
Like She Could


"One day I'll find myself a time machine, and it'll take me straight to you"


"They have steak"

"Then I'm in" Minhyuk opened the door to the restaurant, making the final decision for the group. Hoseok huffed from behind as he followed the others inside.

"Can't we just go to one of the ramen restaurants?" He begged, only to be ignored when they were directed to a table by a waiter. Changkyun pulled a seat up and breathed out heavily in relief when he was able to sit down and relax his body. The others shuffled around him, Hyungwon dropped down next to him and held his head on his chin, looking to the rest of the group in disinterest.

"Where do you want to sit?"

"I don't know where are you going to sit?" Somi looked back at Jooheon. Jooheon shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess here" Jooheon picked a seat and Somi nodded, choosing the one across from him. 

"I'll sit here then"

"So that you can look at me all night?"

"Sure, if that's how you want to think of it" Somi nodded again as she sat down and Jooheon plopped into his seat with a giggle.

"Move" Hoseok nudged Hyunwoo into an empty seat and Hyunwoo huffed at him, not really irritated by the action.

"Where are you going to sit Hoseok?" 

"Um," Hoseok looked at the two empty seats, one in front of Hyungwon and the other in front of Changkyun. Hyungwon stared up at Hoseok with dark eyes, and not wanting it to ruin his meal, Hoseok chose his seat.

"I'll sit next to you" Hoseok smiled at Minhyuk who bobbed his head.

"There's one more chair" Changkyun pointed out just as the waiter appeared at their table.

"I can move that if you like" She smiled and the group looked around, Somi's eyes trailed to the chair and she cleared when Kihyun blinked back at her.

"It's fine" She shook her head.

"Are you sure?" The waiter asked and Somi nodded, not looking at the others.

"Let's just keep a chair empty, for old times sake" Hoseok spoke up and Somi looked to him in surprise, she smiled and Hoseok smiled back.

"Alright then, here are the menus, I'll be back when you're made a decision"

"This place looks nice" Minhyuk looked around and Hoseok did the same, looking around at the restaurant.

"Are you getting desert?" Jooheon asked Changkyun, who shrugged his shoulders.


"What are you twelve still?" Hyungwon sneered. Jooheon threateningly reached around Changkyun to grab Hyungwon, who avoided him with a wince of pain.

"Serves you right" Jooheon cocked his chin and settled back in his seat as Hyungwon's hand went to his abdomen.

"Careful, he might pull his stitches" Hyunwoo warned and Jooheon clucked his tongue.

"What are you going to have?" Changkyun asked Somi who let her shoulders bob in a shrug.

"I'm not sure yet, have you figured out what you're having?" She asked him and Changkyun pointed to an option on the menu, making Somi peer over to see it.

"This one"

"That sounds good" Somi agreed with Changkyun's choice of steak. Changkyun looked at the other options in the menu with Somi, looking for something that she would want to eat as she confessed to not wanting the popular choice of steak.

"What will you eat then?"

"Chicken?" Somi scrunched up her face in uncertainty.

"There's pork too"

"There is?"

"Are you getting anything to drink?" Minhyuk asked and Hyunwoo shrugged his shoulders, looking at the drinks menu.

"Maybe I will"

A body made itself comfortable in the empty seat and the group sitting around the table went stiff. They all looked in the direction of the new company with cautious eyes, breathing halted as they took in the woman now sitting in the chair that they had chosen to leave empty. Somi went rigid, having to watch Kihyun jump away as he exclaimed in frustration. He rubbed at his eyes and hissed, looking at the girl in his seat with anger.

"Hey, aren't you that DJ from Spin?" She asked, leaning over on the table to get a closer look at Hyungwon.

"Mhm," He answered back hesitantly.

"Cool! Can I have your number? I can't believe I've seen you here like this" She continued and they are all stared at her, unable to believe the audacity of the woman.

"Can you please leave?" Jooheon was the first to speak up amongst them, asking for her to leave them alone.

"Excuse me?" She glared at him, eyes running up and down his decorated body.

"You heard me, didn't you? You're interrupting a dinner that we've all been looking forward to having" He further explained and she glared at him, top lip turning up to snare at Jooheon.

