
Cameras Rolling
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"Ah, sorry, you just looked like you were going to take a while to decide on your drink, so I went ahead. I'm sorry that was kind of rude now that I think about it. Here you first."


"I- no no, I guess I was a bit slow... you go first" Eunbi robotically moved aside to give Sojung more access to the vending machine.


The taller woman took the offer muttering a faint thanks before purchasing and grabbing her drink from the dispenser. 


during the entire time the atmosphere began to feel more and more awkward. Eunbi swears she wants the floor to just eat her alive from how awkward this felt.


"Well, I guess I'll see you soon then Eunbi" opening her drink, the A-lister turns on her heel and starts walking away before Eunbi stops her abruptly.


"Hey- Wait!" 


Sojung turns around. "hmm?"


"I uh- I just wanted to apologise...for the coffee- and the handshake- everything- just” Eunbi takes in a deep breath to ease the stuttering "It's just.. this morning had been a complete utter disaster and I'm seriously so sorry for this morning.. and after this morning for acting the way I did." Say the word morning one more time Eunbi, I dare you.




Nothing, the taller woman isn't going to say anything. Welp, that just made Eunbi wanna be engulfed by the floor even more...


"Uh, if it helps... I thought you looked breathtakingly stunning in that shirt even with coffee stain all of over it" Eunbi what in the world are you saying!


Her eyes widen as she catches everything that just came out of ... So much for not embarrassing yourself any further. Idiot!


 "pftt" the sudden sound from the other woman catches Eunbi's attention. "puahahahaha!" Sojung starts laughing, a hand over as she does so. The shorter girl swears she catches a tear that has formed on the corner of the older woman's eye as she continued her laughing fit.


"Sorry sorry" Sojung apologises in between giggles "You're just too cute Eunbi, I absolutely meant it earlier when I said you're adorable"


Eunbi could only stand there like a statue, absolutely stunned and her mind completely blank. 


Walking over towards the frozen girl, Sojung's smile never left her face. "And don't worry about earlier, It's no problem at all. I get it, it's your first day, things happen and you'll feel nervous. Trust me, been there, done that. No hard feelings at all"


"Oh uh.. th-thank you?"


"Hey relax" Sojung squeezes the shorter's shoulder "We're co-workers now aren't we? Let's get comfortable and work well together alright?"


"Yeah- no, thank you, It's my first lead role so I guess I am feeling quite tense" Eunbi let's out a breath she didn't know she was holding, chilling down slightly just as Sojung had suggested. 


"So I've heard too. Not going to lie, I really enjoyed your acting in 'Hour's Rush' you did really well and

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162 streak #1
Chapter 50: Such a masterpiece, just like everything you do. I absolutely loved it, thank you for blessing us with such stories!!
162 streak #2
Chapter 31: Woah their reaction is so frustrating but it perfectly represents the sad reality of many people. I don’t know how you do it but you always manage to deliver the emotions and frustrations of the characters perfectly to the readers!!
162 streak #3
Chapter 24: They’re so mf cute my heart can’t handle it
162 streak #4
Chapter 16: Currently crying
162 streak #5
Chapter 1: Just started this, I’m hooked already hehehe
Chapter 50: I found this fic before I get to read secretary's secret, I'm missing WonHa nowadays, reading this making me hopeful that there's still active Gfriend writer. Even though this fanfic was a long time ago, but still, it's amazing. Thank you Author
Chapter 52: Good thing I had searched for other stories. Found this one, waiting me to read it. Thanks for this story author-nim. ☺️☺️
Chapter 52: I'm just sooooo soooo happy reading this again. Thank you always for this gem, authornim 🤍
Chapter 52: One of the best fanfics i've ever read!
CliveBenevolent #10
Chapter 1: Just gonna casually reread this, bc gfriend is leaving their label and I'm not ready for them to d*sband fjksvgfliuvgheua