The Most Special Christmas

The Life of the Sixth Member

"What are your plans for Christmas and New Year's?" your mother asked over the video call as makeup-ssaem put the final touches on your face, getting you ready for your stage performance. You were currently backstage at one of the music shows for your recent comeback and were getting bored, so you texted your mother to see what she was doing and turned out she was free, so you decided to do a video call. 

"Hmm," you hummed in thought, "I don't think we're attending any end-of-year award shows this year since everyone's schedules don't align, so probably just staying at home," you heaved a sigh at the thought of spending Christmas and New Year's by yourself.

Your mother looked at you as if deep in thought. "Is Joohyunnie free too?" 

You shook your head with a sad pout, already picturing how lonely it would be this year. You've been spending the holidays with your members, if not all of them, for the past few years so you felt like you've been spoilt. This year, it's just you.

"No, she has schedules in preparation for next year as well. She'll probably go home between them," you smiled at your mother, trying not to convey your sadness too much. You didn't want to worry your parents no matter how much you wanted someone to spend the holidays with you.

Your mother looked concerned. "I'm so sorry you'll be alone, sweetheart. Are there no other friends that can spend it with you? Chaeyoung? Lisa?" 

"No, I wouldn't do that to them," you chuckled good-naturedly, "they always spend it with their families and they're on tour anyways, so they won't be here." 

It's silent for a little bit before you broke it, the words coming out of your mouth before you can stop them. "Can't you and Dad come here this year?" 

"I don't think so, honey, I'm sorry," the expected reply made you sigh in understanding, "we would love to but the end-of-year is always so hectic and we'll probably finish everything by Christmas Eve and that would be too late. I'm so sorry." 

You smiled your sadness away, already expecting the answer anyway. You figured you'd try but since the answer is always the same, maybe it was time to stop trying. 

"It's okay, Eomma, I understand. It's not going to be my first Christmas by myself anyway, I'll be fine," you nodded as if trying to convince yourself, looking away from your mother to look at the mirror in front of you, catching the sympathetic look Ssaem was giving you. 

You smiled at her too and before any of them could reply, Irene's soft voice could be heard from the other side of the room. "El?" 

"Yes, Unnie?" You diverted your attention towards the leader, watching as she walked towards your direction with a smile. 

"Wanna say hi to Eomma?" you piped up when she got to your side, turning back to get the phone that was leaning on the mirror to bring your mother closer to your soulmate. 

Irene's eyes widened in surprise. "Eomma!" 

"My Joohyunnie!" your mother greeted lovingly, "how have you been, sweetheart? Getting enough rest?" 

That conversation was forgotten as both of you talked to your mother before the other members joined in the conversation. Well, maybe you can spend time with yourself this holiday season. That wouldn't be too bad, right?


The past year had been hectic for everyone, more so Wendy and Joy who had fixed spots at their MC and DJ positions, so group schedules have to be planned around them. This year, everyone's schedules were all over the place, so this year's Christmas and New Year's won't be spent as a group but individually, though you planned to have a group Christmas dinner either before or after the day, just like you do every year. 

This time, however, you were up for a surprise. Not that you were aware of it just yet. 

Irene was on the way to her schedule when her phone rang, startling her in the process though the name that popped up surprised her even more. 

"Hello, Eomma," she greeted politely, though confusion was quite evident in her tone. 

Your mother smiled at the soft voice greeting her. "Hello, Joohyun-ah, is this a good time to talk for a little bit?" 

"Of course," Irene subconsciously nodded, "I'm on my way to my schedule but it'll take a while to get there. Is something the matter?" 

Your mother hummed in thought before continuing on her quest. "I heard from Eli that she's going to be spending Christmas and New Year's by herself since there will be no group schedules and all of you have different schedules. Is that correct?" 

Hearing the question out loud made Irene frown in sadness and guilt for not being able to spend the holidays with you this time around. "Yes, that's true. I, myself, have tried to change things around so at least I'll be there for Christmas or Eli can come with me but unfortunately, it's not happening. I can try to bring her with me for New Year's though, that should work..." Irene trailed off as she thought of the possibilities but the older woman's chuckles brought her out of the trail of thought she had fallen into. 

"You're such a good leader, it's always relieving to know that my baby is constantly surrounded by good people that love her," Irene was touched by the compliment, "Eli's dad and I are actually thinking of surprising her for Christmas. I know we haven't been around much for the past few years and as we grew older, we really wanted to spend more time with her just like Seungwan's parents that manage to spend time with her more these days.

"So, we're going back to Korea this year!" 

Irene gasped in surprise at the words, leaning forward in her seat as her manager watched with wide eyes. It's not often that Irene would be that surprised over phone calls. "Really? You'll really come this year?" Irene's voice grew louder as she asked in astonishment. 

Your mother laughed loudly but nodded nonetheless. "Yes, we're really coming! That's why I called you because we need help in surprising her." 

Irene squealed in happiness. She's excited for you, she knew how much you've missed your parents over the years and not being able to go home that often was starting to make you feel restless. 

"I'm definitely in, I can get the other members in on it too if you'd like. It's only me, Seungwan and Eli at the dorms these days though Joy sometimes stays over too when she's not too busy."

Your mother grinned in excitement. "That's great! So I was thinking ..."


It was nearing Christmas and as much as you wanted to feel festive, celebrating it by yourself sounded a little lonely if you were being quite honest. Irene would be back home with her family after her schedule and so would the rest of the group. Irene wanted to have you with her too but you understood her schedule wouldn't allow her to and it's the same with the others. Wendy would be spending it with her parents and had offered to have you there with her too but you declined, knowing that Christmas was a special holiday and they should spend it as a family. No matter how close you were to your members' parents, it just felt wrong to intrude on such a family holiday. 

