Brown Eyes

"Nothing. Just gave you a little medicine," Minhyun hissed and dashed out from the chamber but he didn't get far when Minki showed up along with a few other sorcerers. He took a step back and turned around but there was no where to run as Jonghyun exited the chamber as well, face seething with rage. He tried to run the opposite way but instantly, his body crashed against the wall and he dropped to the ground. He groaned and pushed himself up but cold ice wrapped around his legs and he fell again, using his hands to support his fall as he looked down in horror. His feet were frozen to the ground and he shot glares back at the sorcerers. He really stood no chance against them.

"Ugh-let-go!" Minhyun hissed as he was then roughly shoved to the ground by the sorcerers. Baekho lifted his head at the very sound of Minhyun's voice. He gasped and tried to crawl towards him but was still held back by the chains. Jonghyun stepped forward and with his wind powers, held Minhyun down on the ground as the human male hissed.

"You have way more vigour than most humans. You dare stand against us sorcerers when you're just weak and pathetic," Jonghyun snapped at the human male. Baekho growled and the chains rattled as he tried to pull at them. A rage built within him as he watched Jonghyun circle around Minhyun. Jonghyun eyed the tiger who had yet to switch forms again and smirked. "Minki."

"Yes, Jonghyun?"

"How low would a human temperature need to be before they die?"

"They'll lose consciousness at 28 degrees and most likely develop hypothermia at 21, death will only be a matter of time," Minki replied.

"Really?" Jonghyun squatted down and lifted Minhyun's cheeks up. "So let's say you lower his body temperature to 21 now. He will die? And how long would it take you?"

"Well, yes. Won't take long. Maybe 2 minutes."

"Did you hear that, tiger?"

Baekho couldn't say anything with whatever it was Minhyun had put inside his mouth so he could only growl. His body tensed at the very thought that Minhyun would die in front of him. He knew the human male was susceptible to the cold since Minhyun would always complain about how cold it was and the amount of layers he would put on just to fend it off.

"You have two minutes."

"Wait, you want me to-"

"Yes, Minki. You'll do it for me, won't you?"

"Ah... Yes, of course."

"That's crazy, Jonghyun. You're playing with his life," Aron interrupted, unable to watch as his leader descend even further into madness. "Minki, don't."

"If Jonghyun wants me to, I'll do it," Minki said and approached Minhyun. Baekho shook his head and let out a sharp cry, struggling against the chains that held him down. He tried to pull them off like he once had during his successful escape but they were much tougher this time and infused with magic. Minhyun twitched and tried to move but he couldn't, not with something weighing on him even though he couldn't see it. Minki held his hand out and it felt like a blizzard was tackling his body. Minhyun shivered but couldn't even curl up to try to warm himself up. He gritted his teeth that started chattering as well. It was cold. So, so cold.

"Nggh-" Baekho grunted and he forced himself to transform. He had to if he wanted Minhyun to be safe. His body glowed but died down. He couldn't. He didn't have enough energy. He cried out and tried again.

"Jonghyun, he can't do it anymore. This will all be futile," Aron argued, trying to speak some sense into the sorcerer supreme.

"Yes, he can. He just needs a little push."

Minhyun batted his eyelash, suddenly feeling really sleepy and tired. He gasped for air and glanced at Baekho who continued struggling for his sake. He just wanted to hold the other, feel his warm embrace and be safe. Baekho roared as his body finally started changing again. Jonghyun smiled at the sight of it but Aron was horrified. The light engulfed him and the tiger stood there, glowing even brighter to the point they had to squint. Baekho tugged at the chains and they snapped to several of the sorcerers horror including Minki who took a few steps back.

"That's right. All that repressed energy. Give it over," Jonghyun said and held a hand out, about to absorb his energy when Baekho charged pass him, tackling Minki first to get him away from Minhyun. He was quicker than before as if all his limits had been broken. He swung the ice sorcerer away like a dummy and howled, daring anyone to come closer. Aron shifted backwards. This was his chance. Just as Jonghyun was about to use his magic on Baekho, Aron interfered with his own wall of fire. The wind only caused the fire to intensify.

