It's Worth It

Body Talk

The girl sat cross-legged, arm on her lap and the other holding a cup while looking bored to the street outside. She sipped the drink slowly and closed her eyes, feeling the hot liquid lingered in down . She sighed and put down her cup.

The drink is perfect, warm and not too sweet. The music suit her mood but the girl groaning across her ruin everything.

"Excuse me, i'm having a perfect moment here" she glared to the girl.

"Moment my , stop acting like you're in some drama" the girl took away her drink and shoving a laptop. "You barely write a paragraph, now write at least a page and the we can go"

She gritted her teeth and groaned. Writing is not her speciality, she wonder why she has to write a whole thesis only to add some letters at the end of her name. Not that a degree is not important but the most important is the knowledge, right? She opened her laptop and start reading some journals before writing what she need to her thesis.

The girl across her relaxed in her seat, amused after seeing her lover has her attention on her laptop. She smiled and took a book from her bag and start reading. They stayed like that for hours and when the sun start setting they decided to went back home.

It's not her fault when she hadn't finished her degree, five years and still counting. Already had a job where she got enough money to live independently without her parents help and without degree. Her girlfriend always told her the job she had wasn't real job.

"That's internship, Seulgi". Her girlfriend told her one day, groaning and gripping her own hair in both hand.

"It's still a job, wannie. The money is good, i can save half of it and use the rest for our daily needs". She explained to her girlfriend, walk around the living room while her hand moving as she speaks. "Besides, if they see me working hard maybe they can hire me permanently there". Wendy facepalmed herself after hearing her girlfriend.

At first, the issue never came up only after Wendy's parent came to visit them. Being an only child from a family whom formal education was important for them, her parent asked when will she finishing her school and find a steady job. Seulgi struggled to find an excuse, she told them that her professor was such a pain. Often travel abroad and doesn't have time for her, told her to revised most of her thesis everytime they discussed it. Half of it was true except the part her professor often travel abroad. She just too lazy to scheduling her meeting with her. Wendy's parent just nodded instead of nagged her they told her daughter to motivates Seulgi.

Wendy usually accompanying Seulgi to working on her thesis somewhere like cafe or library but they stucked at home because the rain was pouring hard and both of them too lazy to move from their bed.

Seulgi hugged Wendy from behind, pulled and nuzzled to her nape. Wendy felt the warmth and let her body relaxed. They stayed like that for hours and got up only when Wendy's stomach growled.

They cuddled on the couch after eat while watching Frozen. Seulgi hummed everytime the songs played. Wendy listening silently and then something bothered her.

"Are we forgetting something?" she asked, looking up to faced Seulgi.

"No, it's weekend so we have nothing to do" seulgi answered, her eyes glued to the screen. Giggling when Olaf's body separated when snow monster chasing him.

Wendy got up and headed to their office room, she came out after a while and sat beside Seulgi. She felt Wendy back to her side she draped her arm to Wendy's shoulder. Wendy put an opened laptop on her lap and wait for her respond.

Seulgi groaned.

"Oh my god" Seulgi said exaggeratically, faked faint.

"Come on, you almost finished it. If you can finish few pages today i'll buy you ice cream" Seulgi opened one eye as if asking if it was true or not. "a whole bucket" Seulgi opened both of her eyes and paid attention to her girlfriend. "...and you can have it for yourself, i won't eat a single thing"

With that Seulgi sat straight, retracted her arm and took the laptop off her lap and went to the office.

She finished 6 pages and got her reward.

In the next few weeks she finished all her thesis and met her professor.

Wendy had no schedules that day and decided to accompanying Seulgi to campus. While Seulgi driving she asked Wendy to checks her thesis once again if there were any typos.

"It's all good, babe. Don't worry, i already checked it last night" Wendy said as she patted her thigh.

"I know, i just" she sighed "Just, please, can you look it again?" and Wendy nodded.

Seulgi held her draft tightly before entering her professor's office. She adjusted her breathe before facing her professor to calm her thumping heart. 

Her professor wasn't the nagging type nor didn't care about her students. She was more like 'do whatever you want but if you want to graduate listens to me' type. That's why her professor never asked Seulgi about her thesis.

Her prof scanned her thesis, flipping pages by pages without any comment and face unreadable. Sometimes she raised her right eyebrows and scribbled something on it. Seulgi just fidgeting and looking her shoes all the time.

"I see you did well, Miss Kang" Her professor handed her thesis and faced her.

"Ah, thankyou, ma'am"

"Have you study all your thesis?"

"Yes, i have"

"Okay, i have no schedule next Tuesday, revised everything i wrote there and i hope you study hard for your thesis defense. If you have any questions feel free to email me, i know you are working now"

Seulgi's jaw dropped, she was happy knowing her graduation was near but that means she only had 9 days to prepare her defense.

"Y-yes, thank you very much, Miss Bae"

Wendy waited her in the lobby, she scrolling her phone when a sudden weight dropped on her shoulder. She almost screamed then she realised it was Seulgi. Seulgi told her what her professor said to her. As expected from Seulgi, she was a crying mess. Wendy had to hugged her in order to make her calm and they decided to had a nice dinner to celebrate it.

Few days later their apartment filled with scattered papers on every table. Wendy wants to protest but she didn't have heart to when Seulgi looked so serious with pencil in between her teeth.

