
Like She Could


"When the sad songs played, you were there, when the sun was bright you were there,

Yoo Kihyun, what am I supposed to do without you by my side?"

"I think I'm gonna myself"

"Please do, it'll be the highlight of my deceased life" Kihyun snorted, it was loud and ugly and Somi glared at him as she looked over her shoulder. She looked back to the mirror in front of her and straightened out the skirt she was wearing for what seemed to be the millionth time.

"I'm kidding, just pee yourself. The smell would be easier to handle and it would be easier to clean up the mess afterwards" Kihyun sat up on Somi's bed and it was her turn to snort as she slid her arms into the matching black work jacket to go with her skirt as she tried to distract herself with Kihyun's sense of humour.

"Would it now?" She inquired and Kihyun hummed.

"I reckon" Kihyun hummed and Somi let out a sigh as she looked at herself in the mirror again.

"I'm nervous" She quivered and Kihyun hummed.

"I gathered that when you threatened to stain your underwear" Was his response.

"Kihyun!" Somi glared at him, tone clipped when she turned around to looked at him, finally walking away from the mirror.

"I'm just kidding, it's a joke" He whined as Somi grabbed her pillow, raising it to hit him. She paused then, when she could see the covers on her bed and the paint on her wall through the arms Kihyun covered his face with, it reminded her just what life was for her now.

"Right, you're lucky" She cleared , putting her pillow back and turning to look for her phone before Kihyun could see how it still made her eyes water.

"What shoes are you going to wear?" Kihyun questioned her and she let out a long breath.

"The black ones"

"Which black ones?" Kihyun probed.

"The black heels"  Somi stated bluntly, putting her phone in the pocket of her jacket when she finally found it.

"Not the hooker ones I hope" Kihyun commented.

"I'm not wearing them!" Somi snapped and Kihyun held up his hands in surrender, tucking his chin in and pulling a face as his eyes widened.

"I was just checking!"


Somi gulped, this was intimidating. It didn't make it any easier that she could see Kihyun strolling behind the three men interviewing her, his arms crossed over his chest and he would lean in to look over their shoulders at their notes in a way that made his nose stick out as his eyes looked down it. Somi took in a breath, laying her hands out flat on her lap so that she could act as if her skirt wasn't taking away the sweat that was making her hands clammy.

"And what has brought you to our company for this interview Miss Han?" One of the men asked and Somi snapped her eyes away from Kihyun as he gave her a pointed look to answer their question.

"Please, relax and take your time in answering the questions" One of the other men dressed in a black suit and encouraged and Somi nodded, looking back down at her hands and taking in another breath.

"I've always had a special place within me for writing, from the moment I entered the classroom it is the one thing that I enjoyed about school, whether it was making up stories for literature or writing reports in history class, I loved the thought of being a journalist that could crack those cases on the news. The B&H journalist team has been the best for as long as I can remember, news reporters, trust the articles you put out and your team"

"And these are your reports and certificates in Journalism and your understudy of English?" The sound of pages being flicked over echoed in the room and Somi nodded her head, eyeing the said papers that were being looked at.

B&H's stories are those that not many other companies ever have the bravery to touch, which I have always found to be honourable, making me want to strive to do the same"

"You know of our team well" There were nods of heads and Somi smiled, bowing and sitting up straight again.

"Thank you, sir"

"I think we have everything we need here Miss Han" One of the interviewers spoke up and Somi's eyes widened as she blinked.

"This concludes our interview for today, thank you for coming in. We will be in contact with you to give you an answer in a week"

"Yes sir" Somi stood up, she bowed at a perfect angle and stood straight again, she bowed her head one more time as the gentlemen at the table nodded, then she turned and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her and letting out a big breath.

"Sweet Jesus" Somi let out a deep breath.

"Was it that scary?" The assistant that had been in charge of allowing all the applicants entry to their interview smiled, there was amusement in her tone and Somi looked over to her, pressing off the door as she nodded.

"I've never been so nervous for something in my life," She told the woman.

"Well I'm sure you did just fine"

"Let's go" Kihyun waved her along from further ahead and Somi smiled, bowing to the woman.

