
Like She Could


"I tell myself to look forward knowing that I'll see you again one day"

Hi Jooheon,

I just wanted to let you know that I've spoken to Changkyun and Hyunwoo.

Is there a time that would suit you to meet up, they've both said they want to see you.

- Han Somi.

"Location scouting?"

"Yeah, we spoke last time about doing the shoot outdoors somewhere right? There's a couple of places the team has recommended, so a few of us will go down and take a look at them and see if there are any other good places to shoot at. Bring your camera, because we'll be doing a few test shots" Hyunwoo smiled at her and Somi nodded.

"When?" She asked and Hyunwoo looked at the time on his phone.

"In fifteen minutes?" Hyunwoo told her in an uncertain tone and Somi rose an eyebrow.

"You're my boss, aren't you meant to sound more assertive when you say these sort of things?" She inquired teasingly and Hyunwoo pulled a face that told Somi she had done a good job of messing with him.

"Alright," Somi laughed as Hyunwoo opened his mouth to say something, "I'll be there, boss" Somi waved a hand at him and Hyunwoo's face scrunched up in frustration. His hand shot forward and Somi followed his actions with her eyes as Hyunwoo snatched her cup of pens and held it up.

"I'm confiscating this" Hyunwoo held the cup of pens up and Somi's eyes widened.


"I'm confiscating your pens, as your boss, I can do that" Hyunwoo nodded and Somi could only blink as Hyunwoo walked out of her office and shut the door behind himself. Somi looked at the empty space on her desk and blinked, pushing down on her bottom lip with her thumb. Then she spun her chair around to face the second part of her L shaped desk. She picked up the cup of pens and put it in the spot her first cup had occupied before going back to her work with a brief look towards the time.


It was fifteen minutes later and Somi was standing next to Hyunwoo in the lobby, waiting for the rest of the team to gather and join them on their outing.

"So, who's joining us today exactly?" Somi inquired and Hyunwoo hummed.

"Solar and Wheein, Minah, Changkyun's coming, hmm, a couple of the crew for props. There shouldn't be too many of us" Somi nodded, looking around as she clasped her hands behind her back.

"I'm here! I'm here!"

"You're not late Wheein" Hyunwoo reassured the stumbling woman as she slid across the tiled floor. Somi grabbed onto Wheein's arm to steady her and Wheein latched onto her gratefully.

"Another five minutes and the others will be late though" Hyunwoo sighed to himself as Somi and Wheein took turns testing the weight of Wheein's bag of never ending supplies.

"You need all of this today?" Somi asked Wheein who nodded with a loud hum.

"Just like you need all of that" Wheein waved a finger at the bag hanging on each of Somi's shoulders, the weight of the bags forgotten in replacement of worrying for Wheein.

"I hadn't realised" Somi pondered, looking down at Wheein's bag again.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I was putting my things in the car" Minah entered the building with her cheeks puffing out. Solar came out of the elevator with Changkyun and another trio tailing behind her. Hyunwoo smiled, clapping his hands together to gather everyone's attention.

"Now that we're all here, I've sent you all a message of the destinations we'll be going to today. If anyone has any suggestions, please don't hesitate to tell me about them" Everyone nodded, taking out their phones to check for Hyunwoo's message.

"Props crew, you're with me today," Hyunwoo told them as they all made their way out of the building.

"Wheein would you be careful?" Solar scolded over an armful of clothes that she struggled to see over. Somi grabbed Wheein by the arm again and pulled the small lady away from the curb.

"This bag is heavy!" Wheein complained and adjusting the straps of her bag, Somi helped Wheein walk towards her car without another accident. 

"We'll be going to the first location on the list I sent you," Hyunwoo told the ladies as he opened Wheein's back door for her. Wheein almost fell into the backseat of her car with her big bag of supplies and Hyunwoo was the one to grab her arm this time. Somi rounded the car to get to hers and unlocked it. She pulled the door open, spotting Kihyun sliding into his seat from the corner of her eye as she lugged her bags into the backseat. Minah was grumbling something on her way past the others to get to her car and Somi looked up as Minah shook her head.

"You're not gonna fit in there with all the clothes Changkyun, ask Solar"

"What do you mean ask me? I'm carrying half of your in my car lady," Solar scolded before looking at Changkyun and smiling, "sorry Changkyun" Changkyun sighed and looked around. His eyes landed on Somi who was leaning on the driver's side of her car as Hyunwoo gave her a detailed description of what she was up for.

