♧ Chapter Two: Encounter

The Outlaws

Chapter Two

Aera’s POV
“This is crazy, V. We shouldn’t be here now, she’s unconscious for some time now,”
“I know. But something about her seemed.. off,”
“Do you mean why her own gang attacked her?” 
“What? Is that true, Jin hyung?” 
“Yeah, it’s what I heard from Suga after V reported the situation we’re in,”
“By any means, she seemed important. We should let her be in our custody,” 
“What! Hyung! This is dangerous! We could be exposed here! Have you forgotten we’re targeted by both sides?! We are also in her studio! She’ll report us!” 
“Shut up, you’ll wake her!” 

I opened my eyes slowly as I heard faint noises nearby. I glanced around as my head was spinning painfully. What just happened...? 

“Oh, you’re awake,” I turned to the owner of the familiar voice; that husky deep voice. The person who saved me and also, terrified me. My memories came back like waves and I shivered in terror. I sat up and shrunk away from them on the sofa. I knew it didn’t help much but I was so confused of what is going on. 

A tall man with a kind face approached me and sat near me on the sofa. “Don’t worry, we’re not trying to hurt you,” 

“Not now anyway,” The husky voice guy retorted. As I recalled, his name was V. He glared at me and looked away. I studied his face carefully. His eyes were sharp but there were gentleness beneath it. His blue hair was somehow radiant, but it fits him perfectly. That night he saved me, he was wearing a mask, so I didn’t have the chance to look at him. He’s beautiful.. and somehow sad. 

“V!” The guy next to him slapped his arm. V groaned. “Why did you say something like that to that poor lady?!” He turned to me and gave me a warm smile. He was very handsome, and very youthful. “Sorry about him, he’s just like that,” 

“I’m Jin,” The guy who sat near me said with a smile. “This must have been really confusing for you, sorry,” 

I shook my head. “I-it’s okay.. You guys saved me.. b-but.. y-you.. I-I..,” The scene where V killed those guys left a very big bad impression on me. 

Jin smiled wryly. “You should change and wash up first, then we’ll tell you,” He paused and looked at the guy beside V. “By the way, his name is Jungkook and that blue haired guy is V,” 

Jungkook smiled awkwardly as he raised his hand. “Hi,”
“You are Han Aera, right?” Jin asked. 

I nodded. Somehow, I already get the idea of these people’s background. “How did you know?” I asked sternly. 

Jin smiled prettily. This is bad.. He’s shining bright with that smile! “How can I forget such beautiful name as yours?”  

“What?” My eyes widened. Confused. Is that flirting?

“You have a beautiful shade on your cheeks too,” I felt my blood rushed to my face. This guy is no joke!

“We did a background check on you; that’ll answer your question,” Jungkook said. 

“Be right back,” V left without looking. 

“Where are you going?!” Jungkook asked but his question was unanswered. “He always like that, trailing off on his own,” 
Jin sighed. “Anyway, Aera, go wash up.” He stood up. “Ah sorry for using your studio, that’s the only option we have for now,” He smiled apologetically. 

“It’s okay. Thank you. Where did you get the keys, though?” I asked. 

“You brought your bag that night,” Jungkook answered. Ah.. That makes sense..  


I changed into comfortable clothes and walked outside my office. My studio was like my second home so everything I need was there. Jin and Jungkook was already at the dining table, eating a warm soup. 

“Aera, come join us,” Jungkook said. 

“You should eat while hearing us out,” Jin suggested. I nodded and sat beside Jungkook. “V! Come inside, it’s cold out there,” 

V walked in and sat beside Jin. He didn’t say much and barely made eye contact with me. He crossed his arms and turned to me. “What are you staring at?” 

I shook my head and turned to Jin. “So who are you guys?”

“Outlaws,” V’s answer startled me. 

“We are group of doing righteous thing,” Jin paused. “In illegal way.” 

“Righteous thing?” I questioned. 

Jungkook nodded. “Yeah, we are currently trying to hunt and shut down Red Ice related activities,” 

“Red Ice?.. That’s..,” 

“That’s what you’re also targeting for, right?” Jin cut me off. “It’s weird that you are against your own gang but judging by your personality, you seem so pure for a dark world like that,” He said with rueful smile. 

“How do you know about that?” I asked. 

“That was the reason you hide yourself when you should be the one who take over the gang,” V retorted. I nodded hesitantly. 

“My uncle is already taking over Black Dice, and me being the next leader is out of question,” I sighed heavily. “I’m just a weak girl.. With only ability to draw..,” 

“That’s why we need you,” Jin pressed. “We believe you can help us in this,” 

“Help you....?” I scratched my head. “H-how..?” 

Jin showed me a mysterious smile. “You need to meet our leader first,” He leaned back and crossed his arms. “And let me remind you, you’ve already associated with us so...,” his words trailed off. 

“So..?” I leaned my head to the side. 

“You need to be with us, until this is over,” Jungkook said. 

I frowned when I heard that. “What? I don’t remember agreeing with you to help you,”

“That’s why you don’t have a choice but to be with us,” Jin answered. “If you refuse, we’ll just have to-“ 
“Kill you,” V cut him off and looked straight in the eyes. “Since you knew about us,” 

I sensed a very dangerous aura surrounding me, telling me I had nowhere to go but to agree. I sighed and pressed my temple as my brain felt very heavy.  “How many of you guys?” I sighed heavily. 

“You haven’t met other four yet,” Jin answered unknowingly. “Let’s just work together and separate to our own ways, hm?” 

“If you want to take me, you better do it now or else my uncle will send more dogs to hunt me,” I stood up. “I’m going to pack my stuffs,” 
Their eyes just followed me without saying anything. 

“She’s not that bright, isn’t she?” Jungkook mumbled. 

“I heard that!” 


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Chapter 3: Can't wait for ur update authornim hehe ?