"I already have a girlfriend" Hyungwon cut in and the woman looked at him, pouting in sudden sadness with all signs of her anger towards Jooheon gone.

"Really? You don't want to even just exchange numbers?" She leaned forward again, using her arms under her chest to show her s off.

"I'm more than happy with my current relationship" Hyungwon shook his head and picked up his glass of water, taking a long sip from it so that he wouldn't have to look at her anymore.

"Fine," She turned pointedly to look at Jooheon again, "I'll be going then" She quipped and Jooheon waved with a smile on his face that happily bid the woman farewell.

"Even with that filthy look on your face you still attract attention" Hoseok scoffed and Hyungwon sniggered at him.

"Shut up would you?"

"So, who's this girlfriend of yours?" Minhyuk asked as Somi watched Kihyun in worry, temporarily forgetting about her menu and deciding what to eat. Kihyun's hand was on his temple, facing a headache as he sat back down in front of Hyungwon. Somi frowned and Kihyun looked at her, trying to send her worry away with a wave of his hand.

"They have noodle options too" Changkyun pulled Somi back onto the subject of her meal and Somi looked at his menu that he was holding in front of her.

"Noodles sound good" She nodded, leaning over as Changkyun pointed at each one.

"You can even choose what meat you want in this one," Changkyun told her and Somi hummed.

"Maybe I should get that one"

"Be careful when your eating" Jooheon warned Somi and she looked up at him.

"You've just injured yourself, take it easy when you eat," Jooheon told her and Somi hummed.

"I will," She told him and Jooheon smiled.

"Are we ready to order yet?" He asked.

"I think so" The others nodded and Jooheon put up his hand to catch the waiters attention once more.


"We haven't had any new supplies delivered to us, we need new fabrics, new pins and needles measuring tapes, everything, we need everything!"

"Minah, you do realise that I'm the photographer here and not a delivery girl, right?" Somi spoke up, cutting Minah off from her angered rambling.

"Excuse me?" Minah looked Somi up and down and Somi nodded her head.

"I said, you do realise that I'm the photographer here right?" Her tone didn't change as she repeated herself and Minah scoffed at her loudly in an ugly sound.

"Of course I do, what? You think I don't know what your job is?"

"That's what I was checking" Somi bobbed her head and Minah glared at her.

"So?" She snapped.

"So, if I'm the photographer, why do you come to me to fix all of your problems?"

"Because we're at work, you're supposed to be working-" Minah started again and Somi cut her off.

"Which I'm doing, every minute that I'm here. There is such a thing as capabilities in a job role, meaning that the role I was given here comes with capabilities and expectations, which I am trying to follow. The jobs that you are giving me are not within the role of my job here, it is your role or Hyunwoo's role, but not mine" Somi spoke informatively and Minah snarled at her.

"What do you think you're doing talking to me in such a tone when you've just started here? Just because you're Hyunwoo's friend doesn't mean I won't tell him my complaints about you" Minah snapped at her and Somi shrugged her shoulders, stopping at Hani's desk with a thump of the weight she was carrying being put down as her face remained stoic to what Minah was saying.

"Feel free to go and let him know you're thoughts because I've already let him know mine, hence the permission he gave me to tell you my thoughts" Somi bowed, Minah scowled at her and hurried away to the elevator in a storm as Somi stayed at Hani's desk.

"I see you're finally finding Minah's true nature under all those layers" Hani commented without looking up from her work that she was busily typing up.

"Yeah, she's made the past week interesting that's for sure" Somi chuckled and Hani looked up at her with a smile, pausing her work.

"Wait for it, she'll make things real interesting once she goes and talks to Hyunwoo about what you've done" Hani warned her and Somi leaned on Hani's desk with a huff.

"He did warn me of that, he said he's prepared for her to go and find him within the next few days" Somi hummed, crossing her arms on the desk and leaning her chin on them.

"Has she really been pestering you that much?" Hani scrunched her face up and Somi nodded on her crossed arms.

"All of her jobs and inquiries were reaching me and not Hyunwoo like I'm his assistant or something. She could tell me but not him when they see each other more than I see him"

"And you know how hands on he likes to be" Hani commented making Somi hum.

