I'm Sorry.

Cameras Rolling
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Italics on chuncks of sections are flashbacks*



4 a.m.


"I need to leave"


"You're not thinking this through Sojung"


"I am. I need to go..."


"No you're not!" Yerin raises her voice unknowingly, putting a hand on Sojung's shoulder, before taking a look at her wristwatch and showing it to the other "It's 4 a.m. Sojung, no one thinks straight at this time, especially not when you just woke up from being comatose not even an hour ago"


"Two hours." Sojung corrected before an important question pops into her head "Yerin... Is Eunbi... is she taking the whole... media thing ok?" 


Little to say, an eyebrow was raised to that question "You saw it already?"


"Quite literally just then."


"From what I heard, she hadn't looked at it any more than she had to. She was too focused on you."




"Which is exactly why we should call her right now-"






"Yerin... " The A-lister looks up at her manager with sad eyes. "Throughout the past couple of months... how much pain do you think had been inflicted onto Eunbi because of me?"


"You're thinking about this all wrong! Listen-"


"No Yerin, I can't listen. Because the reality is, me being with her has cost her her relationship with her father, might as well just have cost her her career and has done nothing but gave her more pain than happiness..." Sojung holds onto her temple and rubs it, hoping to soothe the pain that has just emerged in that area, whilst her eyes turn glossy. "Because of me Jin- ... Jin... he tried to- he-" The words became choked up before it could even leave her tongue. "I can't listen to you Yerin. I just can't. I'm... I'm not good for her... The media is on a frenzy and she needs to stay on the low... Me being there won't help her."


"Look, you haven't been conscious long enough to know, but Sojung, it isn't all bad! If this is about the media then you should know that there is more positive feedback than you think"


"Positivity here and there isn't going to change this situation! It's not just this one thing Yerin! Every time... Every time I think I'm making things better, they get worse. Every time I think the storm has finally cleared up, it comes back thundering. It's not enough Yerin!”








"Eunbi loves you. And you love her. Isn't that enough?"




"You leaving without saying a word will crush her. Isn't that enough reason for you to stay? You say every time you try and fix things they get worse, but you wanting to leave...  isn't that just another attempt for you to try and fix things? ... don't you think you're just going to make things worse for her by leaving as well?"




Sojung was once again silent...


"Just..." She finally spoke, lips wobbling "Just please ask the nurse for the discharge forms already."




"Sojung!" Eunbi calls out desperately.


Quickly checking over the room a couple of times. Confirming that Sojung had indeed left the area, the shorter woman rushed downstairs towards the reception.


"Excuse me!" She exclaimed desperately to an unexpecting nurse at the desk, her eyes widen once it meets Eunbi's, unsurprisingly as the shorter woman's face being had been all over the internet for the past few days. 


"How can I help you?" The nurse responds professionally after recognizing who the shorter woman could be and ignoring the obvious distress Eunbi was visibly under.


"Sojung, Kim Sojung, Do you perhaps have an idea of where she might be?"


"Miss Kim has been discharged not too long ago. If I'm not mistaken she had left around 4:30 a.m."


"4:30..." Eunbi repeats under her breath as if saying it will make the word sink in faster... "and she just left?"


Her question was answered immediately by a quick nod from the nurse, raising more questions than answers.


"Would you happened to know where she is?" Eunbi continued to ask, not bearing much hope... but hey, she had to at least try..


"I'm sorry ma'am" The nurse gave her an apologetic smile "I do not..."


"No of course" Eunbi took a step back, a million places of where Sojung could be, flashed into mind. "Thank you anyway" She quickly adds before almost dashing off...that is, until the nurse stops her.


"Excuse me"


"Yes?" Eunbi turns back.


"You wouldn't happen to be Jung Eunbi would you?"


Hearing that, Eunbi walked back towards the receptionist's desk, with quite a confused expression covering her face. "I am."


"Miss Kim left this for you" The nurse hands Eunbi a piece of paper covered in what appears to be writing...


Sojung's handwriting. 


Quickly taking the note out of the nurse's hand and giving her a quick thanks. 


Eunbi felt her heart drop and shatter the moment she finished reading Sojung's note. 



The walk to Yerin's car was silent. 


Sojung had asked her manager to drive her back to her old home-town so she could get away and perhaps be somewhere she is less likely to be recognised. Throughout that entire ordeal, however, not one single word was exchanged between the two. Sojung had a small inkling feeling that her manager had been giving her the cold shoulder on purpose.


But it wasn't until they got into the car, when Sojung finally broke the silence. 


"I know you're mad Yerin..." She spoke softly "I wish you would understand where I'm coming from though... this is for the best... I love her too much Yerin... I love her too much to cause her any more pain and hardships..."


"..." Yerin didn't respond, starting the car, she reversed out of the car park and headed straight for the road as previously requested.


"Please just say something already" Sojung tried again.


Giving in to the older, Yerin could only let out a deep sigh. "As your manager, I'm obligated to follow your requests without dispute. I agree, staying away and keeping a low profile will probably be the best for your image as for now." She taps her index finger on the wheel when she came to a stop at the red light. "But as your friend" She continues "I can't help but need to inform you that your decision to just leave her on a whim is absolutely stupid and you should seriously reconsider, not just this decision alone, but just your entire thought process in general."




"Your relationship isn't any of my business Sojung. But my heart breaks for you and Eunbi, knowing after everything you guys went through together, this is what it has resulted in. And it wasn't even a mutual decision."


"I can't keep causing problems for her though! I'm the problem Yerin! I've done nothing but made her life harder!" Sojung covers her eyes with her hand, trying her damn hardest to swallow the sob that wanted to escape so badly.


"Have you ever thought that maybe... maybe it won't be as bad as you think it's going to be?"


"It's not that simple Yerin."


"And why shouldn't it be? Staying out of her life now isn't going to fix the damage that has already been made, even if you do think this is for the best. But you know what? Even if for some reason, it does undo the damage. I still don't think you should leave. Sojung, you realise what your biggest problem is? You have an undying fear of history repeating itself. For you. if something bad happens once, you assume that it'll never change unless you, yourself do, by whatever means necessary such as; completely dismissing the problem and never facing it again, or just plain running away... Much like what you did with love after your break up with Jin." Yerin glances back at Soj

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162 streak #1
Chapter 50: Such a masterpiece, just like everything you do. I absolutely loved it, thank you for blessing us with such stories!!
162 streak #2
Chapter 31: Woah their reaction is so frustrating but it perfectly represents the sad reality of many people. I don’t know how you do it but you always manage to deliver the emotions and frustrations of the characters perfectly to the readers!!
162 streak #3
Chapter 24: They’re so mf cute my heart can’t handle it
162 streak #4
Chapter 16: Currently crying
162 streak #5
Chapter 1: Just started this, I’m hooked already hehehe
Chapter 50: I found this fic before I get to read secretary's secret, I'm missing WonHa nowadays, reading this making me hopeful that there's still active Gfriend writer. Even though this fanfic was a long time ago, but still, it's amazing. Thank you Author
Chapter 52: Good thing I had searched for other stories. Found this one, waiting me to read it. Thanks for this story author-nim. ☺️☺️
Chapter 52: I'm just sooooo soooo happy reading this again. Thank you always for this gem, authornim 🤍
Chapter 52: One of the best fanfics i've ever read!
CliveBenevolent #10
Chapter 1: Just gonna casually reread this, bc gfriend is leaving their label and I'm not ready for them to d*sband fjksvgfliuvgheua