
Between Us : The Month of September
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A day before Yuqi’s departure to Beijing. Lucas suggested that it’s best they try to minimize the duration of time in contacting each other to focus on what's going to be in front of them


Yuqi with her parents and family. While Lucas with WayV and SuperM. But who would’ve thought his own feelings of missing Yuqi will be the cause for his suggestion to be hindered


Yuqi herself somehow forgets about the deal and doesn’t mind everytime Lucas chats her. Even if he just wanted to ask if she ate or not


Ever since the brief moment where Lucas suddenly shows up in front of the dorms entrance door that night, Yuqi’s interest for Lucas blossomed and somehow convinced her that maybe he’s worth giving her feelings to afterall


As Yuqi is starting to open the gate to her heart for Lucas, there’s still a small part of her that’s still afraid of taking their friendship to the next level


Yuqi is not the first and only one to be afraid of such things. Other idols have sacrifice their feelings and even relationship for the sake of the fans


Those kinds of fans never fails to astound the general public whose not that interested in the idol world


For that general public. the image of the Idol itself are nothing but an industrial product. A product that the company make and can replace if they are not profitable anymore


The fans are the customers and because the customers have invested so much time and money for the product to help the company grow, they expect no glitch or any mistakes in that product while it operates


“Stupid fans. You’re nothing but ATM’s for them” is the most and command comment people will see if an idol is caught in a scandal 


“Let them be happy. They are young and human. They deserve it” is the kind of comment that manage to get the least upvotes when two idol gets caught dating and exposed by a media outlet


The media outlet is another reason why idols are afraid. Especially those who come from big companies and groups that have made names out of themselves because those media outlet will follow 24/7 just to get dirt in case one day they needed it to be a headline


Thinking about it, including the counting weeks to her birthday causes a little disturbance in Yuqi’s mind. Doesn’t want her head to explode because of it, she chats Minnie to express her concerns


Yuqirin : I do like him. A lot

Yuqirin : It’s just that

Yuqirin : I don’t know

Yuqirin : Times like these I question why the stubborn in me have to go MIA when needed 😪

Minnie : To ease your worries, just look at Daniel and Jihyo sunbaenim

Minnie : They seem to be doing fine

Minnie : Sure theres still unpleasant comments thrown

Minnie : But it’s out numbered with the amount that’s giving them support and wish them nothing but happiness

Yuqirin : It’s because they are both koreans?

Yuqirin : Not forgetting to mention their names are clean

Yuqirin : Me and Lucas?

Yuqirin : 🇨🇳🇭🇰

Yuqirin : Don’t forget about the misunderstood article that kind of tainted our names (?)

Yuqirin : Pretty sure the GP’s reaction will not be the same

Minnie : You’re thinking too far deep and too far ahead 😅

Minnie : Woogie ya

Minnie : You don’t need to worry about that

Minnie : Just boost both of your skill in hiding it

Yuqirin : Why do I find it weird that unnie is not trying to obstruct but instead encouraging?

Minnie : Even if I could

Minnie : Why must i if in the end the half of you will be lost for losing it’s fondness? 😊

Minnie : I’m sure Soyeon and the others will agree

Minnie : And besides, I’m sure they have their secret fondness as well by now

Yuqirin : 😭

Yuqirin : Thank you unnie

Minnie : Calm now?

Yuqirin : A little hehe

Minnie : Better than not feeling calmed down at all 😜

Minnie : Maybe calling Lucas would add the calmness in you 😙


+ + + +


Lucas and the rest of the WayV members just finish with another meeting with Label V’s public relation discussing about the further progress of the comeback that is scheduled around the month of October


They just finish recording all of the tracks and is now set to start the choreography for each of the songs. But because the fully studio of it won’t be ready till the next couple of weeks, they’ll temporarily be using demo’s of it to help them arrange the dance moves


“I request not to be woken up tomorrow. I plan to sleep until I’m fed up of sleeping” Ten leans his head back onto the head rest seat of the van that’s taking him, Kun, Winwin, Hendery, Xiaojun, Lucas and Yangyang back to the dorm


