What a Chill Kill

The Life of the Sixth Member

It's finally time for Red Velvet to come back with a full album, after what seems like forever. You've all been waiting for this moment and given how much you have tried to push for this to happen, you're just glad the company finally saw that your group deserved this, especially being in your tenth year. Honestly, what kind of a senior group that only has two full albums in their tenth year? 

Anyway, you're just glad your plan to manifest this actually worked. All of you had a meeting before your anniversary on what to do so you could finally have your third album, and after exhausting every option available, you just blurted out what was on your mind regardless of how ridiculous it sounded. 

"Can't we just say we're working on our album even if we aren't? Maybe the company will finally be pushed to do so," you half-joked, sighing in exasperation. You were contemplating leaving the company altogether but the chances of group activities will definitely dwindle to close to nothing. Just see your Girls' Generation seniors; they could only have a group activity once in a blue moon and that was because it was their fifteenth anniversary. You didn't want to experience that just yet. 

It was silent, which was unusual since everyone had been so vocal, so you picked your head up from where it was leaning on your arms on the table to see all your members looking at you, eyes wide in excitement. 

"Wait, seriously? We can do it?" you asked, surprised. You thought that at least Irene, being the leader that she was, wouldn't let that happen, especially because it put the company in a bad light if the truth came out. Well, they're already painting themselves in a bad light so you guessed your leader didn't care that much anymore. 

They all looked at Irene and she shrugged, though you could see the glint of mischief clearly written in her eyes. "Why not? If the company doesn't want to do it, let's do it ourselves. I know the A&R team has many songs for us already and they side with us anyway, so us saying we're working on something will definitely make them scramble and put together something lest they want to receive protest trucks again," she explained her thought process then shrugged in such as nonchalant way that you all gasped in amazement. 

"Wow, Unnie," Joy couldn't help but point it out. "We don't know you have it in you. What happened to the rule-following leader that is Bae Joohyun?" 

You all laughed but nodded nonetheless, knowing her surprise was warranted. Even you, Irene's closest member, were pleasantly surprised. Something definitely changed after her birthday. 

She shrugged again, this time looking a little shy though determined. "I'm tired of them doing nothing for us and as Red Velvet's leader, I want to fight for us louder this time," she explained as she gazed at each of her members, coming to you at last with her eyes searching for something in yours. You knew she was referring to what you had talked about before and even though she was determined, she was still a little bit unsure and was looking for your approval. 

You did not disappoint as you nodded, smiling proudly at your leader and soulmate. You knew she had struggled speaking up ever since her scandal, afraid she would paint the group in a bad light again even though you had convinced her she essentially did the right thing, so this was definitely a noticeable step towards her being even braver than before and you couldn't be prouder. 

Her smile widened as her eyes brightened at your reaction, cheeks painted in pink hues adorably. 

"Well, that settled it! When are we going to do it?" Wendy wondered out loud and Yeri just had the brightest idea. 

"What about at our anniversary live? The fans will definitely be watching then and we'll continue giving hints afterwards. That'll definitely make the company do something," she explained excitedly at the prospect of finally being able to do something about the company's lack of treatment. 

You all looked at each other while nodding furiously in agreement, though eventually looking at the leader to find out what she thought about the idea. As much as you were all adults, you all respected Irene as the leader so the final say would still be in her hands.

Irene made sure to look at each of her members once again to see the determination in their eyes before nodding firmly, causing all of you to erupt in cheers. You, who was sitting next to her, got up to embrace her happily as she laughed at her members' antics. The other members chanted, "Bae Joohyun! Bae Joohyun!" just like the fans did when she did something heroic and all of you laughed loudly. 

When the day came, nearing the end of the broadcast, all of you looked at each other with slight nervousness painting your excitement before Yeri eventually took the lead, saying "We're working on our third album!" and Joy followed suit, causing the staff behind the cameras to look shocked and you to smile triumphantly, not minding the scolding any of you might get later since you were finally taking over your futures in your hands. You talked about it a little more before eventually ending the broadcast, ready to face whatever response the company might have. The cameras did not miss the moment you held one of Irene's hands in yours for a little as you exchanged comforting smiles, her squeezing your hand in response before turning her attention back towards the camera to give the fans a big smile. No matter what happened, all of you were going to fight for that third album. 


Eventually, it happened after a lot of talk with the company and due to the recent company re-organising, a lot of things wouldn't be done properly so you took matters into your own hands with you and Joy taking over the promotion materials yourselves. You made sure that each of the members would get time to shine, even planning a few TikTok videos using the song and some of the concepts that can be done to promote the song better. 