"Aron, what are you doing?!"

"You have gone far enough, Jonghyun. I tried to stop you."

"I'm doing this for all our sake. Remove your fire immediately."

"I'm sorry. I can't let the two of them die just for our sakes." Jonghyun flashed his teeth at his own subordinate and sent a barrage of wind towards him. Aron tried to block it but was pushed back. Baekho was confused but hurriedly checked on Minhyun who was very close to passing out but the fire wall had managed to warm him back up just on time. Baekho whimpered and nudged Minhyun who held onto him.

"I'm okay," He whispered softly and tried to get up. Ice struck Baekho's side and he hissed, Minhyun gasped and turned his attention to the ice sorcerer who looked unhappy.

"I don't care if you're our source of energy. Nobody hits me!" Minki snapped and threw his magic in Baekho's direction but a wave of fire made it combust on the spot, earning a gasp from him. "Aron! What is the meaning of this?!"

"Like I said, I won't let them die! They're innocent and has never once threaten us and yet we are trying to kill them. Don't you guys see how absurd this situation is?" In that moment, Jonghyun and Minki both directed their attacks towards the traitor and being unable to defend himself on time, he slammed up against the wall and wheezed. Minki walked up to the fire sorcerer and created a long ice spear, placing the sharp tip against his neck. Aron gritted his teeth.

"Aron!" Minhyun gasped, seeing the sorcerer being attacked by his own people. He barely managed to stand up using Baekho as a support.

"I'll deal with you later," Jonghyun growled at Aron before turning his attention back to Baekho and Minhyun who both froze up. Baekho would have already started running if he had been alone but Minhyun was weak and didn't have the energy to even climb onto him but even then, he wouldn't have been able to hold onto his fur. "You've caused Aron to turn against us. I cannot forgive you for that."

"Stop it, Jonghyun. They have done nothing wrong," Aron pleaded him.

"Baekho, turn back," Minhyun whispered to him. Baekho was confused by Minhyun's request since he knew Jonghyun was about to attack them at any given moment now but he obeyed. Fur turning back to skin as he returned to his human form.

"What are you doing?!" Jonghyun snarled and was about to hit them with a full blown attack when Minhyun pulled out the knife he had taken from the kitchen earlier. It startled the sorcerer supreme for a split moment before he started laughing. "You intend to go against me with a knife?"

"I did but you gave me another idea earlier," Minhyun said and held onto Baekho who returned his hold protectively. He stared into the hazel eyes and smiled. "I'm going to set you free, Baekho. There is no. Other. Way."

"Minhyun?" Baekho whimpered, uncertain what was going on but he didn't like it.

"I'm sorry." Minhyun kissed his forehead and stabbed Baekho at the same time. Baekho gasped and so did the other sorcerers in the room.

"NO!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Jonghyun bellowed and blasted wind in their direction, sending the two of them skidding across the floor. Minhyun pushed himself up and held Baekho down, checking his pulse. Baekho choked and gulped down air, trying to stay alive but felt his consciousness rapidly fading. He clung onto Minhyun and wheezed.

"No. I don't want to die. I don't want to leave you," Baekho begged Minhyun even as it got difficult for him to breathe and talk.

"I'm sorry. This is the only way. Only in death will you be free," Minhyun said and Jonghyun gasped because that was what he had said.

"You killed him just because of that?" Jonghyun uttered his words in disbelief. Tears flowed down from Minhyun's eyes as Baekho's body became cold and still.

"Isn't it better to die by the hands of the one you love instead of people who only want to use you?" Minhyun said bitterly as he caressed Baekho's cheek. "Now he's gone."

