[18] THE END.

Like She Could


"I guess I'll just have to wait until we meet again, my friend"

"Mr Lee!"

"Yes, Yerim?" 

"I don't want to sit next to Hansol" The young girl pouted deeply as she pointed to Hansol, sitting in his seat waiting for lunch to be presented with a giddy smile on his face.

"Why not?" Minhyuk's head tilted and Yerim huffed.

"Because I don't like him!" The little girl claimed adamantly.

"You don't like him?"

"No" She shook her head and Minhyuk put a stop to it with his palm resting on her head so that she would look at him.

"Yerim, I don't think you should talk about Hansol like that, he's a good person, especially to you, isn't he?"

"He's annoying" Yerim retorted in denial, Minhyuk clucked his tongue, prodding Yerim on the forehead as Kihyun chuckled at the interaction.

"But he's also very nice to you, he got your pencil case back when Lara took it from you, remember?" He asked and Yerim nodded begrudgingly, crossing her arms over her chest.

"He also always saves you a seat and writes your name on your work when you forget to, doesn't he?" Minhyuk asked and Yerim once again nodded unwillingly.

"That's what a good friend is Yerim, even if he's annoying he's nice to you, be good to him, he might be your friend still when you get to my age" Minhyuk fixed the collar on Yerim's uniform and put his hands on her shoulders as a look of contemplation caused the child's nose to scrunch up.

"I don't know if I want to be as old as you Mr Lee" She commented.

"Go and sit down" Kihyun chuckled to himself as Minhyuk sent the young girl to her seat, next to the proclaimed 'annoying' Hansol that immediately had Yerim smiling when she sat down next to him. Minhyuk stood back up to his full height and sighed, relaxing his shoulders as he pulled his sleeves up. Kihyun looked at him and a pained smile pulled at his lips.

"You're doing good Min, really good" He silently assured his friend, his words going unheard by Minhyuk as another child ran up to him, a bright drawing in their hand.

"Look after yourself friend," Kihyun told him, disappearing and going in search of Hoseok.

Hoseok wasn't hard to find at the gym, working just as hard as the client he was training. He was incredibly supportive but blunt and Kihyun crinkled his nose up in amusement of his unchanging attitude before he drifted away in search of Changkyun. He was spending his day off at home just like Kihyun thought he would be, keeping his skin in check with a facemask. Even past the facemask, Kihyun could see the sadness in Changkyun's eyes, sitting in the middle of his room, on the floor with books spread out around him. Kihyun crossed his legs and sat across from him, looking down at the opened photo albums with photos of happier times.

Changkyun wasn't hiding away in one of his long sleeves, with his bedroom window open he let the fresh breeze dance over the skin of his arms and shoulders with his singlet covering his chest. Kihyun looked at Changkyun's forearms, ready for the emotions that kicked him just like they did the first time Somi revealed her scars to him. It caused him the same pain when he took in Changkyun's scars. Lines crossed over each other in pinks and whites, Kihyun sighed taking his eyes away from the scars to look at Changkyun's tired face again.

His eyes looked distant as he looked through the photos, it made him look as though he was in the memories, not realising he was sitting in his room looking at the photos rather than experiencing and Kihyun reached out to put a hand over Changkyun's. Of course, Changkyun noticed nothing, but the attempt to comfort him provided comfort to Kihyun.

"You've done so well Kyunie," He told Changkyun, looking down and noticing how his hand had gotten paler again.

"Keep going" He whispered, letting the air take him away and guide him to the next person.


To my dearest friend Somi,

If I have put this letter somewhere for you to find, then the time that I have been fearing for us both has come. 

I know you've noticed, that upon my realisation of this I was slowly separating myself from you, it was all in hopes of making my final parting easier for you. But now I see it hasn't had that effect and I've caused you more pain instead, so instead of having to see me go, I've asked Hyungwon to tell you my final goodbye.

From the moment Hyunwoo was in the same cafe as us, I knew the time was coming, watching you all from the start only ever had me wanting you all to be friends again, and as that wish was being granted, the pull to the other side has only gotten stronger. But let's not be sad about it, I'm finally leaving knowing that none of you is alone in the world, my parents have each other and my friends have each other, it would be selfish of me to ask for me and bide more time in this world.

