Chapter 009

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“Yah, what’s up?” Chaewon greeted the two lovebirds as they entered their tent.


“Huh?” Nako asked, though her smile is not fading.


“Look at that annoying smile,” Ssamu rolled her eyes. “Why do you look so happy?”


“Nothing, I just got enough sleep,” Nako replied, though the other girl was not convinced. “I promise, Chaewon. Ask Wonyoung.”


“She’s not lying,” The bunny said, sitting on the vacant chair to ease her exhaustion. “This is the normal us.”


“Then why do you look so giddy to me?”


“I don’t know, maybe you’re the one who changed. Let me guess, Hitomi left for a flight days ago, am I right?”


Ssamu did not answer. 


“I guess I’m right,” Nako said proudly, biting the sandwich she took from the table.


“Stop laughing at me,” Ssamu lashed. “I hate you for real, Nako.”


“Don’t be all grumpy, Chaewonie…” Wonyoung stopped the fight before it even began. “Hitomi just messaged me… Just a few more minutes.”


Another couple entered the scene, wearing the same frown Chaewon had seconds ago. 


“What’s up my dear sister? Why the sad-”


“Not now, Wonyoung.” Eunbi pleaded. “I didn’t wake up on the right side of the bed today.”


“Oop. Sorry,” Wonyoung mumbled. “But correction sis, it’s not just today, it’s everyday.”


“You- Ugh, whatever.” Eunbi just rolled her eyes. She lifelessly was about to make her way out of the tent but the other Chae stopped her.


“Eunbi, wait-”


“We both need time to think, Chae. Let’s just talk later.” Eunbi emphasized, before exiting out of the tent. 


“... Is this the tent of grief?” Nako jokingly said. “Come on, guys! Cheer up-”


“Nako...” Wonyoung only said a word and her significant other was silenced.  


“I… Would like to go for a drink.” The tiny girl got the clue. “Chaewon, would you like some?”


“H-Huh? No, Tomi told me to just wait for her here-”


“Fine! I’ll treat you-”


“Actually, I was kidding. Hitomi won’t be mad, right?” Ssamu immediately stood up and clanged her arms on the other gal. “How ‘bout Pearl Shake? I know a shop nearby!”


“Look at you when it comes to food.” Nako scolded, following Eunbi out of the tent.


As the bickering disappeared, Wonyoung slowly went near Chaeyeon whose hands were on her temples. 


“Have you talked to them yet?” The taller one carefully sat beside her. “It’s been days since the article was released.”


“I… Of course, not.” 


“What? But Chae, the more you avoid it, the larger the problem will be-”


“I’m not avoiding it, okay? I’m just… How can I face them without having a proper reason?” The girl replied, clearly stressed out. “Your dad is a man of his words. No matter what my excuse is, I still broke our deal.”




“Why did you agree to it anyway?” Wonyoung asked. She’s been curious about it ever since the start. “The deal?”


“Just because…” 




“… I love her.”


4 years ago


“I SAID GET HER OUT OF HERE!” Mr. Kwon’s voice boomed the whole mansion. Even his wife was terrified of her husband.


“Honey, calm down-”


“Calm down?! Your daughter just brought her lover into our damn house and you want me to calm down?! There is no way!” He faced his security team. “What are you waiting for?! I said pull her out! And if you need to use force then do it!”


“Wait-” Chaeyeon tried to set herself free from the arms of two big guards dressed in suits. “Sir, let me explain-”


“What’s happening here?” Wonyoung, who got woken up by the loud noises downstairs, peeked from the second floor. “Chaeyeon? What are you guys doing? Let her go! Dad-”


“You know this girl?!” Their father answered, to which Wonyoung replied with a hesitant nod as she’s scared of what her answer might lead to.


“You knew about your sister’s relationship yet you kept it a secret to me?!” Mr. Kwon’s madness was fueled even more. “You two might be both independent but that doesn’t mean that we’re not here! We are your parents and WE DECIDE FOR YOU!”


“Dad, please!” Eunbi, who is trying to set Chaeyeon free, begged. “Let us speak first-”


“You are not saying a thing, lady!” He pointed at Eunbi with disgust. “How dare you disrespect me like this?! Not only did you brought a girl in front of us and call her your girlfriend, you also brought a low-class, stupid dancer!”


“Dad!” Eunbi yelled as she looked at Chaeyeon who got really hurt at the statements.


“What? I am telling the truth! D’you really think dancing in front of a camera, waiting for your followers to worship you is enough for you to survive?”


“But dad, you were an actor-”


“And that’s exactly why I left my career! Because I had you two and I want you to live whatever life you’re living right now!” Her dad explained. “Because after all, after the bright lights and the fame, everyone will turn their backs on you, and everything will just be a matter of ‘was’ and ‘were’.” 


