When We Fall in Love


Sounds of people bumping to people in the hallway getting louder each minute. In less than 2 hours, Jinyoung will get married to this woman he barely knows. A person he entrusts his fate. And maybe, his life.


“Harabeoji was being rude to her, I feel bad. That’s all.”


Jinyoung tries to defend himself in front of Wonpil who’s being all curious. Of course, he’s worried. What if his grandfather offended her and she had a second thought? She was being all courageous in front of his grandfather, but after they left his room, Jisoo was very out of place. She didn’t exchange any words after, only a smile before she bid goodbye.


The rehearsal was even worse.


She came on time and left right after it ended, Jinyoung almost failed to give her the room key for her suite. She wasn’t exchanging any words with his mother at all. Wouldn’t it worry anyone?


“I wonder why your grandfather needs to say things like that. She’s from a wealthy family in the first place.”


Jinyoung laughs, bitter. “And that’s exactly why I’m worried.”


The smile Harabeoji showed to them in his room still lingers in Jinyoung’s mind. If only he can decipher human behavior as easily as computer code. He won’t be this nervous if it's that easy.


“Well, she doesn’t say anything,” Wonpil eats his third cupcake while trying to make Jinyoung relax. “I don’t think she will cancel last minute. Very unprofessional. So you don’t have to worry.


“Unless,” Wonpil pauses. “You’re worried about something else. Something that doesn’t concern this project.”


It’s louder, his own beating heart than the crowds outside.


He’s worried. And he wants to protect her. Something is happening and Jinyoung can’t tell exactly what’s happening inside of him.


When she was being all silent in their first ever meeting 9 years ago.


When she was being too weak to stand in that club 2 years ago.


When she was nervously said yes to their partnership in his office a month ago.


His eyes were always drawn to her. And questions in the back of his head which never been answered.


Maybe, he’s curious, and that’s why he gets worried. Maybe.



“Mom, stop crying,” Jisoo hugs her mother tighter. “I love you so much, you know that.”


“I know, honey. I’m happy. I'm so happy that you found someone you’re willing to believe your whole life.”


Her mother wipes her tears and backs away a little. “You’re a wonderful woman, my daughter. And I trust you for anything in this life.”


Her mother, the only woman she would die for, the only one in this world who gives her space and time when she needed, she can’t believe she has to lie to her for one of the most important parts of her life.


Hearing what she said just now, triggers her even more. She doesn’t deserve her lies. This is too much.


“Say something to your daughter, honey.” Her mother walks away to drag her father to come closer.


Jisoo looks at her father with tears in her eyes. His father, who probably knows nothing about what she’s doing, hasn’t said anything about this wedding ever since she broke the news. He met Jinyoung, met Jinyoung’s mother, probably reminiscing his best friend – Jinyoung’s father – but never talked about it to her.


“Are you ready, my daughter?”


Jisoo looks up to her father with anticipation. She can see the cloud in his eyes. Maybe he’s also nervous, just like her.


“I’m ready, Dad. I’m starting a new life - I need to be ready.”


Her father comes closer and holds her hand. “Back then, when we met the Parks, Jinyoung’s dad and I talk about the two of you. Not as potential marriage couple, just as our children.


“We both worried about you. About the kind of future you guys are going to have. I’m sorry for everything that you have to put up, my daughter.”


Jisoo cries. She can’t hold it.


Her father notices the change in her face. He steps forward and holds her in his chest.


“You’re our daughter, we love you no matter what.”


The tears that she’s trying to hold burst. If only things aren’t this way, Jisoo thinks. She wants to believe in Jinyoung. She wants her parents to feel at ease with this. She prays for second chances. For her. So that she won’t hurt other people.



“This is it. She will walk down the aisle and you will cry while seeing her,” Wonpil giggles a little. "At least that’s what I saw in movies.”


“I don’t appreciate that,” Jinyoung sneers. “She’s a professional, I need to be as well.”


“Professionals don’t ask permission to kiss someone’s forehead.”


Jinyoung looks away. He did ask her, but that’s on contract. Physical contacts are only for professional settings and within consents. He did what he needed to do.


“At least you can ask to kiss her lips,” Wonpil is crossing the line.


“Yya!” Jinyoung looks at him, mad. “I’m not that low.”


Wonpil bitterly smiles, “I know, but you’re marrying her for pride. Let’s not forget that.”


For a moment, Jisoo’s face clouded his mind. Why is she saying yes to this? If she declines his offer at that time, he knows for sure he won’t be doing this with anybody.


“I know,” Jinyoung grit his teeth. “I should stop myself back then.”


Wonpil knows that Jinyoung is having doubts and is worried about this plan he’s been working on. He wants to be with him, to at least make him a little at ease. To make him smile a little.


“She’s great, isn’t she?” Wonpil asks with a different tone this time. “You care for her, worries about her. You even waited in front of her dressing room just to give her the room key. Even though you need to leave early after the rehearsal


“Jinyoung won’t do that you know. You hate waiting. But you wait for her.”


Wonpil studies his best friend’s facial expression before he continues.


“Are you sure you don’t like her?”


I’m not sure. His heart speaks to him.


But he can’t say he likes her at this point. It’s against the agreement they made.


“Why do you keep asking me that?” Jinyoung asks back.


“You keep denying it,” Wonpil shrugs. “But I believe you. So, if you end up liking her, please tell me.”


And with that, the wedding begins.



An update!

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2034 streak #1
Chapter 6: I laughed a lot at Seulgi's reaction. Definitely best friend indeed. And although I'm not what Jisoo meant at the end with her dream being the same as his, but I did enjoy their interaction here. I mean it wasn't exactly business like. Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #2
Chapter 5: Well, well, well... we all know how things go when a contract includes not to fall in love with each other. And I'm surprised how they decided not to sign anywhere. I mean they hardly know each other to trust so blindly. But like Jisoo said, she's in a position where she can wield powers herself, so it's okay I think. Nonetheless, I'm curious how things will go herein. Will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #3
Chapter 4: Ah, that's how they arrange their marriage? I was thinking maybe maybe their family will force them into it or something. Also, wonder how Jisoo's gonna react to this. BTW about Jinyoung's cousin, is he based on any celebrity? Or is he just an oc? Just curious. Regardless, I can't wait to read more and will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #4
Chapter 3: Wait! They met after 7 years and then there's another 2 years time jump? But why? (Just my frustrations talking. Ignore this if it's a spoiler). Also, when I read about the first CDMA thing, I immediately thought of SK telecom. Then read your a/n. And now you got me more curious about SK telecom's family history. Definitely gonna look them up later. Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #5
Chapter 2: I was worried about such a huge time jump. I think I can guess who it was at the end. That was a nice end to the chapter. And Jinyoung seemed like a nice guy back then. Can't wait to see how things would develop further. Will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 1: Well, that was a pretty interesting start to the story. Jisoo seems like a sweet person despite being from the 1% and insight into her life was nice. I'm definitely expecting to see more of Jisoo's reaction upon seeing Jinyoung. And can't wait to see how the story develops further. But will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #7
Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something interesting to read. I would like to start reading this but before that I just wanted to confirm that you are planning to continue to update the story. Also, that you don't mind if I read one chapter at a time and left a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^
Chapter 17: awee finally had the time to read this chapter 😭 its so cute i love the development
parboni #9
Chapter 12: I think I bookmarked this fic when I was in high school. Now, I'm in the final years of my university who suddenly remembered this wonderful fic. Welcome back. And the way you maintained the storyline sequence, it feels like I just read it yesterday.
Chapter 15: welcome back!! thanks for the update 💖