
Cameras Rolling
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Eunbi rushes towards Sojung's door and quickly pulled out the spare key the older had given her with her free hand. Finally getting inside, the young actress dashed towards her girlfriend's room only to find the older woman lying on the bed rather lifelessly, her head slightly tilted up so she would be able to greet Eunbi right after noticing the younger had entered...


Seeing Sojung though, Eunbi noticed that there was an obvious red hue across the A-lister's cheeks that didn't fall short in making her sigh in worry.


"Hey, Eunb-" The A-lister tried to greet her with a croaky voice, but couldn't even do so without being interrupted by a coughing spasm instantly. 


"Hey hey, take it easy.." Eunbi said softly, plopping down the plastic bag containing medicine, soup and a few other things that she had brought, before making her way towards the older and kneeling down beside her bed. Casually placing a hand onto Sojung's forehead, Eunbi's eyebrows furrowed together. "You're literally burning up, Sojung"


"Burning because you make me so warm, duh." 


Seriously, Eunbi couldn't believe Sojung could still put up her sly smirk, even when the said woman basically already has one foot in the grave, seeing how bad her fever is and all...


"Ya! No more flirting, I'm serious Sojung, you have me worried sick about you!"


"I know... I know... I'm sorry" The older closes her eyes to rest them before straightening her back and lying her head back up.


"Why didn't you call earlier?"


"Because you would've been worried" 


"You think?" Eunbi sighs before poking the taller's cheeks. "Of course I'll be worried you Giraffe, you're sick, I don't want you to be sick. I want my healthy, strong and pretty Sojung back."


Smiling at Eunbi's little pokes and antics, Sojung lets out a small croaky chuckle, "Well, on a positive note, at least I only got sick after we've finished filming the drama, guess my body knows me well, after all."


"You can still make jokes like these even right now huh?"


"Of course" Sojung continued her smile. A comfortable silence washes over them, before a not so happy topic, pops up into Sojung's head... and she just couldn't help herself but to ask.


"So... how are your parents doing..?"




"Way to ruin the mood Sojung"


"Sorry... I just... you ok? Everything alright now?"


"Let's just say it went about as I expected and ended on... a good note?"



Everything happened in such a rush and so fast the Eunbi couldn't remember everything in detail. But what she does know is the fact that she dashed to her parent's house the moment she found out about her father's involvement with Sojung and Jin's incident.


'of course... how could I have not seen it sooner' Eunbi would mentally scold herself upon finding out.


It didn't take long to figure out a link between Mr Jung's involvement with all the paparazzi pictures of Sojung and Jin. Numerous of people who had worked for the man to create these rumours had came forward to confirm the man's plan right after Sojung was admitted to hospital.


Their morals didn't allow them to remain quiet for long... feeling absolutely crushed by the fact that their decision of involvement may have almost cost the A-lister her life.


A statement was also made by Jin himself, admitting to having worked with Mr. Jung in order to expose and ruin Eunbi and Sojung's relationship. 


Although everything was kept under wraps and only known to a handful of people... gathered with that information though... words could not possibly explain the rage Eunbi had felt at the time. And despite Sojung's pleads of letting this all go, she wasn't able to stop Eunbi from taking the first train in the morning back to her parent's house to confront the man. 


"I can't believe you would do such a thing..." Was the first thing Eunbi yelled at him when she saw her father, completely ignoring the cask wrapped around his left arm at first... although it did somewhat pique her curiosity at the time. "Kicking her out was one thing dad... but just- how could you!?!? this is my life... my choice... you can't just decide to take matters in your own hands to control what I choose to do and who I choose to love! She- she... she could've died... you know..."


One would think after being confronted in such a manner, the person being confronted to would either perhaps argue... or maybe apologise for their actions at the very least... especially as a person's life was almost chucked into the mix... however Mr Jung did nothing of the sort.


In fact. He didn't say anything


Only choosing to stand up and walk himself out of the room with no explanation... leaving Eunbi beyond confused and only angrier.




"Eunbi" Her mother's voice made her turn her head. "Let him be, I have a feeling he had learned his lesson already." She said calmly before quietly pointing at her own left arm. 


"Did... you know... mum?"


Sighing deeply, the woman leans back onto the couch "I didn't have a clue... I want you to know Eunbi, when I found out... I think I was more furious than you are right now.."




"He overreacted Eunbi..."


"Overreacted!? More like lost the  ing plot-"


"And he's coming around to it... at least he's been trying to. These past couple of days... he's shown more remorse than you would believe... Eunbi... do you think you'll ever find it in your heart to forgive your father..?"


"That'll depend on him..." The younger sighed out her honest answer before rubbing her face in mere frustration.


Watching her every move though, Mrs. Jung catches the ring on Eunbi's ring finger and couldn't at all contain herself upon seeing it. "Oh Eunbi... why didn't you tell me you're engaged!?" She stood up from the couch and rushes over to her daughter and took the latter's hand into her own. 


"I- I didn't think you'll accept honestly..."


"Nonsense." Pulling up Eunbi's hand, Mrs. Jung stared at the ring intently to take in all it's beauty "Just marvelous! I must say, Sojung has great taste in fashion, accessory and of course her fiance" She gives Eunbi a small wink before letting go of the rather surprised woman's hand.


"You're really... ok with this?"


"Of course I am. Not everyone your father's age think like your father you know. In all honesty Eunbi, I called it ages ago"


"I- You did!?"


"Oh come on Eunbi, her posters, all her movies you've watched repeatedly, talk

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154 streak #1
Chapter 50: Such a masterpiece, just like everything you do. I absolutely loved it, thank you for blessing us with such stories!!
154 streak #2
Chapter 31: Woah their reaction is so frustrating but it perfectly represents the sad reality of many people. I don’t know how you do it but you always manage to deliver the emotions and frustrations of the characters perfectly to the readers!!
154 streak #3
Chapter 24: They’re so mf cute my heart can’t handle it
154 streak #4
Chapter 16: Currently crying
154 streak #5
Chapter 1: Just started this, I’m hooked already hehehe
Chapter 50: I found this fic before I get to read secretary's secret, I'm missing WonHa nowadays, reading this making me hopeful that there's still active Gfriend writer. Even though this fanfic was a long time ago, but still, it's amazing. Thank you Author
Chapter 52: Good thing I had searched for other stories. Found this one, waiting me to read it. Thanks for this story author-nim. ☺️☺️
Chapter 52: I'm just sooooo soooo happy reading this again. Thank you always for this gem, authornim 🤍
Chapter 52: One of the best fanfics i've ever read!
CliveBenevolent #10
Chapter 1: Just gonna casually reread this, bc gfriend is leaving their label and I'm not ready for them to d*sband fjksvgfliuvgheua