapter 18: Done reading one more time <3
Chapter 18: OMGyu!!! I love this sooo much! Thanks you, thanks you so much for your WooGyu/GyuWoo fanfics. I’m really grateful for you dedication and for continue writing WG stories. Right know you are the only one that are making WG fics, and that means so much to me. Because the fandom it getting less everyday it very difficult to found fanfics of INFINITE, that makes me very sad. I really love so much INFT and I really wish that they keep going (and also the fandom).
Please never give up in making WooGyu/GyuWoo fanfics, trust me, they still people (like me) that still supporting.
I still have to read the others fanfics of yours, so see you in another fics.
Sending good vibes and love!

Ps: because English is not my first language, I don’t regularly write comments because I feel uncomfortable. But trust me, I will always support you <3’s
yulianichang #4
Chapter 18: Greatt
Sweet_girl #5
Chapter 18: It was so beautiful 🥺🥺🎉🎉
Sweet_girl #6
Chapter 2: Okay!! I have not tried reading any fanfic till date and this being my first.. I kinda love this!!!
Chapter 18: I LOVE THIS BOOK <3 Happy ending for everyone
AndI hope eventho others lost interest with woogyu, you will still create more amazing books of them. We just need be patient Woohyun almost done with his military duty. Means new woogyu momments soon xD next sunday gyu will held a fanmeet btw <3
Chapter 18: Oops forgot to upvote 😅.... thank for the new fic. Continue showering us with woogyu fanfic and your right its getting rare nowadays but thanks to you its getting alive again 🎉
Chapter 18: Another wonderfull fic completed yes 😍... thank you very much authornim~ 🎉
m_nelson #10
Chapter 18: I read this entire thing in one day. Loved every bit of it.