"Well, expect to be pulled into Hyunwoo's office soon" Hani winked and Somi laughed.

"Yeah, maybe I'll go wait by his door now" Somi joked as she picked up her things.

"It's better to be prepared" Hani jokingly agreed with her and Somi waved, making her way to the elevator.


"You were serious?" Kihyun looked Somi up and down.

"Hm?" Somi looked up from the ground to blink at Kihyun who was watching her with his face pulled into confusion.

"You're going to wait outside Hyunwoo's office?"

"Well yeah, I need to show him the photos from the last shoot before I send them off" Somi nodded, hugging her laptop to her chest. She was straining her ears to listen to what was going on inside the office, but with how far Hyunwoo's desk was from the door, it was hard to hear much.

"I will take responsibility for the costs... The gathering of supplies... Letting me know what you need... Your responsibility" Hyunwoo's voice faded in and out of Somi's ability to hear as Kihyun spoke again.

"You're going to be stirring up more trouble with her if you wait out here until she comes out" Kihyun pointed out and Somi shrugged.

"It wouldn't hurt to give her back some of her own" She commented and Kihyun let out a big breath, telling Somi with his body that he didn't feel the same way she did. They stood there, waiting for another five minutes before the door to Hyunwoo's office opened, by that time, Somi had opened her laptop again and was clicking away through her emails. She looked up, meeting eyes with Minah who smirked at her raising an eyebrow.

"He would like to see you now," She told Somi, walking down the hall.

"What I heard is nothing to smirk about" Somi muttered as Minah passed her. She didn't look back as Kihyun in a sharp breath, hissing out Somi's name as Minah whipped around to glare at Somi. She shut the door to Hyunwoo's office, pleasing the male with her arrival.

"That was quick"

"I needed to speak to you so I was waiting" Somi informed him and Hyunwoo beckoned her over to his desk, pointing at the empty chair for her to sit down.

"What is it?" Hyunwoo asked and Somi pushed her laptop forward.

"I need your approval on these photos before I can send them to Just Right" Somi answered as she revealed the file of photos from their latest project.

"I'll look at them in a moment" Hyunwoo nodded and lowered the lid of Somi's laptop and Somi put her hands in her lap, lacing her fingers together.

"I've spoken to Minah," Hyunwoo started and Somi hummed, "She's told me what you said to her, would you mind telling me your side of the story?" Hyunwoo asked and Somi cleared .

"She was following me around, complaining to me about supplies, not having new fabrics to work with, pins and needles and measuring tapes, everything needing to be restocked and whatever. I asked her if she understood that I was the photographer here and not an errand runner or your assistant, it offended her so I explained to her what a job role is and how the things that she is asking of me is not within my job role, but it made her angry and she informed me she would be putting in a complaint about me" Somi shrugged her shoulders as she looked down at her hands.

"And would that be because of your choice of words?" Hyunwoo inquired and Somi shook her head.

"I wouldn't think so, Hani heard it all, she could tell you that I didn't say anything in a rude way" Somi answered and Hyunwoo sighed.

"I've told Minah that she is the one in charge of restocking her supplies and that she is to come to me and not you when she needs anything, I have also placed her on a three warnings policy. So I need you to not provoke her Somi because you will be continuing to work together" What Hyunwoo was saying had Somi looking up with wide eyes pinning down on him.

"A three warning policy?"

"Yes, people have complained about Minah in the past, so the complaint you brought to me was one of many, so, for now, she is being watched closely, I'm trusting you won't do anything but I need you to behave yourself when you're working with her. This is something that I need to take seriously, which means that if you do anything, you will have to face punishment in the same way Minah does, and I don't want to fire you" Somi swallowed, fingers gripping each other tightly.

"And if Minah doesn't behave?" Somi asked.

"Then we will be hiring someone else to fill her position" Hyunwoo answered.

"I would like to keep you as our photographer" He smiled and Somi nodded.

"So, you're finished with Just Right's photos?" Hyunwoo lifted the lid of Somi's laptop again with a hum. He scrolled down, then back up the folder, opened a few images and zoomed in on them, brows pinching as he concentrated.

