The road to us (Moonsun)

Mamamoo Stories and Adventures

Just a quick heads up before you read
This is mostly an experimental chapter which covers the story of a relationship exclusively through some of the text messages they exchange, so there won't be any direct narration of emotion or the events outside of what they mention in texts and therefore will be extremely subjective. This might be a terrible idea, but at least I had fun writing it :D
Also, I advise you read the dates and hours before each exchanges so as not to get confused



Mon, Sep 3, 9:31 PM

Hello there, Yongsun-ssi~~~

Who is this?

It is me, the wonderful Moon Byulyi!


Wow, now I'm hurt XD
I'm the girl from your philosophy class, remember?

Oh, yeah!
Sorry, I completely forgot we got paired together XDDD 

Did I really make this little of an impression on you?

No, no, don't worry, I'm just forgetful
Please don't be sad XD 

I'm kidding, it's okay XD 

How did you get my number?

I have my ways ;)

Now that just earned you some extra creepy points...
But seriously though, who dared betray my trust like that?

We are common friends of Wheein
I just bribed her into giving it up XD 

That little rascal...

Anyway, I was thinking we should meet up at school tomorrow to discuss the project
Better get a head start cause I'm gonna be pretty busy later this session
That's cool with you?

Yeah :3
We can meet for lunch if your schedule allows it

Yep, that's good :)
11:30 at the cafeteria?

Sounds like a plan

See you then ;)

Sun, Sep 9, 1:08 PM

Hello, Yongsun-ssi
I just finished the plan for my part of the project and I was wondering if you were done with yours so we can compare and make sure everything fits

Yes, I'm done
It would be easier to meet up to finalize the plan
That way there are no misunderstandings

Alright, when are you free?

Would meeting up right now be okay with you?

I had plans, but I guess I can make room for you ;)

Pfff, as if
You're pretty greasy, I'll give you that

It's a talent very few can appreciate XD
Where do you wanna meet?

You know that cafe a few streets down from our school?
The Hollywood themed one

Oh yeah! I've never been, but it looks really cool!
They have free wifi there I think

Yeah they do
We can meet there if you'd like
Their grilled cheeses are amazing

I'll take your word for it XD 
See you there at 2?

Sounds good
See you there :)


Sat, Oct 6, 10:42 AM

Good morning, Yongsun-ssi~

Good morning, Byulyi-ssi
What's up?

Well, since we've known each other for over a month now and haven't talked for at least two weeks, I decided it was time to make a move and try to get you to be my friend XD 

That's not true, we say hello and goodbye when we cross paths in school!

Ha ha, very funny
But seriously, I want to try and be your friend


Why not? 
You're a great person! So kind and smart and funny...
And you're pretty cute so that's a cool bonus ;)

Here you go with your grease again XD 
Is that your thing or...

I am famous for my greasiness~

Is that so
Well then, what are your friendship plans, miss Moon?

I was thinking we should start by hanging out and do something other than school work
Like an activity or something
Or we could just be couch potatoes
Whichever you prefer

There's this really cool movie coming out next Saturday
It's about this dude with superpowers who has to hide them from the world, but all the secrecy slowly eats away at his sanity until he goes insane
Would you like to go together?

This sounds... Interesting...

Why? You don't like it?

No, it sounds great!
I just thought you wouldn't be the type of person to enjoy these kind of movies XD

I love psychological thrillers 
They're by far my favorite genre

Well then, I'd be honored to tag along with you on your adventures!

Perfect XD 
There's a screening at 2:30 next Sunday, so we could meet up early and get lunch together if you want

Sounds like a great plan to me :D
Where do you wanna meet?

The McDonalds near school at 12:30?
It's pretty close to the theater

You sure do like to meet near our school, don't you?

Well, I don't know where you live so I'm assuming school isn't too far from your place

I live fifteen minutes away from it, actually XD 
So you're pretty spot on

See! Told you XD 

Yeah XD 
So McDonalds at 12:30 next Sunday?

Yep :3
I'll see you then

See you :D

Tue, Oct 9, 8:16 PM

Hey, Yongsun-ssi
Whatcha up to?

Hello, Byulyi
Nothing much, just reading

Bugging you during your reading time apparently XD

No, no, you're not 
I was getting bored of it anyway 
What's up?

Well, I know we've got our movie hangout on Sunday, but I was wondering if you wanted to join me for lunch tomorrow?

Oh, okay XD 
Why tomorrow specifically?

Do I need a reason to want to spend time with you?

Not really
I was just curious XD 

I see XD 
When do your morning classes finish?

