Chapter 007

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“Starting May 7, every Thursday, from 9 pm, One-der Cam !! See you soon~~”


“And cut,” The guy holding the cellphone, their manager to be exact, calmly ended the mini shoot. 


They’re outside the dorm, shooting a promotional video regarding the reality show.


The guy saved the video and pocketed his phone. “Very good, girls. Just remember, you need to promote the show every chance that you get. Lives, interviews, everything. The first ep must be a success or else the sponsors will pull out. You get it, right?”


“Yes, manager-nim.” They state in unison.


“Excuse me, hyung, but where will you post it? Twitter?” Chaewon curiously asked.


The manager nodded. “Yes, along with your other social media sites. The news about the show broke last night and fans went crazy. For sure the Rovers will be happy seeing that you’re still alive after the hiatus.”


The manager continued explaining their next schedules when suddenly, Yuri’s phone began to ring.


“Sorry, gotta take this,” Yuri said, walking to a quieter spot. “Hello? Director-nim?”


“Ah, Miss Jo!” The guys greeted. “Sorry for disturbing you. I would just like to congratulate you and Miss Kim for the positive reactions about your show announcement. I bet that people will look forward to it.”


“Ah, thank you, Sir,” Yuri answered humbly. “We are also honoured to work with you in this project. By the way, umm… What’s for the next episode? I mean, so that we can prepare for it.”


With that, Yuri means that her and Yena can prepare for it.


“Mmm, It’s a secret,” The director replied, laughing heartily. “We already know what to do and I’m sure that the actors will enjoy it, too. What’s the fun if I’ll just tell you, right?”


“I-Is that so? Uh, alright, I get it, Director.”


“Just trust us on this one, Ms. Jo. We’re sure to-”


Loud honks were heard before the older man could even finish his sentence.


“Morning, guys!” Chaeyeon excitedly greeted, chilling from the driver’s seat. “Y’all ready?”


“We have somewhere to go, director-nim. Thank you for personally calling us but I have to end the call.”


“No, I understand, I want to make the conversation short either way. Good luck One-der! Goodbye!”


“Yuri!” Their manager called. “Chaewon’s waiting for you. Hurry up!”


The hamster ended the call, ran her way back to her group member and clung to her ‘sister’.


“Bye, manager-nim!” The two grabbed their bags, ready to go inside the 4-seater car.


“One-der!” The guy called for the last time. “You’re idols, okay? Don’t have too much fun. You already know what I mean.”


“We get it, thank you, hyung!” Yuri replied to their manager (they are more comfortable to call him hyung rather than oppa). “We’ll go now.”


“So, how are you guys?” Chaeyeon greeted, fixing her seatbelt, adjusting the rear mirror to see the duo.


“Fine, I guess,” Chaewon answered, immediately grabbing the box of pepero sticks in her bag before eating one. “Are we waiting for someone?”


“No, no, but we’ll fetch Eun from the company if that’s okay.”


“Uh, yeah, sure, we still have time anyway,” Yuri replied, typing back in her phone.


“Great!” Chae said, smiling. “Wait, I’ll just call her.”


And she did. She waited for about two minutes before her girl answered the phone.


“Hello, Eun-”


“Chaeyeon? Hello, Chae… I’m sorry, I can’t talk to you right now. We’re having an emergency meeting.”


“Huh? Wait, isn’t today your free day? Babe, Hyewon’s event is like in an hour-”


“Tell her that I’ll try to catch up, I promise. I’m really sorry but I can’t hold the line,”


“Eun, wait-Eun? Hello? Eunbi?” Chaeyeon looked at her phone only to realize that her girlfriend had already ended the call.


“Hey, you okay? What’s wrong?” Yuri worriedly asked after hearing her friend heave a deep sigh. 


“N-No, no, I’m fine. Eunbi just told me that… She’ll be late and that we shouldn’t wait for her.”


“Is that so? Well, that’s unfortunate,” Yuri crossed her arms and leaned on her seat. She then got an idea. “How ‘bout we fetch Wonyoung and Nako instead? I checked on them and Wonnie told me that they’re having a hard time grabbing a cab.”