"Are you going to say anything?" The silence in the room was eating away at Somi's nerves, setting them free and causing them to run in hopes of not being gobbled up by the lack of words from Hyunwoo, who very much looked like her boss at the moment. Hyunwoo sighed and Somi's brows bounced up in worry at the sound.

"Somi," Hyunwoo started and Somi swallowed with her eyes blinking at him, "why do you run the photos by me at this point? Just send them, I have faith in you" Hyunwoo told her. Somi's whole body deflated at his words, her head landed on the table and Hyunwoo's eyes went wide, trying to catch her head before it crashed on the hard surface that was his desk. The palm of his hand made it just in time to soften the landing of Somi's forehead, saving her fro clunking it against the desk and causing herself pain that wasn't necessary.

"Are you ok?" Hyunwoo asked carefully and Somi groaned, the sound quickly turned to a whine and Hyunwoo's face scrunched up as her legs scuffled under the table, throwing a tantrum that Hyunwoo didn't know how to react to.

"Why do you do that?" Somi whined as Hyunwoo pushed her head up so that he was looking at her.

"What?" He asked and Somi's legs kicked across the carpet again.

"You always look so serious and grumpy when you're looking over my work!" She exclaimed and Hyunwoo pushed her to sit up properly again.

"Because I am being serious," Hyunwoo told her.

"Then why do you have to be grumpy about it?" Somi huffed, propping her elbows on the desk.

"I'm not" Hyunwoo shook his head.

"Well you look grumpy"

"Do not"

"Do too"

"Do not"

"I'm not arguing with you" Somi jumped up out of her seat and Hyunwoo watched her with concealed amusement.

"What are you going to do then?" He questioned her and Somi snatched her laptop up, holding it away from Hyunwoo defensively.

"I'm going to email those photos to the team at Just Right and then I'm going to draw up the plans for the next project" Somi informed him and Hyunwoo nodded.

"Good, go and do some work" He waved to the door of his office and Somi pursed her lips, turning on her heels and walking away with one last glare towards Hyunwoo. She swung the heavy door shut and Hyunwoo laughed, shaking his head.

"What a child"

"You're such a child" Kihyun chased after Somi with a nagging tone and Somi chuckled in response.

"He's the child" She retorted.

"You're the one that just threw a tantrum to their boss" Kihyun pointed out.

"Did not" Somi scoffed.

"Yes you did"

"Did not" Somi rushed into her office and slammed the door shut, making Kihyun jumped back with a scream.

"Han Somi!" He charged through the door and Somi laughed at him.


"Hello?" The woman standing at the front door of the apartment was clearly confused by the appearance of several people. She looked them up and down, wondering what five men and a woman could possibly need to be standing in front of her for.

"Hi, is Hyungwon home?" Minhyuk asked and the woman nodded uncertainly.

"He is" She confirmed.

"We're his friends, we've come to check on him," He told her and her face scrunched up.

"Hyungwon didn't tell me that any of his friends would be coming to check on him" She stated, clearly guarding the apartment.

"We're high school friends, we don't need to tell him we're coming" Jooheon waved a hand at the woman, using it to tell her she should step back. She did so uncertainly as her eyes grew.

"You're his friend group from high school?" She asked and Jooheon hummed as he entered the apartment.

"You know about us?" Hyunwoo asked and the woman nodded.

"He's vaguely mentioned you all at some point, so vaguely I almost thought none of you was real" She muttered the last part to herself but Hoseok heard it and rose a brow.

"He has told you about us?"

"Only that you were friends in school, he doesn't talk about his time at school for some reason" She explained as the group flooded the entryway of the apartment and took off their shoes.

"Where is he?" Jooheon asked and the woman pointed down the hall.

"The door on the right," She told them and Jooheon went ahead first with the bag of food he brought in hand. Hoseok followed, with Changkyun on his tail pulling Somi by her sleeve who was the least excited by their choice of activity.

"Hyungwon my dude!" Jooheon cheerily exclaimed, jumping into the room with his arms going up, making the bag of food rustle loudly.

"What the are you doing here?" Hyungwon glared as Jooheon stood in front of him with his arms in the air.

"We have come to check on you"

"Well I'm fine so leave" Hyungwon snapped as Jooheon approached him.

"Aw come on, we didn't come empty handed" Jooheon pouted at him as the others entered the room.

