Chapter 15

The Fate of The Four
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Lieutenant General Son Chaeyoung guided the royalty back quietly, however that soon changed when the crown princess prompted, “Is Nayeon-ie always like that?”

“Pardon me, Your Royal Highness?” Lieutenant General Son asked back questioningly as she halted her steps upon hearing the question.

The crown princess let out a chuckle upon hearing the lieutenant general’s response before clarifying herself, “Is she always that happy and easy-going person whose life seems to always be full of sunshine and rainbows?”

Lieutenant General Son let out a sincere smile upon hearing the crown princess’ question before answering, “Yeah, Her Highness is always that type of a person since she was just a kid. She always takes care of others before herself and that’s what makes everyone around here and in this kingdom love her very much. She’s like a big ball of sunshine that radiates its happiness to the people around her, no matter what condition they are in.”

“Have you ever seen her feel sad or down?” Crown Princess Bae continued asking.

This time, the lieutenant general’s face became slightly darker before she carefully replied, “Well, I never did see her in a somber condition. However, my father did see it once, though, but that was a very long time ago. I was also still a baby when it happened, but my father told me that he saw Princess Im having a very devastated expression when we were kicked out from your kingdom. He also saw that Her Highness could not stop crying while tightly holding hands with Her Highness Royal Princess Bae.”

The answer quickly turned the atmosphere into a heavy one and Crown Princess Bae instantly felt guilty about the occurrence of such phenomenon, although she was absolutely sure that she had not caused it to happen. The rest of the back was silent as neither of the two knew what else to say and Lieutenant General Son just bowed before the royalty before leaving back to where she was needed. Apparently, by the time Crown Princess Bae had returned back to the Bae Kingdom’s allocated area, the supreme general and her three subordinates had finished their meeting, which was highly fortunate because the crown princess felt like telling her girlfriend a very long story.

Luckily for her, the royalty bumped into the supreme general on her way back to her own chamber and called, “Hey, Seul. Can I talk to you for a moment?”

Knowing that it must have been something important due to the difference in the tone that the royalty used, the supreme general immediately agreed upon the proposition and led the royalty inside her chamber.

“What is going on, Hyun-ie? What is with the sudden change of behaviour? Did Princess Im do something bad to you? Curse you? Say bad things about you? I will sure to slit that person’s throat if I know…” the supreme general rambled angrily in a fast speed, one that would probably end up with her throwing punches at the Im Kingdom's sole heiress if her girlfriend had not touched her hand gently.

“Calm down, Seul-ah. It’s not because of Nayeon-ie. She’s a very positive person and I like her a lot,” Crown Princess Bae confessed with a smile, however the royalty’s words caused confusion and jealousy to roam the general’s face.

“You like her a lot or you love her?” General Kang rhetorically asked back with wariness clearly depicted in the tone that she utilized.

Crown Princess Bae instantaneously laughed upon hearing the general’s response before reassuring the latter, “Look, Seul. I may befriend the everyone in this wide world, but there is nobody in this world that can change the identity of the person that has always have my heart, which is you.”

General Kang smiled from ear to ear upon hearing the crown princess’ words before blurting out a question, “So, what is the deal with all of that gloominess and sadness that you carry right after you got back?”

“Chaeyoung-ie just told me how devastated Nayeon look like when the first war between our kingdoms was nearing to its end. She also told me that that is the only time Nayeon could be seen that sad was when she had to be separated from the three of us, especially from Jeongyeon,” Crown Princess Bae uttered with a tone that became more and more depressing along the way.

The supreme general was extremely baffled upon hearing the reality and decided that she could not do anything beside comfort her girlfriend right at the moment when the latter was about to cry.

“Oh, please, don’t be sad about it, Hyun-ie. I’m sure that Her Majesty is working her best to try and make amends with King Im right now. I’m sure that we can wage a peaceful condition for the entire Elysium,” General Kang said in a comforting tone whilst gently caressing the crown princess’ hair and letting the latter leaned on her.