"We'll take a few pictures of the location, you can test your angles and stuff then as well, we'll also pop Changkyun in some of the outfits if we really like the location, if not we'll just have him do a couple of poses so you can get a feel of the scene with the model in it. Wheein needs to test what makeup scheme she'll be going for, so we're going to need to do some close-ups on his face. Also, let the props team know if there is anything you think would look good in the shoot and they'll try and get their hands on some stuff for you. Oh and-"

"Sorry to interrupt," Changkyun approached the pair and they both looked at him as Hyunwoo's expressive hands dropped back to his sides, "but can I hitch a ride with you? Everyone else is full" Changkyun turned to Somi, the young lady blinked at him and it was a stomach-churning two seconds for Changkyun before Somi looked into her car, then back to him, nodding her head.

"You don't have to ask, just jump in the car," She told him and Changkyun nodded, rushing around to the passenger side to escape Somi and Hyunwoo.

"You'll get into the flow of things once we reach the first location, I'll see you there I guess" Hyunwoo looked past Somi to look at Changkyun sitting in the car, looking away from them. Hyunwoo gave Somi's shoulder a pat and Somi nodded, turning around and opening her door to get in the car. Somi pulled out her phone to bring up the message from Hyunwoo and sighed when she saw where they were going first.

"A botanical garden" 

"Hmm?" Changkyun blinked slowly as he looked at her.

"The first place we're going to is a botanical garden," She told Changkyun who hummed.

"Great" Somi put her phone down in the cupholder between the two front seats and started the car.

"Hey Somi" Kihyun leaned forward from his place in the back seat and Somi had to try not to shiver when he crept up behind her, hovering over her shoulder.

"This is going to be fun don't you think?" He asked the woman who glared at the cars pulling out before her. Her grip on the steering wheel was tight as she pulled out into the street to follow after the other cars.

"I think today is going to be a good day for us," Kihyun continued as if Somi was interested in listening to what he had to say, "we're seeing all these different spots, you'll get to take pictures for a few hours, you've got Changkyun next to you for the trip and it's nice weather outside today, don't you think? It's nice to see the sunshine without such a chill in the air for once. I was so over winter, to be honest-" At this point Kihyun knew he was getting on Somi's nerves, making his smile grow. "-hearing you complain about how cold you were all winter was really doing my head in. Though I suppose now you're just going to complain about how hot it's getting, so it's never ending when it comes to you and your complaining" Somi flicked the radio on, Changkyun looked at her but soon looked away again. Somi could hear Kihyun laughing and grit her teeth.

It was certain that Kihyun wouldn't be maturing any time soon.


"This is nice" Somi looked around, standing on the top of a building was kind of exhilarating for her. Kihyun said something in agreement, but Somi wasn't really listening as she unpacked her camera and put the strap around her neck Changkyun was crouched down next to her, unable to muffle his curiosity and stay away as she ped her bag with her lenses neatly nestled in the protective foam. 

"You two, why do you still have your jackets on? It's warm out here aren't you hot out here?" Somi and Changkyun looked up at the same time. Once again, there was a lump in Somi's throat that she tried to swallow down, opened, but no words came out. Changkyun looked at her then back to the props team member that was frowning down at them.

"Take your jackets off, man it's too hot out here. You're just gonna sweat and feel gross" The male continued and Changkyun flinched when he reached out and tugged on Somi's jacket. Somi visibly went rigid, in all her time dealing with her scars, she had never faced a confrontation like this. 

"That's enough man" Changkyun slapped the other mans hand away and he pulled away, scrunching his face up at Changkyun.

"We'll take out jackets off when we're ready to take them off. There's no need to treat a lady like that" Changkyun smoothed down Somi's jacket that was still pulled up from the way the props member had pulled at it. Somi was unmoving, her eyes glazed over and distant as she stared at where the props member had grabbed her jacket. She was still unmoving as Changkyun patted it back down and moved away.

"Somi, Somi? Earth to Mimi, come on, you're at work you can't be freezing up like this" Kihyun crouched down in front of Somi, turning his head so that he could see Somi's face. When he got no response he clapped his hands in front of Somi's face and she jumped to life. Changkyun grabbed her by the arms before she could fall back on her rear and cause herself any pain. The props member was gone as Somi looked around with fluttering eyes, remembering where she was.

"Are you alright?" Changkyun's dull voice asked her and Somi looked at him, straightening on her feet again and clearing .

