Chapter 005

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“Let me help you.”

Yujin reached for the cereal box at the top shelf at their kitchen and handed it to Minju who is obviously having difficulty tiptoeing.

“T-Thank you,” Minju whispered, receiving the box. 

Every weekend, Yujin visits her fiance just to spend some time with her. Because of their busy schedules, they need to reserve a bit of their attention to their loved ones. They would chill in Minju’s house because her parents aren’t usually around. It’s not that they’ll do anything wrong, they just feel a tad bit awkward for them to cuddle and watch a movie when their parents are watching them. But Minju doesn’t really expect Yujin to visit today… Not when they haven’t talked for days.

The last time they had a proper conversation is when the frog confronted Yujin about her hate towards Yena… And the Ahn didn’t liked it. Minju really wants to fix their rift, but she’s scared. When they have little misunderstandings, it is always Yujin’s fault, and she’s the one who always apologizes. But now, it’s Minju’s. And she is so shy that she can’t even greet her properly this morning when she came.

“Do you need anything else?” Yujin asked.

She looked at the sink. “I can wash our dishes.”

“N-No, I’m fine. Just sit there, I’ll finish this in minutes-”

“You go sit, I’ll handle this,” Yujin insisted, kind of going in the way between the plates and the frog. 

“Oh, okay,” Minju reluctantly agreed while scratching her head, walking back to the couch.

But she feels that there is something wrong, and she hates it. She thought for a good minute what to do and an idea came up. Minju turned back, hoping that it’ll work.

Carefully, she walked to Yujin. Suddenly, the said puppy was surprised when she felt tiny arms hugging her from behind and a beautiful face leaning on her back.

“Are you… Still mad?” Minju asked with a hint of nervousness. 

Yujin secretly smiled at her cuteness. She turned the faucet off, wiped her hands on her jeans, and slowly turned around. 


“Are you still mad?” Yujin repeated the question, showing her puppy eyes.

Instead of replying, Minju buried her face on Yujin's neck, sniffing the scent she had missed. 

“Yujin… I missed you so much… I’m really sorry, Yujin-ah… Please-”

“Shh, it’s fine, it’s fine. I’m… I’m sorry, too.” Daeng Daeng said, kissing the top of Minju’s head. 

Honestly, Yujin is so relieved right now. She knows how emotional Minju can be, and she’s scared that their simple fight will ruin their relationship… But no, she won’t let it.

Truth is, she wanted to apologize as soon as possible, but she doesn’t want to say sorry through a text. That’s why as soon as her schedule cleared up, the first thing she thought of is visiting her beau.

“I’m really sorry, Minju,” Yujin apologized, holding both of Minju’s hands. 

She already pulled her to the couch for a talk. 

“I know that I’m wrong to raise my voice on you. I should have looked at your point and not get eaten by my emotions-”

“It’s fine, Yujin,” The frog replied. “We both made mistakes. I apologize for not understanding you and for forcing my opinions. I promise to be more sensitive.”

“I also promise to be more open to you,” Yujin responded. Fidgeting, she asked, “So… We’re okay now, right?”

Minju looked up. "Hmm... Not yet."

"... Not yet?"

"Yeah, not until you promise me to give Yena a second chance."

"What? Minju, we already-"

"C' mon, Yujin - ah. Just try... Please?" Minju begged, rubbing Yujin's hands. 

The puppy rolled her eyes. "Fine... I'll try to be kinder to her from now on."

Minju grinned.

"So, are we fine now?" 

“Of course, of course, we do.” She replied, hugging her girl. “God, I really missed your scent... I got really worried, you know… I thought you... Hated me.”

“What?" Yujin faced the frog. "Of course not, baby… I love you too much to do that.”

Yujin mumbled, cupping Minju’s worried face. “You know that, right? I love you, Minju… I hope you always remember.”

“I will, I’m really sorry,” Minju cooed, pressing her face to the puppy’s warm hands. 

She looked up just to meet the athlete’s intense gaze. 

“... I hope that you also know that I love you… So much.”

With the lovely aura circling the couple, Yujin caressed Minju’s cheeks. She then tucked her hair behind her left ear. Minju followed her girlfriend’s gaze, from her ears to her eyes, and the final spot… Her lips. 