The two remained in that position until the crown princess’ series of sobs began to ease, in which at that time, the crown princess abruptly sat back straight and question, “By the way, Seul, do you know anyone by the name of Lieutenant Yoo Kyungwan in Jeong-ie’s line of royal guards?”

Hearing the name ‘Lieutenant Yoo’ being mentioned in the conversation instantly shocked the supreme general, knowing that it was the royal princess’ code name whenever she was seen around a girl that she had fallen in love with.

Per the royal princess’ order not to divulge her feelings to her sister yet, the supreme general simply answered, “Yeah, sure, I know her. Lieutenant Yoo is one of Jeongyeon’s most high-ranked royal guards, but she is rarely around, though. Jeongyeon always send her for dangerous missions.”

“Oh, I see. What kind of person is she like?” Crown Princess Bae further asked inquisitively.

However, the supreme general was also an extremely curious person on her own, causing her to ask, “Why did you suddenly ask about Lieutenant Yoo, Hyun-ie?”

“No, nothing…” the crown princess initially answered, but when she was met with a ‘Are you serious?!’ look from her girlfriend, she continued, “Well, but don’t tell anyone about this, Seul. You got to promise me. Not even Jeong-ie.”

“Yeah, I promise,” the supreme general impatiently replied, prompting the crown princess to explain, “Well, apparently, Nayeon is currently falling in love with Lieutenant Yoo, but she has been disguising her identity as a royal maid named Kim Nabong so that she can get to know the lieutenant better. She’s planning to formally announce herself to the lieutenant right before our entourage is set to return back.”

The supreme general was truly at a loss of words with the new revelation spoken by her girlfriend. She was just purely shocked upon realizing that Royal Princess Bae was in fact falling in love with Princess Im and the two did not even know the truth about each other’s real identity. They were both hiding their identities due to the same reasons, which further caused an explosion in the supreme general’s brain.

The horrified expression portrayed by the supreme general prompted the crown princess to ask, “What is going on, Seul? Why did it seem like you’ve just seen a ghost?”

The supreme general staggered when answering the question as she stuttered, “Uh, there’s, uh, nothing wrong, actually. Yeah, nothing’s wrong. Everything’s just perfect. Real perfect,” while her eyesight was still heavily rooted to the ground below them, preventing any eye-contact to be made with the royalty.

That answer truly did not convince a single bone in the crown princess’ body that her girlfriend was answering truthfully, causing her to give an intimidating glare and threatened, “Seul, please just answer the question honestly without any details being hidden before I order you to answer and if you decided to answer after I have ordered you, you have just lost the chance to have a date with me once we got back.”

The supreme general gave upon hearing the alarming tone that her girlfriend had utilized and weakly raised her hands up in surrender before sighing and replying, “Just remember that you should pretend to not know anything about this since Jeongyeon had also threatened me to not tell anyone what I’m about to tell you.”

The crown princess nodded once but still kept the same intense glare that she had, prompting the supreme general to continue, “Well, Lieutenant Yoo is actually the calling that we should refer Jeongyeon to every time she is seen with a royal maid from here named Nabong. Jeongyeon is extremely smitten with this royal maid, but she felt extremely guilty for not telling the royal maid her true identity. She told me that she wanted to get to know the royal maid well first before revealing her real identity.”

Crown Princess Bae put out a pretty much similar reaction upon hearing the supreme general’s revelation, plunging her into her deep thoughts of how complicated the situation might be.

“So basically, my sister, the royal princess, is falling in love with the soon-to-be crown princess of the Im Kingdom?” Crown Princess Bae stated blankly and rhetorically, which was only met with a curt nod by her girlfriend.

“Should we do anything about it? Should we encourage the two of them to just come out and reveal their true selves?” Crown Princess Bae started to shoot suggestions at the supreme general, in which the latter only replied, “I don’t think that is the best option at this moment, Hyun-ie. I think we should just let them work all of this out on their own. Besides, the two will eventually divulge their identities during Her Highness’ coronation ceremony two days from now.”