"Seriously" Did you all come?" Hyungwon scowled as Hyunwoo waved at him, being the last to enter the room. Hyungwon dragged his hands over his face as he groaned. The woman that they all assumed to be Hyungwon previously mentioned girlfriend watched from the doorway as Hyungwon looked at the group who all stared back at him.

"What did you bring?" He asked Jooheon begrudgingly and Jooheon put the bag of food on the mattress by Hyungwon's legs and began emptying it of its contents.

"I've got prawn crackers, chocolate covered pretzels, popcorn, some little choco cakes-"

"Alright," Hyungwon cut Jooheon off, making him take his head out of the bag, "make yourselves comfortable" Hyungwon flicked his wrist Minhyuk cleared his throat as Jooheon plopped down on the bed and went back to rummaging through the food he had bought. Hyunwoo approached and Hyungwon watched him as Hyunwoo delicately settled a mug on Hyungwon's bedside table.

"What's this?" He looked from Hyunwoo to the mug and back to Hyunwoo.

"A gift for welcoming us into your home" Hyunwoo explained to him.

"It's a mug" Hyungwon pointed out and Hyunwoo nodded, wiping his hands on his pants as he sat on the floor with crossed legs.

"Yes, something that can be used many times," Hyunwoo told him and Hyungwon sighed heavily.

"What are we watching?" Hoseok spread himself out on the bed next to Hyungwon who was sitting against the headboard of the bed. He took the remote and turned the volume on the TV up.

"Can we eat in your room?" Changkyun asked Hyungwon who sighed heavily.

"Go ahead"

"I'll get some bowls" Hyungwon's presumed partner smiled at Hyungwon from her place in the doorway.

"Go heat up the popcorn" Jooheon nudged Somi with his foot and she glared at him.

"Why me?" She demanded.

"Because you're the only one still standing up" Joooheon retorted, throwing the packs of popcorn at Somi. She grumbled, but looking for an escape, took the popcorn and followed the other woman down the hall. She looked back at Somi who entered the kitchen behind her with a smile full of discomfort.

"I guess you're the girl Somi?" She asked and Somi nodded.

"That's me" She winced, holding up the popcorn.

"Can we use the microwave?" 

"Yeah go ahead" She pointed to where the microwave was and Somi bowed her head.

"What's your name?" Somi piped up once the first bag of popcorn was cooking in the microwave.


"Nice to meet you" Moonbyul bowed her head and Somi went back to watching the microwave.

"Did you and Hyungwon..." Moonbyul trailed off in hesitance and Somi turned to look at her.

"Were you close?" Moonbyul swallowed and Somi smiled.

"Yeah," She nodded with a chuckle as she thought back on the younger version of her friends, "we were" Her eyes turned sad suddenly and Moonbyul's eyes fluttered, suddenly flustered.

"Excuse me lady in Hyungwon's home" Minhyuk came in then and both women jumped on the spot.

"Where does Hyungwon keep his cups?" He asked and Somi sighed at his way of talking.

"Up there" Moonbyul pointed and Minhyuk thanked her.

"Her name is Moonbyul, Minhyuk, you as a teacher should know how to talk properly" Somi scolded, kicking Minhyuk's ankle as he walked past her.

"Ow, mole" Minhyuk grumbled, ignoring what Somi said.

"Sorry Moonbyul" Somi apologised and Moonbyul shook her head. She watched Somi and Minhyuk as they chided each other, Somi pushed away the glasses Minhyuk tried to hand to her, but he was stubborn and continued. Somi took the glasses and put them on the bench until Minhyuk stopped handing her the glasses.

"You two," moonbyul spoke again and both of them looked at each other before looking at Moonbyul.

"How long have you known each other?" She asked.

"Us two?" Minhyuk pondered, "We met in the third grade?" Minhyuk looked at Somi for confirmation and Somi nodded, biting down on her lip at the consciousness that came from having Moonbyul asking questions.

"And Hyungwon?" She asked.

"Hm?" Minhyuk distractedly hummed.

"When did you meet him?" Moonbyul asked.

"Minhyuk moved to the city in third grade, that's when he met all of us, the other seven of us already grew up together so we knew each other before we started school" Somi explained, but it only confused Moonbyul more.