"Thank you" She turned for the exit, narrowing her eyes at it as Kihyun stood on the other side of the glass door.

"You have little to no patience, you know that?" She muttered under her breath and Kihyun hummed.

"I was watching the clock, it's almost time for my show to come on" He answered her calmly, but he was moving quickly, much quicker than Somi could when she couldn't float through walls or people.

"You could have stayed home" She whispered as they approached the elevator and Kihyun shrugged.

"I never had the chance to sit in an interview, I wanted to know what it was like," He told her and Somi sighed, pressing the button and waiting for the elevator to come to their floor. The doors opened and they entered with Somi watching the doors close in front of them.

"It wasn't that interesting was it now?" She asked him aloud once the doors were closed and Kihyun scoffed.

"Seeing you all nervous and fidgety was good entertainment"

"Shut up Kihyun" Somi grumbled, scowling as she looked away from him and Kihyun shrugged his shoulders.

"What? You asked and I answered" He retorted, and though she was annoyed, the mood around the pair had lifted to something lighter once again.


It was a week later to the day when Somi's phone rang with the ID of an unknown caller. Somi's eyes stayed glued to the phone and Kihyun turned to look at her in curiosity as the ringtone continued to fill the room.

"Who is it?" He asked her and her eyes flickered away from the screen to look at Kihyun before going back to the phone again.

"It's an unknown number" She muttered and Kihyun aimed to slap her. His hand went through her leg but Somi got the message and she picked the phone up with hurried hands, not thinking about what he had just tried to do to her without success.

"Well, what are you waiting for? It's probably B&H!" Kihyun waved his hand at the phone and with wide eyes. Somi fumbled to answer the call with her hands already shaking at the thought of who was calling her.

"Hello?" Somi spoke into the phone with Kihyun watching her closely.

"Hello, this is Min Jinah, calling from B&H in regards to a recent interview, is this Han Somi I am on the phone with?" A feminine voice greeted her and Somi would have stopped breathing if it weren't for Kihyun mouthing things at her, his hands waving in front of her face.

"Yes, this is Han Somi" Somi nodded as Kihyun's hands ceased and he watched her intently.

"Hello Miss Han, I have rung to inform you that unfortunately, you did not qualify in this round of interviews" Jinah informed her and Somi deflated, with Kihyun understanding what the sudden change in body language had meant.

"Oh, I see"

"We look forward to seeing you in the near future again when there is another position available Miss Han"

"Oh yes, uh, thank you" Somi nodded. The call was quickly ended after that and Somi sat with her hands in her lap, still holding onto her phone a little too tightly.

"Not this time?" He looked at her with glistening eyes that Somi mirrored when she looked up at him.

"Not this time" She shook her head, biting down on her lip as her eyes watered.

"I'm sorry Mimi" Kihyun crooned and Somi shook her head once more as she wiped away her tears.

"It's not your fault that I'm not good enough Kihyun" She muttered and Kihyun clucked his tongue.

"Don't even say that, you know you're more than capable of doing this, they just didn't see it this time" Kihyun chastised her and Somi sniffled.

"Let's not think about that for now huh? We've got a whole day ahead of us and we don't need to make it a bad one right?" Kihyun smiled at Somi and she nodded, wiping under her eyes once more.

"So let's grab the blankets and turn the TV back on because it's time for us to watch movies," He told her and Somi stood up, despite not wanting to. She shuffled over to her corner chair where two fluffy blankets were folded on the arms of the chair, waiting for when they were needed as a source of warmth.

"You want cookies?" Kihyun asked her as he moved around on the couch and Somi sniffled before she scoffed in response.

"What sort of a dumb question is that?" She retorted, making Kihyun chortle as he got up and she turned to the TV, putting the volume back up and setting the DVD player up.

"What are we going to watch?" She asked Kihyun as he disappeared through the wall into the kitchen, the pantry door slowly creaked open and there was a rustle that Somi could hear. Kihyun grit down on his teeth, it took effort to open the door and sorting through the food to find the cookies was physically exerting for the power that Kihyun did have.

