The First Meeting


It’s Sunday afternoon in the middle of April, right before Jisoo's final thesis exam.


“We have talked this through, honey. It’s a dinner, you're not expected to marry anybody.”


Less than a week ago, Jisoo finally received the invitation for her thesis exam; on Tuesday morning. Which is tomorrow and Jisoo has planned to sleep early tonight. Yet, here she is, eating her dinner at 8 while listening to her mother nagging about a dinner she desperately wants Jisoo to attend. Her mother slipped at her saying her friend had a son and all Jisoo could think of is the possibilities of an arranged marriage.


You don't want to talk about this kind of 


“Yes Mom, but what if he WANTS to marry me?” Jisoo pouted. “I’m going to France in a few months.”


“I know, honey. It’s just one dinner.”


After 3 years of studying Liberal Arts at Yonsei University, majoring in Literature, Jisoo found herself wanting to pursue something bigger for her life, something she’s been yearning for. So Jisoo had planned on taking another school in Paris, majoring in Fashion Design for the exact reason as mention above.


“You have settled the apartment, Jisoo-yah?” it’s her dad.


“Not really. I booked, I haven’t paid the down payment.”


“Do you want me to transfer the money?” this one is her mom.


“No, Eomma. I’m good. I can handle it.”


Not even a year ago, Jisoo came up to her mom and dad asking for their permission to continue her study. It’s not more than a year ago when Jisoo knew she can’t stay as the normal housewife every mother-in-law wants to have.


Jisoo passionately has desires in design. She spent her entire childhood scribbling on papers and walls. She hasn’t properly taken classes for arts and design, nor has she received prizes in that field, but, she can’t hold onto her uncontrollable feeling any longer.


“Please just consider this. You don’t have to marry him. I just want you to meet his family”, Jisoo’s mom smiles a bit. “They are nice people.”


“Yeah,” Jisoo’s dad adds. “Oh and also, you need to come with me for that annual dinner this Thursday.”


Jisoo sighs, saying no is really not an option in this household.



If there is one thing Jisoo believes in this society, there is only one thing a child like her needs to obey: you need to maintain that wealth. Those include; following and attending the upper class’ events, friending the other rich kids, going to rich kids’ schools, and marrying these rich kids. Basically, everything that Jisoo hates. All that to make sure her dad, her family's source of income, is protected by society.


Jisoo is rich if that hasn’t sunk in yet. Jisoo is the fifth generation of one of the families who founded South Korea’s main bank, The Kihan Bank. His dad is the great-grandson and the CEO of the said bank since early 2000. As the fifth generation, she’s quite stressed as the pressure built by her environment forces her to do stuff she doesn’t like. In addition, her mom is a former pianist for the National Orchestra of Korea. What’s not to hate?


Beyond her extravagant family’s background, Jisoo has been living like a normal young adult going through college. And it’s actually ending. Monday finally ended with a big smile. Jisoo passed the final presentation and was scheduled to graduate in a month. Tuesday, Jisoo and her family celebrated the good news with a small dinner party with her aunts and uncles and also cousins. Then, on Wednesday, Jisoo had to prepare for the annual dinner her dad mentioned, which included a new dress and shoes. And today is the day Jisoo dreads the most.


“Today’s main speaker will be Lee Seung Geun CEO of Toss Bank, with the title of his speech “Shaping Finance Digitally.”


A brief from her dad’s assistant inside the usual limousine car. The usual routine, the usual ride, the usual path. The usual nerve Jisoo’s mom has before meeting the other chaebols.


This annual dinner happened every February, just like the Oscars. Started in 1993, established by her grandfather with some friends, it started as friendly-family like gathering for bank owners and CEOs. Over the years, it becomes grander, with more people invited, young entrepreneurs and new founders in the financing world. For most of the men, this is where they can track down all the achievements from other companies. For the wives, this is the place to boast about their new bags or son-in-law.


The entrance always fills with cameras, from local news to national news reporters—the limousine car that slowly enters the gate and the guests that are revealed one by one.


Unnoticeably, this is where Jisoo finds out she has a thing with fashion designs. Attending since 12 years old, she has watched not only hundreds but probably thousands of dresses and tuxes going in and out of the big Victorian building. The pink bow, the long tulle, the cut top, every detail, every beautiful silhouette of these rich people. In her imaginative mind, these are her sea of cotton candy.


The night starts at 5 pm, not too rush, not too late. Jisoo already spots her best friend in the crowd, beautifully dressed in a Givenchy, yes, Jisoo knows it’s a Givenchy.


“I told you I’m coming.”


Seulgi is the only one Jisoo can call a friend from this toxic society. Seulgi is the daughter of the recent CG Electronic CEO. Before his father became the CEO seven years ago, Seulgi’s family never went to these kinds of parties before her father become the CEO.


Jisoo met Seulgi in senior high school, not at those parties. She’s the shy, quite clumsy, cool classmate Jisoo met in the first year of senior high school. They got along as they work on a science project in chemistry class.


“Yes, I know you will. Your dad will kill you for your absence.”