So I must go and watch from above, who knows, maybe once I've crossed over, I can come and visit, check on you all and have more strength to write letters like this one or throw lamps at the walls compared to what I've been able to do so far.

I know that leaving you without a real goodbye is a failure on my part, I'm sorry Mimi, but thank you,

Thank you for all our living years together, for being by my side, for laughing when I laughed and crying when I cried. Thank you for being the person that ran to my defence every time and held my hand through all my troubles, thank you for being the best friend that I could have ever asked for in this life.

Go and make your life now, I've held you back for too long, thrive in your job and your group of friends, be open to making more friends and find that special someone, the one who might make you want to have kids, but will understand that you don't think you want to, the one who will love you unconditionally. Move in with Changkyun one day, I heard that conversation and I see potential there.

Thank you, and I'm sorry,

Forever your best friend, Yoo Kihyun.

"Somi?" Hyungwon pushed the front door open, only to peek his head through when something was stopping it from opening all the way. He looked down and he could feel a lump in his throat aching from stop his own tears.

"Somi you need to move so I can come in," He told the woman on the floor in a gentle voice. Somi barely manage to hear him and scooch over on the ground so that Hyungwon could enter the apartment

"Mi," Hyungwon breathed out, sitting down next to Somi and pulling her into his lap. She clung to him with her hands and hid her face in his shirt.

"I don't understand" She choked out and Hyungwon's arms tightened around her.

"It's time for him to go"

"Why now? Why so suddenly" Somi sobbed and Hyungwon looked down at her, brushing her hair back from her face that her tears were sticking the strands too.

"Did Kihyun ever tell you that he had a final wish?" Hyungwon asked Somi carefully and Somi shook her head, from her memory, she could never recall Kihyun mentioning that he had any final wishes before he left.

"Well he told me what it was, do you want me to tell you?" Somi nodded and Hyungwon leaned back on the wall with her in his arms, getting ready to spend a long time on the floor.

"What he told me was, that the worst thing for him was to see all of us fall apart and suffer on our own, his final wish was for all of us to reconnect again, so that none of us were alone anymore. And now that we're in each other's life again, Kihyun can't ignore that it's his time to go to the other side" Somi didn't answer Hyungwon, she sniffled and hid in the crook of his neck and Hyungwon let his chin rest atop of her head, closing his, the pain of Kihyun's loss feeling the same way it did the first time when they were only eighteen.



"What?" Somi shot up as if electricity was shooting down her spine and Hyunwoo frowned at her.

"You've been spacing out all week, you never hear anything I say to you anymore," Hyunwoo told her and Changkyun looked at Somi, clearly concerned.

"Oh, sorry" Somi lowered her head and Hyunwoo hesitated to look away and continue with his presentation.

"Anyway," He breathed out and Somi swallowed, fiddling with her fingers as she looked at her notes.

"What location are we shooting in Hyunwoo?"

"Does anyone have any places in mind? They've given us some recommendations but this is our project this time, so let's try and think for ourselves a bit, yeah?" There were sounds of agreement filling the room before it quickly went quiet again and Hyunwoo sighed.

"How about we come back to that once we've had some time to think about it? Let's decide who we're putting on the project first"

"What about Hwasa?"

"I don't know if this will work for me..." Hwasa spoke hesitantly and Hyunwoo rubbed a hand over his face.

"We can take some test shots for all of the models, then we'll decide who can be in this project based on those shots, is everyone happy with that?" Sounds of agreement were made again.

"When can we start doing the test shots?" Somi wasn't sure who it was asking but she quickly looked up and cleared , finding everyone looking at her.

"As soon as possible?" Somi shrugged her shoulders and Hyunwoo nodded.

"That could be tomorrow if we get these main points figured out, so let's try and get this done"


Somi took in a deep breath and let it out as she shut the door to her office, having successfully gotten away from Hyunwoo and his queries of worry. She couldn't bring herself to admit that anything was wrong though, how could she though? If she did, Somi wasn't sure if she good make up a good enough story to justify why she was acting the way she was. Her body sank into the chair behind her desk when she sat down and her head fell back, having no energy to hold it up anymore. Somi blinked heavily, eyes unfocused as she stared at her ceiling, feeling heavy and defeated by the world.

All she wanted was to go home and hide under her blankets so that she could pretend that the world and its heavy weight pressing down on her shoulders didn't exist. She didn't know if she could continue with her week without falling into the bottomless pit that was self pity.