Around 11:00

I finish at 11:30
Do you wanna meet at the cafeteria after my class?

Sure thing!

Great :D
I'll see you then ;)

See you XD 

Sat, Oct 20, 9:55 AM

Well hello, Yongsun unnie~~~
How are you doing today?

I'm doing great, thank you XD 

Well that's a pity, because I'm about to make your life miserable...

Why? What's wrong??

Remember that document we worked really hard on, the other day?


Well, last night, my computer crashed and deleted a couple of files, including that one...

You have got to be kidding me!!!
This is a joke right?!

I'm really sorry...

We worked on it for hours!

I know, I'm sorry...

It's not your fault, Byul-ah
Don't be sorry

Still, I should've backed the file somewhere, now we have to start over...

You couldn't have known
Technology really sometimes


Did you loose anything important besides that?

Not really
Just a couple of my older school projects I had already handed in and a few music files, but otherwise, nothing much

You make music?

Sometimes, yeah 
It calms me down
Takes my mind off things

You should show me your stuff sometimes :3
I'd love to hear it

It's nothing great, really...

Still, it's yours so I wanna see it :D

Fine, maybe one day
But going back to the project, what do you wanna do about it?

Well I still have the unedited copy for some of my parts
So we can at least recycle those, but otherwise, I think we're going to have to start from scratch

Okay, well that's good at least 
I vaguely remember what I wrote too so I'll go ahead and start rewriting it

Okay, good luck :3

Thanks ;-;

Text me when you're done do we can meet up and patch everything up again

I'll try to get it done for tomorrow, but no promises

Byulyi fighting!


Mon, Oct 29, 5:27 PM

Hey, unnie!
I know Wednesday is like, the worse possible day for Halloween, but me and a few of my friends are still doing a low key hangout at my place
Would you like to join us?

I would love to!
But wouldn't it be awkward if I just showed up?
I don't know any of your friends, except for Wheein...

Nah, it's cool
I've been talking about you a lot and they're all dying to meet you!

Really? You've been talking about me?

Well, yeah!
You're my friend too now
Plus I really like you so...

Wow, I'm truly touched

No need for sarcasm, unnie XD 

No, really
It makes me really happy
I don't have a lot of friends, so it's nice to see that you like me that much

Awwww, you're so cute ^^

Not >\\\<

Yes you are  <3
But seriously, it's cool
I'm sure everyone will like you just as much

Okay then :3
What time?

6:30 to 11:30-ish, since we have classes the next day, but no pressure
You have to wear a costume though


Cause it's Halloween XD 
Don't worry, everyone will be dressed up too



Okay, okay...
But just because it's you...

Yay :D

You might hate to admit it, but you can be pretty cute too, sometimes :3

Shut up, that my line ;)

Greasy Byul strikes again!
And here I thought I could finally gain the upper hand...

Never!! XDDD
So I'll see you on Wednesday?

Yep :3
See you on Wednesday

Thu, Nov 1, 00:23 AM

Hey, unnie
Are you okay?

Not now, Byulyi
I'll text you later

I'm sorry

Sun, Nov 4, 2:36 PM

Hey, unnie
I don't mean to bother you, but you haven't texted me like you promised and since I didn't see you at school, I was starting to get worried so...
Are you feeling any better?

I'm sorry, Byul, I didn't mean to worry you
I just needed time for myself 

I should be the one apologizing...
I'm really really sorry about what happened at the party

Don't apologize
It's not your fault that guy was a

But he's my friend! I should've known he was that kind of guy!

It's not your fault, Byulyi
He was drunk, everyone was, and the whole thing just escalated
There's nothing more to it
Stop blaming yourself

Still, it happened at my house, at a party I invited you to
Even if I had nothing to do with it, I still feel like I messed up somehow

You didn't, I promise

Are you really okay?

Yeah, I am

I somehow don't really believe you...

I'm fine, really
Everything is just kind of a mess right now

Is that why you skipped school two days in a row?

You could say that

It's not just about what happened at the party, is it?


What happened?

It's complicated...
I don't really want to talk about it

Where are you?


Your personal hugging squad is asking permission to come over to comfort you with cuddles, a fuzzy blanked and some hot cocoa, no questions asked and no gloom allowed 

Permission granted

Sat, Dec 22, 7:58 AM

Happy birthday, Byul!!!

Thanks unnie XD 
But did you really have to wake me up at 8 in the morning on a Saturday?

I wanted to make sure I caught you before you went to your parent's for your lunch
So I came early :D

You came early?
What do you mean?

Look outside the window!

