Chapter 23 (Part 2)

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You always leave me wanting more

I can't shake my hunger for

Strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you.


"You didn't expect this, did ya?"

She swore she could see Seulgi's invisible tail wagging excitedly, delighted that her surprise was a success.

It was the most adorable sight she had ever seen, right next to her third torture.

"You sure are full of surprises."

"I am, aren't I?"

Joohyun felt her lips curl up into a smile as she shook her head in amazement. "So that's why you made all of us dress up?"

"It's a big event for us, isn't it?"

"Okay. So should I just wait until you decide to confess or should I start?"

"Let's enjoy the cake first." Seulgi grinned sheepishly. "I'm starving."

"Of course."

Even with the silence, Joohyun didn't feel uncomfortable at all. Because it was a different kind of silence. 

Not the kind of silence she had to go through with her parents whenever they had dinner.

She unconsciously scowled at the thought of her parents and the younger spoke up, not wanting the petite girl to feel any negative emotions at least for today.

"What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?"

"I'm fine. Surely more than fine." She gave her the best reassuring smile but winced. "Actually.. I fought with my parents and they still refuses to talk to me."

The bear almost dropped her fork and even stuttered her words. "Whe.. Whe-when?"

"When I couldn't bear your absence."

The crease in the younger's forehead never eased as her frown deepened.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It was a rebellion I had to do someday. I should be thanking you."

"For causing you to do something you were almost deathly afraid of?"

"Really. It's fine, Seulgi. I really am. I feel a whole lot different after that."

"In a good way or..?"

"It feels.. uncomfortable yet I feel so... free."

"Welcome to the life of a normal human being, Joohyun Bae."

"I feel like a horse out of its leash. You feel so free at the moment but then you realize you have no idea where to run."

"You can go anywhere you want," Seulgi encouraged, still concerned but glad Joohyun Bae finally got out of her box aka. her glass container.

"You don't and you can't, find the right path at once."

"I know," Joohyun hummed as she put down her fork. "I guess I still have a long way to go."

"Well begun, half done."

She felt all her fears she was trying to suppress slowly ebb away, making her smile again. 


"Anything else I need to know what happened in your life?"

"Aside from that, and last week, and this, nothing new."

Seulgi laughed as she dabbed her lips with a handkerchief. "That's good to hear."

"All I think about these days other than you is college, college, college."

"Are you still going to apply for medical school?"

The older's shoulders hunched and she shrank into the chair, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

"I don't know."

She half-expected Seulgi to say she'd better make up her mind before it was too late.

But she regretted always underestimating the younger.

"Don't pressure yourself too much about it. It's only a matter of time, not a matter of yourself."

"I'm scared of the future." Joohyun candidly blurted out.

"What if I get too busy with a medical study I won't have a chance to figure out what I want to do?"

Seulgi's eyes softened when she noticed the despair in the older's tone.

"Then I'll have no choice but to become a doctor, and spend my money to feel better about myself and die as a rich old woman."

Seulgi stretched out her hand and gently placed it on Joohyun's cold palm and grasped it not too hard, but firmly enough.

"You're thinking too much."

"But I mean it," Joohyun mumbled as she thought to herself how empty she would be if Seulgi ever let go of her hand. "I want to stop the time if I could."

Then maybe they could promise their forever, without concerns about their future, having nothing more to worry or fear about.

She liked the present. She didn't want the future to ruin what she had longed for years.

There were only 3 months left for their CSAT(College Scholastic Ability Test) and there were only 5 months left before her parting with the younger.

She was admittedly going to try to visit every weekend but things could always change.

Which meant things could always change in a bad way.

"I'll have to leave all my friends. And I have no idea what I want to do."

"We're still going to see each other. You know how much we cherish our friendship with you. Heck, I bet Joy and Wendy are going to throw a party for knowing you for ten years."

Seulgi felt her heart slam hard against her rib cage when she saw how much she was exhausted from frustration and realizing she couldn't do anything to get rid of them.

"You remember when I said I'm going to apply for a part-time job for our trip?"


"I'm planning on spending it to visit you every week."

Joohyun choked on her drink and sputtered, "That's absurd!"

She threw her a sharp glare but Seulgi remained benignant, almost looking immodest.

"Kang Seulgi. You're not going to spend that damn money just to see my face!"

"Seoul is a big city!" She argued. "And besides, it has lots of exhibitions there so it's a win-win situation!"

Joohyun shook her head disapprovingly. "You're unbelievable."

"That's my middle name." The bear replied teasingly but her gaze soon turned serious, showing she was determined about her plan.

"Think about it. You endure your days in college and on weekends we can do anything we want. If you suddenly have a hobby in.. Let's say cooking? Then we can apply for one day class."

Joohyun had to admit, it was sweet of her to spend all the money on their dates but she felt like it was too much. Not in a burdening way, but still. 

"Don't rush it. I'm here with you and we can figure it out together."

Figure the future out together. Together. That word has a nice ring to it.

