This is the Dark Knight

it started with nudes (don't let it end)

Jensetter [18:01]

OMG !!





Baechu unnie [18:03]



Jensetter [18:04]



Baechu unnie [18:05]

You know what?


Jensetter [18:05]

What's with this aggressive behaviour? 😢


Baechu unnie [18:05]

Is everyone alive...?

Jensetter [18:06]

Everyone is screaming!

I lost the twin towers!

The police is here!

And my baby is burning!!


Baechu unnie [18:06]


Jensetter [18:06]

Oh and Mino oppa prolly drowned or exploded but never mind,

That's not important right now... MY BABY IS DYING! 😭






Jennie hastily called Mino and the youngers to join her in her mission to rescue Jisoo from the evil man. Although the youngers repeatedly told her it's not that deep, Jennie wouldn't change her mind. She would consider any man close to Jisoo evil. Mino backed Jennie up because he really likes flying the jet. Especially in such a weird route where his boss allows him, no, even commanded him to fly as fast as he can without crashing into anything.

"We are going to die." Chaeyoung said sternly while gripping the side of her seat tightly. "She is crazy. Crazy!" She whispered into Lisa's ear who was just really excited.

"Crazy in love." Lisa corrected with a smirk. Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. Same thing. How did they end up being involved in this mess? It must be Lisa's fault, Chaeyoung thought. She asked Jisoo to take them along to New Zealand. In fact it was also Lisa who made Jisoo send Jennie her nudes. Exactly. It's always Lisa's fault!

The speed they were flying with couldn't be normal, right? It pushed Chaeyoung to the back of her seat. In this moment she regretted not being able to finish all of the sushi in the dining area but this speed would make the food come right back out of .

"We are not going to die." Lisa said with a shake of her head. "Batman is with us." She pointed to Jennie who was wearing a black leather jacket, black sunglasses, black pants and black shoes while sitting in her black jet. You get it, all black, as per usual.

Chaeyoung only groaned more after Lisa's bad reassurance. "We are going to dieeee!!!" She took a pillow and pressed her face against it. That way she could pretend this is a dream and wake up when they're hopefully still alive.

"No one is going to die." Jennie exhaled, then glared out of the window maliciously. "Except Jinyoung." She chuckled like a comic villain rather than the Dark Knight.

Chaeyoung's hands wandered to Lisa's shirt before she tugged on it. "Send Jinyoung an SOS, tell him to run. The Joker is after him."

Before any more words could be exchanged an announcement by the pilot echoed through the speakers in the jet. "Attention, attention everybody,"

Mino's voice rang in the room. Worry and slight fear could be heard in his voice. "We kinda have a situation but don't be scared, it's no big problem. We are flexible people right? We can improvise...! My initial plan was to throw you guys out when we reach the mall which we are going to in minutes and just keep flying because there is no landing field. However... the pilot apparently forgot to fuel. Such an idiot." He hissed. "Meaning I'm going to have to throw you guys out soon and crash into the big lake next to the mall. Wish me luck, ladies."

Jennie immediately pushed the button to speak with the pilot. "You freaking idiot! You are the pilot! How can you forget something so important Ugh! You are not going to crash my baby into the water!"

"I'm afraid I have to."

"No!!! Hell no!"

"Listen boss, you can either stay with your baby or go get your girl. You choose."

Jennie crumpled-up the water bottle in her hand angrily. "You are going to wish you are dead if my baby dies, oppa." She said before she stood up to get something from the other room.

Chaeyoung stared blankly at Lisa, all the blood drained out of her face. "...What does he mean with throw us out, Lisa?" The question had a knowing but unbelieving tone to it.

When Jennie came back with three parachutes in her hands Chaeyoung's question was answered. She furiously shook her head. "No. No. No. No. No. Nooooooooo!"

"Come on, I've done it a thousand times. It's funny actually." Jennie shrugged and handed the two each one parachute inside of backpacks. Lisa put it on her back with a grin.

"Sounds funny. Let's do it Rosie!" She took the other backpack and put it on Chaeyoung's back who was in denial about this whole situation. Her eyes widened when the two dragged her to the door of the jet. This was really happening. Oh .

"You two first. I'll follow." Jennie told them. Lisa nodded, opened the door, pushed Chaeyoung outside and jumped after her.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Chaeyoung screamed hands, covering her eyes. "I hate you Lisa!" Was it wrong for Lisa to think Chaeyoung looks really attractive with the wind blowing in her hair like that?