“If that’s the case,” Chaewon entered the conversation, peeking from behind the other Chae. “Can we also fetch Hitomi? She just came from Japan and is still experiencing jet lag. I don’t want her to drive while at that kind of state. Please, Chaeyeon?”


“Mmm… Okay then,” The driver replied before keeping her eyes on the road and gripping the steering wheel tight. 


“Let’s go.”




A round of wheezes were heard when Yujin suddenly called the owner of the cafe that way. They can’t blame her either. With a brown apron on top of her white, long sleeved, button-up shirt, you might mistake her as a crew of her own restaurant.


“Did you just-” And Hyewon almost threw her dirty rag at the puppy. She went towards them and sat in the reserved spot.


They are in the corner of the area, at a large table Kwangbae calls ‘meeting desk’.


“I look like this because I’m serving those people.” Hye explained, gazing over the journalists with cameras and notebooks.


“Who are they?”


“Food bloggers. Sakura invited them.”


“They can give us more customers.” Kkura explained. “They have many followers and people really validates their opinions in terms of food. Just one post and they can ruin or build you a stable business. That’s why you have to treat them right.”


“Well, how about us?” Yujin complained like she’s some sort of a nagging customer. “We are customers, too!”


“Yujin, everything here, you can eat for free. What customer are you saying?”


“Customers are always right!” Yujin defended. “What kind of waiter are you? I want to talk to your manager? Where is he?”


The other girls are just snickering at the roleplay scene in front of them. Minju, on the other hand, is so close to wishing that the ground would just swallow her. 


She really hates it when Yujin does this embarrassing act but she loves her so… yeah.


“Alright, alright… I’ll get your order, Ma’am.” In the end, Hyewon gave up. She was about to stand up but someone entered the cafe and grabbed the attention of not just the squad but also the guests.


“Eun.” Chaeyeon whispered, happy that finally, she arrived. 


She ran towards her to get her bag and hug her but she stopped midway.


“M-Miss Kwon!” The vloggers rose and bowed deeply, flustered to see the young CEO.


As an acting CEO of one of the largest canned goods manufacturers in the country, Eunbi is a big deal to the food enthusiast. For them, it’s like meeting a celebrity.


That is the kind of feeling that Chaeyeon never felt. For her, she’s just Eun, her Eun, her girlfriend since highschool. But she always forgets that the older isn’t just for her eyes. 


She’s sharing her to the world.


“Miss Kwon,” Chae politely called, bowing to her boss. 


“Chae- Miss Lee,” Eunbi replied.


Kwon waved goodbye at the guests before continuing her walk to their table.


“So you still have time,” Hyewon said before taking a sip of Sakura’s coffee. 


“Hyewon~” Eunbi called and hugged her friend. “Sorry, Hye… I just can’t postpone that meeting. I’m really, really sorry…”


“Nah, it’s fine.” Kwangbae smiled, hugging Eun back. “You have a valid reason.”


“But I know that I ruined your day even a little.” Eunbi said, feeling a little down. 


She then gave Hyewon a medium sized shopping bag. 


“Here, I know you’ll like it. Obviously, Sakura can buy it for you but I hope you don’t have it yet.”


“What’s this- Oh my God.” Hyewon reached for the box inside the bag. 


It’s the latest version of an expensive camera brand. 


“I bought it on the way here… I know you like taking pictures so I hope that… Maybe it’ll be useful in taking pics of your cafe?”


“Kwon, I… Thank you so much for this,” Hyewon said, still scanning her new camera. “I… I love this so much.”


She looked at Eunbi with those kid’s eyes that’s glittering with too much happiness. “Thank you, Kwon.”


“No biggie,”


“Okay… Because of this, I’m going to get the ice creams for y’all. Wait here,” And Hyewon dashed to the kitchen to get their specialty.


“Can I go to the restroom, too? I need to fix my eye makeup.”


“Hmm? Uh, sure! It’s right there,” Sakura pointed and Nako immediately left.