Tue, Dec 25, 00:01 AM

Merry Christmas, unnie!!!

Merry Christmas, Byul!
How are you?

Tipsy and surrounded by screaming children, but I'll live XD

Watching sappy Christmas movies :3

Awwww, that's nice :)
With who?

Alone, why?

You are alone on Christmas eve?!

Yes, why?

That's very depressing...

My family is on vacation and like I told you before, I don't have a lot of friends XD
Plus, most people are spending time with their families so I don't really have a choice, do I?

Okay, you're coming over to our place!!!
That's an order!


There will be no lonely Kim Yongsun on this fine evening, so get on over here before I come get you myself!

You really don't have to, Byul
And I'm sure you're parents won't be too happy about a stranger just showing up to their Christmas party...

They will be delighted to meet someone as wonderful as you, especially since I've been talking about you nearly 24/7!!!

I don't know, Byul...

Look, you don't have to if you really don't want to
Just know that it really isn't a problem at all and that every single person here would be glad to welcome you
And it would make me very happy to have someone to help take care of the kids XD 

Alright, fine...
Let me put my makeup on and I'll be there :3

See you soon!!!

Sun, Dec 30, 1:09 PM

Hey, unnie!
Is your family still on vacation?

Yeah they are

Well, my parents told me that if you have no other plans tomorrow evening, you could come and join us for the new year's reception!

They wouldn't mind me there?

Of course not!
They absolutely loved you XD 

You're far too good for me
Thank you so much

Does that mean you're coming over?

Of course I am!

The party's on!

So when do I have to be there?

Oh about that
You really don't have to say yes
But since we're going to be with a lot of people tomorrow, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to spend some time together alone beforehand?

I always want to spend time with you, Byul :3

Like, right now, if you're okay with it
You could sleep over at my place tonight and we could lounge around until we have to go to my parent's?

I would love to :)
I'm at work right now though, so I'll have to join you a little later 

Wait, you're at work?
Won't you get in trouble for texting on the job?

I'm in the back right now
Nobody will notice ;)

You naughty, naughty girl~

Stop it, you're making me blush...

That was the intention XD 
So when can you get here?

My shift ends at 6, so maybe around 7-ish

That long? ;-;

Yeah, sorry
Duty calls XD 

Yeah, you should get back to work before someone catches you XD 

Aye aye, sir!
I'll see you soon

See you <3

Fri, Jan 4, 11:49 PM


What?! What are you saying?!

Sorry, sorry, Hyejin dared me to and I did it XDDD 

Dared you to do what? Who's Hyejin?

Ask you out!
And Hyejin's Wheein's crush
I wasn't supposed to say that...

Byulyi, where are you? What's happening??

Picture delivered

That's just the blurry picture of a building...


So what, are you in the building?

Obviously not!

Then what? Where are you?

I have no idea..
I have NO IDEA!!!

Byul, calm down!
Who's we?

Me and Hyejin and Wheein!

Okay, Byulyi, breathe
You're drunk, aren't you?

Naaaahhh, I'm fine, I swear!
Look, I'm using punctuation!!!
That's not drunk

Yes you are, okay...
Ask Wheein and Hyejin if they know where you guys are

They said we're around the hospital block
The one downtown

Okay, don't move, I'm coming to get you


Don't move! 
Tell Wheein and Hyejin

Okay, I guess...

Sun, Jan 6, 10:24 AM

Good morning, unnie
I wanted to sincerely apologize for yesterday's troubles
You shouldn't have bothered

You have nothing to apologize for, Byul 
Any friend worthy of the title would've done the same
Plus, I wanted to make sure you'd be alright

Thank you, unnie, really 
You're way too kind for me

Are you feeling better today?
When I left yesterday afternoon, you looked like you were about to die

Well I almost did XD 
But the painkillers you brought me really helped
Thanks for getting those by the way

No problem :3
Are you going to be okay?

Yeah, I will
I just can't believe I managed to get this wasted
I barely even remember anything

Well, what do you remember?

Well, I remember the beginning of the night and going out drinking with the girls 
And then I remember when we left the bar, but I can't remember why we did that, and then I texted you
Oh god, I'm sorry about that, by the way

Don't worry about it :3

And then I remember you pulling up next to us before you dropped Wheein and Hyejin off at Wheein's place
Then you took me home and decided to stay when I started puking everywhere
You must've cleaned everything up because when I woke up this morning, there were no traces left

Yes, I did :)
You owe me a nice meal for that one...

Don't worry, I'll buy you ten...
Aside from all of that, I can't really remember anything else 

Really? Nothing at all?

Why? Did I do something?

