
Body Talk

Seulgi can't help but whining and rolling over Wendy's bed. Wendy glares at her and hit her with plushie. Seulgi just spreads her arms letting Wendy hit her. Her once neat bed become a mess, her plushies and pillows scatters on the floor, her blanket wraps around Seulgi's legs.


"Seungwannie help meeee" Seulgi refuses by hugging Wendy's leg.

"Get off! I hate you"

"It's Sooyoung, she won't leave me alone" Seulgi says still hugging her leg.

Wendy looks at her bestfriend, she feels sorry for the girl but Wendy just cleaned her bedroom and her bestfriend was annoyingly loud. Since she didn't want to woke her neighbours up (it was 11.30 pm, duh), she decided to listen to Seulgi.

"What is it this time?" Wendy sigh

Seulgi told Wendy that Sooyoung always comes to her after their breakup, how she asked Seulgi to be back together by screaming like a mad woman even accusing Wendy as the reason of their breakup.

"Me? As in ME?"

"Yes, you Wendy Shon aka Son Seungwan, aka my bestfriend"

"I don't get it"

"She got jealous because i always go with you and thought that you asked me to breakup with her"

"What?! That's crazy!"

"She is! And now she's going to kill me and maybe also you"

Wendy pulls her hair in frustation, Wendy and Seulgi is really close and the whole campus knew that but why Sooyoung thought that she has something to do with their breakup and going to bothers her life. Wendy sigh and recalled her meeting with Sooyoung few days ago after their breakup in canteen. Sooyoung greeted her first like she used to when she still with Seulgi and Wendy greeted her back. There was nothing weird about her, if she really thought Wendy was their homewrecker (they not even married but whatever), Sooyoung would glared at her and not greeted her.

"So what will we gonna do? I'm not planning to die young and single and broke" Wendy said.

"I don't know, Wan. That's why i came here asking you, stupid" she flicked her forehead "And don't you dare say you're broke, you just bought that ugly shoes. What is it called? Baleciga? Balancing? Whatever that is, it's ugly. How can those ugly shoes cost more than 700 dollars?!"

"You came here desperately asking for my help and have the audacity to call me stupid. And it's Balenciaga you,dumb! I'm not calling you fashion terrorist for no reason" Seulgi side hugged Wendy and pinched her arm. Wendy just rolled her eyes.

They stay in silence for minutes thinking what should they do to save their lives. Wendy didn't really know Sooyoung well because they were not that close, she only knew her because she was dating Seulgi. But she knew how Sooyoung acts when she mad, because Seulgi always told her how scary she was. Everytime Seulgi told her about mad Sooyoung she couldn't imagine what Seulgi had been through and now she probably had to experience it.

"I KNOW!" Seulgi yelled making Wendy fell to the floor.

"What the hell, Kang Seulgi" Wendy said, rubbing her to ease the pain.

"Oops, sorry" Seulgi pulled Wendy back to bed "I know how to save our lives" Wendy tilted her head to the side. Seulgi had to hold her breath for a sec.


*cough* "We need to find her new girlfriend"

"Excuse me?" Wendy can't believe what she heard, is she crazy? An ex-girlfriend looking for new girlfriend for her crazy ex?

"I said, we need to find her new girlfriend so she won't bothering me again and i'll safe. So, you too!"

"Seulgi, do you know what i think?" Seulgi look at her brightly waiting for her answer. Wendy leaned forward and spoke next to Seulgi's right ear while holding her shoulder. Seulgi went stiff and she could feel her heart stop beating. "I think you should sleep and get the out of my room" Wendy said slowly in her low voice.

With that Seulgi got up and head to the door, before she heading out she bowed 90 degrees to Wendy "I hope you have a good sleep, Wendy-ssi" she closed Wendy's door.

Wendy chuckles when she heard Seulgi runs to her own room.

Only me can make her like that.

No, Seungwan. She is your bestfriend.

Seulgi sat on the edge of her bed and put her hand to her chest. She put her other hand to to hold her scream. Then she kicks and punchs air like crazy. She need to talk to Sooyoung tomorrow.


"We were talking this morning" Sooyoung said, placing her lunch tray and sat across Seulgi.


"Me and your lovely Seungwan" Seulgi's jaw dropped. "Chill, she just explained to me how good you are and she has no romantic relationship with you. She said sorry and ask me to forgive you and her. Even asking me not to bother you again" tch.

"What the, why did she do that? Stupid Wendy"

"She's kind and lovable though and you the stupid one for loving her but have no guts to tell her"

"Shut up, Park" Seulgi glared at her while poking her lunch.

"You know you just need to tell her, unnie. I can't fake this dating and breakup things for another months. Irene unnie will be sad"

"I know, and i'm sorry for Irene unnie" sigh "Do you think she loves me back?"

"Irene unnie? No, she love me" Sooyoung flips her hair dramatically

"I mean Wendy, you fool" she throw a baby tomato to Sooyoung.

"Chill, . I know"

"Hey, i'm older than you!"