"Yeah, thanks" She nodded and Changkyun's hands slipped away as she gave another clear of and put her hands back in the bag containing the lenses to her camera. Somi already had the itching urge to roll her sleeves up and allow her arms a bit of fresh air, but she knew she couldn't do that, it was even more reinforced after the moment she just had. She sighed, knowing she just had to face the sun's wrath and fix herself up when she got to the office.

Somi swapped the lens on her camera and stood up. Looking for her boss.

"What are we thinking Hyunwoo?" She asked him as she approached and Hyunwoo turned back to look at her.

"Something with the tin roofing in the background, what are you thinking Somi?" Hyunwoo questioned back and Somi looked at the tin roofing that reflected some of the suns light.

"I'm thinking that will be good, something with the sky or any windows in the background would be nice to" The pair nodded in agreement with each other and Somi adjusted her camera to start taking pictures of the area. She snapped several shots of all the angles she could get of the scenery. People avoided her when they passed her, not wanting to knock Somi and throw any of her pictures off. When she was done, she waved Changkyun over, who was looking kind of bored standing between Minah and Wheein as they tried to match the colours of his outfit to his makeup for when the official shoot would be taking place.

"I need you to stand-" Somi took Changkyun's hand and stood him by the wall of the rooftop, right in front of the tin roofing. "right there" Somi looked at Changkyun, her eyes widened and she quickly ripped her hand away from Changkyun's.

"Thanks" She nodded and put the camera in front of her face, naturally Changkyun tried a few poses with prompts from Somi. After a few 'sit here' and a couple of 'lean on that' or 'do this pose' requests from Somi, the pair had gotten test photos done in almost every possible place on the roof, looking for what was best for the shoot.

"Thank you Changkyun" Somi nodded and Changkyun bowed his head.

"Changkyun, let me put this eyeshadow on you!" The moment he was beckoned, Changkyun walked away and Somi scurried over to Hyunwoo to show him the photos she had taken.

"That's good, I think we'll be using this location" Hyunwoo gave Somi's shoulder a squeeze of approval and Somi smiled, letting her camera hang from her neck.

"We're gonna use this location?" 

"Yeah, I was able to get a hold of the owner of this building and I have their permission" Somi was delighted, she liked this location, much more than that botanical that had really only been nice for some of the crew to look at, Somi herself was eager to get away from the place as soon as possible. As for this rooftop, she could see plenty of good shots taking place here, her demo shots had turned out good, so she was eager for the day that they would come back fully set up and ready to do the proper shoot.

"Somi, come get some pictures of this!" Wheein called Somi over and she quickly dashed to her side. Wheein pointed to Changkyun's face and Somi held her camera up with a smile, muttering a small 'one second please' before rushing back over to her lenses to look for the appropriate one. She was back in front of Changkyun in two blinks. She snapped several photos of the makeup Wheein had done, showing the other woman with every shot that was taken. Changkyun had on a large army print jacket over his clothes and Somi made sure to snap a few shots of the clothing on him too.

"I think that keeping the makeup to natural shades would be best" Somi offered her opinion to Wheein who nodded. Somi put her fingers on Changkyun's chin and angled Changkyun's head so that the sunlight hit his face more.

"Close your eyes for me" She spoke but Changkyun did so naturally to avoid the sun. Somi held up her camera and Changkyun could hear it as she took a few more photos.

"Done" Somi released her hold on Changkyun's chin and stepped back Changkyun's eyes fluttered open and he watched Somi as she discussed his look with Wheein.

"Is everyone ready to move onto the next location?" Hyunwoo spoke up loudly. Somi looked at Wheein who smiled at her reassuringly.

"Message me when you're transferring these to your laptop and we can look at it together then," She told her as the team around her all gave their answers.

"I'll take this back" Minah came up behind Changkyun and pulled the jacket from his shoulders. Changkyun bowed his head and looked around, his eyes landed on Somi, who had Hyunwoo helping her with one of her camera bags. She had a tripod hanging from her fingers and Changkyun sighed as Hyunwoo held the door open for Somi so that she could head down the stairs.


"Make sure you keep your hat on Chansoo" 

"Yes Mr Lee!" With a tight grip on his hat, the child ran back to his friends. Lee Minhyuk smiled, watching the little person escape him as quickly as he could. He let out a big breath, his eyes travelled over the yard, looking on as the children played happily.