“Wait, wait, wait, hold a sec… You have ice cream!?” Wonyoung asked in disbelief, too blinded by the fact that she can finally taste ice cream after a while.


“Yupp, we have,” Sakura confirmed. “We thought of only having cakes and drinks at first but we figured that ice cream can also be a good menu.”


Wonyoung clapped at this, excited to taste the sweet delicacy.


Minju then realized something and rummaged through her bag. 


“Since we’re complete already, I have to give you these.” And she gave each one of her friends a brown envelope accented with gold glitter on its edges. 


“We’re going to get married overseas, you all know that. And since not all of you can attend the wedding, we decided to just throw a party the night before.”


“Wait… So it’s like a bridal shower?” 


“You can think of it that way.” Minju agreed. “Just no heavy drinking at the party. I don’t want to have a hangover while getting married.”


Minju looked at the quietest area of the table. “I want you there, too…”


“… Yena-yah.”


The called girl looked at her and the other girls. “M-Me?”


“Well, yeah,” Minju chuckled, lightening up the mood. “You’re a part of this journey, too. And I want you to be there.”


“But…” Yena can’t say the next words. She just gazed over Yujin to hint the frog at what she wanted to say.


“Ah, you’re worried that Yujin wouldn’t want you there?” Minju said that sentence so bluntly it shook Yuri and Wonyoung. “Don’t worry, we’ve already talked about it. Right, Yujinie?”


Yujin just sat beside her, weakly nodding. Minju isn’t the type of girlfriend to always ask something. As long as she can adjust to what Yujin wants, she’ll go with the flow. She won’t ask for something if it’s not that important to her.


That’s why when she pleaded for Yena to be invited to the party, Yujin cannot say no. 


Yena tried her best not to smile and show that she’s grateful and moved at the news, though her cheeks are failing her. 


Keep your cool, Yena!


“Okay then,” The duck gave a little smile. “I’ll go.”


“Perfect.” Minju said, clapping.


“Dessert’s here!” Hyewon yelled, holding a tray with four cups, followed with two of her crew carrying the others. 


Hyewon gave her waiters the job to distribute the ice creams to her friends. 


“I hope you’ll like it. It’s an original recipe. We’re also open to suggestions so if you know any good flavors, we might add it here.”


“No way…” Wonyoung said after one of the waiters served her a cup. “Mint Choco!?”


Sakura looked at her cute ‘I’m in heaven’ expression before grinning. “Hyewon and I both hate Mint Choco but we know that there are people who like it so we hired someone just to create an original recipe for the flavor.”


“Why? Can’t you just create your own?”


“Kwon, you know that whatever Mint Choco tastes like, it will always be toothpaste to us.” 


“Ouch,” Chaewon acts as if she’s being stabbed in the chest. “It’s not that bad, guys. Open your taste buds more.”


“Ssamu… Only you, Wonyoung and Nako likes Mint Choco. Don’t push it.” Minju teased, to which only Chaewon replied with cutely sticking out her tongue. 


“Let’s just enjoy the food, please??” Wonyoung chimed in, so close to drooling over the dessert in front of her.


“Okay, then. Enjoy-”


“Are you guys for real?”


The whole table’s attention was captured by Yuri who’s looking at them in disbelief. 


“Why? Something wrong?”


“Yes. Yes, there is.” Yuri simply answered. She looked at the other direction and suddenly talked.  “Mine’s rocky road. Here, let’s swap.”


And she stood up to reach and trade ice creams… With Yena.


Yes. With Yena. 


“I know you wouldn’t enjoy this.” Yuri said, mixing the glass cup full of Mint Choco. 


“No, Yuri, it’s fine-”


Too late. Yuri already grabbed a spoonful of the said flavor and ate it like it’s nothing to her when in fact… It’s such a big thing.


Yuri and Yena both hate Mint Choco, greater than Sakura and Hyewon do. It actually stopped them from having a double date with the WonNako couple because of the difference in preferences. But Yuri’s hate towards the Mint Choco is too much it became an inside joke. You can’t force her to eat that “disgusting ice cream”.


But now, she’s eating that disgusting ice cream.


