Mistake 3

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Myungsoo’s dorm


Sungyeol left in a daze after Sunggyu left, he still isn’t sure that the boy just left is the same his friend slept with a week ago, what if that boy stole Sunggyu’s jacket? He can’t just lift Woohyun’s hope for nothing. And yes, Woohyun did fell hard for a stranger he met at the bar, which was stupid he doesn’t know anything about him, and everything he told him might be a lie too, but oh well that’s Sungyeol’s friend it’s too late to ask for a replacement.


“What’s wrong?”


“You’ve been in another world ever since Sunggyu left, what’s going on?”

“That’s not true.”

Myungsoo chuckled, “He is handsome, I know, but you wouldn’t stand a chance with him.”

“Y-Yah, I never said I want to date him,” Sungyeol poked Myungsoo’s cute dimple, “I like you and only you.”

“You better.”

“And why would you say that!!! I happen to have a good social status.”

Myungsoo laughed again, and Sungyeol wished he could freeze time just to watch his beautiful face, “Sunggyu’s ex is a big doctor, you wouldn’t stand a chance comparing to him.”

23 and ex-husband of a prominent doctor, the stories are similar Sungyeol thought Woohyun's story isn’t real, “Ex? As in ex-boyfriend?”

“Ex-Husband,” Myungsoo’s smile disappeared, remembering Sunggyu’s ex, “That used my friend to be a big surgeon, and when he reached his goal he looked for another one and divorced my friend.”

“Is his ex by any chance happen to be Jang Dongwoo?”

Myungsoo nodded, impressed, “How did you know?”

“Because Sunggyu told my best friend last week.”

“Your friend? Where did they meet?”

“At a bar.”

“Sunggyu doesn’t drink; it must be another guy.”

“I’m telling you it’s your friend, they even slept together, and he forgot his jacket at Woohyun’s place, the one you asked about.”

“That’s impossible, Sunggyu would never do such a stupid thing.”

“Well, that’s what happened.”

“I don’t get it, why didn’t he tell me then!”

“Maybe he was scared, you said it yourself he would never do such a thing, he must’ve had a weak moment.”

“I’m just relieved it’s your friend and not someone else.”

“Yeah, me too!! Woohyun fell hard for that boy. I’m glad I found him.”

“Oh no, no, no, you can’t tell your friend you found him.”

“Why not?”

“Sunggyu is very delicate; I don’t want anyone else to hurt him.”

“My friend is a good man.”

“And so was his ex-husband!!”

“Are you comparing my friend to that !!!!” Sungyeol got up, pissed off, “Fine, I’m leaving.”

Myungsoo followed Sungyeol before he leaves, in the hope he could explain his fears before the tallboy misunderstands him.

“Sunggyu had dreams, and that doctor crashed them; he left med school and gave up his dreams for him, and finally, he is back on his feet to gather himself.”

“Not all men are bad, Myung.”

“I never said your friend is bad; I’m just trying to explain the situation for you,” Myungsoo reached for the elder’s hands, “Dr Jang lied to him even about his own body.”

“What do you mean?”

“Sunggyu can’t get pregnant easily, he needs treatments, Dongwoo didn’t tell him or even got him the right treatment he just gave up on him and chose someone who can give him a child.”

“I didn’t know.”

Sungyeol walked back in with Myungsoo to the sofa, “He lost his first baby four years ago, Sunggyu was so young at that time and blamed himself all these years for not being careful. It turns out his dear husband didn’t fill him in with all details about it.”

“I see.”

“I’m just trying to protect him; I have nothing against your friend.”

“I understand,” Sungyeol hugged his boyfriend, “Araso, I’ll keep that info for myself. I won’t tell Woohyun.”

“Thank you.”

“Anything for my kitten.”

Myungsoo backed from the hug, looking like an angry kitten, “You seriously want to die, don’t you!!!!”




Café – Sunggyu’s working place


“What can I get you, sir?”

“How about I buy you a drink instead,” the customer gave Sunggyu a paper with his number on it, “What do you say?”

Sunggyu bowed and pushed the paper back toward him, “I’m dating someone else, I’m sorry sir.”

“Ah~~~, that too bad,” the customer smiled, taking back his paper, “Lucky date you have, you’re handsome.”

Sunggyu bowed again, “thank you, sir. So, what can I get you?”

“Iced Americano with extra ice, please.”

“Right away, sir.”

“Keep the change.”

Sunggyu bowed, “Thank you.”


It’s been four hours since Sunggyu been standing taking orders, but he wasn’t tired; he’s been doing this for too long now, so he is used to it. The owner of the café patted Sunggyu’s back to get his attention, “Why don’t you take a break now, you deserved it.”

The elder prepared a coffee for Sunggyu, “Ajusshi, you didn’t have to make one for me.”

“Aigo~~, you’re like a son to me now, it’s nothing, go on take it, Sungjong will take your place now.”


