When We Fall in Love, Two


“Helmoni, thank you for everything,” Jisoo hugs Helmoni for the 10th time since this morning. “Can I visit you sometime?”


“Of course, sweetheart. I’ll be waiting.”


Today marks the last day Helmoni works at Jinyoung and Jisoo’s apartment. It has been 4 weeks since Helmoni helped Jinyoung and Jisoo to settle down, today they have to say goodbye and live together, just the two of them.


“I’m mad at you, Jinyoung. Playing with someone’s daughter like that.” That’s what Helmoni said to him when Jinyoung told her about his plan. “But I want to trust you with your plan.”


Helmoni has known Jinyoung since he was little. She used to work for her grandma as her personal house assistant, then later as her mother’s. She’s been in his family for 3 decades, she knows about this family more than Jinyoung could imagine.


He knows Jinyoung had to deal with her sooner or later, so he told her about every detail from the first time he met Jisoo, to the day Jisoo said yes to his proposal, a week before the wedding. He told Helmoni that he trusts Jisoo and doesn’t want to hurt her.


All truth.


Helmoni asked about the circumstances between the two of them, and more about Jisoo. Her life, her studies, her dislikes, her likes, a lot of things to the point Jinyoung isn’t sure why she needs to know about Jisoo this much.


“Because she said yes to you and you picked her for this,” she answered unamused. “Are you sure you don’t have feelings for her?”


Jinyoung doesn’t understand why both Helmoni and Wonpil asked him this same question. He’s specifically said it’s business and they both are business owners. It’s professional between the two of them.


The conversation lasted all night. Jinyoung explained every part of the contract and assured Helmoni it won’t harm Jisoo. Helmoni kept asking him if Jisoo understands and is okay with it. 


Jinyoung is grateful to Helmoni for being a big supporter of his plan. She knows about his family, his deranged cousin, and his hard-headed grandfather to the smallest details. Jinyoung needs Helmoni to be on his side. He has one year to prove to his grandfather that his cousin doesn’t fit the CEO position and that he’s the only right candidate for this position. And he needs all the right people on his side to make this plan work.


“Can I send you stuff too?”


On the other hand, Jinyoung can’t believe how fast Jisoo and Helmoni become close in a span of four weeks.


Helmoni didn’t wait to warm up with Jisoo, she loves her already since the first time they met. It’s as if she knows her for a long time. Which obviously doesn’t make sense. Jinyoung expected Helmoni to be judgemental towards Jisoo. I mean, she married Jinyoung out of a business contract. But somehow, Helmoni can tell that Jisoo meant no harm to this family.


The first week went pretty well for Jisoo and Jinyoung with Helmoni on board in their apartment. She helped redecorate Jisoo’s wardrobe and bathroom and set up a nice working desk for Jisoo on the lower floor. They also got to reorganize the kitchen so it will help the two of them when having guests.


In the second week, Jisoo and Jinyoung went back to the office. Helmoni basically helped with breakfast and laundry. Jisoo and Jinyoung sometimes help out in the kitchen. There Jinyoung found out Jisoo is an excellent cook. 


“I have to survive Paris. If I don’t cook, I might die.”


Jisoo was serious when telling him how hard it was for her to survive Paris. Everything was expensive, and her part-time job only covered enough for her daily expenses.


Jinyoung was shocked to know Jisoo wasn’t using her trust fund money when she was in Paris. Except for her studies, she lived off of scholarships and part-time jobs. She said she needed to save up for her own company. She is indeed one of a kind.


The third and fourth weeks are basically just Jinyoung and Jisoo having to adjust their schedules. Jisoo wakes early and loves to eat breakfast. Meanwhile, Jinyoung doesn't really eat breakfast at home, he usually hits the gym early in the morning and buys snacks on the way back. Jinyoung will help with breakfast if he’s eating at home, but not when it’s gym day.


And then there’s Jisoo with her love for food. Jisoo is very particular about her food. She will make sure everyone around her eats right. She always asks Jinyoung to join her for breakfast with Helmoni. 


“Kimchis are all in the fridge. Make sure you keep an eye on it or Jinyoung will eat them all in one week.”


Jinyoung likes kimchi, a fact Jisoo found out during their first month of living together.


“Helmoni, go~,” Jinyoung sulks.


“I’ll see you again kids, take care,” Helmoni bids her goodbye and finally leaves the fake couples in the big apartment.


The apartment they’re living in is Jinyoung’s apartment, bought by his parents and given to him after college graduation. Jinyoung has been living there since he got back from the US. He sometimes stays in his parent’s house when he feels like it. 