“...Why are y’all looking?” Yuri innocently asked. 


“Yuri,” Hyewon was intrigued. “Do you have a fever or something?”




“Umm… You hate Mint Choco.”


“So? I would rather eat this than have an allergy. Rocky road has nuts.” And she continued eating like nothing happened. 


“You could have just swapped with me.” Hitomi said, looking sulky. “I’m tired of eating Chocolate, and Chaewon doesn’t want to swap the Cheese flavored she has.”


“Is that so?” Hyewon asked, about to stand up. “Wait, I’ll ask them to give you another one-”


“Don’t bother, Hye,” Yujin said, giving her Vanilla flavored ice cream to Hitomi. “You want to trade?”


Hii-chan’s eyes became as wide as a disc. She nodded violently. 


“Okay.” Yujin said, giving the cup.


But just as Hitomi was about to get it and give hers, Yujin dipped her index finger on the vanilla and wiped it on Hitomi’s nose.


“In your dreams, Hii!!” Yujin said, going back to her seat, laughing her a*s off.


Hitomi should have expected it. She and Eunbi was Yujin’s favorite target afterall. 


“Yah!” The baker said, trying to clean her face.


“Babe… Babe, I think you need to go to the restroom.” Chaewon suggested. “You… Smudge the ice cream on your nose more.”


“Aish,” Hitomi grumbled, pissed off. “You… Don’t mess with me ever again.”


She threatened Yujin before stomping her way to the wash area. 


“Hitomi?” Nako called when the girl entered the said room. 


“Oh, Nako,”


“What… Happened?” The tiny girl asked, pointing to the mess with her lips.


“Yujin happened.”


“Ah,” Nako nodded, she immediately got it. 


“Are you done fixing your makeup?”


“Huh? Oh, yeah... Yeah. I…  guess I leave you now.”


“Okay, please flick Yujin’s forehead for me.” She kid, walking inside.


Now, they’ve switched positions, with Hitomi inside the toilet and Nako outside. The baker went in front of the sink and was about to open the faucet if not for the little white container left beside it. She was then reminded that she saw Nako standing near here. 


The illustrator was about to leave when she heard the other girl calling for her once more. 


“Hey, Nako! Nako, I think you left this-”


“What?” She went back and asked, but the baker didn’t reply. 


Slowly, she looked at where it’s staring and she tried her best not to tense up.


“Be… Ta… Blockers,” Hitomi read the label carefully. “Beta blockers? Wait-”


Her heart sunk when she finally realized its use. Of course, she knew. It’s one of her uncle’s medicines. He also has a weak heart. 




“Is this… Yours?” She replied, hoping that maybe she’s wrong.


“Hitomi, wait, please-”


“Answer me, Nako-yah.” Hitomi said, her voice firmer. 


“Hitomi,” Nako refused to answer. 


“Why can’t you just answer me??” 


Nako remained mum. There, Hitomi has concluded things.


“... You’re here to drink this, aren’t you?” Hitomi questioned, her tone mixed with disbelief and fear. 


“Hitomi…” Nako gulped, walking towards her friend only for her to step backward. “Hitomi-”


“Nako, please! Tell me the truth… What is this for? What is this-”


“I will! I will, okay? Just… Give that to me. I-I don’t have money to buy another one. Please.”


Hitomi looked at the artist and slowly reached to give her medicines back. “Now tell me…”



“Why take those, Nako-chan?”


“Chaeyeon… Chaeyeon, are you okay?” Yuri checked, sitting beside the girl who's stamping both of her feet for a while now.


“Yuri? Of course, I am,why do you ask-”


“Stop lying…” The hamster whined, playing with her fingers. “I… We saw you two earlier… You and Eunbi unnie.”


After some time, Hitomi and Nako went back from the restroom looking a bit uneasy. They then, for some reason, just sat back and enjoyed their food in an unusually quiet manner.


On the other hand, the rest continued chatting. They tried to catch up, reminisce about their high school lives, and discussed their current lifestyles.


They are so deep and focused in the story that a small beep from Yuri’s phone completely captured their attention.