"And i'm taller. Honestly, I don't know because we're not that close. But i think she really cares for you, if she don't, she won't meet me this morning and told those sweet things about you and ask me to not bothering you. Anyway, you really should tell her, unnie. I'm going to tell her tomorrow if you don't tell her tonight. Bye, i have class now"


Seulgi pacing back and forth in the living room of their shared dorm with Wendy. What should she say to Wendy, how will she react when she tells her the truth about her feelings and about her fake dating with Sooyoung. What if Wendy didn't like her that way.

Wendy back to dorm and found Seulgi circling their living room. She was too immersed in her thoughts, she's not even hear Wendy back. Wendy tiptoed heading to sofa in their living room, she sat there silently watching her friend then she laughs.

"Wannie? Why you there? What time did you back?" Seulgi startles, she afraid if Wendy heard what she thought. Thank god she didn't said her thoughts out loud.

"5 minutes ago i guess, what are you thinking? May i know?" Seulgi can't look her bestfriend's face, Wendy looks so pretty like that. her life, she need to tell Wendy.

"Wannie i..." Seulgi sat beside Wendy, she hold Wendy's hand "I need to tell you something" Wendy didn't like this, she knows this look. Serious Seulgi never bring good news, the way she pursed her lips and her eyes shaking. Seulgi is scared, Wendy hate if Seulgi looked like that so she rubbed her thumb on Seulgi's knuckles hoping she will calm and relax. Wendy stare her friend kindly, silently giving mental support.

"I'm here, Seulgi. You can tell me everything" Seulgi breath slowly to calm her heart.

"Wannie, we've been friends for long right? I want to tell you this long ago but i was scared. I know you always think that i'm your bestest bestfriend but i don't i'm so sorry" Wendy's eyes went wide and she about to say something but Seulgi cut her off "Let me finish, i think you were no longer my bestfriend, Wan. It's more than that, i.." gulp "I love you, Seungwan. I really do, not long after we met. I fall for your kindness, sincerity, you really is an angel and i love you for that. Your pretty eyes, nose and lips and your whole face and body isn't really helping me to not fall for you more"

Wendy open her eyes wide and wanted to speak but can't say anything. She was shocked, her bestfriend whom she love, love her too. But how about Sooyoung, they just broke up. Maybe she just confused because she was there when they breakup. She hold her tears but failed, she break her stare and looked to their hand.

Seulgi felt hopeless, she feels numb. She thought Wendy hate her, Wendy didn't love her back
"Wan, i'm so sorry. It's okay if you don't love me that way. Let's just forget about this"

"H-how about Sooyoung?" Wendy asks between her sobs "You just break up with her, i think you just-"

"Wendy, listen to me" she bring her chin up so they can face each other again. "I'm sorry for lying to you. I'm not dating Sooyoung for real, we did it because... because she was trying to help me to make you jealous, so you can love me"

Wendy stop sobbing, instead she released their hands and slap her arm. She was angry, her bestfriend lied to her. They promised not to hide anything from each other.

"Why you lying?! You could've told me. You can told me that you love because i will also tell you the truth. I love you too, idiot! If you tell me this sooner, i wouldn't hide in my room for hours when you go with her, i wouldn't meet her and tell those things about you this morning!" Wendy said frustated.

Seulgi shivered, she not heard it wrong. Wendy said she love her too. Wendy love her too. But why she just tell her now.

"Wannie, you love me too... But why you mad? And why you didn't tell me before"

"Because you didn't ask, stupid"

Seulgi just sat there, thinking how many times people called her stupid today and she just realised she really is. She went closer to Wendy and hugged her, she let Wendy crying on her shoulder. She brush her hair with her fingers to calm Wendy, feeling those soft hair against hers. She did this many times, but this time it feels different. She hold her close and kissed her crown.

"I'm sorry for making you cry, i'm sorry for saying this now, i should have tell you sooner, i promise i won't let you crying because of me again and thankyou for loving me back"

"No, Seulgi. Thankyou, for everything. And i'm sorry too for yelling" her voice muffled, she still buried her head in her shoulder.

"Look at me, now" Seulgi wipes Wendy's tears "Here you go" then she gasped holding her face between her hands "Omg, what is this?"

"What? Is there something on my face?" Wendy said, worried

"Yes, i see my girlfriend material there" She smiling through her eyes. Wendy thinks she's lucky for getting dorky, greasy and smooth girlfriend but slapped her arm for that.



A/N : This one is so weird omg i'm so sorry people :(. Anyways, pls comment your thoughts down below, i really appreciate it

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I want to write more but i always stuck in the middle lol


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Chapter 2: this is how doofus jamet got her gf
Chapter 6: awe. seulgi so annoying😂
Chapter 11: Thank you for writing so many stories for my most beloved ship it was beautiful
Chapter 12: Woooooh I thought the fans will scream "Irene" instead of "Sunmi". Good thing, it's not 😅
aglaonema #5
Chapter 11: Yah seulgi
28 streak #6
Chapter 10: Fluff WenSeul is so cute!!!!
Chapter 1: Lmaooo.
That's a good 1st chapter, gonna proceed with the next one.
Chapter 10: aww lovely
aglaonema #9
Chapter 9: lol yerimmie