“You have plans for today, Jinyoung-ssi?”


It’s Saturday, the sun is out and it's crazy hot outside. Jinyoung prefers to stay inside with an air conditioner.


“Not really, you’re going out, Jisoo-ssi?”


Jisoo is still in her pajamas, her hair tied in a bun; Jinyoung can spot some strawberry jam on the corner of her lips.


“It’s hot outside, I want to stay inside,” Jisoo lazily answers.


Jisoo and Jinyoung are usually busy on the weekdays, sometimes on the weekends as well. And for the past four weeks, Jisoo is always with Helmoni when she's at home, and Jinyoung would watch and only helps if needed. It feels like having a roommate, not a marriage partner.


Which Jisoo and Jinyoung prefer.


Jisoo likes the idea of having a roommate if that roommate knows their boundaries. And Jinyoung is that roommate.


Jinyoung never goes around the house , not even half-. Jisoo isn’t sure if it’s just his style or if he’s being polite around Jisoo, but he always has shirts and pants. And Jisoo appreciates that a lot.


“I’m cooking pasta today, do you want anything, Jinyoung-ssi?”


Today isn't the best day to spend time outside, so Jisoo decided to busy herself inside. And cooking really the best activity for Jisoo.


Jinyoung raises his head from his phone and looks at Jisoo.


She smiles at him, a sight now he is accustomed to. She’s indeed bubbly. Their beginning was rocky, and he can’t blame her for it, but he’s happy that they feel a little more comfortable during the past month. 


“Can I help?” Jinyoung asks, hoping she will say yes.


The words are genuine, both Jisoo and Jinyoung meet eyes and know this is the kind of daily life for them.


“Sure,” Jisoo replies. “But we need to buy some stuff from the supermarket. I’ll get ready.”



During the first month of her contract marriage, Jisoo can’t help but notice how sweet Jinyoung is towards her.


Once in two days, Jinyoung goes to the gym in the morning. After the gym, he’ll come back with some bagels or croissants to share with Jisoo and Helmoni. He doesn’t really eat breakfast at home but always hangs around for breakfast with Jisoo and Helmoni.


Jinyoung also likes to help Jisoo with her belongings. Specifically, work belongings. Unlike Jisoo who has a fixed working hour, Jinyoung is flexible with his time. So they don’t really leave the apartment together. But Jinyoung always comes down to help Jisoo with her luggage and puts them in her car even though he's not leaving yet. He would help and go back. 


“You’re carrying a bundle of fabrics on top of two hand luggage, do you expect me to let you go by yourself?”


That's what he said after Jisoo tried to decline his offer. She eventually let him and didn't try to stop him ever again.


You see, Jisoo isn’t accustomed to men’s kindness. She rarely trusts men, imagine how complicated it is for her to have a man helping her daily. She often carries two hand luggage going to work, sometimes also with some leftover fabrics on top of it. She’s been living by herself for the past 10 years, she isn’t familiar with people helping her. Even with her team, she would mostly decline their help when it’s manageable by herself.


But with Jinyoung, she can't really say no. He's pushy, and Jisoo can't really win him over.


Jisoo wanted to tell Jinyoung that she was fine on her own and he doesn't need to help her out of obligation. But Jinyoung’s actions look genuine to Jisoo. He asked for her consent first, gave a valid reason, and helped her. Simple, yet Jisoo finds it sweet.


“I really need him to stop doing that,” Jisoo complains to Seulgi during lunch. “I’m catching feelings for him.”


Seulgi munches her salad wrap with amusement. In all the years Seulgi has known Jisoo, this is the first time ever Jisoo talks about her feelings toward a man. 


“Should I tell him?” Seulgi jokes. “Please stop being nice to Jisoo because she falls in love like a child.”


“Yya!” Jisoo slaps Seulgi's shoulder. “Stop teasing me. I’m serious.”


Seulgi can see Jisoo’s cheek blushing, what a time to be alive indeed.


“What should I do?” Seulgi cheekily smiles. “It’s the first time I have ever seen you head over heels towards a man, it’s too funny and sweet at the same time.


“And for the bonus, the guy is actually decent.”


Decent, Seulgi has been referring to Jinyoung with that word for a month now.


During the month they’re preparing for the wedding, Seulgi was cold towards Jinyoung. She never really smiles at him, never really talks, simply there to help Jisoo and fill in some comments. She maintained a noticeable gap between her and Jinyoung, almost as if she hated him.


But after Jisoo confessed her feelings, Seulgi changed.


During the wedding, Jisoo could see Seulgi having long conversations with Jinyoung. They also chatted the following morning after breakfast. She even let him hold Naeun and play with her.


