This is our future (Bonus 1)

it started with nudes (don't let it end)

"It's a fraud Chu." Jennie crossed her arms and shook her head but that didn't stop Jisoo from dragging the younger to the psychic booth.


"This one is not. Trust me Jen." Jisoo assured her and squeezed her hand, yet Jennie still knitted her eyebrows together, disbelief surfacing on her expression. Even if it was Jisoo who told her that, she stayed skeptical.


"Listen my friend went here too and everything the woman predicted happened. She's the real thing." Jisoo explained in an attempt to share her excitement with her girlfriend.


And even though Jennie couldn't believe it yet, she knew Jisoo did. That's why she tagged along, sat across the psychic in a dimly lit room and it up. Spiritual things do interest her but she can't believe it when someone tells her this woman is an actual psychic, that's just not possible. This is a mere fraud to earn money from naive people. Whatever, as long as it makes Jisoo happy.


"You seeked my presence?" The woman hidden by her purple hoodie questioned quietly.


"Yes mam. I heard you are a psychic reader who is never wrong." Jisoo's eyes were shining even in the dark, Jennie could see that. She really was excited.


"You have heard right and wrong. My predictions are not absolute, they are what could be if it stays the way it is in the moment I predict." The woman explained.


"What way?" Jisoo asked curiously.


"For example if you ask me about the future of you two, I will tell you what your  future looks like. But that doesn't guarantee that you stay together and manage to witness it."


"Oh!" Jisoo understood while Jennie was offended that she even considered the option of them not being together. "We will never break up so we will witness it hopefully. Can you psych read our future please."


"Very well."  The woman placed six items on the round table and told them to pick one. Jennie told Jisoo she could do it so Jisoo chose the mini mirrorball because it was alluring. "Your choice has been made. I will aura read your future."


Jisoo sat in anticipation, Jennie just huffed a sigh as the woman became silent to lift her hands and keep the palms pointed at them as if she was trying to absorb their auras. Jennie has read about this when someone in the streets wanted to read her aura, she declined but still was curious enough to research. An aura is described as an electromagnetic field that surrounds a person’s body and is associated with their energy. It can be felt by everyone but it can only be seen by certain people. Not that Jennie believes in it, she was just curious.


"I see it." The psychic lowered her hands and stared at them. "Your auras are quite unique."


Jennie had to stop herself from rolling her eyes, anyone would begin their line like that.


"The left one, you are usually happy and bubbly, the other one is a grumpy cat."


"That's not true." Jennie scoffed. "I'm never grumpy."


Jisoo searched for the younger's hand and entwined their fingers. The gesture successfully calmed her down before she gave the woman a fit of anger.


"The colour yellow is dominating your aura. It is contagious." She referred to Jisoo. "That's why grumpy is happy when she's with you and sad when she's without you." Well that's true but you don't have to be a psychic to observe that. It should apply to most couples.


"What colour is Jennie's aura?" Jisoo asked in anticipation.


The woman took a short break before she spoke. "Predominantly a red with a hole."


"What? My aura is broken?" Jennie sneered.


"You have been abandoned. Your aura reflects that." She silenced her with ease. "An aura is a combination of vibrating colors, it's not just one colour.” 


"What does the red mean?" Jisoo asked in place of Jennie.


"Confidence, strength, anger, passion. You are a strong woman. You paved your own way."


"Hm…." Jennie hummed. She enjoyed the factually true compliment at least.


"The colours of your aura are depending on the moment. How you feel now. That's why I can only predict the future with your monetary state. If you are sad or had a fight, your energy is blocked and the shades turn darker. I can see your colours clearly."


"You don't need to read out loud our entire auras, a bit of mystery is good. I'd like to decipher all of her on my own." Jisoo suddenly exclaimed which surprised Jennie. She felt her squeezing her hand.


"Your future is all you want to hear?" The psychic questioned.


Jisoo nodded, so the psychic closed her eyes and exhaled a wave of air.


"In your future, let's say 2 years from now, you are married." She told them with certainty. "In 3 years you will settle down with your first child, in 7 years your second child will be born."


"We will have two children?" Jisoo squeezed Jennie's hand even tighter, it almost hurt. Was she nervous? Was she actually nervous about this information? Jennie tilted her head and watched her girlfriend, her eyes were wavering but still shining. She wanted it but she was scared and Jennie didn't have to be a psychic to read that on her face.


"Their names, how will we name them?" So Jennie joined the conversation. She shouldn't let Jisoo feel like she is the only one interested. She will show her she is also interested in their future. The message seemed to get across to her because Jennie felt the tight grip on her loosen. 


