Brown Eyes

Strip? Baekho looked down at the clothes he had had on for days, suddenly feeling attached to them. He had gotten used to being after he had been captured so now that he had clothes again, he didn't want to part from them. Minhyun noticed that Baekho had froze up on the spot and sighed.

"Do you need help with that too?" He asked while trying to take the blanket from him but Baekho growled and stepped aside, holding onto it like it was his precious toy. Minhyun was stunned that the other was acting this way. "Well, you have to shower. It's been days since I helped you wipe up and even then I couldn't do your whole body because that would just be rude. Come on. There's no need to be shy."

Baekho let out whiny noises and tried to go back the way they came from to hide in the house but Minhyun held onto the blanket and pulled him back.

"You're not leaving until you shower." Baekho fought back albeit without too much strength since he was mostly just trying to get the blanket out from Minhyun's hold. He kept whining and struggling until Minhyun slipped and went crashing into the water. He gasped in shock when the human male coughed and pushed his hair back, brows meeting in the middle. "Now you've done it!"

With a sharp tug, Baekho went stumbling into the water as well. He let out a squeal and tried to crawl out from the hot water but Minhyun pulled him back in, dragging him further into the water until the water was at knee level. Baekho flailed, thinking he was going to drown.

"Calm down! It's just water!" Minhyun hissed as he grabbed his arms and held it down. Baekho hissed and all the hair on his body stood up at the heat engulfing him. He panted, opening his eyes as he slowly calm down. "See? It's not that bad."

Baekho looked at Minhyun and back at the water. He felt the water weaving between his fingers and Minhyun let go, shifting back to sit down at a different spot as he sighed. Now they were both drenched. Baekho looked around awkwardly but his stiff expression started loosening slightly as he suddenly let out a fit of giggles. Minhyun swore the male could be very much crazy at this point. Baekho turned to Minhyun, eyes suddenly sparkling as he swung his hand, splashing water at the human male who flinched and protected his face.

"Hey! This isn't a lake. The water is hot." Baekho continued giggling though and started actually stripping. Minhyun's eyes went wide and stuck in that position as Baekho revealed his full body before him. His throat went dry and his breath seized up. He roughly knew how the other already looked like but to see it again made him shy away. He left out a nervous cough as he got up from the hot spring. He sat at the edge and watched Baekho slowly sink himself under the water. Minhyun squinted, wondering if his eyes were playing tricks on him when the water seemed to sparkle. Baekho resurfaced and Minhyun gasped softly. Water sliding down the skin that had healing scars over it. Baekho ran a hand through his hair and something caught Minhyun's attention then.

Two round white shiny ears seemed to poke out at the top of his head. Minhyun blinked and rubbed his eyes, opening them again to see if he had somehow mislooked but he hadn't and they were there. Baekho started washing himself, ripping away the bandages from his limbs that only had scars remaining. He didn't notice Minhyun staring as he was finally remembering the feeling of water against his skin and how good it felt to be clean. He smiled the entire time, further making him shine in Minhyun's eyes. Just as Baekho stood up, Minhyun squealed and slapped his hands over his face. While he was a male himself, it didn't mean he was comfortable with seeing other males' full body especially one as ripped as Baekho. He couldn't understand how. The other didn't eat at all yet his figure could put even the bodybuilders to shame in Minhyun's eyes, not that he had seen that many of them. He peeked between his fingers and noticed something shimmering swaying behind Baekho as the other approached him with a bright expression. He gulped and kept his hands on his face, feeling his cheeks warm up like mad. He blamed the hot spring for that.

Baekho opened his mouth to say something but it came out weirdly so the other stopped. Instead he tugged at Minhyun's shirt and tried to get it off him. Minhyun was baffled and held onto his clothes, exposing his red cheeks to the other.

"I'm fine! I'm good! I don't need to shower!" Minhyun cried out as he hurriedly stood up. Baekho was confused and decided to follow him which only made Minhyun stumbled back, falling onto the ground. He covered his face in embarrassment for falling for a second time. Baekho's lips parted but no sound escaped his lips as he held his hands out instead as if he wanted to help Minhyun up but was hesitating. Baekho stepped back into the water, tail swaying behind him. Minhyun peeked at him, breathing in sharply. Baekho was definitely NOT human. Or at least he was partially human but no human had sparkling animal ears or a tail like that. Minhyun wasn't sure to be scared or mesmerised as he watched the firm back muscles dove back into the water.