5 minutes on the road, the members except Lucas have fallen asleep. Lucas couldn’t because has something on his mind at the moment and that something can’t be done alone


Y. Manager hyung : No schedules


He chats the manager that’s always with Yuqi on her individual schedules. The same manager throughout the filming of Keep Running


Y. Manager hyung : What are you planning to do?

Y. Manager hyung : Make a surprise birthday party for her?

WayV Lucas : I haven’t really decided it yet

WayV Lucas : I just wanted to ask for permission first in case I come up with a plan

Y. Manager hyung : also might need a little help

WayV Lucas : Permission granted? And will hyung help me?

Y. Manager hyung : Depends how you convince me that your plan doesn’t end up being in a room together 🤔

WayV Lucas : It has happened a couple of times before and till this day Yuqi is not pregnant

WayV Lucas : So if it does end up in a room

WayV Lucas : Hyung don’t need to worry

WayV Lucas : 🙈

Y. Manager hyung : Yah 😤

WayV Lucas : Joking hyung 😭

WayV Lucas : We only talked and said goodbye afterwards 🤞🏻

WayV Lucas : I didn’t cross the line

Y. Manager hyung : Still

Y. Manager hyung : I’m going to keep an eye on you

WayV Lucas : 😂

WayV Lucas : At least I got the permission?

Y. Manager hyung : I’m giving it because it’s rare knowing a boy idol have the thought of even asking the manager for permission to meet the girl

WayV Lucas : Because I have respect for hyung 

WayV Lucas : The same level of respect for our manager

WayV Lucas : If it’s NCT’s manager in hyungs position

WayV Lucas : Different story

WayV Lucas :  I’d probably skip the part and just meet up with Woogie behind hyung’s back

WayV Lucas : 🤣

Y. Manager hyung : I’ll interpret that as compliment

WayV Lucas : I’ll be sure to contact hyung when I come up with something

Y. Manager hyung : You know

Y. Manager hyung :  A surprise party doesn’t sound bad afterall

WayV Lucas : Thank you for the input but I prefer something where me and Woogie can talk 😛

Y. Manager hyung : Anywhere besides a bedroom, I approve and willing to help if needed


+ + + +


On the other side of town, miles away, T’s Entertainment where Yeseo and her bandmate are signed, is also in the middle of a discussion scheduling a comeback for the girls around the same month with WayV


Seeing how the last comeback did quite well in the charts and sales, the company thought October-November will be the perfect time to improve their brand more since it’s one of those months that they won’t go against big names in music shows


After presenting it to the investors, they all agreed and gave T’s Ent the authority to start with the project comeback


It’s exciting news for the group since some of the members have been unemployed by the company for months already. They only gave gigs and commercial offers based on the girls popularity rankings


Yeseo who is the highest on the list thinks a comeback is nothing to celebrate about. All because she felt the major differences of shooting one commercial and having a comeback stage, one is less tiring while the other is nothing but tiring, she said to herself


The leader of the group paid attention to Yeseo’s mood that can be seen by her face throughout their conversation about themes that the company might have in mind for them later on


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JiLin1998 #1
Chapter 1: He gives her a peck on her forehead? He should do that to me....and Maybe Kiss
K_shyun #2
Chapter 13: im having goosebumps rn I am so inloved with them both huehuee
scy_sry #3
Chapter 20: I know it’s the same update but i read both here and on wattpad
queeniesky #4
Chapter 19: Thanks heap for this quick update
queeniesky #5
Chapter 18: thanks for the update, love this story
queeniesky #6
Chapter 18: thanks for the update, love this story
angrypig #7
Chapter 18: omg yeseo is really ticked bomb...
lisaowusu98 #8
Chapter 17: I swear they are too cute!!
Ccxtieluum #9
Chapter 17: also maybe include something spicy hheehe
Ccxtieluum #10
Chapter 17: can you make more fanfics when you finish i love your writing style