Yabuki Nako

The Broken Hearts' Club
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Hello… I know this might be a surprise for you. I have thought about this a lot of times but regardless, I still wrote this letter for you. I’m sorry… I did something against our friendship. I am really sorry… I didn’t mean to but it just happened.

I know… I wanted to just keep it inside but I believe that confessing to you is the same as letting this feeling go. I know you won’t look at me the same way… So, even once I just really want to tell you…

It’s funny… I tried to make you feel it… I tried to show it.

But it can’t be helped when your attention is on someone else.


“WONYOUNG, do you want to go grab some ice cream after class?”

Jang Wonyoung then cheerfully turned to her favourite Japanese friend who happened to be in the same class as hers. The idea wasn’t bad at all. Of course, she likes to go and eat her favourite ice cream but she already had an appointment after class.

“Sorry, Nako-chan…” Wonyoung apologised. “Yujin-unnie said that she will pick me up after school. She invited us to her new home. I’ll pass this time.”

Yabuki Nako, a foreign student who came to Korea to follow her brother but somehow ended up falling in love with the whole country itself especially to K-Pop, then stood up in shock. She transferred to the seat behind Wonyoung. She seemed really surprised by what she heard.

“Your crush invited you to her house?” Nako asked with her eyes bulging a bit.

Wonyoung couldn’t contain her smile. She then tucked her hair behind her ear. “She… She kind of did. Kyaaa~” And there goes the squeal. “I don’t know what to do, Nako-chwaaaan~ I am really nervous. I am so excited to see her later!”

Nako had to take a deep breath before she gave a comment. She has to be very careful of the things that she says. She then gave out a sarcastic smile. “Come on! It’s not that you guys will be alone at her house. I believe some of her friends will come, too!”

Wonyoung’s expression suddenly changed. She then remembered Yujin’s invitation last night.

“Ya, do you have time after class tomorrow? Want to see my new place? Yena will be coming as well and we’ll have some chicken and beer. Call?”

“Another friend is coming over…” She said with a grumpy face but then she smiled once more. Nako doesn’t really understand how she easily changes her mood. “But I am still invited so I will just enjoy it. I might get to know her more through her friend. I heard that she’s her best friend anyway.”

“Best friend, huh?” Nako then gave a sly smile while looking at how Wonyoung is dressed for today. She obviously spent more time with her makeup as well. “Then… Let’s just have ice cream next time?”

Wonyoung cheerfully nodded. “Sure! It would be my treat if something good happens between me and Yujin.”

Nako just smiled. “Okay then… Good luck!”


There are times that I wished that I could be someone like the person you like so you would break your daily routine just to see me… to be with me. But I know I would never be her. I will never be the type of person that you would like romantically…

Just seeing her makes me lose confidence.

Just seeing her makes me feel inferior.

And hearing you talking about her… admiring her… praising her…


...hurts me more…

After class, the two went out of the building together with Wonyoung endlessly talking about Yujin and how cool the girl is. Nako was just there to listen and give out sarcastic yet meaningful comments but the other girl would just laugh at her and immediately negate her comment.

“Believe me, Nako-chan~ Yujin is really a nice person. She just doesn’t smile a lot.”

“You say so…”

The attention of the two were then caught by the students flocking by the entrance of the said building. They went to look at what they are buzzing about and what they saw drew a bright smile on Wonyoung’s face. “It’s Yujin!”

Nako’s eyes widened as she turned to Wonyoung then back to the girl who was waiting outside her car. “That girl is the Yujin that you are talking about?”

The Japanese girl couldn’t believe her very eyes. All the pictures of Yujin that Wonyoung shows her were all taken secretly so they were either blurry or there’s really nothing to be seen on it since Yujin doesn’t like her pictures to be taken. And now, seeing this Ahn Yujin in the flesh, she finally understood why Wonyoung is head over heels for her.

Wonyoung then gave her a tap on her shoulder. “I’m going now, Nako-ya~ See you next week!”