Now seated back in Minhyun's home in fresh clothes and a cleaner outlook , Baekho couldn't stop the smile blooming on his lips and lifted cheeks. He sat on the floor beside Minhyun who was arranging the branches and leaves that Baekho had noticed earlier but was still clueless as to what they actually were. Minhyun glanced at Baekho, feeling rather uncomfortable since the other had been rather distant the past weeks yet here he was like a puppy attached to Minhyun and wouldn't leave his side for even a second. Minhyun tried leaving to toilet and even after he opened the door, Baekho still waited for him outside the door. Minhyun didn't know what to do with him. Also his animal ears and tail had miraculously disappeared after he dried up too. Minhyun wondered if water made it appear but that wouldn't make much sense.

He sat down beside Baekho and stared at him. Baekho stared back, his smile becoming thin and eyes nervous.

"What.. Who exactly are you?" Minhyun asked, trying to sound serious. Baekho blinked and shrugged. Minhyun rubbed his neck and sighed. What was he even expecting out from the other? He wouldn't talk or couldn't, Minhyun didn't know. "Can you actually talk and just refuse to answer me?"

Baekho lifted his brows and shook his head. He tried to speak again but it came out as a series of growls and whines. Minhyun frowned and rubbed his lip thoughtlessly.

"So you can... Talk?"

Baekho nodded while giving off a pitiful expression.

"But you just can't now?"

He nodded again and Minhyun sighed exasperatedly. Baekho flailed and continued making more noises but none of them intelligible enough to be proper sentences. Baekho seemed just as frustrated about this as Minhyun did although the human male was just more confused than angry.

"At least you understand me. Okay. Look here," Minhyun said and Baekho stared at him again with round hazel eyes. "I have to leave to go to town for a bit. Could you stay and take care of my house?"

Baekho blinked, unmoving for a second before he gasped and shook his head. His hands grasped onto Minhyun's sleeve and he shook his head vigorously. Minhyun was startled that Baekho was suddenly this attached to him. His eyes were trying to tell him something since his throat couldn't but Minhyun couldn't understand.

"Okay, okay. I'll bring you along. Just... Make sure you behave yourself."

Baekho nodded and Minhyun slid his hands off his sleeve. He wondered if Baekho had abandonment issues but he guessed he wouldn't really be able to know until Baekho somehow could speak again. If he wasn't lying. Minhyun packed up the stuff into the box and Baekho being curious had picked one up. He stuffed it in his mouth since he had seen Minhyun placed his pinky and tried these stuff out before he could be stopped.

"Spit it out!" Minhyun wheezed as he squeezed Baekho's cheeks and tried to get him to open his mouth. Baekho stuck his tongue out and made a disgusted face since it was bitter. "Why would you do that?!"

He made a puckered face when Minhyun yelled at him. The human male calmed down and let out a relieved sigh. "At least it wasn't poisonous. Please don't do that again. I'm dealing with herbs and medicinal stuff. It's not safe for you to just ingest whatever you see on the table." Minhyun patted Baekho who squeezed his eyes shut and nodded. He smiled a little at how cute the other looked.


He was definitely worried about bringing Baekho to the town area now but the other didn't want to leave Minhyun's side so he didn't have much of a choice there. The curious eyes of the inhuman male darted everywhere towards every single sound that the area made. Children running and playing. People selling things by the street. People chatting or doing something. He stuck close to Minhyun, unintentionally gripping his sleeve as he stayed close. He was both fascinated and frightened, pretty sure it was his first time in such a crowded lively area too.

"Don't stray behind now," Minhyun said and Baekho nodded as they turned a corner into a quieter alleyway. There, people huddled close to each other with thin blankets. Some coughed, some sniffled loudly. It was quite the change from the main street they had walked by earlier.

"Doctor, you're here."

"Hello. How are you doing?" Minhyun asked politely as he slowed down and greeted a lady who was rubbing her hands together to try to keep them warm. Baekho realised Minhyun was the doctor that the lady had referred to.

"Seen better days for sure," she replied dryly with a thin smile.

"Do take care of yourself. The cold is coming," He said and she nodded. They bowed and continued walking. The deeper they walked, the more people greeted Minhyun. They all smiled and perked up from their solemn looks when the male passed by with Baekho in tow. Baekho wanted to ask Minhyun things he was curious about but he couldn't. Not when he had somehow lost his ability to create words. He knew he could talk. He had talked before but somehow it just wasn't happening right now.

"Doc, doc! Thank god you're here! Please see my father! He's fallen ill again."

