♧ Chapter Three: Outlaws

The Outlaws

Chapter 3

Aera’s POV

I looked at surrounding in awe as I stepped out from the car. There was a big mansion in the middle of forest. I guess they’re outlaws so they have to live away from people. But the mansion is so... huge. 

“Ya,” V’s voice snapped me out of my mind. His face showed irritation. “Stop day dreaming and come inside, the others are already on their way,”

V turned and walked towards the mansion. I hurried to V’s side. He was still scary but I need to brave myself. I haven’t thanked him yet for saving me. 

V opened the door in front of him and I was enthralled by the view inside. Everywhere were luxuries. There was unfamiliar figure sitting on the single sofa. He stood up with his hands in his pockets. His figure was tall and his outfit was very business-like. 

“Namjoon hyung,” V stopped walking as I did too. “Here’s the girl,” 

“H-hello,” I greeted hesitantly. 

The guy named Namjoon smiled at me brightly. “Don’t be formal with me, Aera. I’m Namjoon, the leader of this... group,” I sat near Namjoon, followed by V beside me. Jin and Jungkook joined us. Namjoon turned to Jin. “Where are the others?” 

“Hoseok is waking Jimin up but Suga...,” Jin rubbed his temple. 

“He’s busy in front of computer.” Jungkook continued. “You know how he is like when he’s focused...,” 

Namjoon sighed and at that moment, another two guys appeared. The one with peach hair was rubbing his eyes and he squinted his eyes at me. “A lady..? Whose..?” 

“What are you saying kidoo!” The guy beside him smacked his head down. The peach hair guy groaned as he touched his head. 

“It hurts Hoseok hyung!!” He cried out. 

The guy I believed named Hoseok turned to me with somewhat carefree smile. “You must be Aera, right? I’m Hoseok, just call me Jagiya,” He winked at me. 

I blinked my eyes a few times, didn’t know how to react to that. 

“You’re stealing my line, Hoseok,” Jin grinned, looking pleased. 

“This peach guy is Jimin,” Hoseok turned to Jimin and patted him on the back. Jimin bowed to me awkwardly. “Hi,”

“Sit down, I want to discuss something regarding our situation,” Namjoon’s commanding voice echoed in the air. 

Both of them sat down. Namjoon turned to me. “Aera, as you know, we are a group that hunt down gangsters and drug dealers,” He paused as he gestured his body, facing me. “The Red Ice is currently the hotstuff and we’d like to take them down,” 

“And the Red Ice is from my- I mean, uncle’s gang,” I continued. 

“Doesn’t it seem unfair to you?” Namjoon crosses his arms. His eyes met mine firmly. “Your father had an accident and your mother went missing. You couldn’t even met your father at the last moment because you’re so busy running away,” 

His words somehow started to pissed me off. “And you’re busy digging up my background,” 

“Forgive me, it’s essential,” Namjoon smiled ruefully. “You’re trying to move on, but your uncle is very fond of you-“ he paused. “He wants you dead.” 

I broke my eye contact with him and stared down at my small hands. “So what?” 

“Why do you think he wants you dead?” Namjoon asked, playfully rubbing his chin. I shook my head, refusing to meet his eyes. 
“Because he believes that you’ll take over him, Aera,” Jin said on Namjoon’s behalf. “You must have something that scares him to the point he bothers himself to hunt down a weak girl’s life,” 

Weak girl... That words echoed loudly in my mind. I knew I was a weak girl, that’s why I couldn’t even face my father. I couldn’t even face the truths. I lifted my head and stared at Namjoon. “So, what are you implying?” 

Namjoon leaned back. “We want you to intimidate your uncle so bad and take down the Red Ice drug activities,” 

“Intimidate..?” I frowned. 

“We’ll decorate you as a worthy leader of a gang,” Hoseok stated. “At the same time, you’ll be helping us with the drugs issues,” 
I contemplated at his words. How can I trust these guys? 

“She doesn’t trust us,” V said, glancing at me. 

“It’s alright,” Namjoon assured. “We’ll let you think about this. If you decline, I’m afraid you still have to live here until it’s settled,” 
I nodded. That part; I understood. 

Jungkook smiled at me. “Until then, let’s just get along, okay?” 
I nodded at Jungkook. “Thank you,” 
Jungkook tilted his head. “Thank you for... what?”
“For being kind,” I answered. 