Somi didn't want to go back there, feeling as if the world hated her and was happily taking its anger out on her. She didn't want to be isolated again, but then she didn't want to see anyone either. She couldn't help but feel as if she was stuck in the mind of her eighteen year old self again, opening that old wound but having it feel like it was a fresh one. She had lost her closest friend once again and she wasn't sure if it hurt more this time or in the past. Both times brought tears to her eyes at the worst of times though and would make her stop whatever she was doing, dropping into the world in her head that was full of grief and pain. 

Her body flung itself out of the chair it was in when someone knocked on the door. She cleared and wiped her face clean of the salty tears that had managed to fall without her realising. The door opened and Somi tried to smile when Changkyun stepped in and looked at her once the door was shut again. Changkyun sighed, confusing Somi. He approached her and pulled her into a hug as she opened to speak. The action cut her words off, making her forget what she was going to say as Changkyun's hand guided her head to his chest.

"Why are you facing this pain alone?" Changkyun asked her, voice husky. Somi's lips trembled, tears b once again as Changkyun effortlessly brought forward the emotions that Somi was trying to control.

"Hm?" Changkyun tried to look down at Somi, but her arms wrapped around Changkyun tightly and she hid in his chest, lowering her head so that he wouldn't see the way she was crying again. She couldn't hold back the whimper sitting in and Changkyun ran his hand over Somi's hair, trying to console her.

"Won't you tell me what's troubling you?" Changkyun tentatively questioned the young woman and Somi gave a shake of her head, sad voice muffled by Changkyun's thin shirt that was combating the warm weather.

"It's too long and weird of a story," She told him and Changkyun chuckled, Somi heard the sound through rumbles in Changkyun's chest and her arms around his waist clenched.

"You know I will listen to you, and I would probably believe whatever you tell me if it's got you in this state" His fingers brushed through Somi's hair and she in a shaky breath.


"I'm not lying" Changkyun whined as they entered Somi's apartment, takeout food in their hands, the bags rustled as they took off their shoes and Somi scoffed.

"You've made it more than clear that you like my apartment too much" Somi retorted and Changkyun pouted, closely following behind her as she walked to her kitchen and began setting the table so that they could eat their dinner.

"I'm seriously here to keep you company, you should just let me move in already" Changkyun denied, but quickly proved his strange affection for the apartment he was in and Somi scoffed in response.

"Do you have a lot of planning to do?" Changkyun asked, disregarding his takeout bag to pick up the papers Somi had left on one side of the table.

"Yeah," Somi hummed and Changkyun flicked through notes, drawings and brainstorms.

"I wish you were part of this project" Somi admitted as she came back to the table with cutlery and glasses for them. Changkyun opened the can of soda that came with his meal and drank from it, maintaining eye contact with Somi pointedly.

"Damn it was just an option" Somi pushed away the glasses and sat down, scoffing at Changkyun's attitude.

Changkyun sat down next to Somi instead of across from her and Somi rose an eyebrow as Changkyun crossed his legs and turned in his seat to face her. They stared at each other with Somi waiting for whatever Changkyun had to say, but it seemed he had nothing, smiling at her when she blinked at him. Somi's brows scrunched up and Changkyun's smile was widening before she even snapped at him.


"I'm just making sure you're ok" Changkyun, casually picking up his bowl and eating as if he hadn't just been caught in a tender staring competition with Somi.

"I'm fine" Somi sighed, mixing around the food in her bowl. Changkyun looked at her, then around the kitchen, swallowing.

"But you must be lonely, if he's spent the past four years with you, living on your own now must be new and scary, mustn't it?" Changkyun questioned her and Somi looked up, taking in her apartment before shrugging.

"So you should let me move in-" Changkyun started again.

"Why can't I move into your place?" Somi cut him off and nudged him with her elbow.

"If you wanted to get away from here, then I would help you take your things over to my place right now, honest" Changkyun told her, making the joke she had made sounds a lot more serious.

"Let's just wait things out, huh?" Somi proposed and Changkyun's eyes glinted.

"Wait what things out? Your feelings towards me?" He smirked, tone teasing. Somi choked on her food, she coughed loudly and almost spat her dinner out again as she reached for her soda. Her hand wrapped around Changkyun's who tried to hand her the drink as he laughed and Somi ignored as she downed most of the drink with him still holding it. Somi calmed her self down with deep breaths and wiped her watery eyes as well as around , before going back to her food with a stoic expression.

