Chapter 6

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I've been a fool

But Strawberries and cigarettes

Always taste like you


"Why are we going to school so early in the morning?" The sleepy bear protested and the bunny beside her gave her a hard look.

"It's your first day of school. And today, I'm going to be your guide because I'm sure you're definitely going to get lost and make a total fool of yourself in front of your whole class if I don't help you."

Seulgi groaned for an answer and Joohyun just smirked as she watched the bear rub her eyes trying to wipe away her tiredness. "And besides, since I'm sure you're going to be the first to arrive, you'll have a chance to be friends with whoever comes next! You learn about your new school, our school and make new friends! How perfect is that?"

"Just perfect" Seulgi grumbled as she pretended to clap mockingly. "As expect from Joohyun Bae." 

"Make sure you wait for me after the fourth period is over, okay?" Joohyun sternly said and the younger nervously looked back.

"Are you sure you're okay eating with a first-grade student?"

"It's more than okay so stop worrying for me you stupid bear."

Seulgi scratched her head. "I'm just worried your friends won't like me."

"I don't have friends. Not real ones anyway besides you. But I'm worried that Wendy might tag along."

Joohyun cringed at the thought of Wendy smiling like an idiot and greeting Seulgi, asking her endless questions leaving Joohyun fuming while she ate her lunch in silence. No. She refused that to happen. She had to stop that from happening.

"I actually really want to meet Wendy."

Joohyun turned around so fast they almost bumped into each other. "What do you mean you 'really want to meet Wendy.'?"

"She seems so attached to you even though you're a total meanie to her. She must be a saint!" Seulgi exclaimed and this time, with a little exaggeration.

"Shut it, Kang."

If someone who didn't know Joohyun saw her seething face, they would probably run away with fear but Seulgi was too used to it to be frightened. Instead, she laughed and linked Joohyun's arm in assurance.

"I'm kidding! Geez, does Wendy intimidate you that much?"

Actually Wendy was the total opposite of 'intimidating'. Heck, she even baked chocolate cookies for her that Joohyun reluctantly received. It was obvious Wendy wanted to be friends with her and yet Joohyun still couldn't help but keep her distance.

"Just don't get too close to her."

The truth was she was afraid Seulgi might be blinded by the light of perfectness Wendy emitted. The light that was brighter and bigger than hers.

"Aw, is someone jealous?"

"I said shut it, Kang."

When they finally reached their destination, Joohyun marveled how the cherry blossoms trees around the school made the old building so beautiful.

"It's beautiful." Seulgi agreed when she noticed Joohyun's awe-struck face. "But I prefer the tree in 'you-know-where'."

Joohyun couldn't help but crack a smile at her friend's comment. "Sure. Nothing will ever beat that."

"Want to visit the tree again this evening?"

"I have tons of assignments piled up," Joohyun said apologetically and Seulgi let out a disappointed sigh. "I sometimes wish you were not so perfect."

"I'm not."

"Don't be ridiculous."

If you meet Wendy, you won't definitely say that anymore. Joohyun thought bitterly. 

"What should I do this evening without Joohyun Bae?" Seulgi sighed dramatically as she put her palm on her forehead as if she was suffering from a headache. Joohyun snorted at her friend who looked like a musical actress grieving her sadness in the show.

"You could always try studying."

"Nah, not into it. Come on, give me something to do other than studying."

Something to do. Joohyun thought about what she did whenever she finished her studies earlier than expected. Study more? Nope. Listen to classical music? Nope. Cleaning up her room? Definitely no. Reading a good book? Hmm... Then she remembered how much Seulgi likes reading as much as she does. Her eyes glinted with anticipation. She rummaged through her backpack and pulled out a book with a blue cover.

"Read this and I'm sure you're going to beg me for more."

Seulgi raised an eyebrow. "I'm a big book lover, yes but isn't that a romance novel?"

Just as expected. Joohyun still couldn't understand why Seulgi hated romance novels. "It's not just a sappy romance novel," Joohyun argued. "This one is more than that. It's beautiful yet sad, tragic yet it will always linger in your mind."

Seulgi started to get a little intimidated by Joohyun's face filled with anticipation she had no choice but to take the book held out to her.

Joohyun flashed her a satisfied smile that strangely made her whole body tingle in a good way. "I'm sure you'll love it."

"Okay. Now can you show me around?"

"Oh, yeah of course. Better start now. Follow me, transfer student!"

As Joohyun bounced up the stairs, Seulgi was amused to see Joohyun so excited. She had to admit, even though she was annoyed by the fact she didn't get much sleep(and she was a very heavy sleeper). she was thankful for Joohyun helping her and going to school with her. If she was by herself she was sure she was going to stand in front of the gate until the bell finally rings. She wondered if Joohyun was excited because she now gets at least a small amount of freedom from her parents for going to school or because Seulgi was going to attend school with her from now on. She hoped it was the latter.