The minute Sunggyu walked in the resting area with his drink, Woohyun walked into the café holding books, he ordered his drink from Sungjong then took a quiet corner to study and finish his reports. It was like fate didn’t want them to meet again, not yet.

Woohyun was also meeting up with his friend Sungyeol; the latter brought along Myungsoo so that they meet finally. Myungsoo was relieved to find Sungjong behind the counter taking orders; it means they arrived at Sunggyu’s break.


“You guys are finally here,” Woohyun offered a hand for Myungsoo, “I’m Woohyun, this tallboy best friend.”

Myungsoo took the offered hand, “Myungsoo, nice to meet you.”

“Wow Yeol, you weren’t kidding when you said he is handsome.”

“Worth every time I cheated on you.”

“Omg, you have no shame.”

“We’re sorry,” Myungsoo felt terrible, he knew about Woohyun when he was sleeping with Sungyeol anyway.

“Aigo~~, that’s okay; we weren’t even serious about each other, I just pitted him and dated him until he finds someone he loves and I guess he found one.”

Myungsoo lowered his head embarrassed; not only Sungyeol was blunt; his friend was no better too!!!

“Stop it, Hyun, you’re embarrassing, my boy, only I get to make him blush!!”

“H-Hyung! Omg, Shut up!!!”

“Possessive, good luck dealing with him, Myungsoo.”

“I’ll be right back; I want to say hi to a friend.”

“Hmm, go, go I won’t go anywhere without you.”


“Only for you, baby.”

As if Woohyun was waiting for Myungsoo to be out of the picture to ask his friend.

“So, did you find the owner of the jacket?”

“Again, with that guy, I told you it’s impossible to find someone using only his jacket.”

“Where is it? I could look into the pocket I might find something.”

“I- I gave it to the lost and found.”

“You did what????”

Sungyeol sighed, admitting what he did, “I lied. I told you I'd take it and try to look for the owner while I intended to drop it at the lost and found.”

“Why would you do such a thing without asking me!!!”

“Because Hyun, you’ve been spending the whole week holding that damn jacket waiting for it to expose its owner address!!! You’ve lost it.”

“I don’t do that!”

“Forget about that boy; you’re better off without him.”

“Why? Omg, did you find him already??????”

“N-No, that’s why I’m telling you to move on, he was a one-night-stand anyway, and you said he’s married.”

“He signed the divorce papers.”

“It doesn’t mean he is divorced yet; he needs to take these papers to his lawyer.”

As Sungyeol stated the facts which honestly all made sense, Woohyun’s excitement turned into the complete opposite, he felt stupid for running after a stranger who could be by now back to Seoul with his husband.

“You’re right.”

“Hyunie~~~, don’t be sad.”

Woohyun smiled lightly, “I just thought he could be the one.”


At the rest area

“Hey Gyu,” Myungsoo frowned, checking the book his friend is reading, “Again, studying!!”

“I told you I like to study; it’s fun to me,” Myungsoo kept on staring at his friend, remembering what Sungyeol said, “W-What!”

“Can I ask you a question?”


“And you promise to tell the truth?”

Sunggyu smiled, closing his book to give his friend his full attention, “What’s wrong with you today? Did you fight with your boyfriend already?”

“Ani, but we had an interesting discussion.”

“Oh, you did? About what?”

“Your jacket.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I think you understand pretty well what I mean,” Myungsoo felt like he needed to make Sunggyu feel safe and talk, “I’m your best friend, you can tell me anything I won’t judge you.”

“I- I know.”

“I know you met someone last week and probably slept with him, which I hope I’m wrong.”

Since it took Sunggyu too long to talk or let’s say he doesn’t seem like he’s going to admit anything, Myungsoo had to be very direct and ask his friend.

“Omg! Who told you!!! Sungjong?”

“ you, Gyu, you told Sungjong and not me.”

“I have my reasons!!!”

“Why!!!! We all can agree that what you did was the stupidest thing you’ve ever done in your life!!!! Sleeping with a stranger!!!! What the hell were you thinking!!” Myungsoo didn’t stop there, “And here I thought to marry that doctor was a mistake turns our nothing you do is right, making mistakes is your ing talent!!”


The look in Sunggyu’s face said it all; he was disappointed by his friend’s reaction words sometimes hurt more than actions, and for these words to come from a very close person is worst.

“Gyu- I’m sorry.”

“Are you done? Can you leave now!”

“I’m just looking after you; I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”

“Just because I made a mistake and ran to you one time doesn’t give you the right to talk to me like that! I have feelings too, and I’m aware of what I did, I wanted to sleep with him. I asked him to sleep with me.”


“Thank you for everything you’ve done to me Myung, I’m truly forever in debt for you and Sungjong, but let me make my own mistakes and recover without being judged by the dearest person to my heart.”


Sunggyu nodded, and it made Myungsoo realize his mistake, so he immediately apologized and hugged his friend, “I’m sorry, you know how much I care about you, right?”

“I do, that’s why I didn’t tell you.”

