

It’s the warmth of Jinyoung’s hand touching her cheek softly that empties her mind. It's the small gesture when he cups her face and closes the gap between them, breathing on her forehead. Jisoo feels her stomach churn. She can feel his thumb slowly moving to her ear and gently, a kiss on her forehead.



Jisoo’s face looks too beautiful behind her veil, and she smells citrusy. When the veil is lifted, Jinyoung realizes that he should not have asked her to marry him. A woman like Jisoo deserves more than an arranged marriage. Her flowy long hair that usually covers her ears is tied in the back; Jinyoung never sees her whole face this close. The tip of her nose is pinkish, is she allergic to the flower? Jinyoung giggles at the thought of it.



The kiss lasts for 5 seconds. No hug, no touching other parts of her body, just a peck for business reasons. Jisoo feels bad suddenly after seeing Jinyoung’s eyes averting hers right after they part. Now that she thinks back, maybe he asked her to not have kisses because he is not comfortable about it, Jisoo forgets to ask about his feeling.


The ceremony ends with decent claps from the guests. The charade continues.


Jinyoung and Jisoo leave the altar hand in hand and walk through the middle aisle as everyone throws rice at them. The master of the ceremony asks everyone to enjoy the afternoon with some snacks and alcohol until the main reception starts in about 1,5 hours.


It's finally over, Jisoo thinks. The most exhausting part of the day is over. The reception is easy, Jisoo knows how to handle reception.


Meeting people you barely know who want to know about you is easy, especially for Jisoo and Jinyoung who are raised in this society. That’s their childhood, teenage memory, their everyday life. Jisoo doesn’t care much about the reception, but there’s something else that actually bothers her more.


“You look really beautiful Soo, I bet the photographers got some nice pictures,” Seulgi is now helping Jisoo with her dress. For the reception, they are changing the bottom of her dress with another long skirt that is lighter and softer. It will make it easier for Jisoo to roam around the room for the next event.


“You look amazing and Jinyoung obviously looked handsome compares to the average men in the room. Women are captivated by him,” Seulgi adds as she zips the skirt to Jisoo’s body.


“How do you feel?” Seulgi asks as she finishes with Jisoo’s dress.


Jisoo turns around to see herself in the mirror. She can’t help but feel beautiful in the white dress. Even when the dress was recycled, it looks beautiful and very her.


“A bit relieved that the vow has passed,” Jisoo sighs. “Now, it’s just the easy charade in front of people I barely know.”


Knock knock.


A faint knock on the door. It has to be her parents, Jisoo wonders.


Seulgi stands from her chair and walks to the door, opening it a little. Jisoo can’t really hear Seulgi nor sees her behind the wall. But not long after, Seulgi comes back with a shadow behind her.


“It’s Jinyoung-ssi," Seulgi faintly smiles. "I will leave you two.”


Seulgi walks past Jisoo to take her purse, hugs her, and leaves. Jisoo can sense tension on Jinyoung's face.


“I’m sorry for interrupting your time with Seulgi-ssi, but there’s something I need to discuss.”


Jisoo can't help but look at Jinyoung with warm eyes, he looks troubled, Jisoo thinks.


“It’s okay, Jinyoung-ssi,” Jisoo replies. “Please have a seat.”


Jinyoung sits on the couch in front of Jisoo, he takes the right side, the side that is closer to the window.


“Is there a problem?” Jisoo asks, after taking a seat herself at the couch, the left side of the couch.


“I heard you arrived very early this morning, at 6 am,” Jinyoung’s voice is soft. “Is something wrong?”


If Jisoo doesn’t know better, she will take this as a genuine concern from Jinyoung. But she knows better, and she doesn’t need to tell him the truth.


“I need to check my dress and it might take long to adjust them,” Jisoo lies.


Jisoo knows well she can’t tell him about her feelings. And clearly not after they just finished their vows. Jinyoung probably sensed danger in his plan, that’s why he’s asking.


Jinyoung doesn't reply back. He stares at Jisoo's eyes then averts his eyes to a vase on the table.


“I’m sorry about Harabeoji,” Jinyoung breaks the silence. He looks at Jisoo straight in her eyes, soft yet firm. “He shouldn’t have asked you all that. I didn’t know Harabeoji could be that hurtful. I’m terribly sorry.”