"Bold of you to assume I have feelings," She told him bluntly and Changkun scooched closer to her, putting his bowl next to Somi's so that his chest was close enough to Somi's arm for her to feel his body heat. Somi ignored him moving into her personal space bubble, something Changkyun didn't seem to know about anymore, and continued to eat without looking at him.

"It's I'll wait," He told her, bringing up what Somi had first said and she huffed.

"And I'll wait for you to stop being so arrogant"


"You look amazing"

"You look pretty fresh hot yourself boss man" Somi winked and Hyunwoo groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose, regretting his choice to be the one that opened the car door for Somi.

"What about me?" Hoseok's hands gestured to his figure and Somi looked up and down his height, taking in how Hoseok looked in his suit.

"Who's the star of this show again?" Somi asked back and Hoseok's eyes crinkled, happy with the compliment.

"Uh, boss?"

"Yes, Hani?" Hyunwoo turned as the car door was push shut by his hand and looked at Hani, looking like a whole new woman in her fancy get up.

"Are you sure it's ok to have this many plus ones?" Hani looked at the group in hesitation as the cars that brought them to their destination disappeared and they travelled up the stairs.

"I'm the boss, Hani" Hyunwoo reminded his receptionist and Hani nodded quickly.

"I know, I know!" She rushed out as they followed the entourage in front of them gasping loudly at the fancy stairway.

"I thought you had forgotten" Hyunwoo teased and Hani shook her head, taking the hand Hyunwoo offered her to help her up the tile stairs that never seemed to end.

"Forget the stairs Hyungwon, take a look at that thing!" Jooheon pointed up, making all of them look up and gasp. Somi almost stumbled back in her heels. Hands shot out to help her and Hyunwoo sighed in relief that he wouldn't have to catch her when Changkyun wrapped an arm behind her, holding her still.

"That's called a chandelier Jooheon" Minhyuk mocked in his teacher's voice and Jooheon looked away from the big sparkle filled chandelier to glare at Minhyuk harshly.

"Are you alright?" Changkyun asked in a gentle tone and Somi nodded, taking the hand that Changkyun was holding her waist with and clasping it, hoisting the skirt of her long dress up once again to continue up the stairs.

Changkyun had only gotten louder in the past four months, he was adamant in pursuing his feelings for Somi that he couldn't give a name as a child. He was sure (arrogant is what Somi called it) that she liked him back because she blushed like a school girl every time he made any advances. But advances for Changkyun were earnest compliments, a well thought out pick up line, standing just close enough for the heat of his body to touch Somi and asking when he was moving in. Though he was patient and things were going slow, he wasn't going to ask anything of the woman until she said with her own mouth that she did return his feelings for her, even though he grew surer and surer of that fact.

"Will you hold my hand?" Hoseok asked Hyungwon.

"No" Hyungwon rejected without missing a beat.

"But their holding hands, so are Hani and Hyunwoo" Hoseok pointed to the people holding hands and everyone looked back.

"I'm helping her up the stairs" Hyunwoo stated, raising his hand linked with Hani's to support his point. Everyone looked up at Changkyun who was being pulled ahead by an excited Somi.

"Somi likes it when I hold her hand" Changkyin claimed and Somi slapped his arm as they made it to the top of the stairs.

"I do not" Even under her makeup, Somi could still be seen blushing and Changkyun leaned into her so that they were shoulder to shoulder.

"Aw, are you sure?"

"That man is a thief" Jooheon pointed at Changkyun, still glaring intimidatingly, but it did nothing to the friends surrounding him as his words went right over Changkyun and Somi's head as they fawned over the fancy invitations Hyunwoo had someone make for the event.

"You're just jealous that you don't have anyone to make trouble with any more" Minhyuk pointed out and Jooheon ceased his glare to pout.

"Yeah, putting salt on my toothbrush? You did that twelve times in school" Hyunwoo scoffed from the back of the group.

"And you fell for it eleven times" Jooheon pointed out as they approached wide open double doors.

"Then I stopped letting you come to my house" Hyunwoo recalled as they entered the ballroom. He stopped to look around proudly at the theme he had given his design team to run with.