The girl then happily skipped her way to Yujin and all that Nako did was watch her go to Yujin. She noticed everything… How Wonyoung’s smile became even brighter after seeing and greeting the other girl. That smile didn’t disappear at all. She could see how happy Wonyoung really is after seeing Yujin.

She kind of pouted when she found out that Yena was already sitting at the front seat but she saw another giddy smile when Yujin opened the door for her. She even placed her hand over Wonyoung’s head to make sure she wouldn’t bump her head. Yujin then went to her place and drove away.

After the centre of attraction has left, the students that are flocking the entrance have dispersed as well.

“She’s so stunning! I wonder who that girl is!”

“I thought an idol came to our school. Did you see how tall she was?”

“That girl that she picked up was Jang Wonyoung, the popular freshman from the Media Department, right?”

“Seeing them together is really a sight to behold. I don’t know why but I kind of want to ship them!”

“Visual couple!”

“The visuals, the height, the aura… That’s one strong pairing.”

“I wonder if there is a chance that Wonyoung would introduce us to her.”

“Dream on. You are not even friends with Jang Wonyoung herself.”

“But, girl! If they are really dating then Wonyoung really got some taste!”


People will never talk about us if they see us together. They won’t envy you for having someone like me. They might even say that you are wasting your time going out with me. There’s nothing that I could be proud of. There’s nothing that I can win over her.

She’s stylish… She’s cool… She’s such a girl crush but me…

I am just… cute.


Nako after hearing all those comments from the other students just pressed her lips together. Without saying a word, she went to the usual ice cream place where she and Wonyoung often visit. That’s where they do their homeworks. It might be a weird place to study for exams but they both like ice cream so much that they even turned it into their study room.

“Alone for today?” The cashier asked her a question that she doesn’t really want to hear.

“Yes, my friend has an appointment for today so I came alone.” Nako answered, forcing a smile.

“Okay then. With that I will give you an extra scoop!” The cashier said with a very warm smile.

That kind of surprised Nako. “For real?”

The said staff member nodded. “It’s a treat for you being so cute like a—”

“Like a middle-schooler?” Nako ended her statement. She knows exactly that the cashier would talk about her appearance once again. The lady just laughed and gave her a wink. “You’re really cute, Nako-ya! Please take that as a compliment, I would really love to have a daughter like you~”

“Yeah, yeah.” Nako sighed. “Just give me my ice cream and let me study in peace.”

“Ohh~ Such a good daughter!”

Nako rolled her eyes. She received her ice cream and went to their usual table. But she didn’t take a scoop of her ice cream right after sitting. Her thoughts are still filled with her worries and she’s looking at the ice cream like she wanted to melt it with just her stare.

“UGH!” She stomped her feet before grabbing her spoon. She then eyed the direction of the cashier and her lips flinched to the side. “She wanted me as her daughter when we were of the same age!?” The cashier is actually a student from their school who happens to be doing a part time job at that said ice cream place.

“Why do I always have to play the daughter role!?”

She then facepalmed heavily before giving out a very deep sigh. She then remembered the sight of Wonyoung going to Yujin. Their heights are really nice. They look really balanced. Very

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1760 streak #1
Chapter 9: Now I’m interested how everything’s going to come together!!!
1760 streak #2
Chapter 9: oh shoot that cookie!!!!!!
1760 streak #3
Chapter 9: Woah…
1760 streak #4
Chapter 9: oh man, the complication of relationship!!!
1760 streak #5
Chapter 9: it's always interesting how everyone is connected in this story!!!
1760 streak #6
Chapter 9: ohhh a foreshadow!!!!
1760 streak #7
Chapter 9: I felt that spit take yena! the drama!!
1760 streak #8
Chapter 9: ugh poor yujin....
bluejin #9
Chapter 9: ugh the angssttt
Jinjoo21 #10
Chapter 9: Thanks for the update 🙂 more updates please