“I… I cannot let you be with someone who cannot feed you and will just bring a bad name to you…” Their father sighed. “... I want you two separated by the end of this day.”




“No but’s!”


“No, Dad, just once-” 


“Why do you always have to resist my choices!? This is for your own good, too! Remember, you are Kwon Eunbi, the future CEO of our company. You can’t be with someone like her and we both know that. Have you forgotten what I’ve told you before? You must be-”


“Perfect… I must be perfect, right?” Eunbi continued, looking up, tears silently running on her cheeks. “I have to be everything you told me to be. I have to act the way your business partners expect me to but Dad… Dad, I’m already tired.”




“Please, Dad…” Eun’s sobs got louder. Wonyoung was surprised to see the scene; she has never seen her older sister and inspiration cry like that. 


She was helpless. Desperate.


Slowly, the oldest walked towards her parents and Chaeyeon who’s just a meter in front of them. Her mother was startled when she saw her get down on her knees. She wanted to stop her daughter but her body remained frozen. Their father, on the other hand, remained mum.


“Dad…” Eunbi called. “I’ll do anything, please, just don’t break us up… Please…”


Just like Wonyoung, her parents, especially the man of his family, was shocked to see Eunbi holding her father by the feet, asking him for one thing. Eunbi has always been the strong one, but right now, she’s vulnerable.


The guards didn’t stop Chaeyeon when she also got on her knees beside Eunbi. 


“We’ll do anything, Sir… Just please… Please understand…”


“Argh!” Their father growled as he found it hard to think about. 


If only it is on him, Chaeyeon is long gone from the mansion. But Wonyoung’s whispers, Eunbi and Chaeyeon’s wepts, as well as his wife’s expressions are stopping him.


“You.” After some time of thinking, Mr. Kwon spoke. “You’ll quit your dancing career. Deactivate all accounts, as if you did not exist.”


Just that first order already brought Chae to the lowest she can get.


“Second, you and Eunbi’s relationship will be a secret. If other schoolmates who can expose you two know, tell them you broke up. You’ll work in our company, as a staff member, at first. Prove to me that you can work hard for my princess, and I’ll promote you as a manager and as a part of this family… You think you can do that? Because if not, then-”


“I…” Chaeyeon gently wiped the tears from Eunbi’s cheeks, and brought her hand to hers and clasped them tight, trying her best to be tough. 


“… I accept it, sir.”



“It’s funny, you know? How you and your sister ended up with the same fate.” Chaeyeon managed to slip a joke. “Remember when I said I’ll do it, and the tension cleared up, and suddenly your Dad was like “Wonyoung, if you do the same, I am throwing you out of this house!”


Chae bitterly chuckled. “And you did. You ended up like her, falling in love with a girl who’s “not” suitable for you.”


“No… I ended up like you.” Wonyoung replied. “... Giving up everything for love.”


Chae was silenced, but then again she smiled. “... Maybe you really did. How stupid, right?”


Wonny sighed. She can’t stand the situation they are in right now anymore. “I’ll be honest, Chae-”


“No.” Chaeyeon looked at her with those hooded eyes. “Don’t be honest. I know what you’re going to say… And I’m not sure if I can hear it-”


“But it needs to be said!” Wonyoung raged, standing up. “Let’s not be numb, Chae! She has changed and we both know it-”


“Why are you doing this?” The other gal stood up as well. Her voice contains a tone of irritation yet her expressions remain calm… drained to be exact. “Why are you ruining her image for me? Why are you talking behind her back-”


“I’m not back stabbing her, Chae. I’m just being honest.” Wonyoung clenched her jaw. “She’s my sister after all, I knew her before she knew you. And if there is anything about her that is not right, between the two of us, I will know first.”


The taller one stepped forward.


“But if you don’t want to speak about it, then I will. Because I don’t want her to be the person she doesn’t want to be. I don’t want her to hurt our friends. I don’t want her to hurt you-”


“But I’m already scarred, Wonyoung. I’ve already given up everything just to be someone that she and your parents can be proud of.”




“And to say that it won’t work out and I’ve just wasted my time… Wonyoung, that’s the last thing I would want to hear.”


Wonyoung gritted her teeth. Looks like she already made up her mind. 


“Fine, suit yourself. It’s your relationship, anyways.” The taller one rolled her eyes and went back to sitting. “But I can’t believe that you’re still protecting her despite the way she treats you.”

Chaeyeon went back to her playful self for a moment and stole Chaewon’s sandwich on the table. Unwrapping the gift, she responded. “That’s because she’s my Eun. And I promised that I’ll protect her.”