"Open your parachute!!" Lisa yelled. Chaeyoung didn't listen, so Lisa did a swimming motion towards Chaeyoung and opened hers before she opened her own one.

Jennie quickly jumped after that. She expertly opened her black parachute and fell elegantly through the air. The jet made a turn and aimed for the lake. There was no one inside the lake. It's not a lake where people are allowed to swim. A jet surely wasn't allowed to do that either.

"Where are we going to fall towards!?" Chaeyoung screamed to Jennie.

"Straight to the glass of the mall!!" Jennie responded.

At this point Chaeyoung's eyes already left her sockets. "Are you ing crazy!?"

"A great mind is crazy!!" Jennie yelled.

"In this case it's mere jealousy, paired with idiocy!!"

Lisa fist bumped the air and aimed for the giant glass on the ceiling of the mall with her feet first. She was breathing adrenaline at this point and she loved every second of it. "I'll break it! You guys can fall through the hole I'll create!!" Lisa offered with a salute to Jennie. "I got your back Batman!"

Jennie reciprocated the salute. "Sounds good Robin! I shall never forget your bravery and solidarity on this day!"

"Chaeyoung ah! You heard that?? I'm Robin!"

"You are both bonkers! That's what you are! Someone save meeee!"




Jisoo and Jinyoung were just about to be called to Murakami himself when a sudden vibration in the ground and a loud bang made all of them fall down. Jisoo's first thought was that it was an earthquake. There were a lot of glass windows, so she motioned Jinyoung to crawl with her under a table of the nearby coffee shop but no other shake in the ground happened. She didn't feel safe yet. It might happen later.

"What was that...?" She could hear the people around her murmur distraught.

Jinyoung grabbed her hand, catching her off guard. She turned her face to see him blushing. "Just to be safe." She didn't want to be rude, so she let him. Even so she couldn't help but compare his hand to Jennie's. Jennie's was way softer and smaller, her hand fit in hers better and gave her a warmer feeling.

"A black jet!" A woman shouted. "My husband said he saw a black jet! There was a Korean logo on the jet! It crashed into the lake."

Korean logo? Black jet? No, it can't be.

"What if it was a terrorist attack?"

"Maybe North Korea is attacking us."

"What if there are more of them coming?!"

The crowd kept talking over each other in panic. No one really knew what was going on but everyone made their own assumptions.

The woman from before suddenly started to shout. "Oh my god! He said people jumped out of the jet!"


"Or the Koreans!"

"Oh !"

"Run! Everyone! They are aiming for this mall!"

"But why?"

"Why else? There are many people here! Terrorist attacks have no purpose but to cause damage and get a public response! They want to kill us!"

Soon enough everyone started to run and there were sirens in the mall going on, signalling everyone to leave the mall as soon as possible.

Jinyoung tightened his grip on Jisoo and dragged her away. "Let's get out of here!"




Just like Robin Lisa said, she smashed her feet against the glass, making it shatter. The other two fell through the hole Lisa successfully created. They landed safely and didn't harm anyone in the process because most people were already running away from them.

They struggled out of the parachutes and met a few scared faces in front of them. 

"What do you want!?" A middle aged man spit with venom. "Killing anyone won't bring you anywhere in life!"

Chaeyoung cocked an eyebrow. What the hell. "We are not going to kill anybody. Duh." She responded nonchalantly. What did they want from them?

"Yeah you are not going to kill anybody." Jennie laughed mockingly. "I am." She said, referring to Jinyoung.

"Yes she is!" Lisa cheered Jennie on for absolutely no reason. "She is the Dark Knight!"

The crowd started shrieking. "! This one looks especially scary! And she has a scary codename!"

In fear that Jennie might have a gun or other weapons they ran away.

"Good job scaring the out of them, Jennie unnie." Chaeyoung scoffed. "You do know you seem pretty intimidating in that black attire and all, right? Maybe don't say things they can misunderstand." The Australian cared less and less about what's going on.

"I'm used to people misunderstanding me. Either way, let's search Jisoo now." Jennie shoved the maknae's into motion. "Let's split up since this is a big place." She suggested.

Chaeyoung sighed. "Fine but please don't scare anymore people. You even made that little girl run."

"I'll give my all." Jennie smiled underneath her glasses and mouth mask.






*Limario added Jen*


Limario [17:22]

Jisoo unnie!!!

Where are you?


Rosie [17:23]

Please respond

Or your girlfriend is getting us killed


Jen [17:23]

We are not girlfriends!!

*yet pls?