No, no, I was just curious

Unnie, what did I do?

Nothing, I'm telling you
I swear

You sure?


Okay then, if you say so...
I'll leave you be for now
The brightness of the screen is killing me ;-;

Would you like me to come over later with some takeout?

I would love you till the end of the world...

Alright then XD 
Take care of yourself, stay hydrated
I'll be there at around 2

Thank you so much, unnie 

Don't mention it


Sat, Feb 9, 10:21 PM

Unniiiiiiiiiiiiiiie, save meeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Why? What's wrong?!

I just watched Les Misérables and now I'm an emotional mess ;-;

Oh god, you scared me!
I thought this was something serious!

This is serious
I can't stop crying!

Oh boy...
What do you want from me?




Ugh, fine!
I don't even know what to do with you anymore...

Thank you, unnie
You're so kind, so great, so magnificent, truly the epitome of perfection

I know, I know, I'm amazing
Now you better make me some popcorn and get my favorite blanket ready, cause I'm not coming over to get covered in snot for free

Of course, your highness 
I await your arrival with runny mascara and a pile of used tissues 

God, save me...

Thu, Feb 21, 00:00 AM

Happy birthday, Yongsun unnie!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're now a year closer to death!

Gee, thanks XD 

Wow, you're actually awake XD 
I thought I'd have to call you

Well thank god you didn't because you would've tasted the fury of my words and the back of my hand

Well damn
Here I thought I was being thoughtful, wishing you a happy birthday the second the clock struck midnight...

I appreciate your dedication :3

That's more like it XD 
But seriously, why are you still up?

Economics exam

Am I bothering you?

No, not at all
You're a welcome distraction ;3

Hey, you're improving
I like it XD 

Well I've got the almighty Moon Byulyi teaching me
Maybe one day I'll reach your grease level

Yeah, you wish XD 

Just watch me *^*

Anyways, what are you doing for your big day?

Well, right now I'm studying for my exam, after that I'll go to school, take the exam, come back home, face time my parents and then go to bed to be well rested for my morning classes on Friday
How does that sound?

I've got a better idea~

Oh yeah?

Yeah ;3

Do tell

You will finish studying for your exam, go to school, take the exam and absolutely kill it, go back home, get ready to go out, jump in a cab with me, spend the night out together and then we'll crash back at your place where I'll keep you awake till the wee hours of the morning with stupid movies and dog videos so you can be extra tired and ditch your classes on Friday 
How's that for a birthday plan?

Seems like I have no choice in the matter XD 

Indeed you don't ;)
I'll pick you up at 5 tomorrow
Wear something cute

Why? I'm a potato sack XD 

No, you are someone whose going to get spoiled by their best friend for an entire night
And said best friend wants you to look cute for the occasion 

Alright, I'll wear something cute
But only if you wear that suit of yours 

The full suit would be a little much...

Then wear the blazer XD 

Fine, we have a deal!

I'll se you tomorrow :D

See you~

Fri, Mar 1, 10:56 AM

Hey, Byulyi :D

Hey, unnie!
Why are you texting me? 
I know you're in class 

Since when do you care?

Since you got yelled at this one time

Yelling is a bit of an exaggeration, Byul
The teacher just asked me to put my phone away XD 

That at least counts as scolding...

I guess?

What's up?

So, I did somethings really impulsive literally 5 minutes ago...

Oh god, what did you do?

Well, remember that movie we went to see on our first hangout as friends?

The one with the superpower dude, right?

Yeah that's the one

Damn, that feels like ages ago XD
What about it?

Well, I kind of bought us tickets to go see the first screening of the sequel in the very fancy theater downtown...

You did what?!

Exactly what I wrote XD 

Oh my gosh, unnie!!
How expensive were those?!

The only thing I'll say is that it's worth it

Oh god...
I love you so much

There's the reaction I was waiting for XD 

Well I did really like that movie...
The company's not too bad either ;3

Way to score points with the ladies, Byul XD 

You know me *^*
Anyway, when is it?

In like, late May XDDD 

Oh my God
Is it like a super exclusive event?!

Not really
I'm just paranoid XD 

That's just as great a reason in my book ;)


So, what are you doing tonight?


I swear, if you got caught again I'll never stop teasing you...

Sat, Mar 30, 6:12 PM

I'm booooooooooooored

Come on over then

Are you serious?!

Yeah XD 
Last minute sleepover

I'll be right there :D

See you soon :3

Sun, Mar 31, 00:58 AM

Are you okay?

I'm sorry, Byulyi
I didn't mean to run away like that
I just panicked...