The words coming from Jinyoung felt sincere. He looks troubled and maybe, a little sad. Jisoo can’t really believe the powerful heir can show this kind of side to her.


“Jinyoung-ssi, you don’t have to be sorry for what Harabeoji said, he has the right to question my intention. He has a company and a family to take care of. He’s not wrong for not believing me.” Jisoo smiles, a little wider this time, wanting to ease Jinyoung’s worry.


“I don’t mind having an evil grandfather-in-law. As long as it’s not hindering my plans,” Jisoo chuckles. 


Jinyoung doesn’t immediately reply to Jisoo’s statement. He looks at Jisoo in silence.


“I know this marriage is a charade and we have no business to take care of the other’s family,” his voice is louder this time. “But I will not tolerate my family if they hurt you.”


Jisoo stops smiling, taking in the heavy atmosphere surrounding them. He looks mad, maybe a little too mad for Jisoo’s liking. Something that she has never seen of him.


“I’m fine, Jinyoung-ssi,” Jisoo replies with a calmer voice. Wondering if what Jinyoung need is actually assurance, not another smile from her.


“I’ll be fine. And we’ll get through this to reach our goals.”



Their conversations in Jisoo’s changing room got interrupted by a knock. Turns out they need to get ready because the reception is in 15 minutes.


Jinyoung and Jisoo didn’t need extra time to get ready since they don’t plan on changing dress. In 10 minutes they are ready and have locked arms in front of the door.


The dinner went smoothly. Nothing particular happened. They ate appetizers and main, then proceed to walk around the room to greet their guests.


Now this is where it gets interesting.


Grandfather has left early. Probably not even until the main dish is served. He’s not feeling well and need more rest, they said. Since Grandfather has gone, Jinyoung and Jisoo can focus on their guests, which is also a challenge.


The wedding is big by their standards, 200 people in one place. Jisoo’s family and friends are about 50 people, and so does Jinyoung's. The rest of the people are political and business colleagues of their parents, people Jinyoung and Jisoo wish they can skip and ignore for the rest of the evening.


But since it's impossible to get away from these people, Jinyoung proposed a plan. The plan is, they'll go to Jisoo’s part of business colleagues first, then let Jisoo's father take care of them. They can just greet them and leave them talking to Jisoo's father since Jisoo's father is quite a talker himself.


Or so he thought.


Bank people, Jisoo’s family’s acquaintances, are chatty and pushy. They ask a lot of things. From personal preferences like kids to global issues like the war. They have to push their way so that they can continue to the next person. 


“That last samchoon clearly wants you to marry his daughter,” Jisoo jokes around after they greeted the last CEO from her side. “If I have known, I will refer you to him.”


“It’s not necessary,” Jinyoung says as he sips his wine. “You’re my only option. If you refused, I wouldn’t marry anyone.”


The second Jinyoung finished his sentence, Jisoo feels her heartbeat runs faster. It sounds too innocent. It shouldn't make her feel things.


He's a logical person, Jisoo reminds herself. He's straightforward and told her he has no other options.


“I want to help my family, but I also don’t want to ruin my life.”


Jinyoung is oblivious, Jisoo thinks. He can't see how his words ruin her just now.




Someone from behind calls. Jisoo looks to the source of the sound, curious to know who has the audacity to call Jinyoung with no honorifics.




Helmoni? Jisoo thinks. From what she remembers, his helmoni has passed away.


The Helmoni is a woman, probably in her 60s with white hair and wrinkles. She’s around Jinyoung’s height, a tall, slender build woman. She wears a beautiful purple dress, with long sleeves and a skirt below her knees. She’s wearing nice Yuul Yie’s silver kitten heels, matching her clutch.


“Congratulations Nyounggie Taenggie. Look at you all grown up taking this big decision,” they hug.


“You always underestimate me,” Jinyoung pouts, almost scaring Jisoo. “I have stopped growing since I turned 20.”


Jisoo looks at Jinyoung and Helmoni with curious eyes. That is not what Jisoo expected to happen. 


“Well, enough about you, I want to see the star of the night,” Helmoni turns towards Jisoo and smiles.


She smiles warmly, with no bad intention coming from her eyes.


“This is Jisoo, Helmoni. I believe you will like her,” Jinyoung introduces.


Helmoni comes forward with her hands stretched out, ready to hug Jisoo. Jisoo, somehow, was also ready to hug her.