“Tsk, just as we’re about to go deeper to the talk,” Yuri mumbled, opening her phone. “Who is this even- Oh? It’s manager-nim.”


“Hyung?” Chaewon repeated. “Why is he calling you?”


Just as Yuri read the message, Ssamu got an idea for the reason for the call.


“Photoshoot!” Both yelled, immediately grabbing their bags. 


“What’s happening?” Hyewon asked.


“I’m sorry, Hye, but we need to go. We have a schedule for a photoshoot regarding the show.”


“I-Is that so?” Eunbi asked, who is unbeknownst to them, is just waiting for the perfect timing to go off, too. “I have to go, too-”


“Wait a minute.” Yuri halted, holding her phone in one hand while the other grips on her former seat. “Guys, look at these.”


And she held her phone so that her friends could see the screen. The phone shows screenshots of the tweets of not only Rovers, but also all the people who are enticing the show’s pilot episode.


Oh my God ASKFFJGK !! One-der is bacccckkkk <3 <3 But where’s the official picture???


Is this true?? 2 CEOs joining an idol reality show? Amazing!! Can’t wait hahaha Release official pictures IZ Ent!!


Now we need an official picture.. @IZent what you waiting for? This will beat all other shows, really.. the diversity :o :o


From a high school squad to a group of influential people, THIS is what you call glow up people! I’ll watch this for sure, fighting One-der!!!! 

p.s Official Pic juseyo ><


Any SsamBbang shipper here?! It’s our time to shine guys HAHAHAHA Let's get this bread (pun intended)


This is a once in a blue moon experience in reality shows, might as well treat them like real idols, give them right treatment... And pictures! Do not waste the hype @IZent 


“Woah… This is the audience’s reaction to us?? I… Unbelievable!” Minju shrieked, slapping her girlfriend at the arms multiple times.


“Ouch, it hurts! Why did your manager even send that to you?”


Just in time, Chaewon’s phone rang.


“H-Hello? Oh, hyung! Yes, we saw the screenshots. Uh… Y-Yes, we’re with them. Why?”


The girls didn't hear what the guy said from the other line but with Chaewon taking a sharp inhale while listening is  a huge hint that it isn’t good at all.


“Now? As in right now?! B-But hyung,we don’t have schedules- No, it’s not about the money, these people are- Hyung? Hyung! Aish, tch.”


“What did he say?”


“Both our agency and Yena’s party agreed… We need to go to our company and have a photoshoot.”


“WHAT?!?” Everyone yelled it loud, they almost caught the customers’ attention.


“Sorry, wait… Right now? As in this moment?? Are they serious?”


“Sadly, yes,” Chaewon replied. “Believe me, our company is a considerate one. I actually don’t know how they reached the decision.”


“What else? Of course, it’s Yena’s fault.” Yujin blamed. “It’s all about business-”


“What? How? I didn't even know that they’re going to do something like this-” 


“Oh, of course you wouldn’t know. You just let your army work everything for you-”


“Yujin, I am not-”


Eunbi suddenly stood up, muting both sides. 


“Please tell the director that I deeply apologize as I have an important meeting to attend to as an acting CEO. I will immediately contact him the time that I am free from schedule. Sorry, guys… But I can’t afford to waste my time in your petty fights.”


The group watched as the oldest strut her way out of the cafe.


Chaeyeon, who felt a little offended for her friends at how her girl just left, decided to follow her outside.


“Eun…” She tried to be calm, not letting her nerves control her. “Eun, wait-”


“I already told you I’m getting late on my meeting-”


She was continuing her way to her car but Chae grabbed her by the wrist.


“What the- Chaeyeon, let go-”


“Are you serious right now? Go back inside and apologize.”


“What? Why?”


“Because you’re being insensitive, Eun. Really? Petty? You called your friends ‘petty’-”


“Because they are!” Eunbi finally faced her properly. “Chaeyeon, this isn’t high school! This is real life, and yet they’re fighting over small things like teenagers. I won’t apologize because I know that I’m right.”