What you didn't know, though, your parents would be on their way to Korea a few days before Christmas but they had made it seem like they'd be working all week and would call you the day of. 

"Make sure to eat and get enough rest, alright, Eomma? I don't want you and Appa to get sick," you subconsciously pouted at the thought of them practically spending the holidays at the office. Your parents were in the shipping industry in Australia and the holidays were the busiest time of the year. 

Your mother's eyes held an unknown glint that quickly went away before you could decipher it, already turning to the warm and loving gaze she usually had on. 

"Yes, honey, you should too. I know it's not fun to spend Christmas by yourself but let's video call and your presents should've arrived already, right?" 

You nodded with a smile on your face. "Yes, Mum, they're here. They're huge! You know you don't have to give me anything, I have everything already." 

She smiled that motherly smile and before she could reply, your dad got into view, causing you to perk up. "We know, sweetheart, but you're our daughter and we want to spoil you even if we can't be physically there with you. We're sorry, Eli-ah," your dad apologised again and you chuckled, shaking your head in response. 

"It's okay, Eomma, Appa, I understand," you smiled genuinely, knowing that your parents would spend time with you if they could, "we can spend some other holidays together! Maybe you guys can come to next year's Chuseok...?" you trailed off in a questioning tone whilst chastising yourself in your mind for hoping again. 

Your parents exchanged meaningful looks before turning towards you again. "We'll let you know, honey. Have a great Christmas and send us pictures! I heard from Hyunnie that you're going to Daegu for New Year's?" 

You nodded excitedly before she even finished the question, causing them both to laugh at the childish glint in your eyes. "Yes, that's the plan!" 

"Alright, we'll talk to you at Christmas then, bye!" 

"Bye, Eomma, Appa!" 

You had just turned off the call when Irene came out of her room rubbing her eyes, still in a sleepy daze. 

"Who were you talking to?" she mumbled as she wrapped her arms around your waist and her face near your chest, snuggling closer to your warmth. She could feel the vibration of your chuckles as you put away your phone to embrace her fully. 

"Eomma and Appa. We're talking about our plans for Christmas or lack thereof." 

The leader pulled back from the hug and looked up at you, bare-faced beauty in all of its glory. You couldn't help but her cheek softly. 

"I'm sorry you'll be spending it here by yourself... are you sure you don't want to come with me or Seungwan? I know she had offered but you declined it. Why?" she pouted and you chuckled lowly, giving the cheek you were a playful poke. 

"I don't know, Unnie, Christmas seems like that one holiday that you should spend with family and I don't want to intrude," you shrugged cooly. 

"But you're family too!" Irene's answer made you coo as you looked at her with all the love she deserves. 

"I know but it's different. I'll be okay, Unnie. I'm spending New Year's with you and your family, remember? It's only a week before we see each other again!" 

She conceded but silently congratulated herself for being such a good actress. She's technically not lying, she's just not telling you the whole truth. 

"By the way, there'll be a package for me arriving on Christmas morning, would you mind receiving it? It's something I ordered like a month ago but it said it should be here on Christmas." 

You furrowed your brows in confusion. A package on Christmas? Surely everyone's celebrating. "Are you sure the website says December 25, Unnie? I thought everyone would be celebrating, even the delivery men. It's a national holiday!" 

She acted concerned and confused, though all she wanted to do was giggle at how cute you looked. "I swear that's what it says... I'll check again but just in case it really is coming, do you mind? It should be here in the morning so you can still spend the rest of the day however you want to." 

Your gaze soften as you smiled at her. "Of course, Unnie. I honestly don't have anything planned yet so you're good."

"Thank you!" she chirped adorably before tiptoeing to plant a soft kiss on your cheek, causing your smile to widen. Your soulmate was surely the cutest 31-year-old out there. 

"You're the cutest I swear." 


Christmas morning came around and after waking up and replying to members' messages on the group chat and texts from your managers and friends, you started the morning by showering and getting ready before settling down in front of the small Christmas tree in the living room. You the TV for some sound and were beginning to open one of your presents before the doorbell rang. Remembering Irene's package that she had told you about, you immediately ran towards the door. 

"Yes?" you had asked the moment you opened the door before fully comprehending what you were seeing. It was your parents, big smiles on their faces and a beautiful bouquet filled with blue flowers in your mother's hands. 

"Merry Christmas!" they both greeted and your eyes widened as tears involuntarily made their way to your eyes. 

"Wait, what?" you breathed out as if still trying to digest what was really in front of you, "no way," you tearily said as happy tears made their way down your cheeks and your parents immediately cooed before hugging you. 

"It's really us, Eli, we're here. Surprise!" You just wrapped your arms around them both tightly as you closed your eyes in bliss. You felt like flying. 

"Oh my God, I'm so happy you're here. Thank you," you cried to your parents for the first time in years, in their embrace. 

You really couldn't ask for a better Christmas. 

"Wait, does Joohyun-unnie know? Was she lying to me?!" you couldn't help but ask and they laughed while pulling back from the hug with big smiles on their faces. 

"I had to ask for her help in pulling this off. She wasn't lying about New Year's though, she did ask if we would come along as well and we agreed," this information elated you even more, "so we'll be spending the New Year's with her family in Daegu!" 

"Yessss this is what I've been waiting for! Oh my God, I'm so happy. Please come in!" you stepped back to allow them into the dorm as you took the bouquet from your mother, "and thank you for this beautiful arrangement. It's a good thing you still remember my favourite colour," you couldn't help but tease your parents. 

That immediately sparked protests from your parents and you only laughed in response, your heart and body feeling much lighter. 

You really couldn't ask for a better Christmas. New Year's going to be a blast, you were sure of it. 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1197 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