V stood up. “Can I go now?” 

Namjoon sighed. “You and I have something to talk about,” Namjoon also stood up and left the scene with V. 

Jimin came beside me and suddenly took my hand. “Come, I’ll show you to your room,” I followed Jimin as he lead me upstairs. On our way, he said. “Let’s be friends, we’re the same age anyway,” 

“Okay,” I answered shortly. I only answer like that because I didn’t want to be so rude. 

We stopped in front of a room. “So here’s your room!” I looked at the door and noticed the sign on the door. The sign had Jimin’s name on it. 

“I KNOW YOU’LL BE DOING THIS YOU IDIOT!” Hoseok out of nowhere smacked his head for the second time. 

“Ow!!” Jimin let go of my hand and rubbed his head. 

“This is not her room! Tch tch,” Hoseok placed his hands on his waist. He looked like a pissed off mother. Funny

“Come on hyung, I was just being nice,” Jimin pouted. 

“Yeah, by being creepy,” Hoseok rolled his eyes. 

“But you flirted with her just now!” Jimin retorted.
“I was being friendly!”

“Can you guys stop now?” I asked, rubbing my temple. Hoseok seemed taken aback. 

“I’m sorry, today is a rough day, huh?” Hoseok smiled apologetically. “Come, let me show you to your room,” 

Hoseok showed me to my room. He stopped near V’s room. He pointed to the single small stairs to the attic. “Namjoonie asked me where would be safe for you, from these wolves like Jiminnie,” He rolled his eyes. “So I thought this attic room will be okay,” 

I climbed the stairs to the attic and felt grateful. The room was pretty and they even provided a mini studio for me to do my paintings. Hoseok joined me upstairs as he gave me the attic room key. 

“We know how passionate you are towards art so I arranged a mini studio for you, it’s not much but I hope you’ll like it,”
I turned to Hoseok and bowed. “Thank you, I’m grateful,” 

Hoseok blushed as he rubbed his neck. “Nah it’s nothing,” He smiled. “You lived with men so I know it’s must be really uncomfortable,” 

“It’s alright.. I’ll manage,” I convinced him. 

“My room and V’s room are the nearest so if anything just tell us,” Hoseok climbed down the stairs. I nodded and he smiled at me. If there is someone nice like Hoseok here, maybe I could survive. It’s better than nothing.


Third Person’s POV

In Namjoon’s office, V sighed heavily. “I’m sorry I had to interfere,” V sighed again. “She was in danger,” 

“You did the right thing,” Namjoon said firmly. “We can use her to bring that son of a down,” 

“I’m no longer surprised at your resentfulness,” V crossed his arms. “But to use her..,” 

“We have no choice, V,” Namjoon slammed the desk as anger fumed inside of him. “Her oh so beloved uncle has to pay for this,” 

V glanced at him. His mind was deep in thought. “Is it right though?” 

Namjoon glared at V. “What do you mean?” 

V didn’t say a word. Before Namjoon speaks again, someone dashed inside the room. It was Suga. 

“Sorry, this is quite important,” He said ruefully. “Black dice has sent message to us, they managed to find our server,” 
“What did they say?” Namjoon asked. 

“They wanted to meet us, along with the girl,” Suga shook his head. “They want to make a deal,”
Namjoon thought deeply and V suddenly spoke up. “I refuse to have her as exchange for information or whatever,” 
“Why not?” Suga questioned. “She’s a hassle anyway, she’s not helping us and she’s just a weak girl,” 
“That’s true..,” Namjoon sighed. “But she’ll be gone the moment we pass her down to that SOB,” 
“So what??” Suga grunted. His words drove V mad. V rushed towards Suga and punched him right in the face. Before Suga fell down, V grabbed him by the collar and stared him right in the eyes. 
“She’s just an innocent girl, we let her in this and you easily want her to die?!”
Suga scoffed. “You’re no different,” Suga pushed him away and touched his painful cheek. 
V cursed at himself and fumbled out of the office. Namjoon touched his nose bridge as he frowned. “Hyung I told you..”
“I know.. I crossed the line,” Suga sighed. 


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Chapter 3: Can't wait for ur update authornim hehe ?