As if knowing what will happen next, Minju did the next move. Unknowingly, her face is slowly getting closer to Yujin’s. The puppy, feeling giddy inside at the courage her future wife is showing, replied with the same action. She moved her face, chasing Minju’s lips who’s also dying to meet hers. Their stares at each other are melting, but they did not manage to notice that as they are focusing on another part of each other’s face. The two closed their eyes when they are only an inch apart, desperate to put a seal on their reconcilement.





But just as fast as that, the moment died. Both looked at the reason and saw it in front of Minju’s room… It’s a Golden Retriever, casually biting the carpet. 

Yujin sat there, obviously annoyed. It’s been a long time since Minju and she shared a moment like that. Yes, they often stole kisses from each other, mostly on the cheeks, but they haven’t had THAT kind of kiss for a long time. The last time they did was when she proposed. And it’s not easy to create such ambiance… Not for Yujin, it isn’t. And when she finally had the chance, of course a dog needs to destroy it.

“Well, I guess he’s hungry,” Minju said, chuckling. Just from her face, Minju knows how pissed off Yujin is right now.

The frog stood up from her seat to greet her dog. The retriever then got excited, meeting his owner halfway. 

“Well, it looks like someone wants to go for a walk or something,” Minju said, petting the said dog. She faced her still sulking girl. “Babe, how ‘bout we go out and bring this little man?” 

The dog growled at the human puppy.

“No, I don’t want to!” Yujin shook his head aggressively. She stuck her tongue out. “Bad dog.”

“C’mon, Yujin-ah!” Minju said, laughing at her childishness. “Stop being a kid. That’s one of the reasons why you two don’t get along.”

“... Argh, Fine.” Yujin doesn’t have a choice but to say yes, not wanting her fiance to be mad again. “But where? Park?”



“... I know where.”  


“Do you like the food?” Yena asked as she stabbed the fork right in the center of the steak. 

Juri swallowed the pork first before replying. “Dear, you know that I love steak. Thank you for taking me here.”

“No problem,” Yena sincerely smiled. “I hope this will take your stress away.”

“It sure will. Politics really… By the way, when’s your next shooting?”

“Well, we’re shooting three days from now,” Yena answered, chewing her food. “Why? Wait… Don’t tell me you’re visiting again.”

“…Why not?”

Yena scrunched her brows. She looked up and dropped her fork and knife.

“Juri, I thought I already explained… You’ll just get bored there.”

“Oh, really? Is that your reason? ” The egg rolled her eyes. “Or you’re just scared that I’ll talk with your ex again?”

The duck froze from wiping . Slowly, she averted her stare to the girl in front of her and saw her smirking face.

“I am a Takahashi, Yena. We can know everything in a snap. You yourself should know that, Choi.”

Yena winked multiple times before releasing a defeated sigh.

“How much do you know?”

“Huh?” Juri chuckled at her fiancé’s word choice. “Well, I didn’t get how you broke up with her and how are you as a couple because you’re good at hiding.”

The duck seemed to be relieved at the statement.

“But,” She continued. “I do know how close you are with them… It must be painful to see them treat you like that.”

“Nah, seems fair. I was the one who hurt them first so… Yeah.”

Silence, but not too much. Not until Yena realized something.

“Wait… You mean, about Yuri-”

Juri nodded before the Choi could even continue. “I actually planned to talk with her, but I didn’t know that I’ll meet her first.”



“…What did you tell her?”

“Me?” Juri replied. She then laughed when she realized what her girlfriend meant. “Oh, don’t worry about me. I just told her what she needs to know.”

Yena nodded. Knowing Juri, she’s not that possessive girlfriend that will gawk over her ex. But still, she can’t be so sure.

“There are many things that she needs to know so… What exactly is it?”

“Yah! Do you not trust me? I am so ready to marry you but… Psh,” Juri asked, half pissed, half-joking. “Okay, okay... I told her something that – Well, I don’t know how she feels about it but…”


“… It revolves around choices.”  

“O-Oh,” Yena mumbled. 

She already knew what it is just by the word. 

“I also told her that I’m sorry for you because you’re just a gi-”

Yena’s eyes turned to its maximum size. 

