Chapter 24: 23th day

30 days of being a baby(Twice version)

Nayeon's POV
Ugh! My head hurts. I opened my eyes and saw my members awake and being tied. Including me. There are 9 girls who are with us. I am sure I am also tied right? 


This is so tiring. All I can remember is someone enter the masion then blag! All of us fall asleep. But hey! They knocked us out, I really thought they are men. I guess I was wrong. 

"Ghad, my head hurts. I didn't even drink an alcoholic beverage. Did someone knocked me out?" Momo asked as she felt the pain in her head. 

"Yes, we got knocked out. I am really shocked that the door was opened by this bad people. VILLAINS!!!"

"That was so random Sana. Just shut up for a moment and think on how we can get out of here." I said to her as I try to untie the rope that bind my body, arms and legs to feet. 

Gosh, how dare they tie me?! 

"Oh, we can hear you, you know." The person who is beside me said.

Why does she sounds like Me? 

"Did you know that we have the same voice? Oh! We also have the same hair. Perhaps, I am your idol?" I am half confident and half worried about what will be her answer. 

She took off her mask and look at me. Wha!!! It-Its me! ME!!! It's freaking ME!!!  My gosh! Do I have a twin sister?! 

"No dear, I am your copy. And I will take your life and I will be you after what Professor Han will gonna do to you." No way! 

"That will never happen. I will do anything just to make this right. I am sure, Professor Furi and Professor Kim will save us." Mina said with a fear in her voice. 

The woman beside her grab her and pull her that makes her look at the woman. No one dares to hurt my dongsaengs! No one! 

NO ONE!!!! 

Third person's POV
As soon as Jeongyeon, Jihyo, Sana, Momo,  and Nayeon saw and heard Mina when she was being hurt because of what the girl who is beside her did, it totally made them mad. Their strength rises up and their face reddened. It totally made the 9 girls who are masked, scared. 

"No one ...."-Nayeon

"ever hurt..."-Jeongyeon

"our fellow member..."-Jihyo

"except for us... "-Sana

"so stop what you did to her... Or else..."-Momo

The long pause makes the other girls sweat in fear. Its really scary when the unnie line are mad because if you do... You will be in danger. 

The masked girls are now stepping backwards. No one ever tried to talk or even fight back. Their masks starts to loose and just fell from their faces by themselves. Their faces who looks totally alike to the TWICE members was seen worried and concerned to each other. 

"What should we do JihyoBot-unnie? They are too scary!" ChaeyoungBot said as she cling to DahyunBot and TzuyuBot.

NaJeongMoSaJi are suddenly stand up and break the ropes that was binded to them and look at the copies. Their eyes are full of anger. Momo and Sana quickly help the other girls escape from their bind. While Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Jihyo walk towards the copies. 

"This is really like a scene in an anime. Don't make them too mad or else, they will be too strong to be defeated." JeongBot said as she is trying to protect her fellow robots. 

They didn't know that the reason why the ropes are easily got broke or split its because... It was a thing rope that can be easily break if too much strength was used. Yeah... Its kinda useless. 

Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Jihyo are now standing in front of the robots. Their eyes are full of anger and they we're about to punch them when someone suddenly fell on top of them that causes their fall on the floor. 

"Ugh! I will never open the portal on the floor again!" the 1st person said as he quickly stand up and help his partner to stand. 

"Yeah, right! You should have thought of that earlier. Did you manage to keep the drinks safe?" the 2nd person who just stand up said. 

The 3mix line are now on the floor complaining to each other. Especially Nayeon, who the hell would want someone to lay on the top of you. 

"Get off me!!!" Nayeon complained. 

"Yah! Jihyo,get off me! You're too heavy!" Jeongyeon said as she rolled to the left side that makes Nayeon yell of pain and make Jihyo say ouch. 

Its really ouch. The 2 men just facepalmed and look at the robot copies. Then they look to the MoSaMiDaChaeTzu, who are now untied. 

"Why... Why are there 2---" The 1st man who is Professor Kim was cut off by the 2nd man who is Professor Furi..

