Jo Yuri

The Broken Hearts' Club
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EUNBI rose up to her seat after seeing Jo Yuri inside her office. How did a popular singer like her get to know about the club? What led her to this place in the first place?

‘Don’t tell me it is…’ Knots were formed on Eunbi’s forehead. ‘What is the name of that duck again?’

“Good day, I am Jo Yuri. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Kwon.” The singer politely introduced herself. “I don’t want to go around the bush, I came here to ask help.”

Sakura stood up from her seat. “See you later, Eunbi. I will just go around while you are doing your job.”

“Don’t wander around too much.” Eunbi worriedly said but Sakura just went on her way and excused herself. She didn’t even look back at her worried friend.

Eunbi turned to the singer and smiled. “Sorry about that, Yuri-ssi… Please take a seat.”

Yuri took the seat where Sakura was sitting earlier. Eunbi gave a nod to Hitomi and the secretary quietly took her leave. She’ll be preparing some tea for the two.

“What can I do for you, Yuri-ssi? I am really surprised to see you here in my office.”

The girl gave out a shy snicker. “Actually, a friend told me about this place. And that friend is also the very reason why I came here.”

‘Is she pertaining to the duck?’ Eunbi’s mind whispered. ‘But the duck said they haven’t met since they broke up… Wait! Why can’t I remember the name of the duck!?’

“Did something happen to your friend?” Eunbi asked.

“Well…” A sigh came out from the girl. “I don’t know but I am really worried for her. She’s making dangerous steps without even thinking.”

“At the depth of your sigh, I can say that it is really a serious matter.” Eunbi commented. She pulled out a pen and a paper to jot down notes. She likes doing it all manually. It makes her feel like a detective. “And I can also see that the friend that you are pertaining to has already visited this place.”

Yuri nodded. “My friend’s name is—”

Yuri was halted when they heard knocks on the door. Eunbi felt a bit sorry for the interruption but she let Hitomi do her work. She let her in to bring the tea for them. She could see how Hitomi is diligently doing her work.

“I am sorry about that. Where are we again?” Eunbi fixed herself to her seat and waited for Yuri to answer but the singer remained looking at the said drink that Hitomi prepared. “Yuri-ssi? Is there something wrong?”

“A-Ah!” Yuri jerked to her place at the call of Eunbi. “I am sorry. I just remembered someone with this drink.”

Eunbi’s eyebrows flinched. ‘It is the duck, right? Tell me it is the duck this time…’

Yuri took a deep breath and leaned nearer to the table. Her expression clearly shows that she had a change of mind. “For a second thought, maybe I can just talk about my friend later. I heard from her that this club listens to those who have their hearts broken.”

“Exactly.” Eunbi nodded.

“Would it be bad if I take this chance to open up something? This thing has been bothering me for a long time now. If I don’t do something about it then my current relationship would be in trouble.”

Eunbi felt chills run down her spine. She has a hunch that Yuri would be talking about a visitor that resembles a duck because of those pouty lips. She could remember the story so well but she couldn’t remember the name. Why does she in remembering names?

“Go ahead, Yuri-ssi. I think it is time to finally let it out, right?”

Eunbi hit the spot. The weak smile on Yuri’s face is one, big proof that she has been hiding this thing for such a long time.

“You see… When I was in highschool I fell in love with this person…”





Yuri was awakened from her day dreaming when a glass of lemon tea was placed in front of her. The person who made the tea for her immediately sat in front of her laptop and tried to make revisions to the track that she has been composing.

“Lemon tea?” Yuri asked the girl whose headset is only set on one ear. “What is this for?”

“You sang a lot, Yuri. You should take care of your voice.” The girl turned to her and they shared a stare. The other girl shook her head and took off her jacket and wrapped it around Yuri’s little body. “And you should wear something warmer. You might catch a cold and your voice will be affected. I know a girl called Noe who got sick when she was young and her voice turned really, really husky. It feels like you are listening to someone who has talked for a whole day nonstop.”

Yuri snickered. She sat up from where she was lying down and gave the girl a back hug. “Thank you, Yena.”

Yena turned to Yuri and smiled. She ruffled her hair before gently pinching her cheeks. “What are you being thankful for? Of course, I will take care of my Hamster Love~”

“Ya!” Yuri pouted. “I am okay with Puppy Love but why did it become Hamster Love?”

