Grocery Store

Daily Bickerings
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That time when Nayeon and Mina went to grocery store to buy their daily needs. Β  Β  🐧: You remember what we need to buy, right? *pushing the trolley* Β  πŸ‡: Yup! Here! *showing her phone* How smart I am! Β  🐧: Geez, you just write it in your phone. What smart... Β  πŸ‡: Yah! Most of people write it on a paper. Call me smart environmentalist! Β  🐧: People rarely write it since they can remember it. Means that your ability to remember is weakening... Β  πŸ‡: Then why you asked me to remember it? Β  πŸ‡: Oh, why didn't you go alone then? *Nayeon's getting irritated* Β  🐧: *kissing Nayeon's left cheek fast* Β  πŸ‡: M-mina! *screaming in whisper* What are you doing??? *hiding her red cheeks* We are in public! Β  🐧: What? If I didn't do it, you would burn this store down just because that grocery list. Β  πŸ‡: I-I won't! I would burn you instead. Now, move that trolley. Β  🐧: Yes m'lady! Β  πŸ‡: need a toothpaste...there! Β  🐧: Toothpaste. *put a toothpaste in the trolley* Β  πŸ‡: Mina...we need 2... Β  🐧: One isn't enough for a month? Β  πŸ‡: No. Don't you remember my big front teeth need more? Β  🐧: *chuckling* A-ah right. Β  πŸ‡: Now...mouthwash..umm which one? *grabbing 2 different mouthwashes* Β  🐧: The usual one? Why? You wanna change it? Β  πŸ‡: Is it ok? Β  🐧: Not a big deal. *because I'm addicted to your lips instead, Mina's thought* Β  πŸ‡: Let's try this one then! Eh? Why your face looks red? Are you sick? Β  🐧: N-no, umm, no, it's lilttle bit hot here... Β  πŸ‡: Yeah think so. Β  🐧: R-right. *fiuh not here, Mina* Β  πŸ‡: And...shampoo....this one.... Β  πŸ‡: And... Β  *Beep beep beep beep* Β  🐧: Hell
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AnDEUSAgrega #1
Chapter 12: Nayeon is a whole mood
Chapter 12: Uuuu too cute uwwuuuu
aglaonema #3
Chapter 12: Uwu
Buddygooo #4
Chapter 12: Cuteee. Nayeon's a snitch haha
twcnc1101 #5
Chapter 3: AUTHORNIM THANK YOUUUUU this is so cute uwu
Chapter 11: Hahaha Nayeon got a taste of her own medicine
Chapter 11: I really need this kind of minayeon to brighten my day. Thank you!
Buddygooo #8
Chapter 11: I love Minayeon
ayamdawan #9
Chapter 11: I'm starving for minayeon fluff and this made me smile
ayamdawan #10