Together (Wheesa)

Mamamoo Stories and Adventures

The soft wind gently caressing her face felt good after a long day spent screaming to the beat of their favorite songs, the both of them banging their heads and awkwardly wiggling around as much as the cramped seatings of the car would let them. It had felt like they were in an oven, rolling down all the windows doing absolutely nothing to ease the heat and by the time the car had stopped rolling, they were both sitting in a puddle of their own sweat.

Wheein smiled at the thought, remembering Hyejin's face when the car had started stuttering, overheated and tired. They had barely managed to park on the side of the road before the engine finally shut down with a whizzing sound, the younger girl cursing under her breath as her best friend started to laugh in the passenger seat, still somehow finding the situation humorous. It's not like these kind of problems were entirely avoidable, especially not when you were three weeks into a road trip around the country, in the summer heat, driving your father's old van. Wheein would even go so far as to call the thing ancient, but Hyejin kept insisting that it was doing the job just fine.

Well, at least until this moment.

Still, Wheein wasn't complaining. The highway they were rolling down on was very close to the edge of a cliff, overlooking a small wooded area surrounded by crowning mountains, the only sign of human civilization for miles around being the asphalt they were standing on. Everything was quiet, the breeze doing all the talking as the girl sat on the roof of the van, feet dangling against the side of the car and eyes looking out onto the beautiful scenery sprawled before her. A lazy mist had started to settle as the cool night air began to seep into the mountainous area, smoking out anything below the towering peaks tearing at the horizon.

Fiery colors of reds and oranges painted the sky in messy brushstrokes, pinks and purples softening the gradient as the sun lazily drifted down the colorful backdrop to lay behind the rocky giants, the light of day dimming slowly as minutes passed. Wheein could've pulled out her phone, snapped a picture of Mother Nature's artistry, but she decided against it. If this spontaneous and delusional trip had thought her anything so far, it was to live in the moment, and she was too content with the sight right now to worry about admiring it through a screen later.

The loud clack of the van's hood getting closed shut suddenly pulled Wheein out of her contemplation, the girl turning her head from the view to find her best friend wiping grime off of her hands on an oily rag stuck in the utility belt she had pulled out about an hour prior. Hyejin's shirt had been discarded some time ago, short orange hair pulled up in a messy pony tail as she stood there in her jean shorts and sports bra. Her tanned skin was covered in a thin layer of sweat, tiny droplets catching the fading light as she moved, making her look like she was glowing. 

Wheein smiled softly, watching her unashamedly as she finished cleaning her hands with a bit of water from their bottle, drinking the rest in big, long gulps, straining her neck as she tilted her head back to empty the bottom. There was something effortlessly y about Hyejin, something that made Wheein's breath itch whenever she marveled at the sight of her best friend and her chest hurt when they were close. Something that made her nervous, confused, excited and happy all at the same time.

The girl didn't know when their relationship had started shifting, when she'd started looking at her friend with a different glint in her eyes, but she remembered the moment when it had taken a turn very vividly.

They were both around eighteen years old, the night before Hyejin could officially bare that number as a legitimate label. They were huddled up together on the cheep leather couch inhabiting the younger girl's parents' basement, the both of them waiting anxiously for the clock to strike twelve so they could officially start celebrating the girl's birthday party, empty beer bottles slowly piling up on the floor beside them. Hyejin had insisted for it to be just the two of them together, pretending she had no other plans when Wheein had inquired about any potential partying. The latter knew her friend was quite popular, her charisma pulling people in effortlessly and so, she was certain the younger must've gotten invited to at least a dozen outings to celebrate. She felt a little guilty that Hyejin had turned all of them down just to spend time with her, but she was also unbelievably happy and maybe even a little smug. She wasn't the biggest social butterfly and the fact that the younger had chosen her over the rest of her friend circle had Wheein over the moon with joy.

Plus, any alone time with Hyejin had been quite the adventure recently.

Wheein had started catching herself staring at her friend a couple of times in the past few months. She didn't think anything of it at first, but when she had noticed how often her eyes would wonder, where they would wonder and the thoughts slowly starting to assault her mind as they did, she began to worry. Worry turned to realization, realization to denial and denial to acceptance, but Wheein swore never to act on her newfound feelings. Their friendship was too precious for her to risk it for some dumb crush.

But Hyejin never made things easy for her. Curvy body naturally moving in ways that had Wheein's mouth watering, fierce eyes catching hers, holding her stare without ever flinching, annoying smirk plastered on pouty lips and touch lingering longer than it had to, drifting to areas Wheein would consider far outside of friendship's boundaries. The list went on and it drove her crazy, especially when there was nothing she could do about the fluttering in her stomach but grit her teeth and bare it with a smile.

Everything was amplified tenfolds when they were alone, making it even harder to restrain her invasive thoughts. If Wheein had half a brain cell, she would confront Hyejin about it, ask her to stop, if only to spare her the torturous contemplating, infuriating ual frustration as well as the guilt she would feel every time something mildly inappropriate would cross her mind. But Wheein was Wheein and Wheein loved to torture herself, so when Hyejin had told her it would be the two of them that night, she accepted without a second thought.

When the digital clock above the tv had displayed the number 12:00, the two girls had hugged, laughing maniacally. Wheein had congratulated her friend, laying a quick kiss on her cheek. She hadn't meant anything by it, just a sweet gesture from a friend to a friend, but when she had suddenly felt Hyejin lips against her own barely a second later, the latter confidently moving to straddle her thighs, she didn't try to fight it, didn't even second guess herself, and kissed her back readily.