“Because you look like a one, Love.” Yena scrunched her nose while teasing the other girl.

“Shaddap.” Yuri tightened her hug to Yena. She looked up to her with those eyes filled with love. Yena, knowing what those eyes are yearning for, leaned for a quick kiss and Yuri’s face brightened in just a smack.

The two are on the rooftop of Yuri’s apartment. They are spending the weekend together for the first time in forever. They just missed each other so much.

“Is university giving you a hard time, Love?” Yuri asked, still clinging to her beau who is busy with her track. Yena chuckled.

“It is. But I have a friend called Yujin and she saves me most of the time so I don’t really worry.”

“She saves you?” Yuri repeated.

“Yeah!” Yena proudly answered. “You know, she gives me reviewers and teaches me at the last minute. She says it is her way of revising. I guess we are mutually benefiting from each other.”

Yuri smiled. “You should study harder! Don’t give hard time to other people!” The girl then rested her chin on Yena’s shoulder. “Should I go to Seoul for college? With that we can be closer.”

“Huh!? Why are you going to Seoul?” Yena asked with a frown. “You can just stay here. It will be much better for you. There’s really nothing good in Seoul.”

“But most of the universities that are offering courses about performing arts are in Seoul—”

“No, Yuri. Stay here in Busan. It will be much—”

“Because there’s a high chance that we will be caught together by your parents when I go to Seoul, right?”

Yena froze. She slowly turned to Yuri and saw her flustered face. “W-What are you—”

“That’s the very reason why you are telling me to stay here, right? You don’t want your parents to know about our relationship…”

“Yuri…” Yena removed her headset and properly faced her girlfriend. “It’s not like that, Love. I am just telling the truth—”

“But you know that I am pursuing to be a singer, right? How will I achieve my goal if I stay here? You know that I have to go where the producers are.”

Yena closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Look Yuri.” She pointed her laptop to her. “Can’t you see what I am doing? I am doing this just for you. Don’t worry, we will make music that people will love and you will be famous! We will start from scratch, there’s no need to rely on big companies!”

“And then what? What if I get famous?” Yuri asked, her voice cracking a bit. “What if I become popular? By then will you be able to tell your parents that you are in a relationship with me? By that time will you be bold enough to tell everyone about me?”

“Yuri-ya…” Yena called in a tired voice. “Please just give me more time… I will fix everything. I am just trying to find the right timing to tell my parents about us. It is just really hard because they are against the type of relationship we are in. But please, Love… Try to understand.”

Yuri’s shoulders dropped. She shook her head as she brushed her hair backwards. “I am trying to understand… I understand…” She bitterly pressed her lips together. “I understand that it is possible for me to remain in the jar that you’ve put me in forever.”

“Yuri…” Yena held Yuri by the shoulder but the latter immediately shook her off.

“It’s suffocating, Yena. I don’t know what you really want with me.”

Yuri stood up and left the mat. Yena tried to stop her but Yuri didn’t even look back. She went straight back to her room and locked herself in there. There’s no difference anyway. Yena has been telling her that she will do something about it but until now nothing is happening.

All she sees is Yena’s fear of presenting her to the world as her girlfriend. There’s always fear. She tried to lift the fear from her and be her anchor but the more she tried to help her, she just ended up getting stained by the fear.

“Yuri-ya…” She could hear Yena’s call by the door. “Love, please open the door…”

Yuri brushed her face as stress started creeping in. She loves Yena so much but is their relationship only up to this? Hiding from the eyes of other people? Can’t even go on public dates, can’t even hold hands in public, can’t even introduce each other as ‘girlfriend’.

“Yuri, please

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1760 streak #1
Chapter 9: Now I’m interested how everything’s going to come together!!!
1760 streak #2
Chapter 9: oh shoot that cookie!!!!!!
1760 streak #3
Chapter 9: Woah…
1760 streak #4
Chapter 9: oh man, the complication of relationship!!!
1760 streak #5
Chapter 9: it's always interesting how everyone is connected in this story!!!
1760 streak #6
Chapter 9: ohhh a foreshadow!!!!
1760 streak #7
Chapter 9: I felt that spit take yena! the drama!!
1760 streak #8
Chapter 9: ugh poor yujin....
bluejin #9
Chapter 9: ugh the angssttt
Jinjoo21 #10
Chapter 9: Thanks for the update 🙂 more updates please