“I finally meet you, Jisoo-ssi,” she whispers in Jisoo’s ear. “Thank you for believing in Jinyoung.”


The hug lasts for a few seconds, but for Jisoo, it feels like an eternity. It’s warm and deep, somehow reassuring. They separate, still smiling at each other.


“This is Helmoni, Kim Sunja-nim. She used to work with my family in the past. She comes back after a while to help us with our house for the first few weeks.”


Jinyoung pauses.


“She knows about our terms.”


Suddenly, Jisoo had her stomach hurled. She’s scared. She doesn’t want to look bad in front of this person she barely knows. Especially if this person is dear to Jinyoung.


“I’m sorry you have to go through this, Jisoo-ssi,” Helmoni speaks. “If this kid hurt you, physically or mentally, let me know and I will kill him for you.”


The words caught Jisoo off guard.


Jisoo didn’t expect Helmoni to be this straightforward and scary for their first meeting. She speaks as if she has known Jisoo her life. And she is here to support her instead of Jinyoung.


“Helmoni, don’t scare Jisoo like that,” Jinyoung complains. "Why would you kill me?"


Helmoni laughs, still looking silly. 


“It’s you who need to be scared,” Helmoni sneers. She darts back her eyes to Jisoo and smiles. “Jisoo is too kind to help you like this. I will be here for you, ttal,” she calls her ‘my daughter’, “I’ll make sure nothing will harm you.”


The conversation goes on for another 5 minutes until someone taps Jinyoung’s shoulder. It’s an uncle Jisoo can’t recognize, probably from the side of Jinyoung’s family.


The man is a business partner of PK Holdings indeed, without really taking a proper break, round two of Jinyoung’s business side starts.



The lively crowds start subsiding after 9 pm. Business colleagues leave first, then families, then friends. Around 10, Jisoo can finally find Seulgi at the corner of the room laughing with Wonpil and Jaebum.


“Where’s Naeun?” Jisoo comes to the trio to relieve her stress.

“She’s sleeping with my mom,” Seulgi smiles.


Jisoo rented a few rooms for her friends and family in the hotel for a night after the wedding. Her parents, however, staying extra nights for a short vacation.


“Thank you for everything today,” Jisoo hugs Seulgi, wanting to cry at the same time. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”


“Also me,” that’s Jaebum. 


“And me,” that’s Wonpil.


Jisoo laughs hearing the men joking around even after a long night. They helped the guests, check on Jinyoung and her from time to time. Even bring in some cold packs for the ankles.


“Where’s Jinyoung?” Wonpil looks around.


“He’s taking Eomonni to her room,” Jisoo answers. “He’ll be back.”


The Yeong Bin Gwan garden, where they have the reception, is now empty. Only a few staff left. The food has long gone, the only thing left is the two bottles of wine in front of Jaebum and Wonpil. 


The four of them stand around the table while easing away their tiredness. 


“Jinyoung’s grandfather is always weird. The man only stayed 20 minutes after the wedding then left. He probably hated all of these people,” Wonpil munching away a cupcake in his hand.


“I don’t think I saw him,” Jaebum remarks. “Is he healthy?”


“Not so much. He’s still good at what he’s doing, but he’s not always fit.”


Jisoo recalls her meeting with Chairman Park, Jinyoung’s grandfather. He’s not as bad as Jisoo thought he will be. He speaks normally, sit normally, not too thin, not too big. He’s quite good-looking as well. The gene of the Park family is clearly strong in these men. Jisoo didn’t ask anything to Jinyoung about his grandfather. She always feels Jinyoung is resentful towards the guy. And she knows better not to trigger him.


“You guys still here?”


The sound startles Jisoo, She turns around to see Jinyoung standing right behind her. His tie is loosening, he has ditched his jacket, his sleeves are rolled, and his hair a bit tousled. Somehow, Jisoo likes the sight.


“We’re waiting for you,” Wonpil slaps Jinyoung’s shoulder. “You haven’t met Im Jaebum, right? He’s the painter we wanted for that charity event, remember?”


Jinyoung looks over to Jaebum, then Seulgi, and he connects two and two. 


“So the Im Jaebum and Seulgi’s husband is the same person?” Jinyoung’s eyes light up. “So glad to finally meet you, sir. I love your works.”