Even Minki had stepped down after what Minhyun did. Aron got up and went to his side. He didn't, not for even a second, think that Minhyun would actually kill Baekho. He thought they were in love. He didn't know what to say or how to even offer his condolences. Minhyun looked at Aron and rubbed his tears away.

"Could you bring us back to my home? I would very much like to bury him there," Minhyun asked in a tired tone and Aron didn't have the heart to reject the other's request. Jonghyun was stunned and speechless even as the weretiger was carried out by the two males. Aron helped Minhyun lay the motionless Baekho into a carriage and rode the horse back to the doctor's home. All the while, Minhyun held onto Baekho's hand and stayed silent. Once they reached, Minhyun had Aron help lay Baekho in his living room. The mess in his house was disastrous but he had nothing to say about it.

"Sorry I can't help you," Minhyun told Aron who was surprised.

"Help me?"

"Fighting the other sorcerers. I'm only human."

"No. There's nothing for you to apologise for. I'm sorry... We couldn't... Escape with... Baekho alive. I don't know what to say."

"There's no need to."

"Do you need help with the burial?"

"No. I... I want to do it alone but thank you. You can go now. And I hope we never meet again."

Aron understood and nodded, slowly stepping back. He gave the sullen doctor one more gaze before heading back. Minhyun sat on the floor, hearing the horse hooves slowly getting softer and softer until only the snowy wind was left.

He let out a shaky breath and immediately got to work. He pulled out the knife and bandaged the wound before he lifted Baekho up. He wrapped his arms around Baekho's waist and immediately started to pull harshly. He did it a couple of times until Baekho spat out a bright red mushroom. Immediately, the weretiger gasped for air and choked on his saliva. Minhyun patted his back gently as Baekho's eyes opened widely and he looked around wildly until his eyes laid on Minhyun.

"I-i...i died!" he yelped and Minhyun smiled, nodding in relief.

"You did."

"You died too?" the naive male asked and Minhyun chuckled.

"No. You just came back alive," Minhyun replied to Baekho's confusion.


The doctor got up and got a cloth to wipe his hands. "I killed you. For a moment. It was a risk but... I had to take it."

"Woah, Woah. You... You stabbed me, didn't you? How am I-"

Minhyun walked back to Baekho and held his hands with a gentle smile on his lips. "I'm a doctor. I know where to stab people so they won't die even if it looks like I stabbed your heart. Plus it's not actually that easy to stab someone."

Baekho was stunned and speechless. It took him several seconds before he laughed and hugged Minhyun. "You're crazy!"

Minhyun laughed along and hugged him back. "A little. I was willing to risk your life just to free you... If it wasn't for your own stupidity the other time you ingested a paralysing herb, I wouldn't have tried it."

"Huh? You mean that bitter thing I took before?"

"Yes. It wasn't deadly but it also had no effect on you so it was a risk. It worked so... You're free now. From the sorcerers because they think you're dead."

"Ooh." Baekho's eyes twinkled and he squeezed Minhyun. "You're crazy smart!"

Minhyun chuckled and kissed Baekho's head. He was so glad the other didn't die from having swallowed a poisonous mushroom. He would probably be too devastated by the fact that he killed Baekho to do anything anymore. He was a doctor after all. He wasn't meant to kill but to save lives.

"I'm free!" Baekho cheered and Minhyun wasn't expecting the other to stand up, lifting him into a hug as well. Minhyun laughed and nodded, relieved that Baekho had energy to do so. Baekho wanted to kiss Minhyun but the human male stopped him, making sure he cleansed his mouth first. Baekho might not die from the mushroom but that didn't apply to Minhyun.

They laid in bed after somewhat fixing the bedroom and snuggled one another, feeling relieved that that was all over now.

"I'm so glad we didn't die," Baekho said while sighing. Minhyun nodded.

"Of course." He eyed Baekho who was smiling and had his eyes shut. He gulped and leaned closer, closing his own eyes as he kissed Baekho. Baekho flinched but returned the kiss with a small giggle. "We should talk about this too."