MC Chu [17:25]

I'm kind of in trouble atm guys


Jen [17:25]





Rosie [17:26]

That's what Jennie unnie looks like to all the people in the mall


MC Chu [17:27]

It's not Jinyoung

What mall?


Jen [17:27]

D-Did you respond to me..??


MC Chu [17:27]



Jen [17:27]



MC Chu [17:28]

Let's talk about that when we see each other


Jen [17:28]

You want to see me...?


MC Chu [17:28]



Rosie [17:28]

We are also here guys

MC Chu [17:29]

So what mall?


Limario [17:29]

The one where you are

The nerd meeting


MC Chu [17:29]

*Meet and greet


Jen [17:30]



MC Chu [17:31]

Apparently there is some kind of terrorist attack or whatever in this mall

You all need to get out of here if you are still there

We can meet at the park outside


Rosie [17:32]

Just when I thought it couldn't get worse



Limario [17:32]

Terrorist attack!?!?!



Rosie [17:33]

It's going to call for an ambulance

If you are gonna to do what I think you will



Jen [17:34]

Where are you @MC Chu


MC Chu [17:35]

Near the electric area


*Jen is offline*


Limario [17:36]

Gone she is


Rosie [17:37]

Stay safe unnie


MC Chu [17:37]

Y'all too


Jisoo frowned. Why were they here? They are just getting in danger. Idiots. She was worried for her younger friends. Jinyoung was holding her hand protectively. However she was convinced she didn't need protecting. Weirdly she wouldn't mind the protecting if it was Jennie though. Perhaps she was thinking too much about the brunette.

"Everything good?" Jinyoung asked worriedly. "If you are done texting we should keep moving." He stated. Jisoo nodded in agreement. 

"Hold on!" She remembered that Jennie was most likely on her way here. "You go ahead, I'll come in a minute."

"Why?" Jinyoung frowned. "It's not safe to stay here."

"I know." Jisoo sighed. "But I need to wait a little longer."

"I'll wait with you." He gave her a smile.




Jennie kept running around till she found a map. After a little thinking she found the right way. The people around her kept running from her for some reason. When she found Jisoo's back her face beamed a thousand-watt grin. Then the grin faded as her cat-eyes narrowed on the grip that clung on Jisoo's hands. Jinyoung felt shivers like he could physically feel the daggers Jennie was throwing at him with her gaze.

"Jisoo!" Jennie called for her and reached her panting.

The raven immediately turned her face to the source of the voice and was on her way to her when Jinyoung still held her tight.

"Uh..." Jisoo said nudging him to let go. He got the message and was willing to hesitantly let go but Jennie beat him to it by grabbing Jisoo's other hand and dragging her towards her body.

"Are you okay?" Jennie asked with concern pooling in her chocolate orbs. Jisoo missed staring at those and it's barely been hours since they last talked. Too much.

"I'm good." Jisoo loved the feeling of her hands in Jennie's. "What are you doing here?"

"I was looking for you." Jennie shifted shyly from one foot to the other. "And I'm very sorry..."

"It's fine, Jendeuk." Jisoo smiled at her before she gave her hand a squeeze. Jennie's eyes widened and her heart dropped, this was the first time Jisoo called her with her nickname in person. "I mean I'm still mad at you, you know... It's pretty embarrassing that you listened to me fangirling over you and all... but I know you are sorry and I can't be mad at you for long. Your pout is way too cute."

A gummy smile spread on Jennie's lips. "For your information, it was not embarrassing. It was very cute, Jichu." Jennie squeezed her hand in return. "And that pout is reserved only for you like I am." She gave her a wink which made Jisoo chuckle.

"...I'm here you two. In case you've forgotten." Jinyoung cleared his throat.

"Right." Jennie turned her face to him. "Why?" She scowled.

"I was here first." He challenged her. "Why are you here?"

"Claiming my hand." Jennie huffed. "Because it's mine." She told him threateningly, holding Jisoo's hand up.

"Jennie!" Jisoo pinched her sides and whispered in her ear. "Be nice." The close proximity and her breath made Jennie's ear heat.

"You three," Two police officers approached them. "Have you seen a Korean Batman-looking woman and her two long legged bodyguards?" They described the figures from what they heard from witnesses.

The three shook their heads. "Sorry sir." They surely would have noticed such strange people.

They nodded. "You should get out of here. Now. There are weird people running around."

They followed the police officers who guided them outside. Jennie was not letting go of Jisoo's hand and gave Jinyoung a glare as usual. The boy rolled his eyes.

When they were outside Jisoo hugged Jennie tightly like her favourite teddy bear. "I missed you too even though it wasn't long."

