Online Class

Daily Bickerings
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When Mina and her students had an online discussion by video call because she's their supervisor.


🐧: So, I'll end this discussion if there's no more question about the review paper. Yuri?

🐹: No, professor.

🐧: Minjoo?

🐸: It's all clear, professor.

🐧: Sakura?

🐱: No, but…uuuh who's that behind you, professor?

🐧: Eh?

🐸🐹: Sakura?!

🐱: What? Curiosity killed the cat.

(Mina turns her body, she really didn't realise there's someone standing behind her)

🐧: Since whe-

πŸ‡: (pushing Mina aside) Hi, kids! I'm Im Nayeon!Β 

🐸🐹🐱: U-uh hello, Ms. Im.

🐧: Yah Nayeon-ssi, what are you doing? (whispering  while glaring at Nayeon)

πŸ‡: What? You've done right, Mina-SSI?Β 

🐧: Yes, means I need to end this video call.

πŸ‡: (ignoring Mina, looks back at the screen) So, kids, is it ok if we have a little chit-chat?

🐱🐹🐸: Yeah yeah! It's ok Ms. Im.

🐱: Yup, no problem, Ms. Im. Sorry, I was curious since you're there standing behind professor Myoui for a whole minute I guess hehe

🐧: (looking at Nayeon) You did?

πŸ‡: Well yeah, I couldn't believe how could you not realise it at all. I even sprayed your favourite parfume on me more than usual. Tsk.

🐧: (whispering) Yah Nayeon-ssi, can you no-

🐹: So…Ms. Im you are-

πŸ‡: (pushes Mina and takes her seat) Oh! Sorry I haven't introduced my self properly. So, I'm Im Nayeon. Professor Mina's girlfriend.

🐸: Whoaa

🐹: Omo omo omo

🐱: Jinjja? Jeongmal? Heol….daebak!!!

🐧: (pushing Nayeon from the screen) So guys, let's end this. I'll-

🐹: No! No, professor! It's ok! It's our pleasure to meet you, Ms. Im!

πŸ‡: Aww thank you cutie! Now go, Mina-ssi. (pushed Mina again) So, what's your names?

🐧: Wha-

🐹: I'm Yuri!

🐱: Sakura here!

🐸: My name's Minjoo.

πŸ‡: Whoa you guys are so pretty. Now I must be careful since my girlfriend's surrounded by pretty ladies. (still ignoring Mina even she pokes Nayeon's waist)

🐱: Ah! You don't need to worry, Ms. Im! I never see professor Myoui flirts anyone at campus.

🐹: Hahahaha, right Ms. Im. Actually it's the opposite. Sakura here ever flirted professor Myoui.

🐱: What??! Yah Jo Yuri, don't make any rumour!

🐸: Hhahahhhaaha

πŸ‡: Hahahahahaha you guys are cute! So! How's professor Myoui in class? I guess she's so mean, right?

🐧: Nayeon-ssi, that's a defamation of character.

πŸ‡: Sssssshhht (bringing her index finger in front of Mina's lips)

🐱: Hahhahaha well we don't call it as mean but charismatic, Ms. Im. 

🐹: Right right, professor Myoui never shouts at us. Her aura is enough to make us keep quiet hehe

πŸ‡: Wow really? This pe

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To all who have online classes or work from home, hope you guys still have fun! :D


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