"Seven of you? But there is only six of you here today" She pointed out and Somi in a breath. Moonbyul noticed the way her question made the atmosphere sour right away.

"Sorry, it's just Hyungwon won't talk about any time before I met him so I don't really know that part of his life-"

"We lost one of our friends in our last year of school" Minhyuk smiled uncomfortably and Moonbyul paused, looking between the two of them as Somi looked down, biting on her lip.

"I didn't know, I'm-" The microwave went off and Somi immediately turned to open it and pinch the bag of popcorn between her fingers.

"Hot, hot" Somi rushed out and Minhyuk shuffled away wit the cups tucked safely in his arms.

"Quickly before you burn yourself!" He chastised as Somi followed him out of the kitchen in a run whilst trying not to drop the freshly cooked popcorn that wafted its scent through the apartment instantly.

"Then hurry up you're slowing me down with your fat !" Somi scolded loudly as they scampered back into Hyungwon's room.

Moonbyul looked down at her feet, a familiar feeling of being lost pulling her down as she overhead the ruckus caused by Hyungwon's sudden guests. She shook her head and sniffed, finally heading for the bowls that she said she would get them.

"Finally you're back!" Jooheon yelled at Somi who threatened to throw the popcorn at him.

"No please don't waste it! That's the only thing I bought that I actually want" Jooheon dropped to his knees and gripped Somi's shirt in his fists.

"Take it, I don't want any" Somi shoved Jooheon's popcorn at him and he gladly took it, only to scream again.

"Ah, it's hot!" He exclaimed, gaping at his scorning hands that refused to spill the popcorn and make a mess in Hyungwon's home.

"Shut up and take it, you're the one that wanted it" Somi nudged Jooheon away from her. Hyunwoo clucked his tongue and held up a hand.

"Somi" Changkyun called out before Hyunwoo could and Hyunwoo looked at him in surprise, dropping his hand back in his lap when it was no good for beckoning anymore. Hearing his quiet voice, Somi's head flicked to where Changkyun was curled up on his own, guarding the choco pies he had always loved. He held one of the wrapped treats out to Somi and patted her place on the floor next to him and Hyunwoo smiled gently as Somi tentatively sat down next to Changkyun and took the treat. Changkyun moved the blanket he was using so that it was covering Somi's lap as well and Hyunwoo looked away, not wanting to be caught staring at them by Changkyun.

Changkyun scooched closer so that he was knee to knee with Somi and sat the box of choco pies on their touching knees so that they both had access to it. Moonbyul came back to the room and stopped by the door, stunned by the way the group suddenly seemed to fill the room more now that they had gotten comfortable.

"Here are the bowls" Moonbyul voiced and they all looked at her.

"Thank you" Hyungwon smiled at her, sitting up properly to take the bowls.

"What are you doing? Shouldn't you be sitting still?" Hoseok grabbed the bowls before Hyungwon could and Hyungwon scrunched his brows up in response.

"Yo, are you gonna pass those cups around or not? I want some of this" 

"No, I got all of these cups for myself so just drink out of the bottle" Minhyuk retorted, eliciting growls around him.

"Grow up Minhyuk"

"Don't talk as if you're not sitting here with us watching TV and eating snacks that we used to get when we were younger" Minhyuk argued as Moonbyul excused herself from the room, shutting the door on her way out. Somi hadn't opened her choco pie, instead, she was looking at Changkyun, who looked back at her now that he was settled.

"Why won't you eat choco pies with me?!" Changkyun screamed, voice cracking, reminding the group that he was going through puberty as they laughed at him.

"I already told you that they're gross!" Hoseok shoved Changkyun away from him and Changkyun fell from the bed with a thump.

"If you and Jooheon won't eat them with me then who will?!" Changkyun wailed, the pitter-patter of feet told the small group that Kihyun and Somi were back with the last of their supplies. Changkyun looked up as Kihyun's laughter bubbled through the air, Jooheon pulled the other male into his lap, shifting the shape of the beanbag that they were on.

"What won't Jooheon eat Kyunie?" Somi smiled and Changkyun held up his beloved box of choco pies. Somi dropped down next to him, her cape made out of her favourite fluffy blanket draped over them as she spread out over Changkyun and held the box up like it was the royal crown.