“But until when?”


“I don’t know… Maybe until…”






“Until I fell out of love?” 


“Now, I have only one question…”


“WHY AM I PAIRED UP WITH YOU?!” Yuri forgot her idol image once just to scream her innermost feelings. 


“... Yuri, you picked my name.” Yena quietly replied.


“Then why, out of all the names in that bowl, did I pick yours?!” The other gal reprimanded. “And why, out of all the episodes, does it have to be in the horror one?!”


Yep, that’s right. All the actors knew was that they’re gonna split into groups and shoot in the karaoke room, computer cafe, and do tarot reading. What they do not know is that after that, the last thing to capture for the directors is the “haunted school” concept that the audience requested. Most of them have no complaints, especially Hyewon and Yujin, since they love escape rooms. But to Yena and Yuri?


“Aish, I swear!” Yuri wanted to curse so badly but she kept it to herself since she's an idol. It’s not that she doesn’t want to be paired up with Yena because of their past. Well, that counts, too. 


But the main reason?


“Why you?! You’re such a coward!”


Like, legit.


She can remember the duck wailing over a horror movie.


“Um, excuse me?!” Yena was appalled. “I’m sorry but you’re the greatest coward here!”


That’s also true, though. Because that time when she was crying her eyeballs out for the horror movie, Yuri probably fainted already.


“Argh!” Yuri screamed in frustration. 


She then took a deep breath. Welp, no choice. 


“Fine… Let’s just go then.”


Yena did not expect this. Usually, she was the one to push the girl but right now, it’s the other way around.


Things had really changed, huh?


“W-Wait,” Yena accidentally tugged Yuri’s sleeves, to which the hamster doesn’t really mind anymore given the scary situation. “L-Look, this is your show, right? T-Then you must’ve been included in this.”


“What are you trying to say?!”


“Well, maybe you can just tell me where the gifts are so this can all be over!”


Yuri couldn’t help herself anymore at the “dumb” idea. 


“Choi Yena…”




If not for the staff in front of them laughing at the idol’s reaction, Yuri would have already - No - Yuri would definitely beat the duck to a pulp. 


Calm down, Yuri, your image…


Though extremely stressed out, the singer managed to be the most patient person in the room. “Just… Let’s just go outside.”


“But Yuri-”


“Come on, Yena, I’m scared, too!” Yuri bursted out, extremely failing her mission of keeping the mentioned virtue with her.


“I…” The politician can clearly feel drying up. However, she also knows that they must overcome this to finish the shoot. “F-Fine…”


A few minutes later, the two went out of the room and into the Science Lab. they’re not touching each other, but they’re just a few inches apart since they only have one camera and well… They both need screen time. 


The first minutes inside the lab were easier than they thought. Yes, it was dark, but there’s nothing that scary… Well, aside from that creepy skeleton by the door.


But things started getting real the moment the lights outside flickered. 


“Y-Yah, Yena… H-Haven’t you found it yet?” Yuri unconsciously tapped the duck’s back multiple times, all while still looking at the transparent window just to make sure that nothing would pop out from nowhere.


“Wait… I’m trying my best…” Right at this very moment, the only thing that Yena wants are night vision eyes. The room also lacks proper ventilation, so right now, her hands and face are both sweaty. 


“Here it is!” The duck felt like a thorn was pricked out of their heart at the sight of the last black box. 


Yuri, on the other hand, clapped like a seal. “Then, let’s go-”


Suddenly, loud pop sounds were heard, causing the two to run towards each other in fear. Realizing what they both did, they slowly let go of each other’s hands, trying not to make it obvious in front of the cameras how allergic they are to each other. 


“W-What was that?! We already finished our mission!” Yena cutely yelled, her lips stretching forward. 


They remain statues in their positions, hesitating whether to go out and face their fears.


What they don’t know is that the ‘fears’ they’re talking about are just two people they know so damn well.


“Are you done?” Chae peeked from the corner of the hallway. 


“Yep,” Hye turned back. She let out a smirk. “Just finished one box of these firework poppers. Can you hear how loud they were screaming?”


Hyewon and Chaeyeon were already back in the classroom, but since it may get boring waiting for others, they decided to go for a tour around the campus. Luckily, they found the perfect victims.


“Wait, they’re going out now!” Chase pushed Hyewon to the side. 


Just like what she said, the ex couple exited the room, interlocking their arms. Guess it’s safe to say that at this point in time, they just don’t care anymore.


They just want to survive.


“It’s this way, right?” Yena pointed to the dark hallway on their right, to which Yuri just nodded.


“Y-Yah~,” Yena nervously chuckled, as Yuri is not really talking. “N-No more surprises, right- AH!”


