Brown Eyes

They sat beside one another, still huddled under the covers in bed. First snow had arrived when they were asleep and now they just stared out the window where snow was pattering gently against it. Baekho was like a furnace beside Minhyun and he didn't want to leave, not that the other did either. His body warmth was definitely more effective than the fireplace outside.

"Min... Hyun."

Baekho broke the silence and Minhyun breathed in, hearing his name come out from the lips of the male that he had fallen for. It made his ears tingle and cheeks red.

"Mmm... Yes, Baekho?"

"My real name... Isn't Baekho," He said while turning to look at Minhyun who returned the gaze. Baekho's voice was much more mellow compared to his animalistic one. It was light and gentle to the ears. Or at least to Minhyun's.

"Well... Yes. I gave you that name. What's your real name then?"

He smiled and leaned closer until he could lay his head on Minhyun's shoulder. Minhyun felt his heartbeat speed up again and he fiddled with his fingers nervously. Why was he even this nervous? His stomach was cramping up too.



Baekho, Dongho nodded and smiled. "But... You can call me Baekho. I think... I like that better."

Minhyun literally felt himself heat up from what Baekho said. He wanted to keep the name that Minhyun gave him. It made him feel delighted.

"It suits me."

"It does," Minhyun said with a light chuckle. "You're an actual white tiger."

"Mm... I can... Transform. More like a weretiger."

"Is that what your species is called? Weretigers?"

"I think so. From what I can... Recall roughly."

"What do you mean?" Minhyun bent forward a little to see Baekho's expression.

"Before... You picked me up, I was... Locked away. For a really... Really long time."

Locked? Minhyun kept silent as Baekho spoke. Slowly but he was starting to get a hold of his ability to speak again. He couldn't understand why would anyone want to lock Baekho away. He seemed harmless.

"I spent... So much time in a dark place. I forgot... My name. I forgot a lot...of things. I forgot my friends... My... Family."

Minhyun felt his heart ache for him. Without realising, he had pulled Baekho into a tight embrace.

"You must've had gone through a lot," Minhyun said softly while patting his head. Baekho sniffed Minhyun, feeling at peace with the other's presence.

"You reminded me of them. The way they loved me. Cared for me. I was afraid to lose this again. That's why I want to stay and protect what I have here. I want to protect you. Is that... Okay?" Baekho asked while meeting his eyes.

"But is your family still alive? They might be worried about you instead," Minhyun asked even though he felt his heart just bursting with pure bliss from what Baekho had just said.

"I don't know. I... I still can't remember a lot of things. I can't remember their faces... Or where I came from. I just... Remember things in bits and pieces. Please don't chase me away..."

"I would never dream of doing that," Minhyun gasped and he squeezed Baekho. "I want you to stay too.... If you are willing to."

Baekho smiled and returned the hug although he had to hold back his strength just in case he actually crushed Minhyun who was a full human. "I want to stay. I do."

Minhyun could literally jump for joy but he held it in, just melting into Baekho's firm arms. "Tell me more about yourself."

"I remember we used to run free in the fields... The forest. There were a couple of us. My friends and family stayed together. I don't remember if there were others but I think there was. Everyone was... Lovely. We lived everyday freely until... We got captured or I did. I'm not too sure, "Baekho continued. "The last thing I recall before I was brought away was... My parents screaming for me."

"That must've had been horrifying," Minhyun whispered, unable to believe that such a thing would happen to an innocent male like Baekho. "Who captured you?"

"I don't know... But they were using me like... Some... Kind of... Energy. I think. They forced me to keep my tiger form and leeched me of my strength so I couldn't escape. It went on... For so long. I... I was scared and lonely. I kept thinking how I wanted it to end... How I just wanted it to stop." Baekho held onto Minhyun tighter the more he recalled his memories. Minhyun just felt more and more dread towards the other's suffering.

"I'm so glad you didn't end it," Minhyun said softly, tears stinging his eyes. "Or else I wouldn't have been able to meet you."

Baekho nodded as well, relieved that he had managed to hold on for this long. "Minhyun... Thank you for saving me."

Minhyun pursed his lips and nodded. He would do it all again if it meant Baekho being safe with him. They stayed that way for awhile before Minhyun's curiosity got the better of him. "How do you get your energy back if you don't eat food?"

"Sleep helps replenish it. I've never really needed food and I mostly absorb spiritual energy from nature."