"Oh boss, look at this" Hani gleamed at the layout of the ballroom and Hyunwoo gave a smile that had his eyes disappearing, happy to get compliments from his friends who looked around in wonder.

"I've never been to an awards ceremony before" Hoseok commented.

"I'm gonna start a food fight if it's not more interesting then the ones we have at school" Minhyuk suddenly scowled.

"Jooheon I found your new partner in crime" Hoseok pointed to Minhyuk and Jooheon beamed, opening his arms to give Minhyuk a hug as people stared at his unique look.

"Don't touch me" Minhyuk told him coldly, only to wrap his arms around Jooheon and squeal like an excited school girl at the physical contact.

"This is amazing Hyunwoo" Somi was wrapped around the mans arm suddenly and Changkyun was on his other side, grabbing him by the elbow and pulling him along.

"This looks lit as f-"

"Boss! We've been waiting for you" One of the models exclaimed, rushing over before Changkyun could say any words that earned him a scolding from Hyunwoo.

"He's taking Hyunwoo away from us" Somi pouted as Hyunwoo shook the two of them off his arms to approach the other model and meet him halfway. He was pulled off in another direction and Changkyun stood behind Somi, sighing as Minhyuk put a hand on their shoulders.

"Shall we check out the food?" He asked them all and they nodded.

"Can we go to the photo area after we steal the snacks?" Jooheon asked.

"We're stealing?" Hoseok gasped and Somi nodded, picking up a mini cupcake.

"Hyunwoo made the rule this is a display until the mains are served" She commented distractedly as she peeled the paper from the cupcake and Hoseok's eyes widened in fear.

"Then why are you taking something that leaves evidence when you could have just taken some marshmallows?!" He snapped, snatching the paper from Somi's hand as the mini cupcake went in . Changkyun gave a muffled scream as Hoseok shoved the paper in his mouth and put a hand over his mouth.

"Hoseok you can't make him eat he wrapper!" Somi gasped and Hoseok shushed her.

"Dispose of the evidence" Hoseok demanded and Changkyun whimpered as he chewed, feeling like he was at gunpoint while Somi tried to pull Hoseok away, snapping at the others to help her.

"Please tell me the two of you aren't causing trouble in the first five minutes" 

"Hi, Solar" Somi spun around, cheerily greeting the other woman, trying to act like they weren't doing anything as Hoseok stepped back from a sad Changkyun who had glistening eyes.

"I just ate paper" Changkyun whispered, fingers trembling over his lips.

"Where's your table?" Solar asked and Somi shrugged her shoulders.

"We haven't gotten that far yet" She explained.

"I'm over there, with Minah and Hwasa"

"That must be fun" Somi mused.

"Yeah, she enjoyed being introduced to the new fashion designer and hasn't stopped talking about it since" Solar commented as the group moved to look for their table. Somi laughed as Hani looped an arm through hers.

"I found our table," She told Somi.

"We're sitting together?" She gasped and Hani's nose scrunched up in delight as she nodded.

"Where?" Changkyun asked and Hani pointed over her shoulder.

"This way" It was comfortable, the air was light around the group as they sat down at their assigned table. The silk tablecloths were soothing to touch and Minhyuk kept running his hands over them.

"So far, I am impressed," Minhyuk told Changkyun, who scoffed with a roll of his eyes.

"I'm glad to hear, your majesty" Changkyun bowed his head and Minhyuk flicked it, making Changkyun growl at him.

"When does the food come out?" Hoseok asked.

"After a few awards and speeches are given" Somi answered and Hoseok sighed, making her look away from Hani, who also looked at Hoseok.

"You ate before we got here" Somi reminded him and she narrowed her eyes at the hand Hoseok put on his stomach.

"I know, I'm still hungry though"

"Does he ever stop eating?" Hani asked and Hyungwon snorted.

"Why do you think he works out so much?" The lights dimmed and Changkyun silenced Hoseok as he sneered at Hyungwon. It went quiet as Somi gasped and Changkyun reached out for her hand, reassuring her in the lack of light in the room. Lights around a setup stage and Hyunwoo made his way to the microphone that stood front and centre on the stage.

"Boss is on stage" Somi commented.

"Good evening everyone, and welcome to the Sun's modelling and fashion agency awards ceremony" Hyunwoo greeted everyone sitting at the tables filling the ballroom.