"You pick" He called out and Somi sighed, looking through the drawers of movie options they had. They were all movies they had watched a dozen times over already and Somi was having a hard time deciding on her own. Kihyun came back into the living room with the pack of cookies in his hands, he let out a big breath of relief when he was able to put the cookies down on the coffee table.

"Just put that one on," Kihyun told her, gesturing to the movie she had in her hand as he sat back down on the couch.

"You reckon?" She asked him, turning back to look at him as she held the DVD up for him to look at.

"Yeah, it's something to watch" He nodded and Somi hummed.

"I'll put it in then" She set the DVD player up with the movie and shuffled back over to the couch, crawling back up next to Kihyun as the DVD player processed and prepared to play the selected movie.

"We used to watch this all the time," Kihyun thought back out loud as the display screen came up and Somi used the remote to press play.

"It was always the last movie we would put on" She hummed and Kihyun chuckled.

"And Changkyun never found out how it ended because he would always fall asleep without fail" He laughed and Somi giggled along as the memory of a frustrated Changkyun the morning after their sleepovers crossed her mind.

"And no one would tell him how it ended just to frustrate him"

"Yeah that was funny" Somi hummed, watching the introduction of the movie with her head resting on her closed fist. Kihyun watched her, looking for the change in her eyes that came with memories of the past, but it was hard to see when she wasn't facing him.

It was painful for them both in moments like this where Kihyun couldn't give her the proper comfort his best friend needed.

It made Kihyun realise his mistakes.


"This place looks nice, doesn't it?" Kihyun looked at Somi and she nodded, looking around the modern cafe they had entered.

"Yeah it does" She hummed, she approached the counter where a staff member was waiting to take her order.

"Welcome, what can I get you?" The girl across the counter asked and Somi looked up at the board, sighing quietly before looking back to the girl and smiling at her.

"A hot chocolate please" Somi requested and the girl nodded.

"Certainly" Somi paid, gave her name and went to the waiting area, where she leant against the wall and watched the baristas as they flowed through the orders like they were dancing, there was a rhythm and organised harmony to the team on the other side of the counter that made the work look more like art than labour for money and Somi found herself getting lost in the actions of the other people while she waited for her order.

"Somi" Kihyun called out, but Somi wasn't listening, still lost in the staff completing their job in such an appealing way to witness.

"Somi would you look over there?!" Kihyun demanded and Somi blinked, jolting back to life. She looked at Kihyun, and then to his hand, steadily pointing to the lineup of people waiting to receive their orders. He was pointing to someone, standing stock still, doing nothing to stand out and Somi turned back to Kihyun with a frown, shrugging her shoulders to say 'so?'.

"Does that not look like someone familiar to you?" He asked and Somi looked again, only to continue frowning, not seeing anything familiar in the man Kihyun was so determined she took a look at.

"Now's not the time to try and set me up with someone-"

"That's not what I'm doing!" Kihyun cut Somi off, glaring at her when she rose an eyebrow, demanding to know why else he would want her to be looking at the broad shoulders of the man cueing up.

"Your hot chocolate is going to be hot, go get some napkins and a spoon" Kihyun ordered her and Somi let out a quiet scoff.

"I'll be fine thanks" Somi crossed her arms over her chest to show that she wasn't moving and Kihyun groaned as the gentlemen that they were watching walked over to the stand with all the spoons, straws and napkins anyone would need.

"Just get the hell over there Han Somi" Kihyun snapped at her and Somi rolled her eyes, grumbling to herself as she pushed off the wall.

"You and I will be having a chat about your attitude later mister" She whispered and Kihyun ignored her, rushing past her to run around the stand so that he was standing face to face with the tall fellow decked out in a black suit and work shoes. Kihyun's eyes widened as Somi begrudgingly reached the stand and plucked out a couple of napkins and a spoon, as she was commanded to by Kihyun.

"Oh sorry, I couldn't see you coming up behind me there" Kihyun gasped as Somi and the gentlemen looked up at the same time.

"It is! It's Son Hyunwoo!" He exclaimed and Somi's eyes widened as she took a step back.

"Oh, Somi, it is you right? I'm not about to make a stranger uncomfortable am I?" Hyunwoo's eyes ran up and down Somi's figure, taking her in and trying his best to put this new face next to the memories he had of a young girl, full of life and youth.