The two ran as fast as they could away from the zombie approaching in front of them, which resulted in both of them stumbling down the school hallway.


“HAHAHSDFHGFDS,” Chaeyeon’s iconic laugh can be heard after the eventful shoot. Even the crew behind the camera can’t help but laugh with her.


“Cut! Good take!” The director teased even further, snickering. Hyewon just smiled and raised a thumbs up. That’s going into the edited episode, for sure.


Yuri immediately stood up, embarrassed by what just happened. Yena, on the other hand, remained on the floor.


“Yah, aren’t you going to stand up?” Joyyul asked, wiping her dusty uniform. 


Not sure if it’s out of pity or instinct, but Yuri quickly went to Yena and gave a helping hand. Chae and Hyewon, on the other hand, just watched the two have their moment.


“T-Thanks,” Yena stood up, but immediately flopped back down again due to her weak knees. 


Once again, Chaeyeon’s laughter was heard throughout the corridor.


But not just hers.


Hyewon and even Yuri were laughing at the girl. They know how scaredy cat Yena is but it’s just nostalgic, in a way, to see her like this again. 


“Y-Yah! I-I just tripped!” Yena tried to convince the others, showing her duck lips as she pouted. “D-Don’t think anything else!”


“Yeah, right, just tripped,” Kwangbae whispered, smiling. “Let’s just go back to the room. You’re the only one left here.”


Soon enough, the shoot ended, with the girls celebrating Sakura’s birthday. 


“YAH, WHO BOUGHT KKURA THAT GAME?!” Hyewon fumed. “She’s not going to sleep again!”


“Don’t be such a killjoy, Hye. As if you won’t join her in playing that game.” Eunbi calmly responded.


“Wait, why are you protecting the secret friend?” Yujin’s suspicions grew. “Is it you?”


Instead of answering, Eunbi just gazed at her with those piercing eyes. “Do I look like I have time to prepare all of this?”


“W-Well, I guess not…” Yudings just lowered her head. 


Eunbi still has that Kwon charisma, huh?


“Hey, stop talking about the show, will you? Let’s go celebrate Kkura’s party!” Wonyoung, the default party girl, exclaimed. 


Everyone agreed as they all walked towards the parking lot, when someone dropped by which made the air seem a lot heavier. 


“Hey, everyone!” Juri greeted, waving her hands while holding her car keys. 


“Juri? What are you doing here-”


“Before you say it, I’m not here for you, idiot,” Juri cut off Yena’s sentence. She then looked at her childhood friend. “I’m here for Saku-chan, to wish her a happy birthday. Here, by the way.” 


The other gal hands over a paper box.

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choiyull_ #1
Chapter 12: its so painful though.. thank you for the updatee
yodaengie #2
I'm just so hooked with this story, I literally cried since I feel for Yuri's pain 😭
Chapter 12: FIRST OF ALL I screeched when I saw the update. It's been so long since I last saw this at the top of my subscriptions page (I may or may not reread this a lot).

Man I already suspected some sort of abuse with Juri, but Yena really is such a selfless dumbo duck. She thinks it's best that everything remains hidden to keep everyone happy, but let's be real. She's not happy, Yuri isn't happy, Juri isn't happy either. All of them are suffering, and whether she likes it or not eventually she will have to spill. That's just how life works, especially with Juri very focused on finally freeing Yena and making her be selfish for once. I love Juri's character btw, she knows she doesn't stand a chance, so instead she'd rather one of them be happy then both of them be miserable. Yuri loved Yena so much that she had to force herself to hate Yena, because we all know girlie ain't nowhere near moving on.

ALSO thank you! I didn't expect the shoutout 😭 I'm glad that I helped you get back your inspiration to write this again, because personally I've become so emotionally invested in this series it'd be honestly so sad to see it go (proud reader since the very beginning of Start of Something New and sobs to like, every chapter). And one thing's for sure, take your time! Like I said, we'll be waiting until the end of the journey!
1761 streak #4
Chapter 12: wow! it's been awhile had to look back on some of the chapters to refresh my memory!
Chapter 11: Author-nim, just here to let you know that we're always going to be waiting, so take your time until you have the motivation to write again!
Zenflick615 #6
Chapter 11: I'm loving this story so much!!! I hope you can update when time comes
Heyboiii #7
Chapter 11: Welcome back💙
Pln_0401 #8
Chapter 11: AT LASTT 😭❤️
Chapter 11: i miss this story authornim :). i always waiting for your update! welcome back ❣️
Pcyqo0 #10
Chapter 11: Uwahhh! It's back! :D
Thanks for updating, this chapter was really amazing. Keep up the good work and take care of yourself! <3