Jennie sighed contently, wrapping her arms around Jisoo's waist. "Hm.. so are we still– Um... what are we exactly?"

"Friends?" Jisoo asked.

Jennie shook her head. "Don't like that." She pouted.

"Me neither." Jisoo giggled.

"I'm gonna go now.." Jinyoung announced before he quickly left, clearly feeling uncomfortable. Nonetheless Jisoo waved him goodbye with a smile.

"Come to think of it, where are the maknaes?" Jisoo looked around and saw no trace of them.

Jennie shrugged. "Maybe at the park." She held Jisoo's hand again and guided her to their meeting place.

On their way Jennie saw the jet in the lake. "My baby!!" She screamed, almost tearing up.

"What baby?" Jisoo raised her eyebrows. "What do you mean my baby? Who is your baby?"

Jennie pointed her finger to the jet. "I'm talking about my jet. No need to be jealous." She pecked Jisoo's cheek and reddened it in the process.

Jisoo rubbed her head sheepishly. "If you can be jealous over yourself I can be jealous over that thing." She retorted.

"Touché." Jennie laughed sweetly and leaned her head on Jisoo's shoulder while they sat on a bench to wait for their friends. Some people were still screaming outside and the police kept going around looking for the culprits.

Jisoo asked Jennie what happened to her jet and Jennie told her the whole story.

"So to sum it up you made Mino crash your jet in the lake and endangered every passerby because you thought I was in danger which I wasn't?" Jisoo asked in disbelief.

Jennie suddenly felt shy. It did sound ridiculous.


"Nuts." The old man next to them on the bench answered for Jisoo.

"I was going to say.. cute?" Jisoo asked with a light laugh and patted Jennie's head. "But next time don't go overboard like that, okay?"

Jennie leaned the weight of her head against Jisoo's hand that by now rested on her fluffy cheek. The older girl cupped that cheek before she placed a lingering kiss on it, sweeping Jennie off her feet. She was so weak for Jisoo's every touch.




"Stop it already Lisa!" Chaeyoung said through gritted teeth. "There are no terrorists. We already searched everywhere and luckily we didn't stumble across one because we are no match."

"You haven't seen me fight yet." Lisa balled her fists towards Chaeyoung who just pinched the bridge of her nose.

The mall was completely empty. No one except them was there. After a few more seconds the lights turned off.

"What the?" Chaeyoung said confused.

"I think it closed." Lisa exclaimed. "We are locked. You know what that means?"

Chaeyoung didn't respond. She was exhausted from everything and just wanted to sleep. Jumping out of the jet took all her energy away.

"Free food!" Lisa screamed, gaining Chaeyoung's attention at the mention of food. "We are alone in a mall Rosie! That's the dream!"




Mino swam out of the water before the jet practically errupted in flames and exploded. Yeah he is alive in case anybody wondered.






Jensetter [18:08]

And that's what happened


Baechu unnie [18:09]


That was one weird  love story

Right now

Or I'm calling the police and telling them you are the terrorist


Jensetter [18:10]



Baechu unnie [18:10]

You just realized..?


Jensetter [18:11]

Yeah omg



How could I not realize??


Baechu unnie [18:12]


Jensetter [18:13]

Thank you unnie

That's nice of you


Baechu unnie [18:14]

So Jisoo is not your girlfriend yet?


Jensetter [18:15]



Baechu unnie [18:15]

Why not?


Jensetter [18:15]

She doesn't like that I'm "dating" Jongin oppa

And still needs time to absorb my lying

But we getting there

Soon I hope but late is fine too


Baechu unnie [18:16]

Then dump Jongin

What's the problem?

YG might kick you out but you don't care right?

You already have your career and your own business


Jensetter [18:16]

That's true...


Baechu unnie [18:17]

Do it

No more foolishness from you


Jensetter [18:18]


Baechu unnie [18:18]


Sigh I'm way too invested in your relationship

All because my fav dramas are over and those s won't give them a sequel

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1130 streak #1
Oh congrats on being featured authy
574 streak #2
Oh featured!
2078 streak #3
Congrats on the feature!
reveluv316 815 streak #4
cant wait to start reading
idkwhattoputheree #5
Chapter 27: love this!
reveluv316 815 streak #6
congrats on the feature
2078 streak #7
Congrats on the feature!
1114 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
theoriginalhigh19 #9
Chapter 21: this is literally comedy gold with the right amount of uwu and awesomeness too. IM HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE READING THIS LMAO
mikaiori #10
I'll reread this in the future. I love it, thanks authornim! 🤍