After showing Seulgi each floor which was actually the same except for the class number, they stepped inside Seulgi's classroom. It wasn't that big so Seulgi figured there will be about 30 students in each class.

It took her a long time to choose her seat when Joohyun finally chose one for her. The backseat by the window. Which was perfect because 1. When someone enters, she/he will have no choice but to see Seulgi and greet her. and 2. Seulgi can get away from the teacher's attention and 3. Seulgi loved seats by the window. Perfect.

Placing her backpack on her new seat, they searched for her name tag on the lockers. They did a little game of 'Who would find Seulgi's locker first?' and being the most competitive, Joohyun shouted in victory as she pointed the locker right in the middle and Seulgi gave her a proud thumbs-up. It was a very childish game yet seeing Joohyun puff out her chest with her hands on her hip like a superhero, smiling proudly, Seulgi couldn't help but giggle and find happiness well up inside her.

"So all my duties are done. Now it's all up to you."

Seulgi rolled her eyes. "You're so dramatic."

"I'm being like this because today is an important day for you, Seulgi."

"Yeah, I know."

"I hope you bring at least one friend at lunch because.." Joohyun tapped her phone screen and let out an exasperated sigh. "Wendy is going to join us for lunch."

Seulgi smiled widely. "I'll make sure to bring a friend so she won't fall behind."

"Now that I think about it, just come alone so we can ditch her." Joohyun grumbled.

"Someone is veeerrrry jealous."

"Shut up."

Seulgi laughed and waved goodbye as the older girl opened the door. "See you soon."

Despite Joohyun's previous glares, her eyes softened and Seulgi even noticed a small smile forming on her lips. See you soon. Joohyun liked that sentence. It seemed reassuring and promising.

"See you, Seulgi." She said so softly that Seulgi almost didn't hear her. "Don't worry too much, okay?"

When the door closed, Seulgi slumped in her seat. She felt sunlight stinging her face but not in a threatening way. She closed her eyes and tried to calm down her nervousness that came back after Joohyun left.  

She tried to think of a line she would say to greet her classmate but immediately jolted awake when the door suddenly opened.

But instead of greeting the newcomer, Seulgi's awe-struck face with open wide soon turned into pure humiliation and embarrassment.

"IT'S NOT FUNNY!" Seulgi squeaked.

Joohyun had a hard time holding herself up. She flopped down on the floor while clutching her stomach. Her laugh echoed through the hallway as she replayed the surprised and nervous, yet so adorable expression the younger showed.

"I almost wet myself." The older girl said as she finally stood up, wiping tears from her eyes. Joohyun tried hard no to laugh again when Seulgi's nostrils flared, fuming like an angry bear.

"I hate you." Seulgi muttered as she continued to glare at her friend. "Don't make fun of me when I'm nervous. I almost had a heart attack."

"Sorry. It's just that you're so ado-"

"Umm... Excuse me?"

They both averted their gaze from each other and saw a pretty blonde girl who looked just about Seulgi's age.

"You're blocking the entrance so.."

"Oh, I'm deeply sorry." Joohyun stepped aside for the girl who bowed politely and the older girl sent Seulgi a wink. "See you later, alligator."

Seulgi huffed in annoyance and the blonde girl smiled. "Is she your sister?"

"No, just a friend."

The girl's eyes widened in surprise. "You're friends with a third-grade student? Wow."

"How did you know she was a third-grade student?"

"We have different colored neckties from each grade, duh." The girl pointed her necktie and she was right. Joohyun's necktie was black and Seulgi's and the girl's neckties were green. 

"Oh, right."

"How did you meet her?" The girl asked curiously.

"She lives a few blocks away from my home so.. It's no biggie."

The girl nodded. "Still, I envy you for having a third-grade friend."

Seulgi admired the way the blonde girl smiled like an animated character. She seemed cheerful, her eyes glinted mischievously but she knew by the way she held out her hand she was kind enough.

"I'm Yerim. Kim Yerim."

Seulgi took her hand and smiled back at her. "Seulgi. Kang Seulgi."

"Wow, a Kang! I always found my first name so boring."

Seulgi couldn't help but laugh. "You seemed to be amazed by the littlest of things."

"I believe that's the source of happiness in life." Yerim hummed and Seulgi nodded. "I agree."

"I'm glad you do."

Yerim casually placed her backpack on the seat beside Seulgi's and grinned. "So. Mind if you help me find my locker?"


"Jolly to meet you at school Joohyun!"