“Did you really-”

“Yena! Yena! Gosh, calm down! Dear, dear, I was just joking around.” Juri consoled while laughing, standing up because the duck has also risen up from her seat.  

After a bit of time, the Choi released an annoyed sound. 

“Let’s just go straight to the cinemas.”

She then walked past Juri. The other lady felt the sudden emotion that is covering her fiancé’s entire body. She stopped her from exiting the restaurant. 

“Dear, wait… Are you mad?” She cautiously asked. 

Yena stared at her face and somehow, her annoyance died down.

“I’m sorry, Yena~~,” Juri said, puffing her cheeks. “I did not mean to scare you or anything.”

“I… I’m really mad, you know?” Yena replied, playing the game. 

She saw how Juri’s face turned into a worried one and inside, she’s smiling.

“I was just about to give you this,” The duck then pull out two tickets. “... Tickets for your favorite… Frozen 2 is the name, isn’t it?” 

Juri’s mouth fell agape. It might be embarrassing but she’s a huge fan of Frozen. At the age of 16, the said movie helped her get through hard times. She learned that she can be as spontaneous and as energetic as Anna although both of them grew without much attention. Elsa also taught her how she can be herself even though certain circumstances are chaining her. 

And for 6 years,  she waited for the sequel, but she never had the time to watch it since it came out because she’s been so busy at her Dad’s “business”.

“I worked so hard to get this but- Wait… Are you..?”

“Can we just watch the movie? Please?” Juri bit her lip, almost begging. 

Yena just looked at her. 

The egg has already told her a million times how Frozen became her pillar while she was getting through depression at her family’s huge expectations but lack of time and attention, along with things not really working the way Juri dreamed them to be. People might not believe it, and it might be a bit cringy for some, but this sequel is that important to her.

With that, Yena wrapped her arms around Juri, forgetting their petty quarrel. She smiled sweetly at her. 



“Let’s go watch it then.”


“Yah! Where are you, Ssamu!?” Yuri raged after waking up pretty late and realizing that she’s alone in the dorm.

Chaewon took her phone away from her ears as it almost broke her eardrums. “Jo Yuri! I still need my ear

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choiyull_ #1
Chapter 12: its so painful though.. thank you for the updatee
yodaengie #2
I'm just so hooked with this story, I literally cried since I feel for Yuri's pain 😭
Chapter 12: FIRST OF ALL I screeched when I saw the update. It's been so long since I last saw this at the top of my subscriptions page (I may or may not reread this a lot).

Man I already suspected some sort of abuse with Juri, but Yena really is such a selfless dumbo duck. She thinks it's best that everything remains hidden to keep everyone happy, but let's be real. She's not happy, Yuri isn't happy, Juri isn't happy either. All of them are suffering, and whether she likes it or not eventually she will have to spill. That's just how life works, especially with Juri very focused on finally freeing Yena and making her be selfish for once. I love Juri's character btw, she knows she doesn't stand a chance, so instead she'd rather one of them be happy then both of them be miserable. Yuri loved Yena so much that she had to force herself to hate Yena, because we all know girlie ain't nowhere near moving on.

ALSO thank you! I didn't expect the shoutout 😭 I'm glad that I helped you get back your inspiration to write this again, because personally I've become so emotionally invested in this series it'd be honestly so sad to see it go (proud reader since the very beginning of Start of Something New and sobs to like, every chapter). And one thing's for sure, take your time! Like I said, we'll be waiting until the end of the journey!
1761 streak #4
Chapter 12: wow! it's been awhile had to look back on some of the chapters to refresh my memory!
Chapter 11: Author-nim, just here to let you know that we're always going to be waiting, so take your time until you have the motivation to write again!
Zenflick615 #6
Chapter 11: I'm loving this story so much!!! I hope you can update when time comes
Heyboiii #7
Chapter 11: Welcome back💙
Pln_0401 #8
Chapter 11: AT LASTT 😭❤️
Chapter 11: i miss this story authornim :). i always waiting for your update! welcome back ❣️
Pcyqo0 #10
Chapter 11: Uwahhh! It's back! :D
Thanks for updating, this chapter was really amazing. Keep up the good work and take care of yourself! <3