"Hyunwoo" Somi didn't know what to say. How had Kihyun been able to recognise who it was? He was so much taller, growing into the body of an adult with broad shoulders and a set jaw, his eyes blinked down at her and when his hand landed on her bicep, greeting her in a familiar way, it was larger than she remembered.

"It's been a few years since we've seen each other, how are you?" He asked and Somi didn't have to find something to say other than the simple answer that came with a casual greeting between people.

"I've been ok, how are you?" She asked out of courtesy as Kihyun watched the two, she wore she could see his mouth hanging from the corner of her eye, and were his eyes watering? Why was he about to cry?

"I'm doing well, I just stepped away from my business to have a quick coffee break," He told her, dropping his hand as he smiled at her.

"You have a business now?" Somi asked and Hyunwoo nodded, shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah, I own a modelling agency" Hyunwoo informed her and Somi blinked up at him, stunned by the information.

"That's great Hyunwoo, I'm happy for you" She nodded, looking away as Hyunwoo thanked her with a chuckle.

"What about you? What are you doing with yourself?" Hyunwoo queried and Somi felt herself going rigid. How could she tell Hyunwoo that she was still working at her part-time job because she still hadn't gotten anywhere with her studies? 

"Well," She looked at Kihyun, biting down on her bottom lip and Kihyun widened his eyes, waving his hand.

"Talk! Talk!" He told her and Somi let out a breath.

"I've recently finished at university and I've been trying to get into B&H" She confessed and Hyunwoo hummed as he nodded.

"I've heard that's a tough place to get into, they just closed an available position there I was told" He commented and Somi nodded.

"Yeah, they did"

"Oh, I see" Hyunwoo caught onto the way Somi looked away uncomfortably and sighed.

"So, you're looking for work then?" Hyunwoo asked her and Somi shrugged her shoulders dully.

"I'm still at my part-time job from when I was studying, but it's not B&H" She muttered as Hyunwoo furrowed his brows.

"B&H is important to you huh?" He asked and Somi nodded in response.

"Well, I've got a couple of positions open in my company, we need a new photographer badly, I'd really enjoy seeing you on our team" Hyunwoo opened up a suggestion for her and Somi looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Hyunwoo, you can't just try and hand a job to me like that. We haven't been friends since high school, what if it's not for me and I do horribly? I could ruin your companies reputation. We might not even get along anymore, wouldn't that make life hard for you?-"

"I know it's a lot to ask right? But it doesn't have to be forever, just until you succeed at getting into B&H, please? We need someone like you on our team" Hyunwoo begged her, ignoring the other things she had said and Somi bit down on her lip. 

"Hyunwoo, I don't do photography anymore" She spoke quietly and Hyunwoo faltered, Somi looked to the ground, she didn't like the look in his eyes when he looked at her this time, it was the same look that Kihyun was giving her as well, one that resonated sympathy and confusion. A look that was too similar to disappointment.

"But you loved photography, you took your camera everywhere with you" Hyunwoo spoke and Somi nodded, still not looking at him.

"Yeah, I did" She agreed with him and it went quiet.

"You wouldn't do it again?" Hyunwoo asked her carefully after a short while and Somi frowned, looking up at him.

"Hyunwoo I can't-"

"I'm not trying to force you into anything" Hyunwoo cut her off, shaking his head and Somi in a breath, remaining uncomfortable.

"It's just-you loved photography so much. You were so good at it, I can't bring myself to believe that you've given up on it" He continued to stare at her for a long moment and Somi shrugged her shoulders.

"I like journalism more now" She shrugged her shoulders awkwardly again and Hyunwoo looked at her.

"That's what Changkyun wanted to do"

"Huh?" Somi blinked, falling open.

"Journalism, Changkyun dreamed of that and now you are too? That's what you've been applying at B&H to do? Not photography?" He asked her and Somi looked away.