"Winter your firstborn, followed by Ruby your baby daughter."


"Named after myself?" Jennie cocked a brow. Did she tell the psychic her name? She doesn't remember doing that.


"That's right. When you discussed names Jisoo suggested Jisoo Junior, then you said no, so Jisoo said, let's make a bet, if I manage to balance myself on a watermelon we will name her Jisoo Jr. If I fail it's Jennie Jr." She even alternated her voice to tell the story with more emotions. "You said yes--"


"I would never agree to such a bet. That name is child abuse." She remarked, causing a pout to form on Jisoo's lips that she would love to kiss away.


"But you did when you saw her excitement." The psychic retorted. "So Jisoo balanced herself on the melon and slipped down. Jennie recorded the incident with her phone, she was smiling like a fool."


"Defamation…" Jennie grumbled incoherently under her breath.


"Jennie wanted to save the child and pleaded with Jisoo to go from Jennie Junior to Ruby. It would keep the same idea and spare the poor baby. Jisoo agreed."


"Now that was a ridiculous story." Jennie mumbled grumpily.


"More please!" Jisoo was eating it up on the other hand. "Who birthed?"


"About that…."






"It's more logical if I birth. You are a public figure. It will affect your career." Jisoo argued with her wife.


"I don't sing and rap anymore Jichu. I do business. Which is why it's okay if I'm pregnant." Jennie rebutted. It's not like either of them wanted to be the one to do it that bad. It's just that they didn't want to force the other to do it that's why they both volunteered.


"We want two babies, so how about we both carry, then we will have two." Jisoo suggested. "Does that make sense?"


"Well it makes sense to me…" Jennie pondered. "But let's consult a third party anyway to confirm that it makes sense." They consulted Joohyun who was pretty much their relationship therapist anyway.


Jensetter [09:12]

Hello unnie


Baechu unnie [09:16]



Jensetter [09:17]

Jisoo and me were thinking about who is going to carry, so we thought we will both do it.


Baechu unnie [09:17]

At the same time? Terrible idea. Two pregnant ladies in the same house. Do you see the problem? Only one will survive.


Jensetter [09:18]

I see. Thank you unnie. And if we take turns?


Baechu unnie [09:20]

Recovering from a pregnancy itself takes time too. If you take turns make sure you leave enough time in between for the other to be completely healthy and be capable of caring for a pregnant woman. Sometimes after a pregnancy it takes much too long for yourself to be comfortable in your body again. Don't forget you also have to feed the baby.


"Here you go." Jennie showed Jisoo the string of messages. "Maybe we shouldn't test it and choose one to carry."


"I guess that's the better idea." Jisoo nodded. "Let's toss a coin?"


"Okay. I got a coin toss app." Jennie searched it up on her phone and opened it. "Heads or tails babe?"




Jennie pressed on her phone


"Tails." Jennie said after the coin was flipped virtuall--


"How did you know I have that app!? Why didn't you say we used a regular coin??" Jennie interrupted the psychic.


"Your aura told me--"


"There is no way!" Jennie shook her head and told herself it was a coincidence.


"I want to know more about the pregnancy. Will it go well?" Jisoo interrogated.


"It will." The psychic nodded.






Jennie hasn't left Jisoo's side the entire nine of months. Wherever Jisoo went, Jennie followed. If Jisoo went to the bathroom to wash her hands, Jennie was already there squirting soap onto her hands. If Jisoo went to the kitchen to eat instant noodles, Jennie was already there and has cooked her either a meal or made her a healthy snack.


"I can get dressed on my own Jen." Jisoo whined.


But Jennie was having none of that. She unclasped her bra and made her wear an oversized hoodie. When Jisoo's s were dangling the elder's cheeks turned red but Jennie didn't think for one second about satisfying her needs. Her mind wasn't in the gutter. All she had in mind during that time were Jisoo's and her unborn daughter's well being. She was so busy spoiling her sick, they haven't touched each other for months--


"And you call that going well?? We won't have for months?" Jennie interrupted again. 


"Listen till the end." The psychic reprimanded.


[...] For months. However this night Jisoo has felt strong needs, paired with pregnancy cravings. She asked Jennie in the middle of the night if she could buy her chocolate ice cream because she wanted to it from the other's body--


"Don't read that part from our auras!" Jisoo blushed. "Skip!"


"But I want to hear that." Jennie pouted.


"Jen!" Jisoo whined, counter pouting at her.


"So I will skip." The psychic obliged. "The following events are full of Jennie being whipped." She informed them, having Jennie glare in response. "Then Winter came healthily and the two of you were still dazed even after you took her home."