"Oh! Damn it!" There was a bang, followed by the voice of a woman that Minhyuk could hear from across the road. Straightening his shoulders, Minhyuk approached the fence line of the schoolyard, ready to beckon the lady to come across the road so that he could tell her about the influence her actions had on children. He found himself unable to do so though and instead questioned if he was seeing right or not.

"Solar you're going to break something eventually"

"You don't have to keep telling me that, you're gonna jinx me" The woman that created the commotion scolded and Minhyuk watched unable to move. That was when the other person looked up with the dropped box in their arms now, they stood tall and looked across the road, making eye contact with Minhyuk. Rather than feeling like the world had stopped for him, Minhyuk felt a sinking feeling within himself. The eye contact was broken and Minhyuk was left standing open-mouthed and feeling bitter.

Because it was Im Changkyun that he was looking at. It was Im Changkyun that looked away from him to walk towards a car where he discarded the box that he had picked up for the woman that dropped it.

"Changkyun, thank you, I'm going back up to grab more of the stuff!" The woman waved at Changkyun and ran back into the building. She almost crashed into another person and Minhyuk could feel a sour taste in his mouth when the grown man in all of his height stepped into view for the woman to run inside. Minhyuk looked away then, not wanting to watch anymore as he disregarded the sinking feeling of his heart in his chest.

"Minri did you put on suncream? You're already going red girl!" Minhyuk chided the young girl that ran past him and Minri stopped in her tracks, smiling sweetly at her teacher.

"Minri" Minhyuk spoke in a warning tone and the little girls face dropped, she huffed and walked back the way she came, making Minhyuk chuckle to himself. Minhyuk walked away from the fence line, ignorant to the eyes on his back as he swung the pouch around in his hand, watching over his class as they played.

Changkyun watched Minhyuk walk away, his figure getting smaller but still standing tall over the small children in the yard. He blinked, there was a feeling of uncertainty, Changkyun wasn't sure what he should do. What he was certain of was the fact that he wasn't excited by the sight of Minhyuk, with that knowledge, he decided to stay quiet and make his way back into the building before Hyunwoo could see him just standing there staring across the road aimlessly.


Hi Somi,

Just wanted to double check with you that today was ok?

If it's not, I can come by another day.

- Lee Jooheon.

Changkyun, it's me Somi.

Are you at work today? I would like to talk to you.

- Han Somi.

Somi locked her phone and put it in her pocket as she shut the lid of her laptop.

"Where are we going?" Kihyun asked her.

"To look for Changkyun" Somi informed him in the form of a sigh and Kihyun hummed.

"What for?"

"I just got a message for Jooheon and I want to talk to Changkyun first before I respond"

"I see" Somi's phone buzzed as she shut the door to her office and she pulled it out of her pocket to look at it.

I'm here, I'm in Hyunwoo's office.

- Im Changkyun.

"He's just next door," Somi told Kihyun, who followed her for the short walk down the hall to Hyunwoo's office. Somi knocked on the door before opening it and peeking inside. It was empty besides Changkyun sitting on Hyunwoo's couch with his legs curled up and his back resting on the armrest. 

"It's just you in here?" Somi looked around again, entering the office and shutting the door behind her.

"Yeah, sometimes I come in here to get away from everyone, Hyunwoo doesn't mind it" Changkyun explained and Somi nodded as she walked over to the couch.

"Is there something you need to tell me?" Changkyun asked Somi when she continued to look around Hyunwoo's office.

"Yeah," Somi nodded and took a seat on the couch, she sat a safe distance away from Changkyun and pulled out her phone again. She showed it to Changkyun, who looked at her before taking the phone out of Somi's hand to read the message on the screen.

"Today?" Changkyun frowned, giving Somi back her phone. Somi nodded, sitting in silence as Changkyun looked away in thought. It was quiet for a long time, and Somi didn't force Changkyun to say anything, she just let him think because she understood that it was a lot for Changkyun. They sat in silence, just wandering their minds with the awareness that there was a person sitting at their side, doing the same thing.

"I don't think I'm ready" Changkyun spoke when he was ready and Somi blinked back to life, turning her head to look at Changkyun. He was already looking at her, waiting for what Somi's response would be.

"It's ok if you're not," She told him and Changkyun nodded, his lips pulled into a bitter smile.

"Then I won't come and see him today," Changkyun told her, leaving Somi to nod as she smiled reassuringly.

