A merciless princess

Sonata from Autumn to winter
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It was a very pleasant Autumn evening in the year of 1618 in the mansion of the mysterious woman known as Solar. 

Her parties were always full of people from high society and a variety of nationalities.

There were rumors that the long black-haired lady with pale skin and deep eyes was a runaway bride from a wealthy Asiatic family or a rebel princess. 

The only information anybody could confirm was that the rich lady was always surrounded by other mysterious and exotic women and she knew how to throw unforgettable parties.

That particular September 22nd was not different from any of Solar’s events. 

The astonishing lady would provide gallons and gallons of wine to her 221 guests as a personal inner joke related to her birthday and until the end of the night, the vampire would drain the blood of more than half of them.

Obviously, the ones who survived couldn’t keep any memory of the attack to alert the authorities because of the heavy level of alcohol in the blood system.

Solar didn’t spend much time in the same country or city exactly to cover her bloody trail.

The merciless princess, as she was called by the small circle of powerful and pure vampires, was very talented and could not only sing perfectly but also play the piano like an angel.

Having a third of her guests’ necks, the black-haired, stunning lady was feeling nostalgic and a bit tipsy. So she sat by a beautiful piano and started playing randomly.

Her favorite friends were terrifying some of the other guests and making too much of a mess because they had no self-control.

Solar didn’t mind, though. As long as they kept the environment clean from stains.

The vampire would always get very upset while traveling around Europe due to the lack of hygiene of most of her victims. 

Even though vampires could be messy sometimes, they were very clean.

The brunette was extremely proud of her senses and she could smell human emotions from miles and miles away and also listen to them panicking or losing hope.

It was all very monotonous to a creature who had lived for 498 years and seen it all. 

Solar was about to vanish from her own party when her attention was drawn to the horse stalls.

A vampire of class such as herself would never cross a path full of animal excrement unless it was an emergency. Nonetheless, the gorgeous female felt compelled to go there and she couldn’t feel more thrilled.

Standing between horses and a lot of dead children, there were 2 people. One was Solar’s male friend, a very inappropriate vampire. And the other was a skinny and fragile female.

__ Why did you have to play with food, Sandeul? If you had just kept your fe

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Thank you so much for those of you who supported this story. It's always a bigger challenge to play with topics far from reality, but I had lots of fun. I hope you did too.


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svela2233 #1
Chapter 25: Such a rollercoaster for me! ☺️
girlofeternity_ss #2
Chapter 25: I guess there goes my answer. Quick question, what happened to those who know the human Yongsun? Did God alter the memories of the people who interacted with Byul and Yongsun?
girlofeternity_ss #3
Chapter 24: Will loser crew be okay?
girlofeternity_ss #4
Chapter 23: They're not mere mortals who are given free will. They're beings born with special purpose. If the archangels didn't mess with fate, would it be different?
girlofeternity_ss #5
Chapter 22: To truly love another person is to accept the work of loving them is worth the pain of losing them.
-Owen Sharma, The Haunting of Bly Manor
girlofeternity_ss #6
Chapter 21: What? I guess these archangels are not as benevolent as they seem.
girlofeternity_ss #7
Chapter 20: What a cliffhanger. 😅
The twist was really intriguing.
girlofeternity_ss #8
Chapter 19: Walk with me till the end
Baby we'll be okay
Sun and moon, we are one
-Sun and Moon by Sam Kim

Just remembered this song after reading this chapter
girlofeternity_ss #9
Chapter 18: A fallen angel, would you look at that? Lucifer is a fallen angel too. Their only difference is Hwasa has never been to hell.
girlofeternity_ss #10
Chapter 17: Actually between the two of them, Yongsun is the crazier one.