Eeny Meeny

The Life of the Sixth Member

You knew how excited your first sister was when she got the news. You were with her after all. You were on your way to the cafe at SM after your lunch when she got a call from one of your managers. 


You both continued walking though you kept a listening ear to her conversation, curious as of to why your manager was calling. 

"I'm on my way to SM Cafe with Eli. Do you need me to stop by at the office or something?" 

She frowned a little and your eyes stayed on her a little longer before you had to focus back to not hit anyone walking your way. What's going on?

"Oh, okay," she said after a while, shrugging her shoulders in response. You relaxed a little knowing everything was well. 

"Bye, Oppa. Take care!" 

You looked at her. "What's up, Unnie?" 

You were almost at the building at this point so you walked a little more relaxed, not hiding your faces that much anymore. You knew fans would be able to recognise you both even with masks on, that's why you were walking carefully as to not show too much. Now that you were almost at one of the company's building, however, you relaxed a little knowing it wouldn't be such a bazaar concept that you would be seen near the company. 

Seulgi looked up at you with a carefree smile on her face, causing you to smile back at the cute expression on her face. "Oppa asked where I was and what I was doing but said nothing after I told him I was with you," she shrugged. 

You hummed in thought, knowing there was something going on behind that call. You guessed it would be a surprise for Seulgi so you stayed mum, shrugging as well to show you weren't too worried about it.

"Maybe he just misses you, Unnie. You're his favourite after all," you teased, a playful glint in your eyes and Seulgi laughed, slapping your arm in response. You were sure somebody had definitely recognised you both by now. 

"What are you talking about! His favourite is Yerim, definitely her." 

You giggled and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, bringing her closer to your figure to give her some of your warmth as you noticed her trembling fingers. "You know what, you're right. It's definitely our maknae." 

You both chuckled and continued your way, walking up the steps towards the building. 

After greeting some of the staff you saw, you both walked towards the cashier to order your favourite drinks. You settled down on a nearby table, sitting across each other when you saw him, causing your eyes to widen as you recognise his figure. You could see his eyes widened before closing slightly, his face crinkling at the sides of his eyes to show that he was smiling. 


He quickly came over and opened his arms for you, ready for you to throw yourself into his embrace. And you did just that, getting up and walking towards him to throw your arms around his shoulders as your height came close to his. Seulgi's eyes widened at the new guest as she stood up as well, ready to greet her senior.

"Eliiiiiii!" He mock-whispered your name though you could still detect the excitement in his voice. In his excitement, he slightly lifted you off your feet, which caused you to squeal and Seulgi to giggle, her mask covering the wide smile she had on. 

She loved seeing you being loved by the seniors at the company. 

Yunho squeezed you a little bit more before putting you on your feet and letting go of his warm hug, causing you to pull back from the embrace. He patted your head before turning to Seulgi with his arms up, Seulgi coming over to give him a shy smile. After all these years, Seulgi was still so shy in front of her idol. 

"How are you, Seulgi-ah?" He asked after they both parted from the shy but cute hug.

"I'm doing well, Sunbaenim. How are you?" 

Yunho laughed, "I'm doing well but how many times have I told you to call me Oppa? This one over here did it immediately," he gestured towards you and you slapped his shoulder in retaliation, causing him to lean away and laugh in response. 

"Hey, you offered and I took it!" Your mask covered the pout you had but he knew you had them on. 

Yunho just laughed, ruffling your hair again. "I know, I know. Don't pout, dongsaeng-ah." 

Your eyes turned into little crescents due to the grin on your face, which caused Seulgi's eyes to turn the same because she was smiling so wide. You're honestly too cute sometimes. 

The three of you walked back towards your table and you could feel people looking at taking pictures of your interactions. You sighed and shook your head a little, knowing your SNS would later be flooded with the pictures and speculations of what had happened that day. 

"What brought you here, Oppa?" You asked after you sat down, Yunho beside you and Seulgi across from you. 

Yunho looked at you before turning towards Seulgi, offering her a smile. "I'm actually here to discuss something with you, Seulgi." 