They had both grown a lot since then, becoming surer about who they were as individuals, embracing their uality as well their relationship for all that it was and three years later, they were out to their families, announcing the news before packing their bags and suddenly leaving on an impromptu road trip, stuffing what they'd need in the van Hyejin had inherited from her dad. 

Everyone had called them crazy. They had pulled their small economies together and refused the money their parents had offered to help because this was their trip, their experience, and they wanted to do it together on their own. It might have been a little childish, but it was the first time either of them was entirely free, nothing to worry about except where to eat that would be cheapest and were to go the next day. 

It was freeing. New. Exciting. And the fact that they were doing it together made everything even better.

Hyejin stretched her back one last time, rising her arms behind her head before letting go with a defeated sight, opening the car door and using the border as purchase for her foot before heaving herself on the roof next to Wheein. She hissed slightly when the cooling metal made contact with her thighs, wiggling closer to her partner before burying her face in her neck, hiding her frustration behind the latter's hair. 

Wheein chuckled softly at the small pout resting on her friends lips, hand moving to poke at her pinkish cheek until Hyejin swatted her away with a grunt, trying to send her an annoyed look only for it to melt into a fond smile at the sight of Wheein's laughing face. She pulled the eldest closer, laying a quick peck on her lips whilst ignoring her complaints about Hyejin being sweaty.

"I take it we'll be camping out." Wheein stated as she pulled back, her breaths coming out slightly shorter than before.

"You can say that again," Hyejin sighed, nervously scratching at the back of her neck, "The engine isn't damaged at least, but the coolant was leaking, so the whole thing overheated. I don't think I can fix it myself in the middle of nowhere."

"I see," Wheein acknowledged quietly, gaze going back to the scenery in front of them, only a sliver of sun still visible above the horizon. They sat in silence for a little while, the younger starting to shiver slightly from the cooling air. Wheein noticed, promptly untying the flannel sitting around her waist. She helped the other into it, smiling brightly when she received a grateful kiss, Hyejin's head settling back on her shoulder, bodies pressing closer. 

Wheein felt the way their body heat mingled, warding off the cold and keeping them warm as the air around them kept chilling slowly. She also felt Hyejin's arm moving to loop around her waist, hand dragging across her back before loosely settling on her hip. The eldest wasted no time lacing her fingers through the other's with a smile, squeezing her hand briefly and giggling when she felt her squeezing back. Her eyes met Hyejin's adoring gaze, a small smile stretching the younger's beautiful lips. She noticed how the deep shade she had reapplied earlier was wearing off a little bit. 

They stayed like that for a while, content with just being close to one another, breathing each other's air and sharing their warmth until Wheein quietly broke the stretching silence, voice barely above a whisper as she breathed, "So now what?"

"We can figure it out tomorrow," Hyejin sighed after a beat, voice nearly as quiet as her friend's, "There's not much we can do in the dark anyway."

Stars were beginning to emerge, shiny dots piercing through the fading colors of the sunset, speckling the sky with their silvery light. The proud mountains were nothing more than silhouettes now, edges blurring as darkness slowly took over the world, soon making it nearly impossible to see anything at all. Wheein tried to distinguish the shapes of the trees she knew to be standing tall beneath their feet, remembering the thick wooded forest, wondering what might be going on in its depths, if the starlight was enough to pierce the thick roofing of branches and leaves.

She suddenly felt Hyejin's lips on her neck, the touch pulling her wondering mind back on the both of them, a small shiver running down her spine, wandering hand gently squeezing her thigh. She turned to her partner, peaceful features now too obscured for her to be able to read them clearly. Still, she saw the playful glint flash through the younger's eyes and she grinned amusedly, cocking her head to the side.

Hyejin took it as her cue, predatory smirk stretching her lips as she agilely slid down the roof and onto the ground, offering her hand for Wheein to grab onto as she did the same before opening the door to the backseat. She unceremoniously shoved her friend inside the vehicle, the latter laughing loudly as Hyejin moved to follow, shutting the door and locking everything before their lips crashed with passion once again.

Leaving home on a spontaneous road trip might have been crazy, especially when you were stuck in the middle of nowhere with a broken down vehicle. Still, even if there was to be a million things standing in their way, they knew that they could keep going.

Because they were together and together, they were unstoppable.

Besides, it had a lot of perks too.




I hope you enjoyed this little chapter :3
I can't say it's the best, but at least it's something and with Wheein's birthday now past and Hyejin's coming up, I thought it was time for some fluffy Wheesa XD 
Thank you so much for reading and have a great continuation!




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Chapter 14: seriously why, aaaaaaaaah your story you pay for the therapy (╥﹏╥)
Chapter 5: what I did to you to make me suffer, because it is so sadly beautiful, God why, wow you did well author good job
chickenbbq #3
Chapter 17: this chapter.... how timely haha
chickenbbq #4
Chapter 2: awwwwwwWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
Chapter 18: aaaaa hwasun <3 than you !!
Radishbr97 #6
Chapter 4: I really enjoyed this chapter. Great development of a relationship.
Taitai84 1233 streak #7
Chapter 17: So sad to be resigned to just take whatever little the other can give…
Chapter 18: I love it❤️❤️❤️🥺
Chapter 17: welcome back 😭 thank u for this author-nim 😗
Frozen_J #10
Daaaaaaaaaaamnn....dats hot but i wish u can make soft wheesun & hwabyul too hehehe