"She looks so small and cute Jendeuk, I'm going to cry." Jisoo said and meant it. She was tearing up as she watched the baby lie in her tiny blanket on the couch.


"And you did so well bringing her here. It's all thanks to you." Jennie was beside Jisoo's immediately, throwing an arm around her and pulling her close. She caressed her forearm with her thumb.


"You took care of me and her. I think you deserve credit too." Jisoo disagreed, lying her head on Jennie's shoulder. "Her face is red and kinda mushy like it isn't fully formed yet. She looks just like you when you are angry. A red dumpling." 


"Her lips are heart shaped. Lucky her, she has your genes." Jennie awed.


Suddenly her eyes opened, both Jennie and Jisoo gasped and inched closer to her. She wasn't looking anywhere specifically. They weren't even sure if she could hear or see yet (probably not), they had goosebumps nevertheless and held their breaths.


Jennie carefully picked her up and held her in her arms. She sat back down next to Jisoo and held her baby daughter as gentle as if she was a fragile piece of glass that could break if she pressed even a bit tighter. Jisoo leaned down and planted a tender kiss on her tiny nose. They decided to retire from work for a few years and devote every second of their time to their daughter. 




Rosie [13:34] 

It's been almost half a year…

But I still can't believe you two have a baby! 😭

Surreal 😭😭


MC Chu [13:36]

Now what did bring up this sentimental outburst?

What did you do Lisa?


Limario [13:36]


It's just we bought little clothes for Winter

Which we are going to bring to you guys in a while

And then Rosie got all in her feels


Rosie [13:37] 





Jensetter [13:37]


Lisa calm her down

She is having a breakdown


Limario [13:38]

Don't worry I'm in the middle of it


All of them loved Winter. They loved her so much they decided they want to have their second child as soon as possible. However many sleepless nights came in the way. Winter started to make sounds, she cried a lot. She wanted attention all the time. They couldn't leave her alone for one second. Not even in her bed. She will cry and she won't stop until all eyes are on her.


"She is sooo needy. I mean all toddlers are but she is extra needy." Jisoo commented, rubbing her back as she held her in her arms. Jennie was lying half alive on the couch. She stayed awake the whole night because of Winter.


"Sure is…" Jennie mumbled through a yawn.


"Uee!" The baby cried out as if she sensed they were talking about her. She proceeded making angry noises and the two immediately knew what she was trying to do.


"She is complaining." Jisoo voiced out both of their thoughts.


"I wonder what isn't going to her…" A yawn followed before she finished her sentence. "Liking now…"


Jisoo pondered. "It's probably you. Your face is turned to the mattress."


Jennie had a hunch about that too but she tried to deny it in order to keep resting but now that Jisoo agreed, she couldn't avoid it any longer. She sat up and scooted to her baby and wife.


The little one stopped whining.


It somehow gave Jennie energy and plastered a smile on her face. 


That's why even though she was drained, she played with the baby while Jisoo held her gently. In the end all three of them were smiling from ear to ear.


"Do you want me to continue or do you need a moment?" The psychic woman stopped when the woman across her was crying her eyes out while her girlfriend hugged and consulted her.


"Baby it's all right. Don't cry Jendeukie." Jisoo pecked her forehead tenderly. 


"Clearly you need a moment." The psychic leaned back in her seat and pulled out three cups and a bottle of water from under the table that she poured into the glasses.


"N-N-No..we...donn't…" Jennie hiccuped, accepting the drink anyway. Jisoo helped her hold the cup because her hands were shaking.


"Are you sure?" The psychic drank a sip to relieve her dry throat.


"Y-Yes…" Jennie's voice hoarse, her cheeks puffy and her eyes red. "I-I-I want to hear about.. R-Ruby too…." She managed to chug on the water with Jisoo's help. 


The elder rubbed her free hand up and down her back and nuzzled her nose against her bloated cheek. The intimacy had a calming effect on her girlfriend.


"Very well." The psychic nodded.





It was the first time Winter met Ruby since she was just allowed to leave the hospital and go home. In the interim Lisa and Rosé looked after the little girl.


"I'm so excited. What do you think her reaction will be like?" Jennie asked as she carried the baby and walked side to side with Jisoo to the living room.


"We will find out in a second." Jisoo smiled as Winter heard the commotion and approached them. Immediately she ran up to them.


"Mama! Momma!" She hugged their legs so Jisoo picked her up with a warm smile.


"How have you been?" Jennie pecked the head of her eldest daughter.


"Good! We play games!" The little girl exclaimed happily. She wiggled in Jisoo's arms but suddenly stilled. Her gaze met whatever was in Jennie's hold. She stared blankly at it, her eyebrows were furrowed and her nose scrunched up.


