Chapter 43 (Part 1)

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Lighters and candy, I've been a fool(I can't shake my hunger for)


Joohyun only had one problem left.

"You sure it's not a relic?"

Okay, maybe two. Including her annoying, freakishly tall friend in front of her.

"Or not the ring you stole in the museum? Because I feel like I've seen that ring without its owner for months."

Yes, Joohyun still hadn't given Seulgi the ring.

But who could blame her when she thought she will never be able to give the ring about two weeks ago?

"I know, we know you two have been through a lot but Joy has a point," Wendy added. "I'm worried you will take that ring with you in your grave."

Joohyun rolled her eyes. "Very funny."

"We're serious, Baechu." Joy said as she put down her mug. "I think now is the right time for you to give her the ring." And Wendy nodded along.

Joohyun shifted uneasily, suddenly not feeling too hungry despite the strawberry shake right in front of her. "I don't know. Whenever I think about it, I can't help but think it's too.. soon."

"That's because you two haven't talked properly yet," Wendy said as she pointed her fork at the bunny. "You two were too busy making out to talk."

"Awwww..." Joy grinned mischievously as she watched her friend's face turn bright red. "You were that desperate, weren't you?" She pretended to look at the flushed bunny with pity. "You know she's still a minor. She becomes legally adult after two weeks but I understand that must be torture for you."

"We didn't go that far." Joohyun hissed. "So shut your big fat mouth."

They couldn't even if Joohyun wanted to.

'I still always feel.. something burning inside whenever I kiss you.' The younger had said as she covered her face with her both hands after their kiss ended. Joohyun laughed to herself recalling Seulgi's pink ears.

'My heart beats so fast I was almost afraid you might hear it and freak out.' Seulgi mumbled, still covering her eyes with her hands. 'And god I can't breathe when I opened my eyes after the kiss and see you.'.

The younger whined as she covered her face with a pillow, with Joohyun admiring her in amusement. 'How do couples do all these.. things?'

'What things?' Joohyun asked teasingly as she tried to take away her pillow.

Seulgi peeked out from her pillow, her face still red, then sighed.

'You know... Making out.... And...' The younger swallowed. 'Making love.'

Now it was Joohyun's turn to blush. 'Oh..'

'I still don't know how to kiss properly..' The younger said in embarrassment. 'But you always seem to know how to do it.'. Seulgi shook her head, trying to stop thinking the reason why Joohyun was good at it. 'Maybe I should take lessons.'.

'You can learn from me.' The older had said as she pecked her lips. 'And don't you even think about learning from someone else.'.

Joy must have noticed her lips curling up unconsciously as she raised her eyebrow, her grin getting wider. "Really? You sure?"

"Give her a break, Sooyoung." Wendy stopped her and Joohyun was glad because she was almost pondering if she should throw her strawberry shake at the girl.

And that would be such a waste for a good strawberry shake.

So instead, Joohyun held the cup on her cheek to cool off her flushed face.

"I know I have to give her the ring sooner or later," Joohyun mumbled. "But I don't know what I should do before that. I at planning events."

Wendy chewed on her waffles. "Do you really need to plan an event for that?"

Joy looked at her hamster friend pathetically. "As expected from a single."

"Hey! You're single too!"

Joy pretended to examine her nails as she avoided Wendy's glare. "I'm only single in the present." She said calmly. "And I have more dating experience than you."

Joohyun shrugged and nodded. "That's true."

Wendy slumped in defeat. "I'm just waiting for the right one." She mumbled in weak defense.

"I know you are." Joy cooed as she squeezed Wendy's cheeks which the hamster wasn't so pleased about. "But for you to do the right thing for your right one, just watch and learn." The tallest girl turned to the bunny who flinched at her intense gaze. "Now, about the event. I think I have an idea."

Before Joohyun could ask, Joy pushed the bell button which answered with a cheerful 'Ring!' and Jennie hurried toward them with a greeting smile.

"What's up, girls? Need a refill?"

"Hey, Jennie." Joy rested her chin on her hands. "Do you have any plans for this evening?"

Jennie shook her head. "Nope. I'll be staying here all day. Why do you ask?"

"Could you maybe do us a favor?"


"We've never gone to Jennie's cafe late in the evening," Seulgi said in awe while they walked side by side. "I never realized that."

Joohyun sneakily reached for her hand. "I figured it would be a nice change."

"Yeah." Seulgi agreed as she smiled down at their hands locked. "It's nice."

"Then I'm glad."

Since it was Monday, there were almost no people in the streets, as if even the world agreed the two girls needed some time alone. Only the two of them.

Which made Joohyun a little giddy since it also felt like fate was encouraging her to give the younger the ring she had kept to herself for months.

But now wasn't the right time. She needed to be patient.

Joohyun put her other hand in her pocket to make sure she brought the ring.

