
Sonata from Autumn to winter
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Solar had fastly adapted herself as a human and she loved all about it.

It didn’t matter the hard work, the physical exhaustion, the variety of pain her body was experiencing, or other things like hunger, for example.

When the brunette was found near a village covered in blood, a poor family rescued and welcomed her.

They were farmers, and the couple was in their 60s and the two daughters were in their late 20s.

Nobody doubted Solar’s story about being attacked and losing her memory.

After being fed and taken care of, the man of the house explained they had no money to feed an extra mouth, but she could stay if she worked along with his daughters in the family crops.

And that’s how a vampire who lived for centuries as a princess became a farm girl, waking up at 5 am and working every day under the sun.

Solar was dedicated, and she always tried to help the old couple, taking most of the husband’s and the wife’s burdens.

The 2 daughters of the couple were not very fond of the black-haired woman, though.

They all shared the same roof and food for 5 years and the former vampire had been relatively happy in that kind of life.

Despite that, a big plague started killing people on the continent and the 2 elderly were taken right at the start.

Tired of their rural life, the daughters sold the farm and left Solar homeless.

The brunette had to rent a tiny bedroom in a dirty area of the city and she found a job as a waitress.

The money she earned was not enough to eat. So, the young woman started to lose weight.

Things might have been bearable if Solar hadn’t started feeling deep, strong pain in her stomach.

The brunette had no condition to pay for a doctor’s appointment and had to simply keep working despite feeling sick.

The plague killed more than half of the citizens and Solar’s boss ended up firing her.

The woman, who had been feared and treated like a princess and even as a queen by many, was living in misery.

Solar neither regretted her decisions nor the loss of her comfortable life as a vampire.

There was only one regret in her heart, even though she didn’t dare to verbalize it. Or think about it.

Soon, the brunette was so thin that her collarbone was practically a hole.

Her cheeks had long gone and her knee and hip bones were in evidence.

Solar realized she was dying. And there was nothing she could do about it.

It was ironic that the vampire dreamed about the end of immortality for most of her 700 years. And when mortality finally became her reality, she was being denied the chance to enjoy it for a nice amount of time.

When the pain became so unbearable that the skinny woman had no strengt

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Thank you so much for those of you who supported this story. It's always a bigger challenge to play with topics far from reality, but I had lots of fun. I hope you did too.


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svela2233 #1
Chapter 25: Such a rollercoaster for me! ☺️
girlofeternity_ss #2
Chapter 25: I guess there goes my answer. Quick question, what happened to those who know the human Yongsun? Did God alter the memories of the people who interacted with Byul and Yongsun?
girlofeternity_ss #3
Chapter 24: Will loser crew be okay?
girlofeternity_ss #4
Chapter 23: They're not mere mortals who are given free will. They're beings born with special purpose. If the archangels didn't mess with fate, would it be different?
girlofeternity_ss #5
Chapter 22: To truly love another person is to accept the work of loving them is worth the pain of losing them.
-Owen Sharma, The Haunting of Bly Manor
girlofeternity_ss #6
Chapter 21: What? I guess these archangels are not as benevolent as they seem.
girlofeternity_ss #7
Chapter 20: What a cliffhanger. 😅
The twist was really intriguing.
girlofeternity_ss #8
Chapter 19: Walk with me till the end
Baby we'll be okay
Sun and moon, we are one
-Sun and Moon by Sam Kim

Just remembered this song after reading this chapter
girlofeternity_ss #9
Chapter 18: A fallen angel, would you look at that? Lucifer is a fallen angel too. Their only difference is Hwasa has never been to hell.
girlofeternity_ss #10
Chapter 17: Actually between the two of them, Yongsun is the crazier one.