Seulgi also openly asks about Jinyoung to Jisoo at the office.


“Is he being good to you?”


“Did he touch you?”


“How’s your weekend with him?”


And Jisoo will always answer with details. Seulgi is the only person who knows her feelings and Jisoo can’t help but feel thankful that she is willing to listen to her story.


“Is that how a decent man acts?” Jisoo asks with a soft smile. 


Seulgi grins hearing the question. 


“Staying in the same bed for a month with a woman and not touching her quite seals the deal on how decent he can be.”



June and July passed by in a flash, August came like a breeze of air for Jinyoung.


At least until tonight.


Grandfather’s assistant emailed Jinyoung late at night announcing his new position in the holdings. An announcement without any space to ask questions.


We will be having Gala Dinner for the new directors of PK Holdings next Friday.

Please attend the event as the Director of Operational for PK Mobile. 


Just that.


Jinyoung knows this announcement will somewhat come sooner or later. And he also knows he shouldn’t have expected explanations out of it. They want him to get ready at any time and there is nothing he can do to change them.


The problem now isn’t the position he was assigned to, it’s the event itself.


Grandfather’s assistant might have leaked a few pieces of information regarding Jinyoung’s position in the holdings during past meetings. But even without them, Jinyoung knows where he belongs. He doesn't care about his position, he's worried about something else; something that has nothing to do with him.


PK Holdings Gala Dinner is a quadrennial event that is held during the summer. Just like the government, PK Holding also changed its board of directors every 4 years. Sometimes they re-elect current directors, sometimes they change it. 


Jinyoung has attended this event since he was 7 years old. That was also the first time he became the CEO’s son. And for 13 years, his father has always opened the ceremony.


This time, the current CEO, technically the acting CEO, will open the ceremony for the first time after his dad passed away. For the first time, he’s not the CEO's son, but instead, he's one of the board of directors. And that also means unnecessary pressure for him. And Jisoo.


Jinyoung is adamant to tell Jisoo about this event. Telling her means asking her out. And asking her out means, letting her inside the brutal life of the Park business and making her the talk of the night, clearly not what he wants.


But, it’ll be weird if Jinyoung didn’t tell Jisoo, she’ll find out anyway. The best thing to do right now is to tell her and hope she gets the hint that he doesn’t want her to attend.


“Jisoo-ssi,” Jinyoung says as he comes out of the bathroom. “I need to tell you about something.”


Jisoo has settled herself on her side of the bed, with a book in hand. A sight now Jinyoung is too familiar to see.


“Yes?” Jisoo answers, folding her book away.


“I’m going to The PK Holdings Gala Dinner next week. It's on Friday. I’ll be starting my position there this month.”


Jisoo looks back, understanding. It’s not like it’s a surprise or an unexpected news. She knows Jinyoung will eventually work for his family’s company and leave his own company. It's the plan after all. Get married and wins his place in the company.


“I’m glad they finally announced it,” Jisoo replies, showing her relief. “Does the event have a specific dress code?”


Jinyoung looks back at Jisoo flustered. Jinyoung purposely not asking her to come after his explanation hoping she understands that she doesn’t need to come. But she asked him back as if she was asked to come to the event.


“You want to come?”


“Aren’t I supposed to come?”


Technically, yes.


“But you don’t have to,” Jinyoung counters fast. “You can choose to not come if it’s not benefiting you.”


“What are you talking about,” Jisoo replies with a chuckle. “I know how this world works, Jinyoung-ssi. If I don’t come with you, I know they will start making assumptions about you.”


Jinyoung is at a loss for words. He wants to tell her that she doesn’t need to come, but he can’t tell her the reason aloud.


“PK Holdings gathering isn’t as nice as it sounds, Jisoo-ssi,” Jinyoung tries to give her a subtle hint. “You won’t like it there.”


That’s not the reason. I just don’t want you to get hurt.


“I never like those corporate galas, Jinyoung-ssi,” Jisoo answers with a bitter smile. “But I’ve seen my mom getting in and out of these events carrying her role my whole life. I signed up knowing that, Jinyoung-ssi. Liking it or not, I’m coming with you.”


Jinyoung hearts race, he can feel a rush of blood in his chest. Something he sure never experienced in front of any woman. 


“You can say no to events, Jisoo-ssi. It’s in the contract,” Jinyoung speaks again, this time softer.


“I know, and I’m saying yes to this one,” Jisoo smiles. “It’s a milestone for you Jinyoung-ssi, it would give a good image for you if I come.”


Jisoo is right, but Jinyoung hates it even more.