It's been 2 hours, where are you???

I need time to think, Byul 
I'm sorry

I'm the one who kissed you first
I should be the one to apologize

Please, just leave
I can't come back home if you're still there

I'm so sorry

Thu, Apr 4, 5:03 PM

I'm sorry...

Sat, Apr 13, 3:41 AM

Don't hate me, please...
Come back soon

Fri, Apr 26, 3:22 PM

I'm so sorry for the cold shoulder these past few weeks 
I hope you can understand...

Of course
Even if it hurt like hell

I'm sorry
It hurt for me too...

I messed up real bad, didn't I?

You didn't 
I just needed to take a step back and reevaluate our relationship


I don't want to loose you
No matter what happens
That is the one thing I'm sure of

I don't want to loose you either, unnie
I'm sorry

Stop apologizing, what's done is done

So, we're still friends?

Wait, I'm not done
I had to reevaluate myself as well, looking through my memories and whatnot
To try and understand everything that kiss made me feel
I was overwhelmed when it happened and I guess at the time, it felt like panic 
But now that I'm realizing I might have been lying to myself for a while now, I think it was more akin to excitement

What are you saying?

Do you like me, Byul?
As in, romantically like me


Just answer truthfully

Yes, I do
Maybe a little more than I should

I liked that kiss
I realized I had been waiting for it for a while now...


I like you too, Byul 
That's what I figured out

Are you ing kidding me?!!!

I'm not

Oh my god
, okay...

Are you alright?

I'm trying not to cry in the middle of class


Because I'm so ing happy, you have no idea 

We need to talk about this
In person

Yeah, okay
After school?

Meet me at the cafeteria 

See you then

Sun, May 12, 7:39 PM

Hey, baby~

I really can't seem to get used to you calling me that XD 

Don't worry, all in due time ;3

Yeah :3
So, what's up?

Remember the movie screening next Saturday?
The one you bought us tickets for last March

Oh my god
I almost completely forgot about that!

Well, good thing I'm here then~

Indeed XD 

So, I was wondering if, maybe, we could make it our first official date?
If you're comfortable with it that is...

I would love to :D


Yeah XD 
We are dating after all
Why shouldn't we go on dates?

I don't know
I guess it's just that I can't believe we're actually dating yet...

It's been two weeks, Byul 
Get with the program 

You do realize I've had a crush on you for a while now, right?

I know, I know 
I'm just teasing you~~~

You're mean >\\\<

And you're cute :3

You're getting too good at this...

Hey, you know what's funny?


Our first hangout as friends will also be our first date as girlfriends

Full circle, am I right?

It's ridiculously cheesy XD 

I live for cheese~

I can tell...

Did you just indirectly call me fat?!

I'm teasing XDDD 

How dare you??!!!

Well, you do tease me about my squishy cheeks 24/7
It's only fair I fight back a little XD 

Point taken...
I guess I'll let it slide
Consider yourself lucky you're this cute ;)

Stop, you can't turn this around 

What's stopping me?

Me having to leave for a family dinner and ignoring you all night

Please don't ;-;

Only if you behave

Oh my, dominant already?

Okay, I'm ignoring you...

Hey, unnie?


I love you~~~

I guess I love you too...



I had loads of fun writing that one XD 
Thank you for reading this far!
As I mentioned at the beginning, this is mostly an experiment, which means your comments and thoughts are going to be particularly important this time, so don't hesitate to share them :3 
I would also like to thank all of you for the amazing support so far!!! It really makes me happy to see that others are enjoying my stories :D
Thank you so much and have a good day~

ps: I know text messages usually involve typos and abbreviations, but for the sake of making the story somewhat readable, I decided to write it a little cleaner XD 


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Chapter 14: seriously why, aaaaaaaaah your story you pay for the therapy (╥﹏╥)
Chapter 5: what I did to you to make me suffer, because it is so sadly beautiful, God why, wow you did well author good job
chickenbbq #3
Chapter 17: this chapter.... how timely haha
chickenbbq #4
Chapter 2: awwwwwwWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
Chapter 18: aaaaa hwasun <3 than you !!
Radishbr97 #6
Chapter 4: I really enjoyed this chapter. Great development of a relationship.
Taitai84 1233 streak #7
Chapter 17: So sad to be resigned to just take whatever little the other can give…
Chapter 18: I love it❤️❤️❤️🥺
Chapter 17: welcome back 😭 thank u for this author-nim 😗
Frozen_J #10
Daaaaaaaaaaamnn....dats hot but i wish u can make soft wheesun & hwabyul too hehehe