Jinyoung and Jaebum shake hands and exchange smiles. The sight tickles Jisoo and Seulgi.


“Well, guess you have to hire me in the future now that we’re related,” Jaebum laughs a bit. Showing his famous eye smile, a trait Jaebum and Seulgi share.


Wonpil offers Jinyoung a glass of wine, they chat a little bit until Seulgi asks to leave.


“We’ll see you tomorrow at breakfast,” Seulgi hugs Jisoo, again.


Jisoo looks back at Jinyoung. She knows she better leaves him and Wonpil and walk to their room. 


Yes, their room.


Since the wedding will last almost nearly midnight, Jinyoung and Jisoo decided to rent some rooms at the hotel for themselves as well. Jinyoung and Jisoo will stay in the same room. They can’t have their families looking confused if they find out they stay in separate rooms.


“Then, I’ll leave the two of you,” Jisoo bows a little to the two men. “Good night.”


Not even a second after Jisoo bid her goodbye, a hand pulls her wrist.


“Let’s go together,” Jinyoung stops her. “It’s late and dark on the way there.”


Without further explanation, he walks beside her with his arms offered to her. Jisoo finds this gesture a little too kind, though he has never been bad, to begin with. Jisoo grabs his arm and walks back together to the hotel.


“Good work for today, Jisoo-ssi. I owe you my life,” Jinyoung talks as they head to the hotel. Still oblivious to how his words never fail to ruin Jisoo.


Jisoo smiles, trying to keep her heartbeat unheard. She can't help but feel happy about his honesty. Even if it's merely business for Jinyoung, it's everything for her now Jisoo finds out she has a crush on him.


“You owe me nothing, it’s part of our contract.”


The walk to their room somehow feels a little too short. Jisoo wonders if she can stay like this a little longer. Just the two of them, hand in hand, enjoying Seoul’s night in the beautiful garden of Shilla.


Their wedding has finally ended, but everything only starts after. Jisoo wishes time will stop because she knows things will get more difficult in the future.




I'm back.

Yes, still here.


It's Jinyoung's enlistment day. Can you believe it?

I wish I finished this story sooner.


I'm fine and I hope everyone feels great now earth slowly heal.

I'll write more frequently and finish this story for everyone.



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2026 streak #1
Chapter 5: Well, well, well... we all know how things go when a contract includes not to fall in love with each other. And I'm surprised how they decided not to sign anywhere. I mean they hardly know each other to trust so blindly. But like Jisoo said, she's in a position where she can wield powers herself, so it's okay I think. Nonetheless, I'm curious how things will go herein. Will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #2
Chapter 4: Ah, that's how they arrange their marriage? I was thinking maybe maybe their family will force them into it or something. Also, wonder how Jisoo's gonna react to this. BTW about Jinyoung's cousin, is he based on any celebrity? Or is he just an oc? Just curious. Regardless, I can't wait to read more and will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 3: Wait! They met after 7 years and then there's another 2 years time jump? But why? (Just my frustrations talking. Ignore this if it's a spoiler). Also, when I read about the first CDMA thing, I immediately thought of SK telecom. Then read your a/n. And now you got me more curious about SK telecom's family history. Definitely gonna look them up later. Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #4
Chapter 2: I was worried about such a huge time jump. I think I can guess who it was at the end. That was a nice end to the chapter. And Jinyoung seemed like a nice guy back then. Can't wait to see how things would develop further. Will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #5
Chapter 1: Well, that was a pretty interesting start to the story. Jisoo seems like a sweet person despite being from the 1% and insight into her life was nice. I'm definitely expecting to see more of Jisoo's reaction upon seeing Jinyoung. And can't wait to see how the story develops further. But will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #6
Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something interesting to read. I would like to start reading this but before that I just wanted to confirm that you are planning to continue to update the story. Also, that you don't mind if I read one chapter at a time and left a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^
Chapter 17: awee finally had the time to read this chapter 😭 its so cute i love the development
parboni #8
Chapter 12: I think I bookmarked this fic when I was in high school. Now, I'm in the final years of my university who suddenly remembered this wonderful fic. Welcome back. And the way you maintained the storyline sequence, it feels like I just read it yesterday.
Chapter 15: welcome back!! thanks for the update 💖
Chapter 15: Aaaww an update! So happy to see this! Thank you author-nim for continuing this story.. will always be waiting for your update!