"Seungwan-ah, can you please lower the volume?" Seulgi yelled from her office.

It was D-2 and all she had to do was reviewing the topics again and again. She already told her supervisor and got permission for her thesis defense for 3 days.

Since it was sunday Wendy hoped Seulgi could rest for a bit. All she did was stayed in her office since morning. She didn't even had proper breakfast, just a coffee. She almost skipped lunch and Wendy couldn't let that pass. Seulgi with no breakfast and lunch is a no no.

"Seulgi, may i come in?" she opened the door slowly trying to not making any sound. Seulgi just replied 'yeah' with no effort to look.

The smell of bulgogi bibimbap filled the room, Seulgi turned her chair to faced her girlfriend, stood by the sofa holding a bowl of food. She motioned her to sit and approached her.

"Is that for me?" she asked

"Y-yes, i'm sorry for disturbing you i just worried you haven't eat anything today" Wendy said timidly, afraid she might angry because she knows Seulgi didn't like to be disturbed when she's in her serious mode.

Seulgi smiled seeing her talked like that, she decided to for a bit.

"You do disturb me" Wendy gasped and about to replied when Seulgi continue, "I'll forgive you if you feed me" she scoffed but not refused.

"You big baby" Wendy brought the spoon to her and told her to open .

Wendy felt relieved, all the preparations made them a little apart. While she fed her, they talked to catching up what they had been doing lately. About half an hour they were like that, she finished her food when Seulgi about to going back to study Wendy took her wrist. Seulgi turned to see her and raised her eyebrow as if asking what did she doing.

"Can we watch something?" Wendy asked Seulgi. "You've been here since morning"

"Seungwan-ah, i haven't done reviewing. I still have 4 chapters more" She trying to loosen up the hand from her wrist.

"Just an hour, you still have hours tonight and a whole day tomorrow" She pleaded "Please..."

Seulgi just sighed, she couldn't resist her girlfriend when she said please. Not only because it's nice and polite to hear people saying please but the sparkles in her eyes was the main reason. Wendy's eyes always sparkling but it's sparkling more when she asks for something.

Seulgi sat on the couch first while Wendy took few chips from kitchen. She chose something light to watch and wait for her.

Wendy back from kitchen and sat between Seulgi's leg.

"What are you doing?"

"Shhh" Seulgi startled a little and adjust her position and Wendy leaned onto her. She circled her arms on Wendy's stomach "I missed this". Seulgi knew what she meant but decided to again.

"This episode?"

"No, you dork" she slapped her left arm playfully, Seulgi just laughed and hold her tighter.

"I know, i'm sorry" she kissed her hair "Just wait a little, i promise it'll be worth it"

"Yeah..." Wendy's voice sounded far, the comfort from Seulgi's hold made her sleepy. Seulgi realised this and began to rub her stomach softly knowing it makes her relax.

She peeked and saw Wendy already deep in slumber after a few minutes. She realised she's been studying for hours and need some rest, she stayed holding Wendy and joined her to sleep.

One hour and a half since Seulgi entered the room. Wendy just came from work, still in her work attire she waited outside the room holding a bouquet of flowers and a gift as a surprise.

Twenty minutes later Seulgi came out from the room, Wendy rushed to hugged her. She pulled back and saw the expression on Seulgi's face didn't pleased her. She looks gloomy and sad.

"Hey, what's with the face" Seulgi just silent and dragged her to her car. Wendy confused and almost cried but she hold it. They arrived to Seulgi's car and she told her to get in.

"Baby, what happened?" Wendy asked her full of concern. Seulgi looked at her sadly, Wendy couldn't hold it again and a tear just dropped. She blinked hoping the others not fell.

Seulgi kissed her instead of answer her. Wendy shrieked by the sudden action, she wanted to protest but feeling Seulgi's hand on her jaw so she just closed her eyes and draped her arms on her shoulder.

"I made it"


"Baby, i made it!" Seulgi repeated, swiping her thumbs on Wendy's cheeks and grinning widely. Seulgi waited on her reaction, she knew Wendy hate her pranks but she couldn't help it. She loved it when she saw her shocked face that looked like a puppy.

"You stupid! Don't you know i'm so worried when i saw your face!" Wendy yelled at her, she pushed her hardly on the shoulder and cried "That's not funny! Stupid Kang Seulgi!" she pushed the hand trying to touch her.

Wendy slumped on her seat and sobbing on her hand. Seulgi giggled and hugged her, she her hair while cooing.

"I'm sorry" she laughed "You have to see your own face Seungwan-ah, you are so cute" she pinched her cheek playfully.

"I hate you"

"I love you too"


A/N :

I was too lazy to proofread it, i'm sorry if there are many errors

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I want to write more but i always stuck in the middle lol


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Chapter 2: this is how doofus jamet got her gf
Chapter 6: awe. seulgi so annoying😂
Chapter 11: Thank you for writing so many stories for my most beloved ship it was beautiful
Chapter 12: Woooooh I thought the fans will scream "Irene" instead of "Sunmi". Good thing, it's not 😅
aglaonema #5
Chapter 11: Yah seulgi
28 streak #6
Chapter 10: Fluff WenSeul is so cute!!!!
Chapter 1: Lmaooo.
That's a good 1st chapter, gonna proceed with the next one.
Chapter 10: aww lovely
aglaonema #9
Chapter 9: lol yerimmie