"That's my friend" Minhyuk hooted over everyone clapping.

"That's my papa!" Jooheon crowed and Hani didn't hesitate to slap her hands over Jooheon's mouth, stopping him from yelling anything else embarrassing as she bowed her head to everyone that looked their way.

"That's it, you're not my plus one anymore, go home," Somi told Jooheon who smirked.

"Can you not embarrass us in front of the entire company?" Hani hissed as Hyungwon turned in his seat so that his back was to Jooheon.


"Do none of you come  here anymore?"

"Do you not come here anymore?" Hoseok shot back at Minhyuk and Minhyuk threatened Hoseok with the faded flower pot he was holding.

"Will you just go put that in the bin? You're in my way" Hyunwoo shoved through Minhyuk.

"Yes captain" Minhyuk saluted Hyunwoo with a glare and walked away from the patch of grass his friends were covering to put the old pot in the bin with the bag of rubbish that was passed off to him.

"Don't his family visit either? It's so untouched" Hyungwon looked at the gravestone with worry.

"Last time I spoke to Mr and Mrs Yoo, Mr Yoo was falling ill and Mrs Yoo didn't want to leave his side when it hurts her to come here alone" Somi explained the story that she had last been told and Hyunwoo sighed.

"We should visit them too" He stated.

"Would they even want to see us?" Jooheon asked and Hyunwoo looked him up and down.

"You're right, they probably weren't expecting one of their sons to turn into a thug" He commented and Jooheon glared at him, aiming to through the garden clippers he was using at Hyunwoo.

"Ah! That makes you look like a gangster!" Hoseok pointed an accusing finger and Jooheon turned to him, still threateningly raising the tool over his head.

"As if they would want to see what you've turned into!" Jooheon argued.

"I am a fit and healthy young man! My mother said so!" Hoseok huffed loudly.

"Please be respectful, we're at a cemetery" Changkyun reminded the group, only to be ignored.

"Can I put the flowers down yet?" Somi asked, she was getting tired of the plastic wrapping on the flowers cling to the skin of her arm.

"Does it look like you can put the flowers down yet?" Hyungwon snarkily asked and Somi heaved out a breath. So she waited, standing where the grass became concrete with Minhyuk standing next to her, directing the others as they cleaned up the mess that had grown around Kihyun's grave. It came with curses and remarks that a sensitive Changkyun would hush. But sooner rather than later, they were wiping their hands clean and Hyunwoo was gesturing for the flowers to be sat in front of the fresh looking headstone. Somi stepped back and looked up and her eyes widened, her heart stopped and her breath was caught in . Hyungwon put his hand on her shoulder and Somi took another step back, falling in line with the others.

"I'm so happy to see you all" Kihyun whispered, his voice carrying through the air and Somi blinked, taking in a deep breath.

"You're not going to cry, are you?" Changkyun asked her, tone lightly teasing her and Somi chuckled, wiping under her eyes to make sure she wasn't crying.

"Maybe, maybe not" She answered him.

I just wish that they could see you like I can, to know you're happy.

"My jeans got dirty because of him" Jooheon grumbled, wiping away the dirt that had gathered around the knees of his jeans.

"Yeah, blame it on the dead guy" Hoseok scoffed as they all laughed and Hyungwon pulled Somi closer, squeezing her shoulder as Changkyun took her hand in his. Somi looked up again, Kihyun smiled and Somi smiled back, nodding her head.

Dear Kihyun, I've learnt that life isn't about holding onto the souls of lost friends, grudges or ignorance to avoid the pain that I've been avoiding for so long.

Instead, I've learnt that it's taking the pain on head first even though it hurts, it's talking things out while understanding there are some things you don't need to talk about again, it's about making connections, having love and giving a love of all kinds. Life is holding memories dear to you and smiling at the thought of them as they help you decide, just what move you'll make next in life.

It's about taking the advice of others and giving yourself experience.

So thank you, for all that you've taught me, all that you've given me, all that you've made and all that you've left behind. My happiness is found, and life is something worth living for because of that.

So thank you for showing me that and giving me beauty to look at every day.

Your best friend forever, Han Somi.

P.S You prick, living with Changkyun is harder than looking after fluffy the rabbit, no matter how much I love him, worst advice ever.