"About what?" Baekho asked, pretending to not know what Minhyun was talking about.


Baekho pouted and kissed Minhyun again. "Do we have to?"

Minhyun mumbled into the kiss. "Yes..." Baekho propped himself up with his elbows and smiled at Minhyun.

"Okay then. I really really really reallllllyyyyy love you!" Baekho confessed casually and that made Minhyun stun. Red crept up his cheeks in a rush and the next second, he hid his face and squealed into his hands. Baekho grinned and laughed from the human male's reaction.

"What on earth, Baekho! You can't just do that to me!" Minhyun complained and Baekho could only keep laughing.

"Come here!" Baekho giggled and hugged Minhyun again, climbing onto him as the other tried to roll out of bed to avoid looking at the other with his flustered face. Baekho gently removed Minhyun's hands from his face and Minhyun pouted. Baekho smiled and kissed his cheek. "I really do love you." Minhyun's heart was pounding so fast that he felt faint again. Baekho giggled. "Your heart is beating so fast."

"What. You can hear my heartbeat?" Minhyun blurted out since Baekho's ear was nowhere near his chest. The innocent male nodded and Minhyun gasped. "For how long?"

"Ever since I woke up in your room and saw you for the first time? I have sharp ears. Your heart always beat so fast whenever we had to take a shower or when I hug you and when you kiss-"

Minhyun squealed and covered Baekho's lips. The red had rised all the way to the tip of his ears. "And you didn't tell me?!"

"I didn't know what it meant but I do now," Baekho mumbled behind Minhyun's hand and chuckled. Minhyun was embarrassed for life. "You love me too, right?"

"Oh lord," Minhyun groaned and Baekho's bright smile wasn't helping his heart at all. "You're going to make me die early."

"No way!"

"I do love you," Minhyun said and kissed Baekho who blushed as well. They giggled and enveloped each other with love and warmth, holding onto one another protectively and lovingly as they made silent promises never to let the other go and to always, always protect them no matter the situation.



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Last chapter tmr >< and then I'll have to focus on the prompt story and also red luggage so I can get back on track with stmy


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194 streak #1
194 streak #2
Amalina123 #3
Chapter 8: Sorry I’ve just finished reading ?
I... need time to digest this uWu someone being so sweet here
Minhyun-ah, don't show it too much. You're so naive in hiding your heart beat, it hurts me.
Thanks Axel for providing Baekmin daily supplies ?
purpleviper #4
Chapter 8: Uuuh..this is cute!! The ending, i caaaaan't...!!yes pls stay away from our Baekmin!! Except Aron ,lol

Thankyou author-nim ;)
minbaekhoe #5
Chapter 8: One of the softest baekmin fic out there!!!!!! Thank you for this masterpiece!!! Ily ?
NeenaKang #6
Chapter 8: Thanks for this lovely story ?
Chapter 8: Yey!!! Done!! Another awesome story author-nim!! Great work as always!! Thank you! The story was unique and interesting and sweet! Not the usual hybrid fic that I have read! Great twist at that shocking end part! And the best part is that its a happy ending!! :))
Looking forward to more happy baekmin endings from you author-nim! Fighting :))))
minbaekhoe #8
Chapter 7: Ooohh!! Is it almost over? I cant believe we're almost at the end!! I forgot this is just a short fic...
My guess is right!! Aron will be an ally! Baekmin needs one!
So apparently there's a war among wizards! And Baekho's energy is being used so Jonghyun's group can fight! And Baekho is the only one left from his kind?? Gosh! I love it!!
Chapter 6: JRen as villain??!!! Gosh!! Why????? My mind is still not accepting JR as the bad wizard who tortured Baekho!!!! Grrrrr!!!!
This looks impossible to solve but this is happy ending right author-nim?? Lol!!
I think Baekho is powerful enough to save them considering that JR is using his energy to power his magic!!.. also, we still havent read about Aron so hopefully he can help Baekmin???