The existence of Seulgi makes the night a little less boring, a little less suffocating. Jisoo never really hate the whole idea of this party. Is actually fun, unless you want to be that stuck-up kind of person. The crowds are filled with these bunch of people who have nothing to talk about except the rates, the stocks, and the reason why they eat a four-million-won worth of meat instead of the normal thirty-thousand-won steak in the supermarket.


The party is not bad, the people are.


“So, Paris in June?” a little giggle from Seulgi makes Jisoo smiles brightly.


“Yes,” Jisoo nods. “Paris in June, school will start in August, and I’ll be the happiest daughter on earth.”


“It’s so fast, I’ll miss you so much,” Seulgi leans in for a side hug.


“I will miss you too,” Jisoo pats Seulgi’s back. “That’s why you need to visit-“


“Annyeong, Kim Jisoo.”


It’s not an unfamiliar greeting and it’s not a so foreign voice.


Jisoo turns her head to her left, “Annyeong, Yeonjoo-yah”


“I heard you graduated.”


In Jisoo’s ears, that wasn’t a compliment. Unexcitedly, Jisoo tries to be polite.


“Yeah, thank you.”


“I heard you’re not going to marry anytime soon.”


This one definitely not a compliment.


“Ah… I don’t think so,” Jisoo answers firmly. “I’m going to Paris to take another major.”


Yeonjoo studies Jisoo’s face, going up and down her body. She smirks, in her deep voice, telling Jisoo what Jisoo knows already.


“You really are weird Kim Jisoo.”


Yeah, Jisoo knows. She knows already.



Leaving the party almost near midnight and preparing for the ‘matchmaking dinner’ the following morning is not okay. Jisoo wakes up around 9 am as her mom abruptly opens her bedroom door.


“Come on ttal, we need to get ready for dinner tonight.”


Jisoo’s eyes flicker at the ray of sunlight which suddenly comes from her window. Her mom walks around her room opens her curtains and roams in her closet with annoying noises.


“Eomma, I can get ready by myself,” Jisoo straightens her back and walks to her mom.


“I know. I just want to make sure.”


From her long dress to her casual dress, Jisoo’s Mom takes out her dresses and displays them on her bed. She walks back and forth in her closet to finally narrows down three choices of dresses.


“The blue one will compliment your skin, this grey one looks very sophisticated, and the black one is just classic.”


Jisoo’s Mom smiles widely at her daughter, waiting for her response.


Jisoo smiles soothingly at her mom. “I’ll go with the black dress, Eomma,” she understands how badly she doesn’t want to hurt her mother’s piece of joy. “Black is always a good color to make a good first impression.”


“I agree,” Jisoo’s Mom takes the dress and holds it close to Jisoo’s body. “Go get ready, we need to go to the boutique.”


Six hours is what Jisoo and her mother need to prepare for this particular dinner. From a mini spa session, two long hours of skin rejuvenation, and another long hour of hair treatment. Apparently, this dinner is even more important than the annual dinner.


“Appa is on the way, we’re going to meet the Parks first,” Jisoo’s mom explains as their car pulls over to a restaurant.


“Had I ever met him?”


“Jinyoung?” Jisoo’s mom tilts her head. “Of course you had. Maybe when you’re in Junior High.”


“They never came to the annual party?”


“Oh, I don’t think so,” Jisoo’s mom ponders. “They’re not the ones in the finance group your grandparents established. But you know them of course.”


Before we go to the “matchmaking dinner”, let’s talk a little bit about this family Jisoo going to meet.


If Korea is ruled by a family, The Parks are the core reason, not the government, not even the royal families. PK Holdings, founded by Park Junho in 1967, is a simple textile company that turned into the biggest business holders company in South Korea, dominating from oil to telecommunication. They have more than 90 subsidiary companies and approximately seventy thousand employees who work in more than 100 offices worldwide.


This 'Park' that Jisoo will meet is the core family of this conglomerate family. The chairman, who never attends the annual party because someone else represents them, is the second in line in the business. A very chaebol kind of family.


Please excuse Jisoo to be very apathetic towards this dinner idea.


“He’s not fat, right Eomma?” Jisoo whispers.


“Jisoo, how could you?”


“Well,” Jisoo wonders and speaks tiny, “he needs his Mom’s help for a bride. He has to be somehow ugly or fat.”


Jisoo pauses.




The raised eyebrows of her daughter somehow tickle her judgment. Jisoo mom’s smiles, “let's see about that.”


They arrive at a Japanese Restaurant in downtown Itaewon a minute before the promised time. A little late, in Jisoo’s opinion. Not to be rushed, it’s always normal for a woman to be late in this society, though Jisoo already feels a little sorry.


“Good Evening,” Jisoo’s mom says as they both enter the room.


In the rectangular room, two faces greet Jisoo and her mother. The man has the same air as her dad, the same height, and the same weight most probably. The dark blue suit and tie complement his soft face, but she’s not familiar with him.