"I understand"


"This place looks a bit fancy" Jooheon looked around the reception area and Somi hummed, waving as Hani gave her a big smile and a wave of both her arms. She quickly toned it down when Jooheon turned around and Somi had to bite back a snort at the way Hani dropped back into her seat to put her nose into her work so quickly.

"That's your friend from last time" Jooheon pointed at her and Somi hummed as she nodded, taking the hand that Jooheon was pointing at Hani with to guide him to the elevator.

"Come this way, Hyunwoo's in his office waiting for us," Somi told him. Jooheon followed Somi into the elevator obediently and Somi looked over her shoulder at Hani one last time as the doors opened.

'Thank you!' Hani mouthed aggressively and sunk back into her seat so that she could hide until Jooheon was out of sight. 

"Even the elevator looks nice" Jooheon looked at the metal box that was taking them up to Hyunwoo's office. Somi couldn't tell if Jooheon really was taking in everything around him or if he was trying to find things to avoid any feelings of nervousness. She didn't inquire about it and just let Jooheon rattle on about his thoughts on the building from what he had seen so far.

"This way Jooheon" Somi directed the male as she left the elevator, Kihyun ran ahead towards Hyunwoo's office and jumped through the wall, beating the pair down to the end of the hall. Jooheon's mouth hung open as they walked down the hall, at this point he had gone quiet and Somi had to look back to make sure she hadn't lost him. He was still following and Somi saw him swallow down a lump in his throat as he looked at each door he passed. 

"We're here Jooheon," Somi told him as she knocked on the door to Hyunwoo's office before opening it. When she stepped in, Hyunwoo was for once taking the chance to use his desk to do some paperwork, rather than picking the first flat surface he saw.

"He's here?" Hyunwoo asked and Somi nodded, looking back and realising that Jooheon was hesitating.

"Come on man" Somi sighed, taking Jooheon by the wrist to bring him into the office.

"Jooheon, I appreciate you coming in" Hyunwoo stood up to bow to Jooheon, who followed the action of respect with a bow of his own in return.

"Please, you can come in" Hyunwoo gestured to the couch in his office, Somi stood by the door, carefully watching the pair as Hyunwoo followed Jooheon to the couch. Hyunwoo looked to Somi as he made his way to the couch, Somi's eyes gleamed and Hyunwoo nodded in reassurance, convincing Somi to nod back. She left the room with the door shutting behind her. It made Jooheon's eyes widen as he looked back and Hyunwoo sat on the couch so that he could face Jooheon, gesturing for the other man to do the same.

"Sit down Jooheon, I'm sure we should jump right to the point rather than pretending to be friendly, right?" Jooheon rubbed his hands along the pants on his thighs as he sat down next to Hyunwoo and gave his head a bob, agreeing with Hyunwoo. 

"That's right" Jooheon verbally answered and Hyunwoo hummed, resting his head on his hand as he looked at Jooheon.

"Then there is some reason that you wanted to meet. Is there something that you have to say?" 

"There is" Jooheon nodded again, he wasn't one for bowing down to others and letting another person dominate him, but if it meant that Hyunwoo would hear what he had to say, then he would do it without much consideration.

"You look hesitant" Hyunwoo commented, making Jooheon look back up at him.

"Well, even when you are trying to say something you mean, it can be a bit hard to admit that you were once in the wrong," Jooheon told him honestly and Hyunwoo hummed once more.

"I'm willing to wait" Jooheon's eyes widened.

"You want to wait?"

"What? Should I throw it in your face instead? If that's how you want it. You think you were the one disgusted? Try looking back at things from my side of the story, I lost friends I didn't need to lose and did things to them that I didn't need to be doing them because the anger you took out on me made me angry at them. The pure bull that you put in my head caused me to treat my only friends like dirt and I was left on my own when you finally got sick of me. Things that no teenager should even be capable of were said and done and you were the leader of this, do you realise that? What will you do to fix this?" If he could have, Jooheon would have melted into the couch and disappeared for good, but he couldn't do that now, not when it wasn't physically possible and not when he was being given that chance he wanted to fix everything as best he could.

"About that," Jooheon started with a of his lips and Hyunwoo's brow went up in response, "I don't know what I can do to fix what I did to any of you in the past. But I do know that I regret it so much, I think about it nonstop and it follows me everywhere I go, just looming over me and threatening me to cave in and give up, and I know it sounds selfish, because I was the one that did these things to you" Jooheon let out a big breath and Hyunwoo nodded to agree with him.