"I'll eat choco pie with you Kyunie!"

"Oh thank you Somi!" Changkyun let Somi hold the box as he wrapped his arms tightly around the teenage girl, making giggles erupt from within her.

"You guys, you're all in high school now, let's not make so much noise" Mrs Son poked her head into the room and the group calmed themselves down despite the excitement they were still feeling towards the night ahead.

"What?" Changkyun's head tilted and Somi smiled, reaching her hand out, her fingers combed through Changkyun's hair and the male's eyes widened, but he didn't move.

"I was just reminded of how well you've grown up" She dismissed, still smiling as Changkyun scoffed, snatching her hand away from his soft hair to hold it between them.

"You say that as if you're the older one" The way Somi giggled in response had her shoulders shrugging up to her ears, Changkyun clucked his tongue and looked away, hand squeezing down on Somi's

The long chapters are back! I was going to leave this chapter at 4k, but when this scene popped into my head, it looked better as the end of this chapter rather than the start of the next.

It's also bringing us closer to the end of this story, it's significantly shorter in terms of chapters compared to what I'm writing so I thought I would struggle, but things are falling into place and we're almost at the end. So I don't think we'll be passing twenty chapters, which was my original plan anyway.

Also, has anyone had any thoughts on the quotes at the beginning of each chapter? I haven't seen any comments regarding them so I would love to hear if you had any thoughts on them.

I've officially made a twitter also, you can find me @monbebewarrior1 if you like!

See you in the next chapter!

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Chapter 4: WOW WOW
Chapter 20: Oh gosh! So I finally finished the story. Just wanted to say I totally shed some tears because of the last two chapters, but I'm so glad I read your story. It was nice seeing the group back together again and their process of forgiveness and reconnecting. Not going to lie, Somi is much more forgiving then I am, but I really like how it took time and really honest conversations for them to involve each other in their lives once again. But also...Oh gosh! this ending couple!!! I love it! I totally do! (Just like in Blood Haven with ShowNu in the end....I.... seriously.... liked her with him in Blood Haven....but like also with JooHeon.... I'm just....yeah hahahahahahahhaha so happy yay a couple!!!) Thanks for sharing this story with us. Take care and stay safe!
Chapter 21: Yay! OMG! I'm happy to know you're working on a new story! I have to be honest, I've been avoiding reading the last chapter of this story because I didn't want to say goodbye to it. But now that I know you're doing something new, I'll definitely get around to reading it this week. So happy to hear from you. Take care. Can't wait to read your new story, which by the way I really enjoy deck stories so yay! :)
thenamesmeep #4
Chapter 20: I'm not gonna lie I'm highkey crying. I know he would have to leave but dang bro this hit different. This was an amazing story and I loved it. I look hella forward to your future works!
2034 streak #5
Chapter 20: I still can't believe that I have completed the story. But I have a question. I thought Kihyun left but then she saw him again at his grave? Anyway, I had fun reading the story and I liked that there was no particular romance line.
Also are your other Monsta X Stories similar too? Like no romance lines like this one? ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 19: Right when you are having fun at their bickering and stuff, the chapter hits you up with the feels. And I can't believe there's only one chapter left to read. Will be back later to read that.
2034 streak #7
Chapter 18: Wait! They got stuck in the freezer in the past? But how could that happen? I'm confused. Also why Hyungwon wasn't getting the ice cream himself? I was confused at that too. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 17: Hyungwon can see spirits too? That came as a surprise. I mean, I was thinking Somi would be the only one who could do that. Anyway, since I realized I'm close to the end of the story, I don't want it to end anymore. Nonetheless, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 16: This chapter was funny, them showing up at his house and all acting child-like and bickering. TBH I groaned a little when I saw the word count but once I started reading the chapter, it didn't really bother me anymore. Also, you spoke about the quotes in your a/n. Are those quotes written by yourself? Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #10
Chapter 15: Well, more than them all being together, I'm surprised at how they got attacked. I have so many questions. I mean who are they? And who was their target? Why did they attack them and so on. Hopefully all these questions will be answered in the following chapters. So can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^