“If you want to tell them that truth, then at least be considerate, Eunbi. Be considerate about their feelings. You might be over that teenager state of your life… But Yujin and Yena still have something to fix. Could you at least properly talk to them and-”





“S-Sian?” Chaeyeon repeated. “W-Who’s Sian?” 


Eunbi sighed. This is a long explanation and she has no time for it.


“She’s nothing-”


“Nothing? You wouldn’t hurry if he’s nothing-”


“It’s just a client… And a she.” Kwon corrected. “Ugh, fine. She’s the CEO of the Lee Corporation I’m talking about last time. She wants to be business partners with us, and create a new product that will be popular to young kids. Are we done here?”


“… Only business partners?” Chae tried to stop herself from clenching her jaw. “Then why are you on a first name basis?”


“What?” Eunbi narrowed her eyes. 


"I said... Why are you calling her by the first name?"


Now, she gets it. Chaeyeon’s irritated by this Sian. 


“Chae… Are you really jealous of Sian just because I call her by first name??”


“Well, you haven’t called any of your business partners like that-”


“Now what? I can’t make friends-”


“Friends? I thought you just met once, and now you’re treating her like a friend? Eun, It took me one whole month just for you to notice me and she only took one meeting-”


“Don't put malice in it! The girl’s kind, Chaeyeon! She’s even generous enough to treat us to lunch-”


“She treated you to lunch-”


“She treated US to lunch!” Eunbi stressingly replied. “What part of that statement is not clicking-”


“She treated you to lunch with your officemates, but she also invited you to eat some time alone, didn’t she?” Chaeyeon asked, smirking, in a bitter way.


She has seen many types of people like these before.


Eunbi found it hard to answer… Most likely because it is true. Sian did invited her, hence the reason why she’s hurrying to get there.


“You can’t answer because she did, right? Right?”


“I... I don't have time for this, Chaeyeon. I have other things to do,” Eunbi said, freeing her wrist from Chae’s soft hold. “Let’s just talk some other time.”


And she went inside her car and drive to the highway.


Chaeyeon stopped moving for a while, releasing the tension in the air.

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choiyull_ #1
Chapter 12: its so painful though.. thank you for the updatee
yodaengie #2
I'm just so hooked with this story, I literally cried since I feel for Yuri's pain 😭
Chapter 12: FIRST OF ALL I screeched when I saw the update. It's been so long since I last saw this at the top of my subscriptions page (I may or may not reread this a lot).

Man I already suspected some sort of abuse with Juri, but Yena really is such a selfless dumbo duck. She thinks it's best that everything remains hidden to keep everyone happy, but let's be real. She's not happy, Yuri isn't happy, Juri isn't happy either. All of them are suffering, and whether she likes it or not eventually she will have to spill. That's just how life works, especially with Juri very focused on finally freeing Yena and making her be selfish for once. I love Juri's character btw, she knows she doesn't stand a chance, so instead she'd rather one of them be happy then both of them be miserable. Yuri loved Yena so much that she had to force herself to hate Yena, because we all know girlie ain't nowhere near moving on.

ALSO thank you! I didn't expect the shoutout 😭 I'm glad that I helped you get back your inspiration to write this again, because personally I've become so emotionally invested in this series it'd be honestly so sad to see it go (proud reader since the very beginning of Start of Something New and sobs to like, every chapter). And one thing's for sure, take your time! Like I said, we'll be waiting until the end of the journey!
1752 streak #4
Chapter 12: wow! it's been awhile had to look back on some of the chapters to refresh my memory!
Chapter 11: Author-nim, just here to let you know that we're always going to be waiting, so take your time until you have the motivation to write again!
Zenflick615 #6
Chapter 11: I'm loving this story so much!!! I hope you can update when time comes
Heyboiii #7
Chapter 11: Welcome back💙
Pln_0401 #8
Chapter 11: AT LASTT 😭❤️
Chapter 11: i miss this story authornim :). i always waiting for your update! welcome back ❣️
Pcyqo0 #10
Chapter 11: Uwahhh! It's back! :D
Thanks for updating, this chapter was really amazing. Keep up the good work and take care of yourself! <3