The crown princess hummed in approval with her girlfriend’s suggestion before returning back to her previous slouching position and stating, “So, when Nayeon asked me what kind of person the lieutenant is, what should I tell her?”

“Just tell her she can be extremely worrisome due to her brash attitude and her susceptibility to attract problems, but she is the fiercest, most protective, most loyal, and most caring person one could ask for in this world,” the supreme general lightly answered, “Which is actually and essentially who Jeongyeon truly like inside there.”

The crown princess smiled brightly upon hearing the supreme general’s description of her sister and opinionated, “Gosh, Seul. How do I deserve a perfect person like you to be my lover?”

The supreme general chuckled lightly upon hearing the crown princess’ question and stated, “Well, it’s simple. You don’t deserve me,” in a joking tone as she laughed her heart out after saying those words.

The crown princess instantly sulked upon hearing the supreme general’s tease and said back in an annoyed tone, “Yeah, real nice there, Seul. I was just trying to compliment you and this is what I get in return?! A joke?!”

Knowing that the crown princess might blow up if the conversation continued, the supreme general stopped from her series of laughter and tenderly held and gently kissed the royalty’s right hand before saying, “I am just joking with you, Hyun-ie. You and I both know that I am the one who don’t deserve the love and support from you, considering who we truly are.”

“Hey, don’t say that, Seul. You deserve the world and I mean it. You truly are my everything,” the crown princess comforted back, causing the two to smile upon each other’s words and just laid down in each other’s embrace u

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I am very sorry for the late update :( Just finished exams and everything. I hope you guys enjoy this short chapter!!


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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
Chapter 20: update more please author nim 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 12: LMFAO, those two charlatans are about to have the stuns of their lives!
1760 streak #3
Chapter 20: i'm glad seulgi thought things through joohyun point of view, but now there's another dilemma heading their way!!!
Chapter 20: Seulgi did the right thing by thinking further about her decision to help 2yeon. It was really inconsiderate of her to immediately think and decide to help without calling into mind Joohyun's reaction and side of things once word reaches her of the situation. They just got together recently and Seulgi's already out there giving more attention to someone else's relationship instead of her own with Joohyun. Their relationship is still a fledging and should be given more priority than anything else. Seulgi already thought of its importance when she further weighed her decision to help 2yeon. That alone should be enough for her to think fast and give the right amount and correct information regarding what happened when Yeri made a move towards her. Now isn't the time to be righteous and considerate or forgiving to others. Her relationship with Joohyun is more important just like she told Joy, so it should take precedence over potentially covering and protecting Yeri from Joohyun's ire. Seulgi already ed up a bit with her stunt of not considering Joohyun's feelings regarding 2yeon's matter, she should strive harder to be better, more anticipatory and careful of Joohyun's feelings, as well act more like a lover towards Joohyun and not as a general of the army. Get her priorities sorted. She already made Joohyun afraid for her well-being when she decided to help 2yeon and worried of her safety due to her recent sudden disappearance. She's got to put more effort in assuaging Joohyun's fears, calm her down from all of the recent happenings, and reassure Joohyun of her love towards her.
1760 streak #5
Chapter 19: Wow this was cute! Just 4 people and 2 hidden additional people out having a double (triple) date!
PilotIsMyJob #6
Chapter 17: Know what? 2yeon and Seulrene is my ultimate lovely and favorite pairs..when you bring their character here with amazing plot of stories, just made my day beyond happy. This is mindblowing. I had fun while reading this..for that, I want to say thank you..I hope that Bae kingdom and Im kingdom can merge again like before..
Gayandi #7
In the characters it's written as izone but i couldn't find them in the story till now....
cupcaketree123 #8
Chapter 15: Ohh the cat‘s out of the bag!! Hahaha well, now i wanna see the confusion unfold xD
1760 streak #9
Chapter 15: The two finally meet in their real identities! What will happen now? They were going to reveal themselves soon but it was reveal sooner then they thought!
1760 streak #10
Chapter 14: ok! i totally knew that nayeon was nabong! with every reveal to johyun unnie, when she goes talk to her sister would she soon catch on??? i guess i'll find out soon!