"Is that why you glow? Because you're... More of a spirit?"

"Maybe. I'm not very sure what I am if you're asking me like this," Baekho said, chuckling softly. "I've always glowed in my tiger form. So do the rest of my family... I think. I never really questioned it."

Minhyun guessed Baekho was right. When you are something and that's all you've known from young, you were less likely to question it and just accept what you were.


After that day, their lifestyle changed a little. Mostly due to the snowing weather. Baekho's ability to talk made it easier for them to communicate but it didn't really affect the relationship they had already built up to this point. If anything, it only made it stronger. Minhyun had disposed of the pentagon item far away from them, afraid it might suddenly bring about danger. He still wasn't sure who it was that would capture Baekho but he was determined to keep the other safe if he could even though he was mostly just a normal doctor. He didn't think someone as innocent as Baekho deserved to be treated terribly, reminding him of the first time he had seen the other. The way his wrists and ankles were bruised made his story ring true.

Minhyun was shovelling snow from the front of his door while Baekho squatted by it, watching Minhyun intently. Pools of warm breath escaped his lips despite the several layers wrapped around him. Baekho had offered to help but he only had one shovel and he didn't want to depend on Baekho's strength too much. He knew the other was physically more capable than he was but that didn't mean he needed to rely on him for everything. He wiped away the little beads of sweat that had gradually build up through the shovelling and put the shovel aside once he was done, checking if his door could open and close just fine.

"Minhyun," Baekho called out to the human who turned his gaze towards the other. He let out a short hum to acknowledge his name. "Why do you stay out here all alone?"

Minhyun entered his house and Baekho got up, following the doctor wherever he went. Minhyun peeled off the scarf that was now trying to make him sweat profusely as he neared the fireplace to warm his fingers up. "It's easier to get herbs from the mountains and forest here. If I stayed in the town, it'll take me twice the travelling distance. Here, I can afford to make two trips and get more in return."

Baekho nodded and stepped closer until he could snake his arms around Minhyun who flinched. Ever since that night where Baekho had revealed his true form, he had also gotten a whole lot more physical with Minhyun. Whether it was little touches or full on hugs. Not that the doctor minded but it still surprised him once in awhile. "But don't you get lonely living here by yourself?"

"No... I've been alone most of my life," Minhyun replied with a thin smile. Baekho placed his chin on the taller's shoulder.

"What do you mean?"

Minhyun peeled his gloves off as well and rubbed his hands together. "My parents were always rather sickly. I used to live in the slums along with the rest of the less well off townspeople. We never had enough money for medicine and definitely not enough funds for studies but my parents didn't want to ruin my future and whatever they saved up, they used that to send me to school. I took up medicine to try to help them but I wasn't allowed to actually practice medicine until I had a certain qualification. By then, it was too late. My parents left this world and I was alone. So in return for having completed my studies, I use my knowledge to help the poor. I moved out here so that it was easier for me to gather the materials I needed. Feeling lonely was unavoidable at first but I got used to it, knowing what I have here will prove to be better for the townspeople."

Baekho held Minhyun's icy cold hands in his warm ones. Baekho was always warm somehow. Warm to his body and to his heart. He had also never told anyone else about this before so he found it rather laughable that he was able to just tell Baekho about it. Someone he had known for a shorter time compared to the rest of the townspeople.

"But you're here now... And you don't make me feel lonely," Minhyun whispered and Baekho grinned, squeezing the human male tightly. Minhyun felt his throat seize as words lingered at the tip of his tongue but he didn't know how it would affect their relationship so he let it stay there instead of saying it out.

"You don't make me feel lonely too," Baekho said while rubbing his face against the other's neck. "But when are you going to allow me to start collecting herbs with you? I want to be of more help."

"Until you can actually remember what's what," Minhyun said with a light chuckle. He had been teaching Baekho the names and uses of herbs but Baekho's memory strength wasn't as great as his physical one, added with the fact that he had gaps in his own memories. It wasn't easy for Baekho to remember everything. The only other time they weren't together was when Minhyun leave to collect his raw materials since scaling the mountainous paths was easier by himself. Baekho pouted and playfully nibbled Minhyun's neck.

"But...but that doesn't mean I can't follow along! Maybe that'll help me remember better," Baekho whined. Minhyun gently turned around and returned the hug properly.