"Me?" She turned wide-eyed before looking at you, causing you to shrug but giving her a comforting smile nonetheless. Your masks were off at this point, as you were about to drink, and you knew everyone was being very safe so all of you felt safe to take off your masks around each other. 

"I have a song coming out and I think you would be the perfect female lead in the music video. What do you say, Seulgi-ah?" 

Seulgi gasped and her eyes were so wide in surprise that you giggled, squealing lightly in excitement for her. "Unnie! This is great news!" 

"I think you broke her, Oppa." You commented after the silence went on for a little while, the only sound that was heard was the white noise of the cafe in the background. 

The chuckle from your senior seemed to wake Seulgi from her daze as she pouted a little, nudging your feet in protest from under the table causing you to laugh out loud. 

"A-are you sure, Sunbaenim?" Seeing Yunho furrowing his eyebrows in confusion caused her eyes to widen, quickly trying to explain her question. "I'm very grateful for the opportunity! It's just... are you sure I'm right for the role? Won't Eli fit the role more?" 

You're the one who frowned this time, speaking up before Yunho could. "Hey, why am I brought into this? If Yunho-oppa thinks you're the perfect one for the role, I would trust him, Unnie. He knows his stuff." 

The man mentioned chuckled though you could see he was grateful for the compliment. "Thanks, Eli-ah," he turned towards Seulgi again. "I did consider Eli but for the storyline I was thinking, you definitely suit the concept best." 

Seulgi blushed for the compliment and you cooed, leaning closer to pinch her chubby cheek. "You're adorable, Unnie." 

"What do you say, Seulgi? Are you up for it?" 

Seulgi looked at you to see the full support you were offering in your eyes and warm smile, and she looked at her idol with her signature wide smile, determination clearly written in her eyes. "Of course, Sunbaenim. Thank you." 

Yunho lit up, clapping his hands in excitement. "This is great! The song is called Eeny Meeny and I think you'll love the plot." 


Weeks after that you were on a call with your first sister, lying on your bed comfortably. Seulgi was at her own place, yes she moved out, but all of you came around often and she visited a lot so it doesn't feel much different. You actually feel like you're a lot closer because you had to actually make effort to see or talk to each other now. It's crazy what distance can do to you. You remembered the day she called for a 'family meeting', sitting you all down in the living room to talk about the important decision she had made. 

"I want to move out." 

She tried to come up with a good introduction, she really did, but that sentence just blurted out of her and she couldn't take it back. 

She watched as her members eyes widened except Wendy and yours, which made her wonder what could possibly let you know she had been thinking about this because the only one she had talked to about this was Wendy. 

"That was sudden." Yeri piped up and Irene nodded, watching Seulgi intensely, making her squirm. 

"Unnie, why are you looking at me like that?" 

Irene looked at her for a little bit more before shrugging, leaning back against you. "I agree with Yeri, it's quite sudden. What made you want to move out now, Seulgi-ah?" 

Seulgi shrugged, looking sheepish. "Well, my room isn't the biggest and I think it's the right time for me to move out as we're moving to a new dorm as well. It's been more than seven years now, so I can move out, and I want to be able decorate my space more," she shrugged again. 

"But I'm going to miss you, Unnie~" Joy whined and Yeri followed, whining about "What about Yermseul? We're going to fall apart!" You all knew they were joking and deep down they're going to support what Seulgi wanted to do regardless, so all of you just laughed in response. 

"Yah, quit being so dramatic," you couldn't help but tease and they whined again whilst the rest of the unnies snickered, Irene slapping your arm softly. 

"I think it's about time, Seulgi-unnie," you gave your first sister your signature smile, succeeding in giving her reassurance. Your smile had always been able to provide that for her. 

"You think so?" The rest looked at you and you nodded. 

"Unnie's almost twenty-eight and it's not fair that she has the smallest space, don't you think? Unnie deserves her own space that she can be comfortable in and decorate to her heart's desires." 

Wendy agreed, giving her best friend a squeeze on the hand. "Yeah, we'll be able to visit. Right, Seul?" 