“We tell each other everything, do you know how much I was hurt when Sungyeol Hyung told me about it!”

Sunggyu frowned, not getting it, “What do you mean- why would he know about it?”

“Ah, that, because the guy you slept with happens to be his best friend.”

“Nam Woohyun, is his best friend?”

“, he even told you his name? I thought he is a one-night kind of .”

“He is a one-night thingy.”

“But you two exchanged too much information about yourself for a one-night stand.”

“I was drunk.”

“But sober enough to ask him to sleep with you? Are you nut!”

“, I knew that was a mistake.”

“No , how did you figure this out genius?”

“Are you making fun of me?” Myungsoo nodded, “Wah, and you call yourself my friend.”

“That man over there has been looking for you for a week now!!! And he doesn’t look like a player, so I bet he is serious about you.”

“What do you mean serious I’m still married for god sakes; my divorce papers aren’t done yet.”

“You should’ve thought of that before asking a stranger to sleep with you.”

“You’re not going to let go of this, aren’t you?”


Sungjong joined them looking for Sunggyu; he was supposed to have 15 minutes break, not an hour!

“There you are!!! Come back there; I need help” Sungjong then looked at Myungsoo, “And if your free, help us, will you!”

“I’m here to clean up the mess you and your dear friend did.”

“Sunggyu? What did he do?”

“The man Sunggyu slept with last week is in the café.”

Sunggyu and Sungjong looked at each other shocked, “, you didn’t tell me that!!!”

“You told him!!!”


“Of course, he didn’t; I figured it out by myself,” Myungsoo scanned Sungjong from head to toe, “I can’t believe you trusted that person over me!”

“Yah!! Do you want to die!!!”

“Stop it, you two,” Sunggyu stood between his friends before they kill each other, “Help me, Myung, I don’t want to meet him.”

“Wah, now you ask for my help!” Myungsoo pitied his friend; he never saw Sunggyu that desperate before, “Fine, I’ll suggest we leave to another restaurant.”

“Omg, thank you, thank you.”

Myungsoo smiled, patting his friend’s back when he hugged him, “Don’t mention it, give me less than 5 minutes.”


And Myungsoo was on his words; he quickly convinced them to leave the café in less than 5 minutes. All he had to do is tell Sungyeol how badly he wants to eat Sushi with him and invited Woohyun to get to know him, which Woohyun found it cute, besides Myungsoo is too adorable to reject his invitation.


Everything seemed to work just fine for Sunggyu until his shift ended leaving the café alone, Sungjong was covering the last hour this time only to bump into the one person he’s been avoiding, Woohyun.

“Sunggyu? Is that you?” Sunggyu looked up in shock, “Oh, you found your jacket; that’s good.”

Sunggyu nodded still didn’t alter a word, “…”

So Woohyun tried again, this time offering a hand to shake, which Sunggyu didn’t take he firmly kept his hands in his pockets, “Don’t you remember me?”

“I do,” Sunggyu bowed, “Nam Woohyun, sir.”

“Yah, call me Hyung,” Sunggyu nodded silently, “Can I invite you for a cup of coffee?”


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Chapter 4 in draft XD updating soooon


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702 streak #1
i am re-reading because I suddenly missed this fic 🥹
Chapter 18: Done reading one more time <3
Chapter 18: OMGyu!!! I love this sooo much! Thanks you, thanks you so much for your WooGyu/GyuWoo fanfics. I’m really grateful for you dedication and for continue writing WG stories. Right know you are the only one that are making WG fics, and that means so much to me. Because the fandom it getting less everyday it very difficult to found fanfics of INFINITE, that makes me very sad. I really love so much INFT and I really wish that they keep going (and also the fandom).
Please never give up in making WooGyu/GyuWoo fanfics, trust me, they still people (like me) that still supporting.
I still have to read the others fanfics of yours, so see you in another fics.
Sending good vibes and love!

Ps: because English is not my first language, I don’t regularly write comments because I feel uncomfortable. But trust me, I will always support you <3’s
yulianichang #4
Chapter 18: Greatt
Sweet_girl #5
Chapter 18: It was so beautiful 🥺🥺🎉🎉
Sweet_girl #6
Chapter 2: Okay!! I have not tried reading any fanfic till date and this being my first.. I kinda love this!!!
Chapter 18: I LOVE THIS BOOK <3 Happy ending for everyone
AndI hope eventho others lost interest with woogyu, you will still create more amazing books of them. We just need be patient Woohyun almost done with his military duty. Means new woogyu momments soon xD next sunday gyu will held a fanmeet btw <3
Chapter 18: Oops forgot to upvote 😅.... thank for the new fic. Continue showering us with woogyu fanfic and your right its getting rare nowadays but thanks to you its getting alive again 🎉
Chapter 18: Another wonderfull fic completed yes 😍... thank you very much authornim~ 🎉
m_nelson #10
Chapter 18: I read this entire thing in one day. Loved every bit of it.