“Or perhaps, you don’t want me to come?”


I don’t want you to get hurt.


“This gathering consists of peering eyes. The previous directors and the new directors are here. Their families are also here. It would exhaust you.” Jinyoung doesn’t lie about this part, but he can’t really explain his reason to her.


“It’s okay Jinyoung-ssi, I can manage.”


I can manage.


She said that too after that night.


“Where’s your home, Jisoo-ssi?” Jinyoung asked after they exited the cafe.


“It’s okay, I can take a taxi from here,” Jisoo smiles politely. “I can manage.”


Jinyoung still remembers the taste of the mango sorbet. It’s creamy, a little sweet, with a lemon aftertaste. Jinyoung also still remembers how she finished her tiramisu with a bitter smile, looking at the river. She spoke about her plan to go to France, in that conversation, Jinyoung can see the same struggle they both share.


After dessert, Jinyoung wanted to take Jisoo back to her home, but she declined. That night, Jinyoung knows they have to go their separate ways, they are not meant to be. They both are a filial son and daughter and they also know that two different futures await them.


I can manage.


She even said that during that dreadful night, Jinyoung wonders


“Are you sure you don’t want me to take you upstairs?” Jinyoung exited his car and called out to Jisoo who was a few meters inside her apartment ground.


“It’s okay, Jinyoung-ssi. I can manage from here.”


He couldn’t imagine what would happen if he didn’t see her in that bar. She was acting as if things were okay, but any sane person knew she wasn’t. But of course, she can manage.


Jinyoung knows she can manage all these by herself. Going back home, taking the elevator back to her apartment, marrying a chaebol, and attending a dreadful event. Of course, she can manage all of these. 


She can, but he’s there, holding out his hand to help.


She can manage, but she doesn't have to.


Jinyoung can't say anything after Jisoo assures him she doesn't mind coming. She's back to her book and in no time, she fell asleep. No buts, no objections, all assurance from her end. 


The night turns darker as the clock ticks, yet Jinyoung can’t close his eyes. That night, something in his heart shifted. He wants Jisoo to lean on him, to open her heart, and tell him her worries. He wants her to complain, say no, and tell him she’s not okay with how his family treats her. 


He wants to see a smile out of her genuinely because she’s happy. Not because she has to.


And for the first time in his life, Jinyoung knows, he’s in love.



It's another update!

I hope everyone likes it.

See you soon!

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2034 streak #1
Chapter 6: I laughed a lot at Seulgi's reaction. Definitely best friend indeed. And although I'm not what Jisoo meant at the end with her dream being the same as his, but I did enjoy their interaction here. I mean it wasn't exactly business like. Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #2
Chapter 5: Well, well, well... we all know how things go when a contract includes not to fall in love with each other. And I'm surprised how they decided not to sign anywhere. I mean they hardly know each other to trust so blindly. But like Jisoo said, she's in a position where she can wield powers herself, so it's okay I think. Nonetheless, I'm curious how things will go herein. Will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #3
Chapter 4: Ah, that's how they arrange their marriage? I was thinking maybe maybe their family will force them into it or something. Also, wonder how Jisoo's gonna react to this. BTW about Jinyoung's cousin, is he based on any celebrity? Or is he just an oc? Just curious. Regardless, I can't wait to read more and will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #4
Chapter 3: Wait! They met after 7 years and then there's another 2 years time jump? But why? (Just my frustrations talking. Ignore this if it's a spoiler). Also, when I read about the first CDMA thing, I immediately thought of SK telecom. Then read your a/n. And now you got me more curious about SK telecom's family history. Definitely gonna look them up later. Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #5
Chapter 2: I was worried about such a huge time jump. I think I can guess who it was at the end. That was a nice end to the chapter. And Jinyoung seemed like a nice guy back then. Can't wait to see how things would develop further. Will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 1: Well, that was a pretty interesting start to the story. Jisoo seems like a sweet person despite being from the 1% and insight into her life was nice. I'm definitely expecting to see more of Jisoo's reaction upon seeing Jinyoung. And can't wait to see how the story develops further. But will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #7
Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something interesting to read. I would like to start reading this but before that I just wanted to confirm that you are planning to continue to update the story. Also, that you don't mind if I read one chapter at a time and left a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^
Chapter 17: awee finally had the time to read this chapter 😭 its so cute i love the development
parboni #9
Chapter 12: I think I bookmarked this fic when I was in high school. Now, I'm in the final years of my university who suddenly remembered this wonderful fic. Welcome back. And the way you maintained the storyline sequence, it feels like I just read it yesterday.
Chapter 15: welcome back!! thanks for the update 💖