"I am sure they are the copies of the real TWICE members. The traitor of Professor Han told me about it. No doubt that the copies are look exactly like the twice members." Professor Furi said as he go to the maknae line and open the suitcase that he was holding. 

'This is the time to make things right.'Professor Furi

Professor Han's POV 
I think I am now prepared. I must bring him with me. You know, to have some accompany. I remember that I locked him in my daughter's room. I am sure that he is still in there. 

I go to my daughter's room and open it. I saw him, sitting on the floor and watching the tv about him. 

'Got7 member Mark Tuan is currently still missing for this past few days. It was said that someone abducted him when he go to the comfort room in mall. The last scene where he was seen was when he was being drag by a scientist who is involve in the experiment where people who take this will be a baby for 30 days. He is Professor Han,  a genius scientist who---'

I turn off the television and drag Mark with me to my lab. I quickly open the portal and push Mark in it but he fight back. 

"I don't want to be in your side! Let me go!!!" 

"Sorry Mark, but, you will be in my side. You will be my son. You are my son." I smile at him that makes him afraid. 

"You---You're a crazy scientist! I am not your son! Let me go!" 

I punch him very hard on his stomach and push him to the portal. Finally! He's in there, now, its my turn.

*enter the portal*

As soon as we get there, I saw my robots are tied in a chair. Where did the real Twice members go?! 

"Where are they?! Tell me!"

"I told you,  I will never be in your side. Thanks for this teleport device." I look at Mark and he is smirking as he open the portal and enter it. 

No... This can't be! THIS CAN'T BE! 

"You 9! Get out of that ropes and find the real twice members if you don't want to die!"

"Yes, sir!"

I will find you, Twice. 

Professor Furi's POV 
Thank goodness I just came right in time. I give Dahyun, Tzuyu, and Chaeyoung the drinks that will make them go back to normal. And you know what, it worked! The time they drink it, and wait for 10 seconds they're gone. We follow them to our normal/ real world and found them lying on the floor of their dorm----

"THEY'RE >\\\\\\

Professor Kim and I quickly turn around cover our eyes. My wife, I am so sorry that I cheat on you by seeing the Twice maknae line's body. Gosh, I am being a ert. 

"B-Bring them t-to you o-own r-room! FASTER!" Professor Kim said as he quickly go to the kitchen. 

"Sure... Girls, let's carry them in their room."Jihyo said as they carry their maknae line to their room. 

Ha... They are really lucky to have a nice Leader. I wonder if Mark's group is okay. Speaking of Mark, I wonder what happened to him.

*portal open*

*Mark appeared*

*portal close*

"Professor Furi! We have an emergency!"Its Mark! 

But how did he...

"What is it? I thought you're with Professor Han. How did you..."

"I am smart enough to escape from him.  Forget about that, Professor Han is planning to end their life. He will come here. I need you to disable the portals."He said as he sit on the couch. 

Disable the portals? 

"You know that it is impossible do it right away. I need to hack it or close it." I said as I get my laptop and open it to start disabling the portals. 

Gosh! I need Professor Kim in this type of work. 


He quickly go in in the living room and sit beside me. He's really blushing so hard. 

"You're still thinking about that. You ert!" 

He blushed too hard again. He looks like a ripe tomato. Hahaha.... Too much red paint? 

"Did he saw something that makea him a ert?"

"We accidentally saw Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu body for like 3-5 seconds. I am not thinking about it because I have a wife. But for him... He really likes what he saw."

Mark widen his eyes and stand up. Oh, this is great. Someone's really mad right now. 

"You... ERT! *punch Professor Kim's stomach*"

Nice punch! I know it hurts just by seeing it. I am really lucky to have a wife. 

"Professor Furi, Professor Kim, what happened?!" Nice the girls are here except for the DaChaeTzu.

They saw Mark and hug him. Aw... What a family. 

"What are you doing in here?"Jeongyeon asked. 

"Well, I got escaped from Professor Han. He abducted me for these past few days that makes me help Professor Furi about Professor Han's plans. Including the antidote." Mark said as they break apart from the hug. 

I let Professor Kim to disable the portal but we need 4 hours to do it. We don't have enough time, I know that Professor Han will be here soon. 