You loved the song so much and wanted to bring it justice. Each of the members got to shine this time, with Irene being able to showcase her amazing vocals and Joy even getting the highest note in the song. You weren't left out by the producer; they wanted you to showcase your deep and powerful voice other than singing low notes and rapping, so they gave you a few lines that you usually wouldn't get but were assigned to. To say you were nervous would be an understatement. 

"Unnie," you greeted her, a nervous smile subconsciously made its way to your lips and Wendy raised an eyebrow in concern. It's not every day that you would be nervous about something and having been in the idol industry for close to 10 years now, there's nothing much you hadn't done or tried, so she was slightly taken aback. 

"Liza," she gave a reassuring smile before raising her arms as a signal. You immediately went to her side and wrapped your arms around your older sister, melting into her embrace. Moments like these reassure Wendy that your relationship would get better slowly but surely, and she's just glad that you could slowly trust her enough to ask for her help or to just simply confide in her. 

"What's wrong, honey?" Wendy cooed while rubbing your lower back. She'd try to rub your back but could only be so tall. 

You just snuggled closer, nose near her neck as you breathed in her comforting scent. 

"Remember, you have to tell us these things so we can help you," she softly reminded as she hugged you closer so you could feel her warmth. She waited patiently for you to open up as she didn't want to rush you. She was just glad that you trusted her enough to cling and lean on her like you used to. 

You heaved a sigh after a little while and Wendy straightened up in her seat a little, knowing you were about to open up. She let you lean back from the hug and let you sit on her lap like you did when you were younger. 

God, she sounded so old thinking that. 

"I just..." you began as you played with the strings of your hoodie, a sign of your nervousness. "I'm just afraid that I won't be able to sing well in this new song and I love the song so much I want to do it justice," you began to ramble. "I get some singing lines and a line that I think is high and I'm just scared I won't be able to hit it in the studio or live and I just," you huft as you looked at her with desperate eyes, "I don't want to disappoint anyone, especially myself." 

There it was, Wendy thought. You had such high standards for yourself, which could be good but could also be a double-ended sword and this was one of those cases. 

"Why do you think you'll disappoint yourself?" Wendy asked further, wanting to let you let it all out. 

You shrugged. "I haven't sung that high in a while. What if I embarrass myself while recording and the staff think I shouldn't be a singer if I can't sing?" you asked quietly at the end and Wendy could only shake her head in loving exasperation. Times like these made her hate that you have such an overthinking mind, though she knew you had gotten better.

Your loving older sister your cheek softly, causing you to close your eyes and lean into her touch. Wendy smiled softly at your display of affection. 

"Liza, you've been a singer for more than a decade now. You're here for a reason. I know you're nervous since you don't get this kind of opportunity enough but I know you can do it. You've done it before and I know you've been taking vocal lessons again, right?" she chuckled at your surprised expression, not expecting her to find out. "Then you have little to worry about. I tell you what," Wendy looked into your eyes as she took your hands in hers. "How about I be there when you record? Would that make you more comfortable?" 

You widened your eyes at her offer, almost agreeing immediately though one fact made you hesitate. "I really appreciate the offer, Unnie, but don't you have Rebecca to perform? I know your schedule is super busy these days, I don't want to disturb that. I can do it," you nodded as you tried to convince her (and maybe yourself as well). You would love to have her there as your vocal coach per se, but you didn't want to make her feel like she had to since you knew how packed her schedules were. 

That got Wendy thinking. Yes, she'd love to help you and be there for you but she had to be realistic as well. It was quiet for a little before she perked up, eyes slightly widening in excitement.

"I'll make sure our schedule is near each other. Let me talk to the managers and the producer, I bet they won't deny my request. Would you like that?"

Hearing the question and the solution made you nod rapidly, causing Wendy to laugh. You looked so much like your younger self that Wendy couldn't help but look at you with such adoration it almost caused you to blush.

"I believe in you, Liza, you should believe in your abilities as well. You got here because of your talents, remember that," Wendy reminded softly but firmly, making sure you knew she was being serious.

You sighed but nodded in agreement, promising yourself that you'd be more confident and trusting in your ability.

Wendy suddenly giggled, causing you to tilt your head in slight confusion. "You're just like your soulmate I swear. So talented yet so blind at your talent," she smirked.

"Hey!" you protested. "You were like this too, you know?" you got up from her lap to get away from her slap.

"Yah! Get back here!" She then proceeded to chase you around the kitchen with you laughing loudly at everything. Irene, who was peacefully ironing her clothes in her room, had to come out to figure out what all the noise came from.