Joohyun groaned as she covered her ears. God Wendy's friendly, overenergetic gestures were so annoying. It never fails to irritate her.

"Good morning, Wendy." She said weakly and Wendy smiled at her. "I heard today's lunch is delicious so I couldn't resist."

"About that." Joohyun started, not really sure how to explain. "One or two students are going to accompany us."

Wendy sent her a curious stare. "Fine by me. Joy is on a diet. You know that right?"

"Yeah, but the thing is.." Joohyun bit her lip. "They're a bit.. younger than us."

Wendy's eyes widened with complete surprise and Joohyun stopped herself from sighing again. Here it comes.

"How do you become friends who are younger than us? Are they both your friends? Did your parents force you to hang out with them? Are they fans of you?"

Wendy's questions bombarded her and Joohyun calmly responded.

"One of them is my neighbor so I became friends with her. And no, I'm only friends with one of them. No, my parents never forced me and no, they are no fans of mine. You know I am more intimidated by them."

"Wow. The Bae Joohyun. The Bae Joohyun that I have to beg to hang out made friends with a first-grade student? I must meet her!" Wendy said dramatically.

"Don't be so dramatic." Joohyun clicked her tongue in disapproval. "It's no big deal."

"What's her name?"

"You'll know when you meet her at lunch," Joohyun answered, not wanting to tell Wendy Seulgi's name for some reason.

"I want to know! I want to greet her calling out her name!" Wendy pleaded and Joohyu scoffed.

"You're being ridiculous."

"Please?" Wendy clapped her hands together and Joohyun was sure she was going to fall to her knees if she kept refusing. She sighed impatiently. Guess she had no choice.

"Seulgi." She answered. The name rolling off her tongue in a way that made her smile a little. "Kang Seulgi."

She wanted to call her 'Seulgi Kang' but she didn't want Wendy to call her the same way. It was their way of showing how special they were to each other.

"Kang Seulgi." Wendy murmured to herself and her smile widened. "I'm sure I'm going to be good friends with Kang Seulgi and her new friend. I can't wait!"

Their conversation ended when their history teacher entered the classroom and announced he was their homeroom teacher for the year. He was an old man who liked to wave his stick but what bothered Joohyun the most was his first sentence. 

"The real war starts today."

Typical teachers.


"Studying on the first day of school." Wendy groaned as she rubbed her back. "They didn't even prepare for our lessons and yet they still had to make us read the entire textbook."

"You still managed to read them all," Joohyun commented and Wendy shook her head. "I just looked at the pictures. But it was still boring."

Joohyun raised an eyebrow. "So that explains why you read so fast."

"They didn't say anything about reading the paragraphs."

"True." Joohyun agreed and they stopped in front of the cafeteria. Boys and girls wearing the same red blazers and white shirts with black, green and navy ties swarm around the school for lunch. 

Joohyun felt some boys glance at her but she took no notice of them. Then she felt a tap on her shoulder. Hoping for a familiar naive, adorable face she adored, she turned around with a big smile that faltered slightly in disappointment. 

"Oh. Hi, Bogum."

"It's so nice to see you, Joohyun And Wendy." He waved at Wendy and Wendy gave him a good-natured smile.

"Um... Yeah, nice to see you too."

"Did you have a nice spring vacation?"

Joohyun couldn't help but genuinely smile. "The best."

Bogum gave her a satisfied nod. "I'm glad."

"Did you have a nice vacation?" Joohyun said only out of politeness.

"It was okay. But it was boring. I wanted to visit the park but I didn't have the chance."

"You should definitely go th

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I don't have a twitter account anymore but thankfully I saw a pleasant surprise today when I went back to my account for the last time :)
Thank you @dinniebur for liking this fic so much! I'm very happy&grateful that you enjoyed it :) your reactions about each chapter made my day haha


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One of the best.. Thank you very much 💕
Kylie_123 #2
Rereading !!! Kasi gusto ko kiligin ulit 💗💗💗
Jensoo4everlove #3
Chapter 59: I LOVED THIS SO SO MUCH 😭❤ And thankyou so so much Author for taking out time to write such a masterpiece!!! I really appreciate it!! But why can't I see the sequel? 🥺
I just want to ask if this is the original version because I read this but it's the Ryeji version on wattpad huhuhu.
AnneTokki #5
Chapter 59: 💓💓💓💛💛💛🫶
Reading this masterpiece for the third time, is my comfort fic, let’s goo!
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #7
Chapter 49: reread❤❤
Chapter 20: this chapter made me cry. the angst!!!
Seul_rene14 #9
Chapter 59: Am I the only one who won't get to read the sequel?🥺😭
gcpt21 #10
Chapter 49: This fic is so beautiful thank you so much author ily