"I don't know how you want me to prove it to you, but I really am so sorry Hyunwoo, I regret the things I said and did more than you could believe"

"You just have to make me believe you" Hyunwoo shrugged his shoulders and Jooheon didn't realise it was possible, but his body became even stiffer than it already was.


"Make me believe you"

"I'm sorry did I hear you wrong Jooheon? Why are you asking me to do this?"

"Because she's nothing but a dishonest , what do you think she's been hiding from us huh? We could have done so much more if she had just told us" Jooheon accused, nodding his head with widened eyes that told Hyunwoo he was serious.

"I thought we trusted each other already? I trust you" Hyunwoo told him and Jooheon scoffed.

"Then prove it to me," Jooheon told him, making Hyunwoo's face drop.


"Make me believe you, show me that you're someone I can trust. Tell Somi to her face that you know how disgusting she is"

"Then I'll do my best" Jooheon nodded.

"So Somi tells me that you're a qualified tattoo artist now" Hyunwoo changed the topic and Jooheon straightened up in his place.

"Yeah, I work in a studio on the other side of the city"

"That's cool, it's nice to see that you've succeeded in what you wanted to do"

"Thanks, I appreciate that"

Finally, Jooheon and Hyunwoo have met.

Though Changkyun wasn't ready, we can sort of see why right?

Are we also seeing someone else not making many appearences lately? I'm trying to be subtle but I don't know if it's working or not.

We'll also be seeing someone else returning next chapter, any guesses at who it is?

Not gonna lie to you guys on a side note, I'm lowkey panicking with this story, I've been trying to stay at least two chapters ahead in writing, but I'm only just reaching 1k in words for the next chapter. Life has been so busy again lately and my mental state has been a bit meh. So I'm trying to get back into the game and make this story happen.

If I feel it needs to be done, I might even update twice a week if I can so that this story is finished in a timely manner.

So, until the next chapter, have a good week!


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Chapter 4: WOW WOW
Chapter 20: Oh gosh! So I finally finished the story. Just wanted to say I totally shed some tears because of the last two chapters, but I'm so glad I read your story. It was nice seeing the group back together again and their process of forgiveness and reconnecting. Not going to lie, Somi is much more forgiving then I am, but I really like how it took time and really honest conversations for them to involve each other in their lives once again. But also...Oh gosh! this ending couple!!! I love it! I totally do! (Just like in Blood Haven with ShowNu in the end....I.... seriously.... liked her with him in Blood Haven....but like also with JooHeon.... I'm just....yeah hahahahahahahhaha so happy yay a couple!!!) Thanks for sharing this story with us. Take care and stay safe!
Chapter 21: Yay! OMG! I'm happy to know you're working on a new story! I have to be honest, I've been avoiding reading the last chapter of this story because I didn't want to say goodbye to it. But now that I know you're doing something new, I'll definitely get around to reading it this week. So happy to hear from you. Take care. Can't wait to read your new story, which by the way I really enjoy deck stories so yay! :)
thenamesmeep #4
Chapter 20: I'm not gonna lie I'm highkey crying. I know he would have to leave but dang bro this hit different. This was an amazing story and I loved it. I look hella forward to your future works!
2034 streak #5
Chapter 20: I still can't believe that I have completed the story. But I have a question. I thought Kihyun left but then she saw him again at his grave? Anyway, I had fun reading the story and I liked that there was no particular romance line.
Also are your other Monsta X Stories similar too? Like no romance lines like this one? ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 19: Right when you are having fun at their bickering and stuff, the chapter hits you up with the feels. And I can't believe there's only one chapter left to read. Will be back later to read that.
2034 streak #7
Chapter 18: Wait! They got stuck in the freezer in the past? But how could that happen? I'm confused. Also why Hyungwon wasn't getting the ice cream himself? I was confused at that too. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 17: Hyungwon can see spirits too? That came as a surprise. I mean, I was thinking Somi would be the only one who could do that. Anyway, since I realized I'm close to the end of the story, I don't want it to end anymore. Nonetheless, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 16: This chapter was funny, them showing up at his house and all acting child-like and bickering. TBH I groaned a little when I saw the word count but once I started reading the chapter, it didn't really bother me anymore. Also, you spoke about the quotes in your a/n. Are those quotes written by yourself? Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #10
Chapter 15: Well, more than them all being together, I'm surprised at how they got attacked. I have so many questions. I mean who are they? And who was their target? Why did they attack them and so on. Hopefully all these questions will be answered in the following chapters. So can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^