Seulgi immediately nodded furiously, causing her hair to bounce. "Of course! I'll have a spare room too so you can stay the night whenever!" 

"That actually sounds fun," Yeri piped up after a while and the rest nodded in agreement, causing Seulgi's smile to widen. 

"So it's okay?" 

Irene gave Seulgi a warm smile, looking at her with a sisterly love. "Of course, Seulgi-ah. We won't stop you from doing what you want, of course we'll support you." 

That lead to today, you on a call with her. She had given you permission to call or come whenever you felt like it and you truly felt the privilege you had. 

"When do you start filming, Unnie? Do you know yet?" 

Seulgi hummed, going around her room before eventually settling down on her bed. She looked at you through her screen. "In three days actually. I have a night filming." 

You frowned. "It's going to be so cold though. Are they sure it'll be okay?" 

Seulgi only smiled at the concern you were showing. "I'm sure Yunho-oppa and the staff will take care of me." 

"You call him Oppa now!" You lit up and she laughed at the excitement. 

"Yes, you finally convinced me to do just that," Seulgi stated and you chuckled, shaking your head in amusement. 

You fell into a comfortable silence before Seulgi broke it, an unsure look on her face. "Do you think you can come with?" 

You tilted your head in question. "I think so, I have no schedule that day. What brought this on, Unnie?" 

You knew she wouldn't have asked if there was nothing going on. She never needed you to come to her schedules before, even before your debut, so you found this particularly strange. Welcomed, sure, but strange. 

She stayed silent and shrugged, looking down and you frowned at the insecurity she was emitting. 

"Maybe you can help me, give me support, I don't know." 

You softened, looking at her warmly. "I believe in you, Unnie. So does Yunho-oppa," feeling like she was caught Seulgi looked up, wide eyes looking at you. 

"You starred in our seniors' music videos before, what makes this different?" 

Seulgi smiled sheepishly. "It just feels different, you know? There's a lot more pressure on me now, and I feel like I won't do well. I don't know." 

"I get it, Unnie. You have more weight to your name now," you answered after looking at her for a while. She looked at you and you finally understood the look that had been haunting her for the past few weeks. "I don't think that means you have to put even more pressure on you. You've always worked your best and I think if you keep doing that, trusting yourself, your knowledge and skills in the process, you'll be able to accomplish even greater things."

"We believe in you, Unnie. You should too."

Her eyes watered and before you knew it the phone was on her bed and you were looking up at her crying figure, her long hair covering her face so you wouldn't be able to see her crying. 

"Aww, Unnie. I wish I could be with you and hug you right now," you looked at her with longing in your eyes, wishing you could just walk there right now but you had a schedule in the morning, so it wouldn't be wise to go out at night and staying up late. 

"That's okay," she shakily answered after her tears had slowed down, wiping her eyes and bringing the phone back up to her face. 

"There's my beautiful Unnie," you gave her your signature warm smile and she laughed tearily, trying to give you her best smile. 

"Thank you for always being there for me, Eli-ah. You don't know how much you truly mean to me." 

You chuckled. "Now you're going to make me cry, Unnie, stop it!" 

You both laughed. "You're welcome, Unnie. It's my honour and pleasure to be your little sister, thank you for allowing me in your life." 

You gave each other loving smiles before Seulgi sobered up. "Okay, but you'll still come with me to the shooting, right?" 

"Of course, Unnie," you smiled at her. "Would it be too early if we celebrate your birthday too?" 

Seulgi laughed, disbelief painting her expression. "My birthday is still a few weeks away! Why would we celebrate it now?" 

"Well, I bet it'll be more special with Yunho-oppa being there," you winked teasingly, giggling all the while. 

Seulgi just shook her head in exasperation. "Eli, what am I going to do with you?" 

"Love me?" You smirked and she shook her head once again. Where did she find you, honestly. 

She smiled nonetheless, couldn't even deny if she wanted to. "I do. I love you, Eli-ah. Thank you." 

You smiled, eyes turning into crescents. "I love you too, Unnie. Always." 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1197 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