A part of her still wanted to argue, but it was only out of guilt she wasn't being enough for the younger girl. Seulgi deserved the world yet Joohyun gave her so little.

"We're still young, Joohyun Bae. Let's take our time."

The way she said it was enough for her to opt to stop arguing because of her puny guilt.

"You know, now that I think about my future you told me, it doesn't seem so frightening anymore."

"I'm actually looking forward to it." The younger said as she held up her glass.

"Here's to our future."

Their glasses clinked together sending clear music to their ears. And Joohyun imagined them, all grown up, clinking their glass of wine in a fancy restaurant. 

Celebrating their success or their anniversary. Or maybe even their engagement.

She knew she was thinking way ahead but who could blame her?

She was imagining her future with the most important person in her world.

And since the younger was the one who officially confessed to her three times, maybe it was her turn to propose.

"Although I'm worried about one thing."

"Hmm?" Joohyun hummed as she snapped out from her daydreams.

"There will be lots of gorgeous people in Seoul. Just like Bogum sunbae." The bear griped as she crossed her arms, her lips pouting endearingly, making the older smirk in amusement.

"You're still jealous of him?"

Seulgi crossed her arms and huffed. "I always will be."

"But in the end, I ditched him and came running back to you."

"Still. That day was horrible."

Joohyun had to agree. She never felt more distressed when she saw that look on the younger's face and felt something bubble up inside almost suffocating her.

"With his dashing suit and perfect smile, it hit me that maybe you don't need me anymore. Because you are loved by the most perfect people."

"I don't need perfect." Joohyun insisted, not letting go of her hand. "I needed you more."

She averted her gaze from the younger because she was sure Seulgi was going to if she noticed her flushed cheeks.

"Aw, who knew Joohyun Bae could be this affectionate?"

Even with that stupid grin on her face, it never failed to make Joohyun's lips curve up.

"Shut up."

"Maybe I should write a book called 'How To Win Joohyun Bae's Heart'."

The bunny snorted, but her smile was still lingering on her face.

"Then you'll be condemned because other people will say it's a fraud."

"What?!" Before Seulgi could argue, the older cut her off.

"Because I'm a very stubborn person," Joohyun said with a teasing smile. "And it's occupied for only one person."

It was sure entertaining to see Seulgi with her doe eyes wide open and refusing to shut close with her flushed cheeks.

"You should be honored, Seulgi Kang."

And Joohyun smiled in satisfaction at her victory when the bear remained stunned, very slowly imprinting the affection.

She wanted to say sweet nothingness to her all night but some words always stuck on ever since the younger came back.

"You remember our first meeting?"

"Uh.. Yeah." Seulgi managed to answer, still disconcerted.

"They way you tried to imitate Augustus still irritates me."

The younger sheepishly grinned and shrugged. "It was worth the shot."


"I didn't know how to impress you," The younger truthfully admitted, looking anywhere but Joohyun because she was still embarrassed.

"But it was quite.. Charming and creepy at the same time."

"Gee, thanks a lot."

"That was my second favorite book."

"Yeah. I've seen you read that for the whole spring vacation."

"It's a good book!" The older argued. "I cried three times while reading it."

"It was quite.. Memorable" Seulgi agreed, chuckling when the older's glare didn't falter. 

"I liked how they sincerely felt toward each other. It was different, more than a high-teen romance."

"And I liked the lines in the book. The way they talked was romantic but profound at the same time." Joohyun excitedly added, recalling her favorite lines.

"Indeed." The younger nodded. "They say those big words like me."

"I guess that's why I liked the book so much, it reminds me of what you said."

"Are you flirting again?"

"Yep." She knew she was being too cheesy but the younger's flushed cheeks amused her too much. "I'm a very straightforward, stubborn person."

"Figures." The younger grumbled, annoyed by the fact his time, the o

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I don't have a twitter account anymore but thankfully I saw a pleasant surprise today when I went back to my account for the last time :)
Thank you @dinniebur for liking this fic so much! I'm very happy&grateful that you enjoyed it :) your reactions about each chapter made my day haha


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One of the best.. Thank you very much 💕
Kylie_123 #2
Rereading !!! Kasi gusto ko kiligin ulit 💗💗💗
Jensoo4everlove #3
Chapter 59: I LOVED THIS SO SO MUCH 😭❤ And thankyou so so much Author for taking out time to write such a masterpiece!!! I really appreciate it!! But why can't I see the sequel? 🥺
I just want to ask if this is the original version because I read this but it's the Ryeji version on wattpad huhuhu.
AnneTokki #5
Chapter 59: 💓💓💓💛💛💛🫶
Reading this masterpiece for the third time, is my comfort fic, let’s goo!
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #7
Chapter 49: reread❤❤
Chapter 20: this chapter made me cry. the angst!!!
Seul_rene14 #9
Chapter 59: Am I the only one who won't get to read the sequel?🥺😭
gcpt21 #10
Chapter 49: This fic is so beautiful thank you so much author ily