The day of the recording came and you arrived at your recording session earlier than usual, wanting to be there for Wendy's recording as well so you could observe your older sister. It's been a while since you've been there for each other's recording for a group album, so it definitely brought back some memories. 

You entered quietly, not wanting to disturb your older sister who was working hard, and sat down on the plush sofa after greeting everyone there. You took out your own recording sheet and you listened to how your older sister sang her high notes, taking your notes. You could feel your heart beating faster as the time for your recording came closer but aside from your nervousness, there was excitement there too. Watching Wendy both made you nervous but also reassured you; she detailed the techniques that she had to use for certain parts and you took notes of that, wanting to try it out for your recording when it comes to your high notes. You might not be able to sing as great or as high as her but you sure as hell would use the right techniques. 

Wendy finally finished her recording and when she went out of the booth, she was surprised to see you already there, greeting her with a big albeit nervous smile on your lips. She beamed at the adorable sight. 

"Liza!" she ran towards you and you stood up just in time to wrap her much smaller body in your warm embrace, making her melt.

"Hi, Wan-unnie. You sounded amazing." Your compliment was slightly muffled but it melted her all the same. 

She giggled cutely before pulling back from the hug to look up at you. "Thank you, sweetheart. What are you doing here so early?" 

You hummed as you shrugged, trying to hide the nervousness that was surfacing as minutes passed by. "I just thought I got to observe you doing all those high notes and can take notes for my own session." 

Wendy knew you were trying to sound confident, and she applauded you for the effort, but she definitely could see right through it.

She smiled softly as she cupped your cheeks in her much smaller hands, causing you to lean forward and melt into her touch. Her smile widened at the adorable act. 

"Liza, you don't have to be so nervous. I know you're not used to singing too many high notes anymore but you've done it before and can definitely do it again, especially with those singing lessons you've been taking," she reminded and you looked down a little sheepishly. 

"Just be yourself and do your best, alright? The results will follow, I believe in you." She ended her speech and let you soak it in a little before softly pinching your cheek, causing you to pout cutely. 

You let go of a pretty big sigh but nodded all the same. "Alright, Unnie, thank you. I've been hearing the same thing from Hyun-unnie but hearing it from you makes it even more believable, if you know what I mean." 

Wendy fully laughed out loud this time, slapping your arm a little. "Yah, are you saying Joohyun-unnie was lying to you?!"

Your eyes widened at your wrong choice of words, shaking your head vehemently while saying, "No, no, no, that's not what I'm saying!" only for Wendy to laugh even harder along with the staff who couldn't help but listen to the last bits of the conversation. 

"I'm telling her this!" 

Only horror could be seen from your face. "Unnie, don't you dare!" you shouted as you put your arms around your menace of an older sister, trying to playfully wrangle her in. You made sure to watch your strength though even if you knew she could take it, she's just so small. 

"Yah, Unnie!" 

After the playful roughhousing, you both settled down to listen to her recording to make sure the main vocalist was satisfied before the producer called you into the booth. You took a deep breath before taking your jacket and shoes off, getting comfortable so you could record to the best of your ability. You looked a little comical in your oversized hoodie and sweatpants, along with your feet only covered by socks, so Wendy had to take a picture to send to the group chat later. 

"Liza, fighting! You can do this! I'll help from here when you need me, alright?" Despite the playfulness, Wendy wanted to make sure you knew that she was there for you. 

You looked back before entering the booth and gave you a soft smile, eyes turning into little crescents and Wendy was definitely blown away by your beauty. 

"Thank you, Wan-unnie. You're the best." 

For the next few hours, you proceeded to record your parts along with the low adlibs, making sure you tried your best and listened to the advice given to you. At some point, Wendy just got up and sat next to the producer to give you helpful advice and insight whenever she saw you struggling. This got her thinking that maybe group recording sessions should be done more even though Red Velvet is well into their ten-year career. 

In the end, you managed to be satisfied with what you have recorded that you engulfed your angel of an older sister in a warm hug, causing her to yelp at the suddenness. 

"Yah," she slapped your back playfully as her muffled voice made its way to your ears. 

You only hugged her tighter. "Thank you for being here, Unnie. I feel so much more comfortable and confident singing with you being here." 

Wendy couldn't help but coo at the cuteness and just returned your hug as she melted into your embrace. "It was my honour, Liza. I'm glad I can be here to really witness your growth and how much stronger you sound now. I'm so proud of you." 

When the fans watched the recording behind, they couldn't help but be touched by the bond the two of you have and how hard you have worked to give your best. It was definitely a really memorable comeback for the group and Luvies, and you couldn't wait to see what your future would be like as a singer in a legendary group that's been around for a decade. 

You would make sure only great things would come out of it. 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1188 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