"Winter, this is--"


But before Jennie could finish her sentence Winter stretched her arm and touched the cheeks of the newborn. Jennie and Jisoo were about to be in awe, but then Winter grabbed the pacifier of the small thing and jumped down.


"Winter!" Jennie scolded but the little girl already ran away. The brunette handed the newborn to her wife and ran after the child. She wouldn't give Jisoo the task of dealing with the mischievous kid when she still has to recover.


Turns out Winter had a problem with jealousy. Jennie wonders hard where that could have come from while Jisoo laughs at her question. "Come on baby, I think we both know where she has that from." She giggled lightly as she fed Ruby.


"I genuinely have no idea." Jennie said exasperated and let her body drop on the bed, beside Jisoo. "I didn't know a child so clingy and possessive could exist."


Jisoo suppressed a laugh when she noticed Jennie was serious. "....Well, maybe you should try talking to her. Who knows, you might understand her better than you can imagine."


"I don't think so but I might try either way." Jennie huffed a sigh and jumped up, not before kissing Jisoo's cheek as well as the soft head of Ruby that had the smell only a newborn could have.




"Winter you don't have to be jealous. We love both you and Ruby."


Winter shook her head stubbornly. "Her more!" She pouted.


"That's not true." Jennie scooted forward and hugged the little girl. "She is your little sister. Do you know what that means?"


Winter shook her head again, her eyes were squinted while she pressed her face against Jennie's chest. She was sad, her trembling and little sulks indicated that.


"It means she is your family. She is younger than you and will rely on you very soon." She ruffled her hair and placed her on her lap.


"Me?" Winter pointed to herself with her small index finger.


"Yep." Jennie gave her a smile, pecking her forehead. 


Winter smiled. "Hmm." She hummed quietly. Jennie knows that means she liked it. She was probably looking forward to having a minion, at least that's what Jennie thinks is going through her little head.




"No Ruby. Eat your food." Winter tried to feed her with a plastic spoon. The baby isn't opening . "It's yummy." She tried to persuade her but her lips were sealed.


"Mama." Winter called for Jisoo who then sat down with them. "Help." So Jisoo made Ruby laugh while Winter sneakily put the spoon into . It worked each and every time. Jennie was buying some groceries so Winter decided to help Jisoo out while she did chores.


"You are great with her Winter but don't you want to play in the garden? I promise you I'm fine on my own."


Winter shook her head. She refuses to leave her mama alone when her momma isn't here. When Jennie comes home she might go to their huge garden that is part of their mansion, and drive in circles with her tricycle. But only when Jennie is home!


Ruby made a whiny noise, signalling the two she doesn't want to eat more. She is full.


"I do this mama. You can sleep." Winter patted Jisoo's thighs and hushed her away.


"I'm not sleepy, baby." Jisoo caressed her head and wiped Ruby's mouth clean with her free hand. "But Ruby seems to be."


"I do this." Winter said again and lifted Ruby up. She was clearly struggling but did her best.


"You really don't have too--"


"I want…" Winter huffed exhausted. She walked around slowly with her baby sister in her arms and hoped she would fall asleep quickly, so she can drop her on her bed. Jisoo could only smile. Her daughter was stubborn, yet endearing.


"So." The psychic glanced at her watch and noticed that the time ran out, their session is over. "That would be it for now. But if you want to make another appointment, you may give me a call."


The two stood up and nodded, giving her a thank you before walking to the door.


"Also, this might be unprofessional," She spoke up, making them turn around. "But make sure she loses the bet. Jisoo Junior is a terrible name."


"It's a great name! It's gender-neutral and could go JJ for short!" Jisoo disagreed whilst Jennie laughed heartily, waving at the lady as she pulled Jisoo by her arm and telling her to give it a rest. As they walked to their car Jisoo was still ranting about why Jisoo Junior is a great name. Whereas Jennie felt extreme yearning for the future that was described to her. She wanted it so bad. With every passing second that yearning grew exponentially.


"I can't wait anymore Chu. Let's have babies now." Jennie said enthusiastically and dragged Jisoo to her waiting vehicle.


"But the lady said in a few years--"


"Can't we have them now? Pleeaase?" Jennie puckered up her lips, eyes big.


Jisoo chuckled. "I do like how enthusiastic you are, but we can't just jump into your Porsche and make babies. Remember?"


Jennie must have really forgotten because she was so excited. "True.. Let's go to the hospital then."


"Or," Jisoo halted her in her tracks and cupped her cheeks. Her cold palms felt nice against her burning cheeks. "We go home and inform ourselves before we make rash decisions. I want to get married first. And no, you can't just propose now." She giggled when she sensed Jennie was seconds away from going on her knees.