And that is it! That's the end of Like She Could :)

Thank you to those of you who made it to this point, I appreciate having people reading my emotional little speels. I want to give a big thank you to all the comments I have gotten, while I may not know how I should answer all of them, I do read them and I do appreciate them. Thank you for being a subscriber and thank you if you upvoted this little story.

Also, thank you if you followed me here from Blood Haven, I know people were enjoying that story and starting this story and writing something totally different had me nervous, to the point I had the smallest hint of romance when there wasn't supposed to be any in this story because there was meant to be romance in Blood Haven and I gave like two drops of it with each member -_-

I hope you've liked this story, I enjoyed writing something that was a lot more serious than I normally do! 

For those who know that my Monsta X stories are a series, I do have another Monsta X story in mind, it's another supernatural one, I won't say what kind of supernatural though. But I'm sure you'll be able to guess before I even post anything for it.

Before I start it or make the story public, I want to finish my D.O story and then I have a drafted Baekhyun story that I want to write for, so that and the next installation of this series will be posted in 2020, which is only how many days away now?

I'm lost for words to give you all right now, I just appreciate having people visit this page, read the forward for my story and decide if they want to subscribe, I'm amazed when I get comments and it's always so exciting to hear from you! Knowing the thoughts of the readers is such a valuable thing, to the point I've made friends of mine read chapters or summaries and begged them for an opinion, but shh! That's my shameful little secret.

I hope that I can hear your thoughts once more on this story as we say goodbye to it. I also hope that you will join me in the next Monsta X story I write, which yes, will have romance after making you wait a million years :)

I also hope that the closing of 2019 and the beginning of 2020 is something special for you, spend it with those that matter and follow any goals you have because if you can think it, you can make it.

Lot's of love, Lee.

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Chapter 4: WOW WOW
Chapter 20: Oh gosh! So I finally finished the story. Just wanted to say I totally shed some tears because of the last two chapters, but I'm so glad I read your story. It was nice seeing the group back together again and their process of forgiveness and reconnecting. Not going to lie, Somi is much more forgiving then I am, but I really like how it took time and really honest conversations for them to involve each other in their lives once again. But also...Oh gosh! this ending couple!!! I love it! I totally do! (Just like in Blood Haven with ShowNu in the end....I.... seriously.... liked her with him in Blood Haven....but like also with JooHeon.... I'm just....yeah hahahahahahahhaha so happy yay a couple!!!) Thanks for sharing this story with us. Take care and stay safe!
Chapter 21: Yay! OMG! I'm happy to know you're working on a new story! I have to be honest, I've been avoiding reading the last chapter of this story because I didn't want to say goodbye to it. But now that I know you're doing something new, I'll definitely get around to reading it this week. So happy to hear from you. Take care. Can't wait to read your new story, which by the way I really enjoy deck stories so yay! :)
thenamesmeep #4
Chapter 20: I'm not gonna lie I'm highkey crying. I know he would have to leave but dang bro this hit different. This was an amazing story and I loved it. I look hella forward to your future works!
2034 streak #5
Chapter 20: I still can't believe that I have completed the story. But I have a question. I thought Kihyun left but then she saw him again at his grave? Anyway, I had fun reading the story and I liked that there was no particular romance line.
Also are your other Monsta X Stories similar too? Like no romance lines like this one? ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 19: Right when you are having fun at their bickering and stuff, the chapter hits you up with the feels. And I can't believe there's only one chapter left to read. Will be back later to read that.
2034 streak #7
Chapter 18: Wait! They got stuck in the freezer in the past? But how could that happen? I'm confused. Also why Hyungwon wasn't getting the ice cream himself? I was confused at that too. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 17: Hyungwon can see spirits too? That came as a surprise. I mean, I was thinking Somi would be the only one who could do that. Anyway, since I realized I'm close to the end of the story, I don't want it to end anymore. Nonetheless, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 16: This chapter was funny, them showing up at his house and all acting child-like and bickering. TBH I groaned a little when I saw the word count but once I started reading the chapter, it didn't really bother me anymore. Also, you spoke about the quotes in your a/n. Are those quotes written by yourself? Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #10
Chapter 15: Well, more than them all being together, I'm surprised at how they got attacked. I have so many questions. I mean who are they? And who was their target? Why did they attack them and so on. Hopefully all these questions will be answered in the following chapters. So can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^