The Script

Daily Bickerings
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When Nayeon tried to write a new story to give it to her boss. But, she's blank and needed some ideas.


🐧: Nay? What are you doing? (taking a seat beside Nayeon on the couch in front of TV)

πŸ‡: Watching TV?

🐧: Obviously not.

πŸ‡: Huh?

🐧: How could you watch it when you changed the channels in milliseconds???

πŸ‡: Ehehehe...sorry~ it's so boring Minarii...I need a fresh ideaaaa...

🐧: What for?

πŸ‡: Of course for my new story, what else duh?

🐧: Oh you'll write a new one?

πŸ‡: Um!

🐧: And you're trying to find it on TV?

πŸ‡: Um!

🐧: And you couldn't find it cuz it's boring?

πŸ‡: Yup!

🐧: Then why are you still here?

πŸ‡: I'm too lazy to do anything~

🐧: As expected.

πŸ‡: Minariiiiii~ (giving pouted cheeks)

🐧: Well people said an idea sometimes comes suddenly, anytime anywhere, so you can sit here silently, and now give me the remote.

πŸ‡: Geez you're not helping. (giving Mina the remote)

🐧: (changing the channel) What are you trying to write? Romance? Sci-fi? Horror? Oh you can't write a horror cuz you can't even sleep with lights off.

πŸ‡: Mina! (slapping Mina's arm)

🐧: (chuckling) sorry sorry~ so?

πŸ‡: Well, if I know what will I write, I won't try to find an idea.

🐧: Right. So your boss didn't give you a certain genre?

πŸ‡: Nope. It's up to me. And that's harder...huuuh

🐧: How if you write about us?

πŸ‡: Eh? Us?

🐧: Yeah. Like you fall in love with a doctor at the first sight.

πŸ‡: Sorry? It's you not me. And love at the first sight is so....ordinary.

🐧: Well, depends.

🐧: If you fall for me when I'm doing a surgery on you, like when I did general anesthesia, and before you're completely unconscious you see me then fall for me, that's so extraordinary.

πŸ‡: Mina.

🐧: Hm?

πŸ‡: Now I don't know why I fall for you...

🐧: Just say I'm genius.

πŸ‡: Y-

🐧: Hold on.

🐧: Wow, that's crazy. (focus on the TV)

πŸ‡: What's that?

🐧: You don't know? It's a big news. It's trending on twitter, Nayeonie...

πŸ‡: I'm an instagram warrior more~

🐧: Hmm.

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