"Sorry. I got very excited." Jennie mumbled, her cheeks squished.


"It's okay baby. I am too." She leaned forward and pecked Jennie's lips. "One day. Okay?"


"Okay." Jennie smiled, brushing their lips together for a deeper kiss.


[Sometime in the future]


“Mama, the says is time.”


“No Ruby. It’s called clock.” Jisoo refrained herself from laughing because she knew if she laughed, Ruby would think it was funny and then she would definitely say it again. A calm approach is the best solution--


Yet Jennie ruined her plans by bursting out into laughter. Ruby faced her with a big smile, oh great, the damage is done. When Jisoo spoke to her wife about it, she shrugged her shoulders and said she will get tired of that word very soon. It was just when they were in a public restaurant that Jennie had to painfully realise, Jisoo was right. It was a problem.


“Mommy, mama, show me your ! It’s take long, I wan my food--”


This time Winter immediately headlocked her younger sister and covered with her hands. Every single customer was staring at them and whispering. If they recognised Jennie, then the headlines will be terrible. The family decided it's best to leave in a hurry.


These types of incidents keep happening with Ruby. She was very different from Winter as a child. Winter was more attentive to her surroundings and would realise when something was appropriate or not. Unlike Ruby who spoke what was on her mind without a filter. Like that time they walked past a group of nuns and Ruby asked her family ‘why are there robbers walking?’


It took one month for Ruby to get tired of mispronouncing clock. She was bored so she searched for another activity. In this case the new activity consisted only of annoying Winter.


“I’m busy.” Winter bent forward and dropped the little girl who was clinging on her shoulders to their single-seat cushion sofa. “I can’t go to the park with you.”


“But am so boring!” Ruby whined, a big pout crossing her face.


“Bored.” Winter corrected before turning her head away from her little sister to continue texting her friends.


“Boring Winter!” Ruby stomped on her feet and walked away. Winter couldn’t decipher whether the younger meant she was still bored or that Winter is boring. Less than a minute later Ruby returned and sat cross armed next to Winter. “Hmph!” She hissed at her and nudged her shoulder, clearly searching for attention.


Winter sighed and laid her phone on the round glass table making Ruby smile widely, she knew that means she has won. Thus they left for the nearby park and played until their moms came to pick them up. Ruby preferred the public park over their private garden because more kids are around. 


“They look so peaceful.” Jennie awed, watching her little girls while sipping on coffee from a Starbucks mug.


“Ruby literally just pushed Winter off a slide.” Jisoo bumped her shoulder against Jennie’s with a smile.


“Because she loves her.” Jennie rebutted unfazed. “She wants her attention.”


“I just thought she is a little brat but what you said makes sense too.” Jisoo agreed. “She so picked that behaviour up from you.”


“What?” Jennie laughed. “I never pushed you off a slide!”


“Right. You just crashed a jet into a mall and got into foreign jail to get my attention.” Jisoo grinned.


“Touché.” Jennie scratched her nape. "At least it worked."


"Did it?" Jisoo teased.


"Did it not? I got the girl and two babies." Jennie placed her mug on the bench, next to Jisoo's empty mug before she leaned over to make their noses touch.


"Touché." Jisoo captured Jennie's luscious lips that were still warm and had a bitter aroma.


"Mama! Mommy!"


Ruby and Winter cried out because apparently their moms were embarrassing them in front of their friends.


"Sorry babies." Jennie chuckled, she didn't look sorry in their innocent eyes.


"You just ." Ruby frowned.


"Sit." Winter corrected.


"Come here." Jennie called them over and lifted them up before placing them on her lap. Then she pulled her family into a group hug.


"Mom! My friends are watching!" Winter whined as Jennie peppered her whole face with smooches. Ruby on the other hand enjoyed the attention and returned the hug. Jisoo chuckled, aiding Jennie in her mission of showering the girls with love. Jennie kissed the crown of each of their heads.


"I love you all."

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1120 streak #1
Oh congrats on being featured authy
565 streak #2
Oh featured!
2072 streak #3
Congrats on the feature!
reveluv316 805 streak #4
cant wait to start reading
idkwhattoputheree #5
Chapter 27: love this!
reveluv316 805 streak #6
congrats on the feature
2072 streak #7
Congrats on the feature!
1105 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
theoriginalhigh19 #9
Chapter 21: this is literally comedy gold with the right amount of uwu and awesomeness too. IM HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE READING THIS LMAO
mikaiori #10
I'll reread this in the future. I love it, thanks authornim! 🤍