Faster please. 

TzuyuBot's POV
At last! We are now untied. Those girls are really strong. I am so shocked that they manage to escape from us. But I feel sorry for them that we will end their life and took it for us to live normal. 

"Ugh! How dare they tie us in here! I am so mad! They are so mean!"DahyunBot-unnie said as she stretch her body. 

"But we are also mean, DahyunBot. We want to toom their life to be ours. I think that's bad."

"MomoBot, it is not bad. It is what the right thing to do. We should have a normal life."JihyoBot-unnie said as she starts planning on what we will do. 

I wonder what is right and what is wrong because we don't know what is the best decision for us to do. 

"I think MomoBot is right. We are bad, we did many wrong doings because of what our creator told us to do. Don't you think its our time to be the one who decide for ourselves?" NayeonBot-unnie... 

She really is our eldest. She know what to do. But sadly, our creator is here. 

Professor Han walk towards NayeonBot-unnie and MomoBot unnie and punch them.

"AHH!!!"they yelled. 

"How dare you turn your back on me! I told you, everything that I said is right so do your work!" then he turn his back from us leaving MomoBot-unnie and NayeonBot-unnie lying on the floor. 

I am so ashamed of myself, I cannot protect them even though I am their leader. They are just saying the truth but they are being hurt because of it. We maybe a robot but we are still a human. We have a flesh. A flesh that makes us hurt. 

And it makes me hurt just by seeing them being hurt. 

I have to do something and make everything right. Even though.... 







I will get punished by our creator. 

"Guys, its time to make everything right." all of my unnies look at me. 

"What do you mean?" SanaBot-unnie asked. 

I look at them and said these words that make them shocked. 

"I will make everything right. And I have a plan."

Dahyun's POV
Ugh! I am finally up! Yeah, I'm up! Wait, something's wrong. I am sure that I am not in our real world but why am I in our room. 

Don't tell me... 

I quickly go to the living room and saw our members, Mark-oppa, Professor Kim and Professor Furi in here. Don't tell me... 

"We're back?!"

They smiled at me that is a sign that I am right. I quickly wake my dongsaengs and they look at me in a confused look. We still have the translator device okay. Just incase. 

"Are you okay unnie? Wait, Chaeyoung... Why are we in our room?"

"I don't know Tzu. But... It really looks like our room. Wait! Don't tell me..."

They look at me and I just nod. 

"We're back!!! WE'RE FREAKING BACK!!!"

Tzuyu stand up and hug while Chaeyoung. She's struggling to go down that's why we help her but turns out she fell on us. 

We just laugh that makes the people in the living room go to our room and smile. 

"We're back!"
"Mark-oppa, slow down. You might got choked." I said. 

He just smiled at me and go back in eating his food. He told us everything, we are so worried about him because he got dragged in our problem. After he tild us about it, we called his manager and told him that he is finally here. 

Rather than that, my dongsaengs and I are back. That's why... Tzuyu, Chaeyoung, and I post an instagram photo with a caption:

Twicetagram: We are back! We are happy to be with you again. Help us to put Professor Han in jail. 

I also post Mark-oppa and us with a caption:

Twicetagram: Mark-oppa is really brave and a pig! 

Everyone is happy to us again. Especially our family and our members. I wish everything will be alright. 

TzuyuBot's POV
"Professor Han, we manage to get their schedule tomorrow. We will capture them tomorrow." I said. 

He just smile at me and slap me. It hurts. 

"I told you to call me dad." 

"S-Sorry dad." he pat my head and smile at me. 

"Good girl, go with your sisters. Tomorrow, we have a work to do."

"Yes dad." 

I leave his room and smile at my sisters. 

Everything is going in my plan. 

Tommorow will be the day that we will disappear and the day that everything will be turn right. 

Sorry our creator but... This is the right thing to do. 

Who missed me?!  Seems like my story will be end so soon. Thinking about how I should make my book 2. Will you support it? 







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I'll try but, for now, I am focusing in wattpad for my upcoming stories
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Chapter 23: Will it be updated here as well?
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Chapter 18: Two middle finger for professor han:)
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