On the other hand, Jisoo can feel a closer feeling about the woman. With a simple white dress, and a little pin on her chest, Jisoo can tell how rich she is. The woman is wearing a classic Versace dress, most probably a 20-year-old dress, a rare collection. Her dark brown hair is cut to her shoulder, she looks like she is in her 30s even though Jisoo knows for sure she’s the same age as her mother.


“Jin Hee, I miss you,” a hug to the woman from her mother.


It lasts for more than five seconds. That’s a record, Jisoo thinks.



“This is Hyo Shin Samchoon, the CEO of PK Holdings,” her mom introduces the other parties. “And this is Jin Hee Imo, Samchoon’s wife. And also my old friend.”


Jin Hee Imo throws her shyness away and hugs Jisoo, “It’s been so long.”


The introduction part feels friendlier than Jisoo has imagined, most probably the friendliest introduction Jisoo ever experience. The long table with six chairs is placed in the middle of the room. Two pairs of chairs looking at each other and two chairs at the end of both ends. Hyo Shin Samchoon sits at the end of the table near the door. Jin Hee Imo sits on the left side of the table.


The son is not here yet, Jisoo wonders


As it usually is, her dad has to sit opposite the other leader, in this case, Hyo Shin Samchoon. Since the son seems to haven’t come yet, Jisoo sits in front of her mother, without anyone by her side.


“Don’t you remember Jin Hee Imo, honey?” Her mom asks.


Jisoo smiles a bit, “I’m sorry Mom, Imo, I can’t seem to remember.”


The glints in her mom’s eyes spark an unusual feeling. Her pupil gets big and a wide grin appears on her face. But before her mom can start a story, the door opens.


“I’m so sorry I’m late.”


Her dad.


“We’ve been waiting,” Hyo Shin Samchoon gets up and hugs Jisoo’s dad.


This is also a rare sight, Jisoo thinks. For as long as Jisoo remembers, her parents are discreet towards business partners. Maybe, they are not just a business partner.


“My son is arriving soon, please take a seat,” Hyo Shin Samchoon guides Jisoo’s dad to the furthest chair. Not forgetting a bow to the wife.


The atmosphere turns friendlier after her dad arrives. Jisoo gets to see a loud version of her dad. The wide grin and chuckles.


To Jisoo’s own knowledge, apparently, they’ve known each other since college. Her dad and Hyo Shin Samchoon took Economy at Seoul National University in the same year. They got close since they both share the same dreams and most probably because of their family background. After graduation, separation is inevitable. Her dad followed suit to the US for a master's degree and joined Kihan Bank’s New York branch as an intern, while Hyo Shin Samchoon went to Oxford.


“We only meet once in two years I think.”


“Yes, and we meet again after-“


“Pardon me.”


A knock and the door opens for the third time since Jisoo arrives.


It’s the son this time. And unfortunately, he’s not fat.



It's Valie after a year, and guess what? I still like Jinji.


I hope everyone can enjoy this story. I have fun writing it  

See you guys soon.

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2026 streak #1
Chapter 5: Well, well, well... we all know how things go when a contract includes not to fall in love with each other. And I'm surprised how they decided not to sign anywhere. I mean they hardly know each other to trust so blindly. But like Jisoo said, she's in a position where she can wield powers herself, so it's okay I think. Nonetheless, I'm curious how things will go herein. Will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #2
Chapter 4: Ah, that's how they arrange their marriage? I was thinking maybe maybe their family will force them into it or something. Also, wonder how Jisoo's gonna react to this. BTW about Jinyoung's cousin, is he based on any celebrity? Or is he just an oc? Just curious. Regardless, I can't wait to read more and will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 3: Wait! They met after 7 years and then there's another 2 years time jump? But why? (Just my frustrations talking. Ignore this if it's a spoiler). Also, when I read about the first CDMA thing, I immediately thought of SK telecom. Then read your a/n. And now you got me more curious about SK telecom's family history. Definitely gonna look them up later. Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #4
Chapter 2: I was worried about such a huge time jump. I think I can guess who it was at the end. That was a nice end to the chapter. And Jinyoung seemed like a nice guy back then. Can't wait to see how things would develop further. Will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #5
Chapter 1: Well, that was a pretty interesting start to the story. Jisoo seems like a sweet person despite being from the 1% and insight into her life was nice. I'm definitely expecting to see more of Jisoo's reaction upon seeing Jinyoung. And can't wait to see how the story develops further. But will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #6
Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something interesting to read. I would like to start reading this but before that I just wanted to confirm that you are planning to continue to update the story. Also, that you don't mind if I read one chapter at a time and left a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^
Chapter 17: awee finally had the time to read this chapter 😭 its so cute i love the development
parboni #8
Chapter 12: I think I bookmarked this fic when I was in high school. Now, I'm in the final years of my university who suddenly remembered this wonderful fic. Welcome back. And the way you maintained the storyline sequence, it feels like I just read it yesterday.
Chapter 15: welcome back!! thanks for the update 💖
Chapter 15: Aaaww an update! So happy to see this! Thank you author-nim for continuing this story.. will always be waiting for your update!