This is a selfie

it started with nudes (don't let it end)

MC Chu [16:46] 




Jendeuk [16:47]


What's wrong



Jendeuk [16:48]

Are you okay?



Jendeuk [16:49]



MC Chu [16:49] 

I think I'm getting stalked


Jendeuk [16:49]

Don't let me wait that long again!

Where are you!?

Jisoo answer!


MC Chu [16:50]

It wasn't even 3 minutes

Calm down Jen

I'm hiding in a Starbucks


Jendeuk [16:50]

Stay there


MC Chu [16:51]

Didn't think of going out

I swear I'm going to get killed

That looks nasty


Jendeuk [16:52]

I'll call the police

Or wait I'll send my bodyguards there


MC Chu [16:52]

Isn't that too hasty?

And you have bodyguards?


Jendeuk [16:53]

*My client's bodyguards

Is that person following you?

Are you sure they're stalking you?


MC Chu [16:55]

It's no person

But I'm sure it's stalking me

It has been waiting there looking at me for ages

It's crazy

I'm sure it wants to poop on my head

Or prick my eyes out


Jendeuk [16:55]



What kind of thing is that???


MC Chu [16:56]

It's a dove


Jendeuk [16:59]


You are getting blocked


MC Chu [17:00]


Don't block me Jendeukie!



Jendeuk [17:02]



MC Chu [17:02]




Jendeuk [17:03]




MC Chu [17:04]



Jendeuk [17:04]

Don't 'aww' me

You are still getting blocked


MC Chu [17:08]

Jennie please!

It really is after me!

I swear! It has the eyes of a serial killer!


Jendeuk [17:09]

You are talking about a dove you psycho 😒


MC Chu [17:13]



Jendeuk [17:14]

Holy !

It's a serial killer!



MC Chu [17:14]



Jendeuk [17:14]

Me too!

You need to get away from there 😭

You can do it! I believe in you!


MC Chu [17:16]


I'm going to text you later if I'm still alive...


Jendeuk [17:17]

Don't die


MC Chu [17:17]

Aye aye


Thus Jisoo closed her notebook and put her phone in her pocket. Sometimes she comes here to write when she needs a good coffee. Steadily she made her way to the door. She opened it and ran away with closed eyes, leaving the dove behind but bumping into a warm figure. 

Slowly she opened her eyes and looked upwards to recognize a familiar person.  "Oh hey, Seul." She gave the taller woman a smile.

Seulgi owns a cozy bakery in this street, so it was no surprise that Jisoo ran into her.

"Hey Jisoo." Seulgi regained her balance after the small collision.  Jisoo was light, after all. The impact was barely noticeable. "Be careful." She scolded her. "Why run like you are running a marathon?"

"Beause I was chased by a stalker." She said casually, widening Seulgi's eyes.

"You were what–" 

"Enough about my boring day!" She cut Seulgi off and looked excitedly at the woman next to her.

"Hi Joohyun unnie!" She greeted her enthusiastically.

Joohyun seemed to have been glaring at Jisoo the whole time, so Jisoo took a step back from Seulgi like she noticed her deathly glares for the first time.

Jisoo went on, trying to lift the atmosphere. She was always one willing to start a conversation. "Do you still remember me? I'm Seulgi's better looking friend Jisoo."

Seulgi hit her arm, making her pout. "Maybe we should reconsider this friendship." She crossed her arms.

"Woah!" Jisoo fake sobbed. "That hurt, you know."

"Good." Seulgi stuck her tongue out to her. "Now let me re-introduce you like a normal person."

She pointed to Jisoo. "This is Jisoo. You have met her at my birthday party."

Joohyun nodded. "You were the one who writes books right?"

Jisoo gave her thumbs up. "It's me!" She said in English.

Joohyun chuckled softly. Seulgi just sighed. "And this is Joohyun–"

"The super model!" Jisoo interrupted. "Of course I know her. Her face is everywhere."

Then her smile turned quickly into a smirk. "So you two huh?" 

No response from both of them. Seulgi seemed to have shrunk in her place and Joohyun stared at her like she wanted her to speak up.

"So you two huh?" She repeated and gave Seulgi an annoying smirk that Seulgi would have loved to punch away.

"Mm..." Seulgi muttered shyly with a heated face.

"She can't hear you and neither can I." Joohyun stated firmly. "Speak up clearly except if you don't want us to hear you." She sounded displeased.

"Yes! We are dating!" Seulgi immediately announced in slight fear.

