Hunt x hunter

Sonata from Autumn to winter
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Time is nothing when it comes to a vampire. Nevertheless, Solar never had the feeling of time going by, the way she had during the following three months. It simply flew.

The skinny girl turned out intriguing and full of surprises, and the brunette was craving to learn all about her as much as Moonbyul was curious to know about vampires.

Solar’s peers didn’t think any human should be trusted, despite the fact they could defeat all of them if they simply used their amplified skills.

The merciless vampire was not worried about the black-haired, handsome girl, though.

She knew Moonbyul was getting stronger physically and mentally while learning about her kind, but no aura of violence came in her direction.

The human didn’t like when the vampire talked about killing humans and something inside Solar made her decrease the fatal attacks since they met.

On the other hand, other clans of vampires had been causing massacres in the surrounding areas, which woke Moonbyul’s fury, and she started hunting one by one every chance she had.

Obviously, each vampire knew about that and some of the superior clans around the world started sending Solar letters, asking about her loyalty.

The brunette ignored all of them and simply sent one message to the oldest of them, saying her loyalty remained to herself and that an inferior species deserved to be terminated if a human could kill them that easily.

Lately, the stunning brunette had stopped her celebrations and was just having symbolic dinners with Moon Byul-yi.

Any chance they had to interact was grabbed by both as their last opportunity to learn new things.

On one of those nights, Solar kept glancing at the human’s neck and she sighed due to the effort needed to avoid attacking the girl.

Moonbyul finished her meal and sat by the fire, enjoying the comfort of that expensive living room.

__ I have to get back to my reality. I’m a poor person and I should work and forget we’ve met.

Solar sounded anxious.

__ Are you really leaving?

__ I think I have to...

The vampire sat in front of the human:

__ Byul-yi, have you ever thought about killing me?

Without hesitation, the young woman replied:

__ Yes, Solar.

__ What held you back?

This time, the girl took her time before explaining:

__ First of all, I’m not a fool. I’m aware that a blade can’t cut your head off. You’re not an ordinary vampire. You’re immortal. And even if I attacked you to seal you, I... can’t do you harm. Yo

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Thank you so much for those of you who supported this story. It's always a bigger challenge to play with topics far from reality, but I had lots of fun. I hope you did too.


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svela2233 #1
Chapter 25: Such a rollercoaster for me! ☺️
girlofeternity_ss #2
Chapter 25: I guess there goes my answer. Quick question, what happened to those who know the human Yongsun? Did God alter the memories of the people who interacted with Byul and Yongsun?
girlofeternity_ss #3
Chapter 24: Will loser crew be okay?
girlofeternity_ss #4
Chapter 23: They're not mere mortals who are given free will. They're beings born with special purpose. If the archangels didn't mess with fate, would it be different?
girlofeternity_ss #5
Chapter 22: To truly love another person is to accept the work of loving them is worth the pain of losing them.
-Owen Sharma, The Haunting of Bly Manor
girlofeternity_ss #6
Chapter 21: What? I guess these archangels are not as benevolent as they seem.
girlofeternity_ss #7
Chapter 20: What a cliffhanger. 😅
The twist was really intriguing.
girlofeternity_ss #8
Chapter 19: Walk with me till the end
Baby we'll be okay
Sun and moon, we are one
-Sun and Moon by Sam Kim

Just remembered this song after reading this chapter
girlofeternity_ss #9
Chapter 18: A fallen angel, would you look at that? Lucifer is a fallen angel too. Their only difference is Hwasa has never been to hell.
girlofeternity_ss #10
Chapter 17: Actually between the two of them, Yongsun is the crazier one.