"I'll be right there." Minhyun hastened his pace and Baekho had to skip a little to keep up since it was a sudden change. Once they reached the house of the ill, they entered through the front and straight to a room. Before they walked in, Minhyun stopped Baekho. "Baekho, wait for me out here. I don't want to risk you getting too close and falling sick too."

Baekho wanted to protest but the serious look on Minhyun's face made him nod. He didn't want to be a hassle to the other too so he guessed it was better to listen. The door shut in front of him and he pouted, squatting down. A jingle made his head turn and he blinked as he spotted a young boy holding a bell and peeking at him.


"Do you think he will be alright, doc?" the teenager asked with a worried expression and tone. Minhyun couldn't bring himself to lie. He knew the adult male wouldn't be able to live long if he didn't get proper treatment.

"Your father is trying really hard so you have to do your best too, okay?" Minhyun said instead and smiled, trying to be comforting. The teenager nodded even though Minhyun knew it was going to be difficult for them if their father passed on now.

"Um... I don't have much but this-" Minhyun lifted his hand and slid the boy's hand that had a couple of silver coins on them back to himself.

"Its alright. You don't have to pay me. Keep it. Get your brother and yourself some food. Maybe something to make warm soup to help your father."

"But doc-"

"Now, now. Let's let your father rest," Minhyun said and raised to his feet. He carried his box and patted the boy who nodded. Just as he was about to leave the ill male's side, his hand was grabbed. He looked down and the adult smiled weakly.

"Thank you, doc... I'll make sure to repay you... Once I get better."

"Just focus on getting better first," Minhyun said, trying his best not to let his emotions take over right now. He patted the male's hand and smiled, feeling his eyes about to sting. The male let go and his eyes closed again. Minhyun led the teenager out from the room and was surprised to find Baekho giggling while lifting a laughing child up. Baekho swung the child but stopped abruptly when he saw Minhyun. He put the child down and hurriedly went back to his side, clutching hold of his wrist. Minhyun flinched and stared into the bubbly eyes the other was giving him.

"Who is this, doc?" the teenager asked and Baekho glanced at the other. The youngest child grabbed onto Baekho's leg and hopped.

"Play, play!"

"Oh. He's my... New... Helper," Minhyun said, quickly making up something. "Yeah."

"Come now. Don't disturb doc and his... Helper." The teenager carried his younger brother away from Baekho who grinned and waved to the child who waved back, jingling the bell in his hand.

"We better get going now. Make sure your father takes his medicine. See you around."

"Thank you, doc. I don't know what any of us around here would do without you."

They bowed and exited the house. Baekho hopped happily beside Minhyun while still keeping a grip on his wrist. Minhyun sighed and guessed it was fine as long as the other wasn't causing any trouble.


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Last chapter tmr >< and then I'll have to focus on the prompt story and also red luggage so I can get back on track with stmy


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194 streak #1
194 streak #2
Amalina123 #3
Chapter 8: Sorry I’ve just finished reading ?
I... need time to digest this uWu someone being so sweet here
Minhyun-ah, don't show it too much. You're so naive in hiding your heart beat, it hurts me.
Thanks Axel for providing Baekmin daily supplies ?
purpleviper #4
Chapter 8: Uuuh..this is cute!! The ending, i caaaaan't...!!yes pls stay away from our Baekmin!! Except Aron ,lol

Thankyou author-nim ;)
minbaekhoe #5
Chapter 8: One of the softest baekmin fic out there!!!!!! Thank you for this masterpiece!!! Ily ?
NeenaKang #6
Chapter 8: Thanks for this lovely story ?
Chapter 8: Yey!!! Done!! Another awesome story author-nim!! Great work as always!! Thank you! The story was unique and interesting and sweet! Not the usual hybrid fic that I have read! Great twist at that shocking end part! And the best part is that its a happy ending!! :))
Looking forward to more happy baekmin endings from you author-nim! Fighting :))))
minbaekhoe #8
Chapter 7: Ooohh!! Is it almost over? I cant believe we're almost at the end!! I forgot this is just a short fic...
My guess is right!! Aron will be an ally! Baekmin needs one!
So apparently there's a war among wizards! And Baekho's energy is being used so Jonghyun's group can fight! And Baekho is the only one left from his kind?? Gosh! I love it!!
Chapter 6: JRen as villain??!!! Gosh!! Why????? My mind is still not accepting JR as the bad wizard who tortured Baekho!!!! Grrrrr!!!!
This looks impossible to solve but this is happy ending right author-nim?? Lol!!
I think Baekho is powerful enough to save them considering that JR is using his energy to power his magic!!.. also, we still havent read about Aron so hopefully he can help Baekmin???