"Look, I'm not going to make you do it ok? Just if anything, come and have a look at my company, come see how we run and maybe you'll find yourself liking it" Hyunwoo reached into his pocket, Somi watched him pull out his wallet and looked at Kihyun, he was leaning against the wall, arms effortlessly crossed over his chest with a look in his eyes. He raised an eyebrow when he met her stare and Somi turned back to Hyunwoo.

"Are you free tomorrow?" Hyunwoo asked her. And with the inability to lie to him, she nodded, taking the business card that he offered her.

"Swing by tomorrow, tell the receptionist that I sent you and I'll show you around, ok?" A chill ran down Somi's spine and she nodded, her eyes still on the business card.

"See you tomorrow then" Hyunwoo's hand landed on her shoulder and Somi flinched as he gave it a small squeeze, then a pat before walking out of the cafe.

"Out of all places to meet Son Hyunwoo, a cafe huh? Who would have thought that was possible?" Kihyun commented once Hyunwoo was out of sight and Somi could no longer watch him walk away.

"Looks like now we have something to do tomorrow Mimi" Kihyun looked over Somi's shoulder at the business card and Somi looked down too, letting out a long breath.

The first chapter is out! And we're already seeing Hyunwoo in the first chapter.

So what do you think of it so far? That's a bit much to ask when we're only seeing the first chapter huh?

Do we think Somi will go and see what Hyunwoo's modelling company is about? Or will she leave him waiting for her?

We'll have to see next week!

I'm really looking forward to this story, I'm not planning for it to be long like Blood Haven was, so I'm gonna try and make the chapters longer, meaning we won't have to wait forever to see all of the boys!

With that being said, I'll see you next Tuesday with chapter two :)

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Chapter 4: WOW WOW
Chapter 20: Oh gosh! So I finally finished the story. Just wanted to say I totally shed some tears because of the last two chapters, but I'm so glad I read your story. It was nice seeing the group back together again and their process of forgiveness and reconnecting. Not going to lie, Somi is much more forgiving then I am, but I really like how it took time and really honest conversations for them to involve each other in their lives once again. But also...Oh gosh! this ending couple!!! I love it! I totally do! (Just like in Blood Haven with ShowNu in the end....I.... seriously.... liked her with him in Blood Haven....but like also with JooHeon.... I'm just....yeah hahahahahahahhaha so happy yay a couple!!!) Thanks for sharing this story with us. Take care and stay safe!
Chapter 21: Yay! OMG! I'm happy to know you're working on a new story! I have to be honest, I've been avoiding reading the last chapter of this story because I didn't want to say goodbye to it. But now that I know you're doing something new, I'll definitely get around to reading it this week. So happy to hear from you. Take care. Can't wait to read your new story, which by the way I really enjoy deck stories so yay! :)
thenamesmeep #4
Chapter 20: I'm not gonna lie I'm highkey crying. I know he would have to leave but dang bro this hit different. This was an amazing story and I loved it. I look hella forward to your future works!
2034 streak #5
Chapter 20: I still can't believe that I have completed the story. But I have a question. I thought Kihyun left but then she saw him again at his grave? Anyway, I had fun reading the story and I liked that there was no particular romance line.
Also are your other Monsta X Stories similar too? Like no romance lines like this one? ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 19: Right when you are having fun at their bickering and stuff, the chapter hits you up with the feels. And I can't believe there's only one chapter left to read. Will be back later to read that.
2034 streak #7
Chapter 18: Wait! They got stuck in the freezer in the past? But how could that happen? I'm confused. Also why Hyungwon wasn't getting the ice cream himself? I was confused at that too. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 17: Hyungwon can see spirits too? That came as a surprise. I mean, I was thinking Somi would be the only one who could do that. Anyway, since I realized I'm close to the end of the story, I don't want it to end anymore. Nonetheless, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 16: This chapter was funny, them showing up at his house and all acting child-like and bickering. TBH I groaned a little when I saw the word count but once I started reading the chapter, it didn't really bother me anymore. Also, you spoke about the quotes in your a/n. Are those quotes written by yourself? Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #10
Chapter 15: Well, more than them all being together, I'm surprised at how they got attacked. I have so many questions. I mean who are they? And who was their target? Why did they attack them and so on. Hopefully all these questions will be answered in the following chapters. So can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^