"Wow! Congrats!" Jisoo clapped with a bright smile. Then she turned her face to Joohyun. "Take care of this clown bear."

Joohyun nodded while Seulgi's face was already tinted red.

Joohyun kept looking at Jisoo intensly. As if she was examining her for some test Jisoo had no idea she was taking. Hopefully she didn't fail. She felt like she came unprepared.

"What is it?" Jisoo asked confused. Maybe she was still too close to Seulgi. She took another small step back. "Something wrong...?"

"I read your books." Joohyun informed her. "And you seem easy going and friendly."

"Woah thank you! Hehehe..." She grinned towards Seulgi like she just became superior, annoying her even more.

"So I want you to write a book." Joohyun exclaimed.

"A book?" Jisoo rubbed her head in disbelief. "For you?"

Joohyun shook her head. "For my friend."

"Oh." Jisoo was still surprised. "About what? Why me?"

"Like I said, you seem friendly." Joohyun repeated herself. "My friend's manager wants to have a biography written about her but she keeps rejecting authors because she doesn't like them. She says they're annoying and sketchy. You don't seem too annoying and I enjoyed your writings. I feel like she'll like you too."

"Omo." Jisoo's face beamed. It must be some celebrity if they're friends with Joohyun. There is no way Jisoo would say no to this offer. Except if it turns out to be a weirdo but Joohyun would not have patience for weird friends, Jisoo assumed. "Of course! I'll do it!"

"Great." Joohyun grabbed Seulgi's hand. "I'll send you more details later. We are going then."

"Yup! Talk to you later." Jisoo smiled.

"Bye Seul."

"Bye Chu."




When Jisoo reached her apartment she texted Jennie like she promisd.


MC Chu [19:02] 

I'm home and I'm alive

Can you send me a picture of your beauty to heal me from this traumatizing experience?


Jendeuk [19:03]

Good to hear

You want more nudes?


MC Chu [19:03] 


I meant a selfie

But okay|




Jendeuk [19:03]

Can't I'm too shy


MC Chu [19:05] 

Too shy for a selfie but not for nudes?


Jendeuk [19:06]

I am!

Besides I already showed you my face when we facetimed



MC Chu [19:08] 

You did... but it was so dark

I couldn't see it clearly 🤷‍♀️

I want to see you in HQ

Bless my eyes! 🙏

I'm in pain Jennie!


Jendeuk [19:09]



MC Chu [19:09] 



Jendeuk [19:12]


Jendeuk [19:12]

Your eyes blessed yet?

MC Chu [19:13] 


I asked for a selfie


Jendeuk [19:14]

That's how I take selfies

You don't like it? 😢

Am I not pretty enough? 😔


MC Chu [19:15]

I'm not going to fall for that again|

I'm not going to|



Of course you are pretty!

My eyes are blessed! I love it!

 Jendeuk [19:16]

As they should be 😈

Now bless mine


MC Chu [19:17]

I at taking selfies 😔


That's why I delete them right away


Jendeuk [19:17]

I'm sure you don't


MC Chu [19:18]

I really do Jennie

When I take them it's like I'm looking at the mirror

People always say I take selfies like a grandma


Jendeuk [19:18]

Maybe they're blind


MC Chu [19:18]

They are not

They are right



Jendeuk [19:18]






Jendeuk [19:18]


MC Chu [19:19]

You don't mean that...


Jendeuk [19:20]


You are so beautiful that standing in front of a camera is enough to take the prettiest selfie

No filters

No pose


Just your gorgeous face


MC Chu [19:22]



Jendeuk [19:23]



MC Chu [19:24]



Jendeuk [19:27]

I don't use the heavy heart exclamation mark lightly

You can only use it when you wholeheartedly mean something

And I do

Never have I ever seen a more stunning person ❣❣


MC Chu [19:28]

That means a lot 😢💗

You are making me smile like a weirdo ❣


Jendeuk [19:28]

I'm glad

You deserve to smile all the time ❣


MC Chu [19:29]

You too ❣

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1130 streak #1
Oh congrats on being featured authy
574 streak #2
Oh featured!
2077 streak #3
Congrats on the feature!
reveluv316 814 streak #4
cant wait to start reading
idkwhattoputheree #5
Chapter 27: love this!
reveluv316 814 streak #6
congrats on the feature
2077 streak #7
Congrats on the feature!
1113 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
theoriginalhigh19 #9
Chapter 21: this is literally comedy gold with the right amount of uwu and awesomeness too. IM HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE READING THIS LMAO
mikaiori #10
I'll reread this in the future. I love it, thanks authornim! 🤍