"I told you before. It's easier and faster for me to go alone. Plus... After what you told me about... Those people, we don't know how safe it is for you to go outside and that close to where I found you," Minhyun replied with worry laced in his tone. Baekho frowned and nodded. He knew Minhyun was worried about him but that didn't mean he wasn't worried for the other to be going through dangerous paths as well.


Cold. Minhyun rubbed his hands together. Even though he was under the sheets with Baekho and the warm male was hugging onto him, he still felt cold. Baekho noticed the other shifting a lot and peeked at him.

"Are you okay?" he asked softly and Minhyun rolled over to face him.

"I'm cold," Minhyun said honestly while trying to snuggle closer to Baekho's warmth. The weather was harsher this year than most and Minhyun would usually curl up in front of his fireplace instead of sleeping on his bed. Baekho pulled him closer, worried that the other was falling sick instead and placed his forehead against Minhyun's.

"Maybe we should move to the fire?" Baekho asked and Minhyun let out a wispy breath. He nodded and instead of letting him walk by himself, Baekho lifted him up and wrapped him up with the blanket. Minhyun gasped softly but smiled. He laid Minhyun nearby the fireplace and got up again.

"Where are you going?" Minhyun asked with raised brows.

"Getting the mattress out as well. I don't want you to get a back ache again. You're going up to the mountains tomorrow, aren't you?"

Minhyun smiled, pleased that Baekho was being so caring. "Thank you." Baekho lifted out the mattress and placed it a little closer to the fireplace before lifting Minhyun onto the mattress.

"Is this warmer?" Baekho asked and Minhyun nodded.

"Yes. But it's missing something." Baekho tilted his head and Minhyun pulled his hands out from under the covers, opening them towards Baekho. "Come here."

Baekho beamed and crawled onto the bed as well, hugging Minhyun. Baekho laid on Minhyun and the human male blinked. He stared into Baekho's hazel eyes and breathed in. The other's warmth was pulling him in and Minhyun held Baekho's nape with his cold hands, pulling him in. Before the two could register their own actions, their lips touched. Ice cold against hot warmth. They parted and went silent. Minhyun's eyes started darting away and Baekho hid his face against his chest.

"Hey, Minhyun?"


"Don't go to the mountains tomorrow," Baekho said, confusing the human male.

"I have to. To get herbs... You know." He wasn't sure whether to feel disappointed or nothing about Baekho's dismissal towards the kiss.

"I know. But... I miss you every time you go out for so long," Baekho whined and Minhyun heat up a little more. He chuckled and squeezed the tiger.

"I'll be home before you know it."


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Last chapter tmr >< and then I'll have to focus on the prompt story and also red luggage so I can get back on track with stmy


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194 streak #1
194 streak #2
Amalina123 #3
Chapter 8: Sorry I’ve just finished reading ?
I... need time to digest this uWu someone being so sweet here
Minhyun-ah, don't show it too much. You're so naive in hiding your heart beat, it hurts me.
Thanks Axel for providing Baekmin daily supplies ?
purpleviper #4
Chapter 8: Uuuh..this is cute!! The ending, i caaaaan't...!!yes pls stay away from our Baekmin!! Except Aron ,lol

Thankyou author-nim ;)
minbaekhoe #5
Chapter 8: One of the softest baekmin fic out there!!!!!! Thank you for this masterpiece!!! Ily ?
NeenaKang #6
Chapter 8: Thanks for this lovely story ?
Chapter 8: Yey!!! Done!! Another awesome story author-nim!! Great work as always!! Thank you! The story was unique and interesting and sweet! Not the usual hybrid fic that I have read! Great twist at that shocking end part! And the best part is that its a happy ending!! :))
Looking forward to more happy baekmin endings from you author-nim! Fighting :))))
minbaekhoe #8
Chapter 7: Ooohh!! Is it almost over? I cant believe we're almost at the end!! I forgot this is just a short fic...
My guess is right!! Aron will be an ally! Baekmin needs one!
So apparently there's a war among wizards! And Baekho's energy is being used so Jonghyun's group can fight! And Baekho is the only one left from his kind?? Gosh! I love it!!
Chapter 6: JRen as villain??!!! Gosh!! Why????? My mind is still not accepting JR as the bad wizard who tortured Baekho!!!! Grrrrr!!!!
This looks impossible to solve but this is happy ending right author-nim?? Lol!!
I think Baekho is powerful enough to save them considering that JR is using his energy to power his magic!!.. also, we still havent read about Aron so hopefully he can help Baekmin???