Seulgi shivered a little. "I guess it really is winter now." She said with a little regret. "It's so dark and even the trees look cold."

"That's why I prefer Spring out of all four seasons," Joohyun said as she looked up at the pitch dark sky.

Seulgi nodded in agreement. "I did too."

Joohyun raised an eyebrow. "You don't like Spring anymore?"

"No, not at all. I still love Spring." Seulgi looked up along with the older, trying to find a tiny star in the vast dark. "But now I realized every season has its charm."

"Mind giving me an example?"

"Well," Seulgi kept her gaze focused on the sky. "Spring was the season I met you. And went to the cherry blossom festival with you."

Joohyun gave her a knowing look but she had no intention to stop her. "Acting smooth again, huh?"

"I went to auntie Mia's villa with the four of you and learned love overcomes all imperfections." She glanced at the older. "And I still believe that."

Joohyun bit her lip, remembering the last time Seulgi made a remark about that. "Even yours?"

Seulgi looking at her as if she was the only one who existed in her world always took her breath away. "Even mine."

"I'm glad you do," Joohyun said quietly, not letting go of her hand.

"And we came back to each other in Autumn, right where Mr. Statue is."

"I couldn't believe things that happened in movies or novels happened in real life," Joohyun mumbled. "And I still can't believe it."

"Ditto." Seulgi agreed. "And we parted in Winter, starting our long-distance relationship."

Joohyun frowned. "So I guess you don't like winter so much?"

"It was hard," Seulgi admitted. "But that as much as it was, we tried to make this work. And that made me realize we're.. more than that."

Joohyun pretended to be oblivious. "More than what? What could that possibly be?"

"Don't tease." Seulgi pouted. "I'm serious."

The younger turned her head sideways to not let Joohyun see her blushing so she didn't know the older was only staring at her so lovingly anyone could have noticed they were more than just two girls hanging out.

Seulgi finally managed to turn her head but her eyes were focused on the sky, not having the courage to meet Joohyun's teasing eyes. (and she could never be more wrong. Joohyun's eyes looking at her now was far from teasing.).

"I just wanted to say," The younger cleared . "That you make me enjoy all seasons. Whether it's cold or warm, dry or rainy or snowy, I can enjoy every season because they're filled with my times with you."

"Smooth as always." Joohyun playfully said but only she herself knew her heart was fluttering with butterflies in her stomach.

"Oh look!" Seulgi pointed at the sky, never noticing the influence of her words. "A star!"

Sure enough, there was a tiny, but bright star if they squinted hard enough.

"There always seem to be at least one star however dark the sky may be," Seulgi said as she smiled up at the star. "And if you did find one, you can always see more stars." She met Joohyun's eyes and smiled with pure joy. "Isn't that amazing?"

"..Yes." Joohyun managed to answer. "I guess it is."

Joohyun already found her star in her sky.

And it could shine less bright someday, making itself fade away from her eyes.

But she didn't need any more stars to replace it.

Because as her someone said, it will always be there however dark her sky may be.


"I know it's Monday," Seulgi said as she closed the cafe door behind her. "And I know nobody will want to go out in this weather." She looked around the cafe with vacant seats and her voice echoed in the empty cafe. "But I never expect this."

Joohyun could be a good actress if she wanted to. So she strolled around, pretended to be puzzled as much as Seulgi was, and then flopped on their usual table. "I have no idea. But why don't we just enjoy it?"

"...Sure." Seulgi reluctantly said as she sat facing the older.

Then Seulgi noticed the oven and two wine glasses. And the bottle of wine and the candles on their table were actually hard to ignore. The bear chuckled as she gave Joohyun a knowing look.

"You planned this, didn't you?"

Seulgi was dense but sometimes she was

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I don't have a twitter account anymore but thankfully I saw a pleasant surprise today when I went back to my account for the last time :)
Thank you @dinniebur for liking this fic so much! I'm very happy&grateful that you enjoyed it :) your reactions about each chapter made my day haha


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One of the best.. Thank you very much 💕
Kylie_123 #2
Rereading !!! Kasi gusto ko kiligin ulit 💗💗💗
Jensoo4everlove #3
Chapter 59: I LOVED THIS SO SO MUCH 😭❤ And thankyou so so much Author for taking out time to write such a masterpiece!!! I really appreciate it!! But why can't I see the sequel? 🥺
I just want to ask if this is the original version because I read this but it's the Ryeji version on wattpad huhuhu.
AnneTokki #5
Chapter 59: 💓💓💓💛💛💛🫶
Reading this masterpiece for the third time, is my comfort fic, let’s goo!
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #7
Chapter 49: reread❤❤
Chapter 20: this chapter made me cry. the angst!!!
Seul_rene14 #9
Chapter 59: Am I the only one who won't get to read the sequel?🥺😭
gcpt21 #10
Chapter 49: This fic is so beautiful thank you so much author ily